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  • 4 months later...

1.    What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum? He was commissioned among other things to preach the Good News and set the captives free. This was what was happening in Capernaum, setting the demon possessed person free as He preached the Word to the people.

2.    Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority?  The power of God in Him through the Holy Spirit. His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching?  Yes. Why or why not? We have the God given power in us through the Holy Spirit

3.    Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus? To distract people from hearing the Word of Truth among others

4.    After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2, do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not? I have not yet read but will try to so.

5.    Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous?  I think the evil spirit will naturally try to resist by his own power until a more superior power is applied such as the power of the Holy Trinity. What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom? He must first be born again then submit to the authority of the God Head and the evil spirit will not resist as the new Owner of the formally possessed person has superior power. 

6.    Give examples from your own life or experience on how deceptive and innocent involvement in sin can appear, and how terrible the consequences. Sin usually appear innocent and very deceptive. But there are grave consequences as the devil will normally get a foot hold to posses the victim that has fallen into sin.

7.    What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life? One will certainly fall if he or she toys with temptation to commit sin. As sin is committed, satan gets a foot hold and can enter the sinner and manipulate him the way he wants 

On 8/19/2020 at 9:09 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. 

  1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum?

As predicted by the Isaiah passage which Jesus quoted as his commission, Jesus ministered in the power of the Spirit of God. He preached good news, and he delivered those who were oppressed or suffering, by healing their diseases or casting demons out of them. His teaching was not mere philosophy. It had power to bring freedom.

  1. Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not?

On one hand, his words carried the authority of the Son of God, esp. the way he drove the demon out. On the other hand, the authority of his teaching also came from being filled with and led by the Spirit. In this sense, we can have the same authority as we minister. Paul said that his speech and preaching was in demonstration of the Spirit and of power (1 Corinthians 2:4).

  1. Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus?

It could have been a natural reaction as the demon became uncomfortable and struggled with the holy presence of the Son of God. Demonic manifestations have been known to surface in the midst of a worship service in church too.

If the demon ever had afterthoughts, it could be to distract the people from concentrating on the teaching that can set them free. Paul at Philippi met a distracting spirit of divination too, and he cast it out. (Acts 16:16-18)

  1. After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2, do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not?

I think it is a reasonable thesis because I have seen Christians demonized too - and a church worship leader at that! At the same time, it was not so intense as the full demon-possession portrayed in "The Exorcist" movie, for these Christians were aware something wasn't right, and they had the strength of will to come to seek help. So the degree of demonization must be on a continuum scale.

This isn't surprising, since a Christian can be filled with the Holy Spirit in varying degrees too.

  1. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom?

This is because the person must have opened some door for the demon - e.g. by deliberate sin, by playing with the occult, etc. The person must confess and repent of this specifically, to close that door decisively.

Moreover, ever since the person opened that door, he would have engaged in the corresponding unwholesome, unhealthy or ungodly thought patterns that perpetuated the demonic influence. E.g. it could be lustful thoughts, self-condemning accusations, seething in unforgiveness/hatred at someone, etc. Even if the demon were cast out by a power encounter, it can come back again if these thought patterns remain for it to feed on. Jesus said that if the unclean spirit returns and finds his former "house" empty, he can take other spirits more wicked than himself to re-inhabit the man, and the man's final state becomes worse than the first state! (Matthew 12:43-45)

We mustn't just deliver a man and leave him "empty". We must lead him to be "filled" with the Holy Spirit.

Finally, freedom is only secured when that person replaces his ungodly thought patterns with godly ones. This is called renewing the mind. We put off the old man and put on the new man by being renewed in our minds (Ephesians 4:22-24). Renewing the mind enables us to discern what God wants, and it brings transformation (Romans 12:2). In practice, Biblical teaching and counseling can bring about renewal of the mind and eventual freedom, but the person must cooperate by pursuing it.

  1. Give examples from your own life or experience on how deceptive and innocent involvement in sin can appear, and how terrible the consequences.

