Pastor Ralph Posted August 19, 2020 Report Posted August 19, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
Isaac L Posted January 3, 2021 Report Posted January 3, 2021 On 8/19/2020 at 9:11 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? Why the progression, do you think? Jesus said, "Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch." Peter had to obey the Lord to put out into deep water where the fish were. Only there will the nets bring in a big catch. To me, "put out into deep water" signifies an initial launch out into the unknown. Only as we take this step will God show the next step, as well as bring in the harvest. A similar quote on pro-activeness I've heard my former leader Bones Anderson say is, "You gotta start the engine before you ask God to steer the wheel." Do something that puts you in a position which allows God to speak to you and mobilize you. If you're stuck in your old ways, paradigm and niche, how will God move you? Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? Perhaps it was to give Peter a surer revelation of who Jesus is, and hence to give Peter to overcome all obstacles/deliberation to follow him later. As we see, Peter's reaction to the catch of fish was, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" He sensed Jesus was a holy man with the awesome power of God in him - or maybe more than a man. Only when we have faith in who Jesus is, then can we have faith to do the "impossible" things that Jesus calls us to do. Only then could Peter leave everything to follow Jesus. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? What does Jesus talk about instead? Although Jesus didn't deny that Peter was sinful, Jesus didn't even address it here. He said, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." Jesus didn't want Peter to wallow in self-condemnation and self-pity, and then become resigned that God could not use such a sinful man. Such excuses of false humility I have heard people say are, in fact, the devil's trap to render us useless for the kingdom of God. God had already forgiven his sin and by His grace was willing to use him, so Jesus wanted Peter to be courageous and not afraid, to engage in instead of withdraw from the battle for souls. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? It can be rightly said that Jesus wants all disciples to surrender everything to him. Whether they have to leave everything in the end depends on what God calls them to do next. I think it's like the way God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son Isaac to Him. When Abraham was about to raise his knife to kill Isaac, God returned Isaac back to him, because then Isaac was not an idol anymore in Abraham's heart. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. I did my best to honor God and witness for him in my careers of teaching and research, but at a juncture when I felt a nudge to leave these behind, I cried about losing these (false) symbols of my identity and (false) bases of my security. But after I had burnt my bridges, the road ahead wasn't as hard as it seemed before. It was in fact quite joyful, exciting and liberating. I always had enough to enjoy myself and enough to give to others. There was also a steep curve of learning and growth in practical faith and ministry effectiveness. I am at a different crossroad of life now, but that's another story. I'm still wondering as to what 2021 will unfold. Quote
haar Posted January 13, 2021 Report Posted January 13, 2021 1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? He asked Peter to put out his boat a little where He sat and preached to the crowd. Thereafter He asked him to move further into the deep and launch his net for a big catch of fish. Why the progression, do you think? I think Jesus wanted Peter to get familiar with Him before He gave the bigger task of deep sea fishing at noon which seem humanly not wise. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? To show Peter that the man he sees is not an ordinary being and was preparing his mind for a bigger task ahead of the task. 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Jesus calmed Peter down by asking him to relax and not to be afraid. Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? I think He wanted to catch Peter first. What does Jesus talk about instead? Catching men instead of fish. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? No. If not, why not? Not all of us must leave our jobs to catch men. If so, in what sense? I think what Pastor Ralph wants to tell us is that some of us have tasks that we can still work even as we catch men there. 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? It is to obey, worship, fellowship with Him and serve Him, and catch men and disciple them too. Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. Following Jesus for me has involved walking with him and working for Him. Walking with Him fellowshipping with Him om individual basis and as a group of family/ other fellowship and church service. It also means reading/ studying His word and communing with Him through prayers as an individual or as a group. it also means obeying what He says in His word. Working for Him means serving Him by serving others because He said whatever we do for/to "these ones" we do it to Him. i try to do this by giving token gifts to the needy whenever I can. I teach in Sunday School, share the Word through social media (WhatsApp) Quote
Christa Posted January 23, 2021 Report Posted January 23, 2021 On 8/18/2020 at 8:11 PM, Pastor Ralph said: Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? I feel God wants to show us that He can do the impossible, He is our One and Only, there is no one like Him. If we have faith in Him, we can do anything. At times, we feel as we are the experts and we know how to do a specific task, we have big goals and plans but ultimately we need the Lord to help us. He can show us so much more that we can even comprehend. He wants to bless us, let Him into you heart. With Him you can live life to its fullest. ? Quote
