mary58 Posted January 31, 2021 Report Posted January 31, 2021 1. "is 'the thongs of whose sandals I am am unworthy to untie' overstated? are we unworthy to serve Christ? why or why not" It must be hyperbole because Jesus asks us to serve him. Are we more worthy than John the Baptist? He who was Elijah? The one of whom Jesus says (Mt 11:11) "among those born of woman there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist"? Well, he goes on "whoever is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he" . And that is us ! those baptized in the Spirit are in the kingdom of heaven. Declares us greater than John the Baptist. So, no, this isn't hyperbole -- we are worthy to serve though John -- the greatest to date -- was not. That said, John did in fact serve Jesus. He baptized him (although he pushed back on that). John served God. And Jesus is God. Perhaps John didn't know that. 3. "What does it mean to be 'Spirit-filled'? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled with, and flooded by, the Holy Spirit?" Our lives would be obedient, fruitful and joyous; confident and not anxious. That is my imagining -- but based on glimpses of that reality in my experience. I pray, and expect, deeper immersion to yield more of that. But this isn't what it "means". What it means is that you have accepted Jesus as savior and thus -- and maybe by formal baptism also -- been accepted into his kingdom. And your own self oriented worldly desires are eclipsed by desire to be a good citizen of the kingdom. What gives you purpose -- and joy -- is fulfilling the desire of God, known through Spirit. 4. "We may be afraid of 'fire of judgment' language. What should our response be to warnings of terrible judgment? I'd say we are "embarrassed" -- rather than afraid -- of tinge of fire-and-brimstone words and preaching. Embarrassed by what others will think of our faith and "loving" God. For my part, I believe it: it is repeated in scripture and also it makes sense that it's not all roses. There will be judgment and sorting and separation. There will be destruction of the sinners who have not repented. I believe it. But I don't want to preach it ! For that makes me -- appear to be -- a judge myself. It is one thing to believe it for my own future; and quite another to tell others they also will be subject to this judgment and possible destruction. But why? It is kind to warn people about danger. For me this seems to come back to that earlier question about wanting to be liked. Something I need to examine in myself. 5. "How good a change-motivator is the warning of judgment? What other motivators might people respond to in addition to this, or better than this? It is a terrible change-motivator ! (Although it seems to have been effective with the people, tax collectors and soldiers John preached to for they were worried and wanted to know how they should change). But, it has to be said because it is part of the whole truth. Generally, though, neither the promise of eternal life nor the threat of judgment and torture are motivators. What will happen after we die is too abstract. Better -- more effective -- motivators are claims of how your life here-and-now will be better. However, this shades the truth. There is no promise of worldly improvement. Only eternal consequences are promised. There is, however, experience of worldly improvement and so we enjoy sharing that. I am convicted that this is an easy way out. Quote
StSw Posted February 5, 2021 Report Posted February 5, 2021 Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not?The bible tells us that Jesus is the unique Son of God. That means He is on equal footing with God. He assumes the authority to forgive sins. This makes it clear that Jesus has all the characteristics of God: the Messiah, Creator of heaven and earth and everything that is in it. Mighty in power, glorious in holiness and fearful in places. He is the King of the whole of the universe. morally perfect, just and fair. He is changeless, and His kingship will last forever. John know that Jesus is the Messiah who can forgive him his sins and grant him salvation. Therefore John's humble statement isn't overstated but very true. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not? Since Adams rebellion against God, human nature is to disobey Him. Our sins cut us off from God. Romans 3:10 says no one is righteous, not even one. And Romans 3:23 also says "for everyone has sinned. We all fall short of God's glorious standard". However, we give thanks to God for sending Jesus when we were utterly helpless to come to the world as human, to take our place on the cross so that our sins can be forgiven. Anyone who comes to faith and believes in Christ has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus. This means their disobedience has been forgiven, and sins put out of sight. Therefore, since we have been made right in God's sight because of our faith in Jesus, we are worthy to serve Christ. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted February 6, 2021 Report Posted February 6, 2021 Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? Not at all. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? Yes, I am unworthy to serve Christ but I was made worthy by the blood of Christ Jesus. “urging and encouraging you and pleading that you lead a life worthy of God, who calls you into his own kingdom and glory 1 Thessalonians 2:12 If so, why? If not, why not? 2. What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell us about what Spirit baptism mean? Water baptism is a symbol of cleansing whereas, the baptism of the Holy Spirit is the agent of cleansing and empowerment. Quote