I can't recall any from my own life, but I remember a worship leader might have opened the door to demonization when he kept visiting websites on Satanism and the Anti-Christ. A dissociative-identity-disorder brother, whom I ministered to, said that his other personality (whom he called the elder brother) frequently visited Satanism sites and harbored a deep hatred for their father. The oujia board, disguised as a game, would have easily attracted teens too. Finally, some men join Free-Masonry because of the powerful social and business connections it can offer them. Many do not know these seemingly innocuous involvements are doors to demonization.

  1. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life?

James 1:14-15 says that a man is tempted when he is enticed by his own l-u-s-t. If he doesn't resist, l-u-s-t gives birth to sin, and when he sinks deeper in sin, it brings death.

This is a picture of how sin and Satan gain increasing foothold in a person's life. As a person sinks deeper without repenting, it is likely that his conscience will be seared (1 Timothy 4:2), and he may even be demonized - Satan enters and fills his heart (Luke 22:3; John 13:27; Acts 5:3).


  • 1 month later...

1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and His ministry acts in Capernaum?

In Nazareth, it is mostly about the identity and person of Jesus, the promised Messiah. It is John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah who announces Him. In Capernaum there is a shift in emphasis. It is not so much about the person, but more about the power and authority of Jesus. If we are to believe that He is the Messiah there must be some show of this authority and power. He tells us that He has the power over all teachers and all teaching, power over disease, power over nature, and then goes on to demonstrates His power over demons. The first of Luke’s miracles.


2. Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not?

The Words Jesus spoke were direct messages from God to man. That is why they are the absolute truth (John 17:17) and can be spoken with conviction and absolute authority. God has been speaking to us through His creation, the prophets, the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and through the Word (His Son, Jesus Christ). Jesus is the Word who became flesh and lived among us, who came from the Father full of grace and truth (John 1:14).

Jesus Christ is the perfect expression of God in human form. In the same way when we teach Scripture we should expect it to be treated with conviction and authority. It is not just a collection of words. It is God speaking to us. It is the living, powerful Word that requires that we not only listen but must obey so that it can shape our lives. It discerns what our thoughts are - both good and evil.  


3. Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus?

The demon knew Jesus was the Holy One of God, and he was petrified thinking this was the end and that he would be thrown into the lake of fire. This he knew was their ultimate destination. He knew from Scripture that Jesus would come and destroy all the demons. He just was not sure if the time has arrived. Until now he managed to keep a low profile, this is what they do to maximize their evil deeds. Now he is suddenly confronted by Jesus who speaks with power and authority.


4. After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2), do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not?

God’s elect, a true believer who has repented and put their faith in Christ, is a new creation, and is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. No way will the Holy Spirit allow this new creation to be possessed or controlled by a demon. However, the believers will still commit sins but less often, and when they do they will be full of remorse; confess, ask forgiveness, and continue to obey Him. God has freed true believers from their slavery to Satan, and He will keep them safe from Satan's continued attacks. We know that the whole world is under the control of the evil one, who is always trying to undermine the character and Word of God, and in the same way that Satan attempted Jesus (Luke 4:2), demonic forces will tempt us to sin and oppose our efforts to obey God. Christians are particularly vulnerable during times of suffering, when lonely, weak, helpless, or focused on our troubles. It is then that they may have an influence over our thoughts, behavior, and spirituality. That is all. But, now would be the time to focus on Jesus, and the Word; then Satan will flee from you (James 4:7). We can put on the full armour of God (Eph 6:11) which comes from the Holy Spirit. So, we see that the power for victory over and freedom from demonic oppression is always available – “the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). So, I agree that demonization describes a range of influences that can be used, but this only applies to the unconverted or Christians in moments of weakness. We must remember that the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9) is always available to overcome any demonic oppression or influences.


5. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom?

Having lived under a demonic influence requires a strong will, depending on the intensity and time period involved to break away. The process to be delivered from this influence requires using divine power to break these strongholds (2 Cor 10:3-4) – which can be anything from ****, pleasure, and greed. Being merely weak humans, the believer does not use wealth, power, or any other carnal method to win our battle to achieve full freedom, but rather God’s mighty spiritual weapons of prayer, faith, His Word, and the Holy Spirit to fight against these demonic strongholds.


6. Give examples from your own life or experience on how deceptive and innocent involvement in sin can appear, and how terrible the consequences.