hanks Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? Why the progression, do you think? Jesus asks Peter to row the boat out a little way from the shore. When He had finished teaching He asks Peter to row the boat out into the deep water and to let down the nets to catch fish. Jesus was standing on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, teaching the good news of the kingdom of God (Mark 1:14-15). The people were crowding around Him, pressing closer and closer. Jesus shows His practical wisdom by getting Peter to push his boat out a little from the shore. Once he was not too close nor too far from the shore He was able to teach and view a greater number of people with even better acoustics. When Jesus had finished speaking He asked Peter to put out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Here we have a carpenter telling an experienced fisherman how to fish, and ordering him to fish at an unlikely place and time. There is a progression. First there has to be an explaining and understanding of the facts of the gospel for people to believe. Jesus did this by teaching to the multitude. Once they believe, they are to repent and put their faith in Jesus - they win people to the truth so that they might be saved. This Jesus showed by the catching of fish, but they were to be fishers of men. The ultimate order would be: God sends out His servants; they preach the good news of salvation; sinners hear God's offer of life in Christ; some of those who hear believe the message; those who believe call on the Lord; those who call on Him are saved. Quote
hanks Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? Jesus wanted to teach Peter an important lesson. Things done by our own wisdom and strength are not always successful. And that the secret to success is to be guided by Him. There was also a lesson in the fact that the fishing was to be done in deep waters. We can be more daring - quit hugging the shore line, launch out further - fully trusting our Lord to provide while doing His work. Quote
hanks Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for Him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? What does Jesus talk about instead? I think Peter became aware who Jesus was and the recognition of his own unworthiness as contrasted with Christ’s greatness and holiness. Besides the miracle catch of fish, Peter had witnessed Jesus preaching with authority in the synagogue, His healing the sick (his mother-in-law included), and Jesus driving out demons. He knew Jesus was worthy of worship and adoration. So, fear and astonishment got hold of him by being in the presence of God. Jesus, in love, overlooks Peter’s sinfulness, forgives him and grants him repentance, as he understands Peter being overwhelmed by all what has been happening. He calms Peter’s fears and shows His confidence in Peter by appointing him as a catcher of men. Quote
hanks Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 4. Does Jesus require all His disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? I don’t think Jesus requires all His disciples to leave everything, it only applies to those that He recognises as future leaders. In Peter’s case we notice three stages in his fellowship with Jesus. Initially he was simply a believer in Him as the Christ. Later he left his secular work as a fisherman, joining our Lord in His work of the divine kingdom. Finally, he was chosen by Jesus from all the followers to form a select band, to be trained as a future leader. The same with Levi, the tax collector, who was invited by Jesus to become His follower, and potential leader. He got up, left everything, and followed Him (Luke 5:28). Disciples (followers of Jesus), not involved in leadership roles continue in their normal work; as “to leave everything” is not meant in an absolute literal way. They are still actively following our Lord, spending time with Him, walking with Him, and learning from His Word. Quote
hanks Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. My personal journey started late. I was 44 yo when I heard the gospel call. This changed my whole life, and I started getting serious about my relationship with Jesus Christ. It took another 20 years before I started committing myself – spirit, soul, and body – to the Lord. During this time, I learnt to trust Him not only for the salvation of my soul but also for the direction of my life. It was also a time for His cleansing power – sanctifying me. Getting rid of all my iniquities, my sinful desires and thoughts. He knows what is best for us and we must never be afraid to let God correct our plans. My wife and I always stand amazed at this, the way He led us through life, and often refer to this as Divine intervention. The Lord blessed me with a faithful supporting wife and we share the ups and downs of life together. Now, as an 82 yo I have come to understand there must be an acknowledgement of the Lordship of Christ. I have learnt to listen to my heavenly Father and be sensitive to the quiet voice prompting me throughout the day. It is when I keep my mind attuned to Him, that I begin to understand the significance of some decisions I might otherwise barely have noticed. One thing I know for certain is that every time I’ve obeyed God, He’s blessed me. When I disobey, it costs me. We’re talking about a God who loves us unconditionally and who has a perfect plan. Obeying Him will never prove disappointing. This results in having continuous fellowship and prayer with my Lord and Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. There is an inward peace even during these rough times the whole world is experiencing. I know our Lord is sovereign and in control. All was made possible only by His mercy and grace! Quote