Nana Karlsson Posted February 23, 2021 Report Posted February 23, 2021 No, i do not think John the Baptist's humble statement is overstated. John acknowledged the Sovereignty, supremacy, and divinity of Jesus as the Messiah who was to come down from Heaven to earth for a divine purpose. We are sinners saved by grace, unworthy but made worthy to serve Christ when we accepted Jesus as our saviour and Lord. Quote
Godswriter Posted May 9, 2021 Report Posted May 9, 2021 Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? No because in truth John the Baptist was only the forerunner to Jesus Christ and he only proclaimed that the Lord and His Kingdom were at hand. His main goal was to prepare the way for the Lord by making his paths straight. He is also stated in John chapter 3:30 I must decrease and He must increase meaning Christ. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not? Yes because there is nothing that we can offer on our own that can even far outweigh anything that God can do for us. However all we can do is offer our lives back to Him as an offering. What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell us about what Spirit baptism means? I believe that John meant with water baptism your life is not completely made right and anew. It is not given a new start and you are changing your mind and choosing not to do a certain behavior or behaviors anymore. It is only a half way Mark for repentance not fully there. When we choose to be obey the Lord and become His fully we are sealed by the Holy Spirit through the baptism of the Spirit and we follow that with the believers baptism as well. What does it mean to be "Spirit-filled"? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit? It means to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that empowers us with the intentions and abilities to be able to serve and devote our lives to the Lord. It would mean that everything we do would be for the glory of the Lord and we would be make sure that every word and deed is truly glorifying God in some way. We may be afraid of "fire-of-judgment" kind of language, but what should our response be to warnings of terrible judgment? How good a change-motivator is the warning of future judgment? What other motivators might people respond to in addition to this? Or better than this? It should motivate us to witness to the people in our lives who don't know the Lord and Savior and need to know who He is. We are some of the people who can tell them who He is and why they need a Savior. I believe it is a big one for those people who have been living double lives and aren't truly living for the Lord. Desire for self. Better than this would be to glorify and honor God. Quote
George L Posted April 23, 2023 Report Posted April 23, 2023 1. John’s situation is as depicted one of celebrity.. and requiring to resist and prevent being mislabeled. It was indeed time for the messiah to arrive. And therefore very necessary that his preparing the way was exactly as the Holy Spirit guided him to do. 3. Spirit filled is an indwelling of the Holy Spirit as promised. John 14:16-17d and will be in you (AMP). The ultimate close relationship with the master teacher, comforter, and guide. He is the master of the tests by which we grow. 4 & 5. There is the refining fire of the Holy Spirit and the Fires of the end at Judgement. Realizing that the fire of the lake of perpetual fire is designed as the suitable punishment for the fallen angel as retribution for all of the souls they have destroyed… motivates me greatly to save as many souls from such an end as possible. Judgment in the future is far less powerful than spiritual guided ministry to the needs of those we encounter in life. “Put self up on your cross daily and come follow me… “ preach the good news, heal the sick, lame, infirm, cast out devils, in my name”. .. Miracles are the proof of anointing and God’s ‘I do see you and have sent some one to touch tour life.” Some you save by fear, others by love, compassion, and a listening heart. Quote
George L Posted May 1, 2023 Report Posted May 1, 2023 What do you think Jesus was saying to the Father as he was praying after his baptism? (verse 21)… He was organizing (coming to understand) the role change after completing the assigned task. The steadily reoccurring step in our believers walk. Did we hear, check. Dig we go, check, did we do, check. Further instructions please. As minister, teach, pray for, do as lead, then depart quietly this job is finished. Why would Jesus be baptized along with all the sin-laden people at the river that day? Wasn't he in danger of mis-communicating to them who he was? Jesus life on earth was designed from the beginning to be the light of men. “ Jer 1:5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. ”His dna and God given giftings were an exact fit for his earthly purpose in God’s plan. That is also true of us if we truely seek to walk out our exact placing in God’s plan in our time on earth. The prophecies of the messiah (anointed one) the son of man as well. This is a statement in action that he is a natural man as we are