I have found that, as I grow spiritually and have a deeper relationship with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, I’m most careful not to do anything that might hinder my fellowship with Him. As an example: the few times that I have not been charged with items when shopping, I’ve made a point to return to the shop and pay for the item. Not wanting Jesus to find me dishonest in any way. However, if I did ignore this, I deceive myself. Once I ignored returning to the shop and gloated upon the fact that I got something for nothing - not thinking of the loss the shopkeeper had suffered. After several months I found that this worried me and I was constantly trying to decide what to do. This incident can lead to one lowering one’s guard and even giving in to temptation. I decided to go and pay for the item. The shopkeeper praised me for my honesty. What a good feeling and relief! It always pays to be honest. I try to live according to God’s Word and know that I need the help of the Holy Spirit to empower me to resist sin, and not give in to its temptation. From experience I have found it best to confess our sins and truly repent as soon as possible. This includes our evil thoughts and the things we should have done but did not do. When we do this, we know that God is faithful and just to forgive, for we read in 1 John 1:9: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”.


7. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life?

We have to take Satan seriously. If not, he will gain a foothold that might be most difficult to break. We cannot do this on our own strength; we need to use one of God’s spiritual weapons He has made available to us, such as the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God – just as Jesus Himself showed us. But rather, nip any temptation in the bud, that might come our way. Immediately ask for forgiveness for the thought and repent, thus not giving Satan or one of his demons any chance to gain a demonic stronghold in our life. 


1.What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Lk4:18&19 and His ministry acts in Capernaum? 

Jesus was teaching on the Sabbath days and it was with authority. He set the captives free - i. e. those who were bound or possessed by demons, the demons were cast out and the persons (captives) were free from the demon spirits. 


2. What was the source of Jesus'  conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? 

Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not? 

Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and whatever He said and did was done under the leading of the Holy Spirit. 

We too should act only under the leading of the Holy Spirit, then our words too, will be full of Power a d authority. 



3. Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus? 

It was getting too "hot/uncomfortable" for him. He was under conviction. i. e. the demon felt threatened. 

By interrupting Jesus, the demon was causing a distraction/disturbance, so the people would look to his activities and not listen to what Jesus was teaching. 


What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and His ministry acts in Capernaum? 

In Luke it states Jesus said,  "Come out of him",  and then the demon threw the man down and came out.  Comparing Luke to Mark,  it says in Mk 1:25-26, "Jesus rebuked him saying,  'Be quiet and come out',  and the unclean spirit threw the man into convulsions,  and screeching with a loud voice,  came out of him." We see in Mark that it was an unclean spirit,  which probably oppressed its victim with much shame and guilt for many years.  Having been healed of schizophrenia myself on 8/10/18, I understand this oppressive shame firsthand.  For twenty years I labored under a blanket fog of fear and hedonism that kept me introverted,  always being externally passive but internally a big mess.  For twenty years I rarely spoke. 

The man in the synogogue had a demon within that didn't want to come out but Jesus came to heal the sick.  This man had a mental illness - I know and understand that much for sure! 

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.  He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind,  to release the oppressed,  to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. " (Lk 4:18-19)

Luke does not tell us about the" good news" that Jesus shared that day but we do see that the people were amazed by his words.  This day Jesus came to the poorest of the poor - a man with a demon.  He had no richness to his soul - only torment.  Since he was at the synogogue,  maybe he had been raised in a God-fearing family and wanted more.  Or maybe he had just come there to beg - we do not know.  Jesus knew that today the words of deliverance spoken by Isaiah centuries ago would become reality in this man's life. 

This man was oppressed.  This man was a prisoner.  And he was spiritually blind.  But not for much longer! 

"Be quiet"  and,  "Come out of him" were all the words necessary.  Love in action,  that is what Jesus was,  and is calling us to. 

Dr Wilson recommended counseling for people delivered of demon possession and I agree.  My counselor was Jesus who walked intimately with me in my home for one and haalf years.  And being completely submitted to my husband and pastor was imperative.  Maybe if I had seen a "professional"  counselor it wouldn't have taken as long,  but Jesus had other plans for me and He enjoyed the process of daily gaining ground over the enemy.  I can't say enough about prayer either for it is a great weapon.  People praying for me made all the difference.