AdventIlliniRx Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 thank you LORD Jesus Christ for forgiving my sin and calling me to be your Disciple. Thank you for giving me The Holy Spirit which abides in my flesh, mind and spirit. I read and meditate on Your Word and Youur Life. I Worship You. I Praise You. I Pray to You. Amen Quote
Irmela Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 1. What things does Jesus ask Peter to do and in what order? I guess the first request was to get into the boat. Jesus then requested Peter to draw away a little from the shore. He then told Peter to put out into the deep water and to lower the nets (he also added the reason) for a haul. Finally after the miracle ... Have no fear, from now on you will catch men. Why the progression do you think? He started off with the familiar setting and then used the familiar ordinary everyday task and told Peter to do the ridiculous (according to human perspective) viz. to lower the nets for a haul, in broad daylight and on top of it all, when they had unsuccessfully toiled throughout the night and had caught nothing. This proved to be a miraculously successful task. How absolutely exciting. I guess He wanted absolute obedience without questioning. Even if the task seemed ridiculous. Being ready to prove what man thought impossible to do what with God is possible. Quote
Irmela Posted February 12, 2021 Report Posted February 12, 2021 2. Why do you think Jesus asks Peter to do the impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? I guess Peter and the crew were exhausted after having worked in their own strength and been completely unsuccessful. Then Jesus sends them to the same place at a seemingly wrong time to perform the same task again. This time it was in obedience to Jesus's instruction. Testing Peter to trust him even in the situation that was familiar ground to Peter. This experience proved to Peter that with Him all things are possible. He could hold onto this experience later in his life and be reminded. Quote
Irmela Posted February 13, 2021 Report Posted February 13, 2021 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for Him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Jesus responds by putting him at ease with the words, "Have no fear;"... Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? Peter had already acknowledged it. Jesus does not want us to wallow in it. He forgives and gets us out of it. What does Jesus talk about instead? Jesus talks about the task He has assigned to him instead. "... from now on you will be catching men!" Quote
Irmela Posted February 13, 2021 Report Posted February 13, 2021 4.Does Jesus require all His disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? It is rather difficult to put into plain words, without offending anyone. I do believe He does in the sense that it is all surrendered to Him. You might still work at the same place, draw a salary etc same as before, only now it is under "new management" and your time too is no longer yours but Christ's. Your whole outlook on life becomes different. You become a steward of what God has given you to do with as He directs you. By "leaving everything", i feel is meant, not making an idol of it. Working there where God has placed you and doing your best for His Glory. Quote
Lisa Daley Posted February 17, 2021 Report Posted February 17, 2021 1. What things does Jesus ask Peter to do and in what order? Why the progession do you think? The first contact Jesus has with Peter in this passage is when Jesus asks Peter to do something for Him. Jesus "calls" Peter you could say. Peter had been listening to Jesus while he cleaned the nets, so when Jesus came to ask him to put out from shore, Peter quickly agreed. Now Peter was in the boat with Jesus! Jesus must have delivered a powerful word that day for the benefit of these three fishermen! When Jesus finished He then asked Peter to put out his boat to deep waters. This is a convicting word. Jesus was asking Peter if he had faith to go into the deep waters, which is a question we each face. Will we be willing to take what we learn from this discipleship course and jump into the deep waters of life? To reach out to people with real world problems? Peter did have faith. He said, "But because you say so, I will let down the nets." then came the big catch! The fishermen's obediene coupled with Jesus' power produced a powerful melody that sings through the ages of God's hand upon His people. God will go to great lengths to save a single person. We've all heard testimonies that speak to this. That day God had three fishermen in mind. Jesus knew these three men would be pillars in His new church. His heart was already invested in them in a special way. How it must have blessed Jesus when Peter fell humbly to his knees before Jesus. How He must have wanted to embrace Peter; he probably did. Finally Jesus speaks hope and love to Peter when he tells him that He is going to make him a fisher of men. Peter would learn "to capture men to free them" , the very same freedom he longed for and had heard Jesus preach to the crowd. The progression of Jesus' questions in Peter's life is the same in ours: the call and the equipping, then the obedience, and finally the miracle, God faithfully coming through for His glory and that is written in heaven shining for all eternity. Quote
Bailey Posted March 27, 2021 Report Posted March 27, 2021 Greetings Bailey, when Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of fishing during the day, after he has tried all night and failed, for one i and sure Peter is tired and thinks Jesus is a land lubber who really doesn't know a thing about fishing. But to his surprise, He filled his boat. Jesus taught him a lesson in humility. Belief in someone who can teach you something about life. Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted March 28, 2021 Report Posted March 28, 2021 1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? Jesus asks Simon to “put out a little from shore; “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch”, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will catch men. Why the progression, do you think? Quote