are. Washing before anointing. Be clean to enter in. Repeats again and again. And 4. Why do you think God staged the dove to descend in a visible way? (verse 22) There were always those of the jewish faith that had an elevated relationship, closeness, anointing with their God. Prophets in particular. An open showing of the spiritual power arriving denoted a tremendously more significant anointing and relationship with God by the Holy Spirit. Anointing after cleansing. What was the significance of the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus at this time in his life? How did Jesus interpret the Voice that sounded from heaven? As any of us do when we hear from God. It flows through our being like a wave of power and light. It is an exact word. Did Jesus become the Messiah at this point? Or become divine? Or how do you understand this decisive event? Jesus is the word of God. By the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Therefore Jesus is the living word which is openly the abundance of God’s heart. The trinity is One God. Indivisible. Was, is, ever shall be. God sees the end from the beginning. Jesus is the messiah at every instant. Scripture says he renounced his heavenly honors, position, place with the Father to walk the ‘son of man’ walk, say the believers walk.. And demonstrate has power to forgive sins, heal the sick, cleans the lepers, cast out demons, raise the dead. Demonstrate the ministry we are to fulfill under his authority and guided by the holy spirit. Messiah is a roll beyond the walk on earth. To become the redemption price for mankind's sins and iniquity no sin could be found in his earthly life. He became fully the messiah when he took seat at the right hand of the Father. Where he now flows as Messiah, fully completed in earthly mission, death, hell, and grave events. And is rise taking back the authority over this world lost by Adam holding the keys of hell, death, and grave. Quote
HCDukes Posted April 15, 2024 Report Posted April 15, 2024 Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? No, not at all. Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not? In our current state as sinners we are unworthy and unclean to serve Christ. Christ is holy, perfect and divinely pure, righteous and almighty. In order to serve him in the beauty of holiness, we must be purified, cleansed & washed by the blood of Jesus. We must present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable which is our reasonable service; and finally we must be transformed by the renewing of our mind in order to know the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Then we will be in the right position to serve Christ. What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell us about what Spirit baptism means? Water baptism is earthly, while Spirit baptism is unworldly! What does it mean to be "Spirit-filled"? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit? Being Spirit-filled to me means to be filled with the Spirit of God. Our lives would be unworldly, supernatural and filled with power if we were truly filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit - our lives would be Christ like. We may be afraid of "fire-of-judgment" kind of language, but what should our response be to warnings of terrible judgment? We should approach the warnings of terrible judgement with fear and trembling. How good a change-motivator is the warning of future judgment? What other motivators might people respond to in addition to this? Or better than this? I believe the warning of future judgement is an excellent change-motivator for those who believe the word of God. Other motivators people might respond to are heavenly and earthly rewards, position, power and authority to rule and judge. Quote
crissy464 Posted April 27, 2024 Report Posted April 27, 2024 1) Isn't John the Baptist's humble statement, "the thongs of whose sandals I am unworthy to untie," a bit overstated? Are we unworthy to serve Christ? If so, why? If not, why not? Water baptism is a metaphor for the washing away of sins and the start of a new life in the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost and Lord Jesus Christ. Additionally, it is regarded as an opportunity to demonstrate one’s faith by participating in the community of believers. 2) What does John's comparison of water baptism to Spirit baptism tell us about what Spirit baptism means? Spirit baptism, also known as baptism with the Holy Spirit, happens when people who have faith in Jesus Christ receive the Holy Spirit and are incorporated into the body of Christ, at the same time as regeneration. The Reformed churches, dispensationalists, and many Baptists believe in this. Water baptism is a physical and symbolic act. Water baptism symbolizes repentance and readiness for the coming Messiah Holy Spirit baptism is a spiritual encounter that involves the empowering and indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. 3) What does it mean to be "Spirit-filled"? How would our lives be different if we were truly filled and flooded with the Holy Spirit? To be Spirit filled is to be controlled by the Spirit, and to do God’s will. When we come to Christ, the Spirit comes to dwell within us, whether we are aware of His presence or not. Bu as we grow in Christ, our goal is to be controlled by the Spirit Quote
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