Thank you Jesus that you see and understand everything about us,  and You are full of love,  mercy,  and compassion.  That day in the synogogue the people were amazed at the authority with which Jesus spoke,  but what was truly amazing was that His words became Love in action.  The devil has no power against Love; it is just that simple.  God bless you. 


4. Do you think demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why? Or why not? 

Yes, i do think the influence is different. 

In Matthew 9:32 we read that a man under the power of a demon, was dumb and as soon as the demon was driven out, the man could speak. 

In Matthew 12:32 we read a man was under the power of a demon and he was blind and dumb. When Jesus cured him, he could both see and speak. 

In Mark 5 we read about the man who lived among  the tombs in the region of the Gerasenes. He could not be subdued, even with chains. He was a wild man under the power of an unclean spirit. In fact it was a legion of demons that Jesus drove out. Later the man was clothed and  in his right mind. 

In Luke 13 we read of a woman who was bent completely forward and could not straighten up. It was an infirmity caused by a spirit (a demon of sickness) Lk 13:11 Jesus loosed her (healed her). 

In Luke 8:2 we read that some women had been cured of evil spirits and diseases. Also demons had been expelled from them. 

In Luke 9:37-43 we read of a child who was seized by an evil spirit, who convulsed him and let him foam at the mouth, threw him down etc. Here too Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit and healed the child. Matthew 17 refers to this incident and mentions that the child has epilepsy or is moon-struck. (v15) In verse 21 Jesus says that some demons only go out by prayer and fasting. 

The above accounts reflect different ways that the evil spirits influence the people. 


5.Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom? 

People who have lived with demonic delusion or obsession develop a series of coping mechanisms. Once the obsession has been dealt with this coping life-style needs to be dealt with, or unlearned as it were. This takes time. 

Firstly, we need to face the truth and repent. Deep heart-felt repentance that brings a change in our attitude and thinking. No superficial stuff. 

John 8:32 states   ...    you will know the truth and the Truth will set you free. 

2Tim 2:25&26    ...     that he may repent and come to know the truth ...   and escape out of the snare of the devil   ...   henceforth to do God's will. 

Then the person must be filled with Power. Not be set free, cleansed and left but that void or emptiness must be filled. Refer to Matthew 12:43-45.  A worse condition can be expected if he does not allow this to be so. The devil does not relinquish his prey easily. 


7. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and satan get a foothold in your life. 

When you listen to what has happened to someone else in their past. Maybe how because  of poverty or not being the same as the majority, that person was tantalized and bitterness set in, this can easily cause yourself to get bitter too, by recalling things that had taken place in your own past as well. Soon these memories will cause a festering in your thinking as well. Soon you get tripped up by something that would normally not affect you at all. This is allowing satan a foothold in your life. 

It brings about unhappiness and breaks up trust that had been built up and breaks up friendships. It brings about depression and lonliness. 


what i find interesting is that the demoniac was not known by the Priests of The Temple....he had to declare his state of being possessed by evil spirits to Jesus before the Priests and congregants of the temple knew his condition......transparency of spiritual condition is not a human characteristic......as sinners, in need of a Saviour, humans feel a ashamed, a feeling whose source is from satan, the source of shame and fear....so humans feeling ashamed come to Church and do not confess our sins but expect to be forgiven without confessing, or being transparent about our sins and our need for forgiveness.....the act of repentance is the spiritual recognition of being "possessed" by evil....which is what was the condition of the demoniac....

  • 3 weeks later...
  1. Bailey 3/1/21  The relationship was that Jesus was still able to preach the good news to the people of Capernaum,  while the town was smaller than what He was use too, Jesus really could focus on the needs of the people, teaching God's kindness, healing the poor in spirit and proclaiming freedom to those in chains.
  2. I will come back to answer the rest of my questions, not feeling well.  Pat
  1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum?


A. He is fulfilling him commission that is in Luke 4:18-19 by proclaiming the good news to the poor, freedom for the prisoners, recovery of sight for the blind, He is setting the oppressed free by removing the demons.


  1. Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not?


A. The source of Jesus’ convictions and authority came from the Father. We should expect the save conviction and authority to attend our own teaching because the Father is still with us and we still has His word which is in the Bible.


  1. Why do you think the demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus?


A. The demon oppressed man interrupted Jesus because he thought that he might be able to interrupt Jesus’ train of thought and throw Him off. He didn’t want the truth to come out.


  1. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom?


A. Sometimes the demonic deception isn’t always instantaneous because it is ingrained in the person deep. The person come to the calling of Jesus to become fully free.


7. What will happen in your life if you toy with or nurture the temptations you have to sin? What happens when sin and Satan get a foothold in your life?


A. If you toy with or nurture the temptation you have to sin you become a slave to them. It becomes almost impossible to brake that sin.




The power of God through the Holy Spirit upon Him was the source of Jesus conviction and authority.

Yes, we as believers should expect conviction and authority to attend our own meetings because we have the same Holy Spirit indwelling us who leads us and also we have been given full power and authority in the name of Jesus.


On 2/3/2021 at 9:55 PM, hanks said:

1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and His ministry acts in Capernaum?

In Nazareth, it is mostly about the identity and person of Jesus, the promised Messiah. It is John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah who announces Him. In Capernaum there is a shift in emphasis. It is not so much about the person, but more about the power and authority of Jesus. If we are to believe that He is the Messiah there must be some show of this authority and power. He tells us that He has the power over all teachers and all teaching, power over disease, power over nature, and then goes on to demonstrates His power over demons. The first of Luke’s miracles.

Thanks for pointing out this "shift in emphasis".  I see what you mean--first they are being told Jesus is the Messiah.  Now, He is showing them He is the Messiah.  Never thought of it that way.

  1. After you've read Dr. Wilson's essay on "Demonization and Deliverance in Jesus' Ministry" (in Appendix 2, do you think he proves his assertion that demonization describes a range of demon influence, rather than complete possession? Why or why not?
  2. Why isn't recovery from demonic deception always instantaneous? What is the process of deliverance that a person must go through to come to full freedom?

I do think Dr. Wilson does a good job describing a range of demonic influences that can plague a person that he supports through the scriptures he has quoted.  James 1:13-15 says, "When tempted no one should say, "God is tempting me."  For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does He tempt anyone; but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed.  Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.  I think this indicates a series of ever increasing demonic power over our lives if we don't confess our sins and look to the Holy Spirit for guidance.  I don't think recovery from demonic deception is instantaneous.  I think it also follows a range of progressive reliance on the Holy Spirit to deliver us from demonic influence.  We have to want to be healed, confess our sins, trust Jesus to set us free, and let the Holy Spirit guide our steps.  

  1. What is the relationship between Jesus' commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum?     Jesus literally delivered the good news of freedom from bondage as He released people from the influence and oppression of demons. Every time a demon was cast out of a person’s life, that person received liberty from spiritual captivity and deliverance from blindness.

  2. Jesus' words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus' conviction and authority? His divinity? Or something else? Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Why or why not?    When Jesus spoke, He wasn’t making personal commentary or repeating the philosophies and determinations already made by Jewish scribes or other teachers. He spoke with such authority because He was speaking the Word of God, and God’s words are THE truth. And as Son of Man who set aside the rights and authority of His deity (Philippians 2:6-7), I think Jesus spoke according to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit. That kind of teaching rings true and carries enormous authority. I’ve experienced a tiny bit (in comparison to Jesus!) of that as a teacher. When the Holy Spirit leads my study and teaching, I am amazed at the power of the Word.


1.   What is the relationship between Jesus’ commission in Luke 4:18-19 and his ministry acts in Capernaum?

The relationship between Jesus’ commission in Luke 4:18-19 and acts in Capernaum demonstrated Jesus’ commission in Luke 4:18-19.  He preached the gospel to the poor, he delivered or healed the brokenhearted, He healed diseases of those who sought Him out and silent demonic spirits because His time was not yet to be known.


2.    Jesus’ words were spoken with conviction and authority, compared to the scribes who often spoke in the synagogue. What was the source of Jesus’ conviction and authority?  The source of Jesus’ conviction and authority and divinity came from His Father. Should we expect conviction and authority to attend our own teaching? Our conviction and authority come from the Holy Spirit because “greater is He that’s is within us, than he that’s in the world.” 1 john 4:4

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