kreilly Posted March 30, 2021 Report Posted March 30, 2021 Does Jesus require all His disciples to leave everything? Yes, I think he does. When we surrender our lives to Christ, we must release everything to him. He has made it clear that one cannot serve two masters. Jesus must be our first love. We may not leave everything physically--we may still live in the same place, have the same job and relationships with others, but we must submit everything to Him. If there is a conflict between one of those things and Jesus, the other thing has to go. We spiritually leave everything for Jesus. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. I grew up in a Christian home but had a lot of misconceptions about following Jesus. I used to think if you went to church on Sunday and lived a moral life that was following Jesus. The Lord has shown me through His word and the mentoring of other Christians that there is so much more to having a relationship with Christ. It is more than having a quiet time in the morning or praying faithfully, although these things are important. It is about being willing to be led by the Spirit and letting Him live in and through you. I can't transform myself through all the spiritual discipline in the world, only Jesus can do that. Quote
Ayo S Posted May 31, 2021 Report Posted May 31, 2021 What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? For me, following Jesus has been joyful. It has taught me how to become a person, to love myself, to love others. I grew up in a Christian home, but in a home where the phrase "I love you" was not uttered. Due to a very conservative home and upbringing, I lacked self confidence and hid myself in books and films to make up for the lack of friendship and fellowship. As I have followed Jesus, I have learnt compassion, love and how to be a friend. I have become a person who can feel and not be embarrassed to feel. I have come to realise that my worldview was so warped and my view of the world, of career, of family is changing to be shaped by God's views. Honestly, following Jesus has changed who I am so fundamentally and I am so different from who I was ten years ago. I can't wait to see what the Lord will do in the next ten years. I just pray that I can follow Him faithfully until I hear the words "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I have never regretted being a Christian. The love and the warmth from my Father is overwhelming. Thank you Jesus for counting me worthy and choosing me! Quote
Godswriter Posted July 12, 2021 Report Posted July 12, 2021 1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? He asked Peter to go out into deep water and put the nets back in to catch fish. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? To show to Peter that He was the Messiah that the things that Peter would be doing when he followed Jesus would be concerned impossible in men's eyes but not's God's 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? He tells Peter not to be afraid and reassures him. Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? Because He already knew everything about Peter and his companions and he didn't need to address it. What does Jesus talk about instead? He addressed the fact that they would be catching men as in bringing people to Christ. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If so, in what sense? Yes He expects all of us to forsake all to follow Him and learn to obey Him in the sense of choose to worship no other god but Him and forsake all other gods but the Lord. 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? For me it means forsaking my idolatrous self-seeking selfish ways for a life that honors the Lord fully by serving and being devoted to Him in all areas no matter what. Quote
pickledilly Posted November 23, 2022 Report Posted November 23, 2022 What things does Jesus ask Peter to do and in what order? Why the progression, do you think? Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? John 1:40-42 records that Simon’s brother Andrew was a follower of John the Baptist, who introduced him to the Lamb of God. Realizing he had just met the promised Messiah, Andrew immediately chose to follow Jesus and brought Simon to meet Him. So Simon had already personally encountered Jesus and knew who He was. On this day by the Sea of Galilee, Simon Peter had surely been observing the scene and hearing what Jesus was teaching as he washed fishing nets. As someone Peter already knew, Jesus interrupted the teaching and entered Peter’s boat. He first asked Peter to put out just offshore so that He could move back to settle the pressing crowd and better teach them. I see this as an invitation to participate and join Jesus in giving the Word of God, a picture of fishing for men that Peter had no concept of yet. The focus was on assisting Jesus “cast the net” in meeting the need of the Teacher and the multitude at that time. When Jesus finished teaching, His focus shifted from the vast crowd to the deep need of one man. He turned His attention to Peter, who had just heard the Word of God proclaimed and explained like he’d never heard before. I wonder if much of what Jesus taught that day was for the benefit of His “captive audience” of one sitting next to Him in that boat. Jesus said for Peter to launch the boat out into the deep. This almost sounds like a command that Peter certainly could have declined, but I think it was ultimately the call on Peter’s life and purpose – to spiritually launch out into the deep waters of faith. And so He led this fisherman, who finally obliged the request in spite of exhaustion and unfinished work after the long night of unproductive fishing, into that specific experience. Jesus knew exactly what would stir Peter’s faith and clearly demonstrate the call on his life to become a fisher of men. Two things I note. What a loving and personal God, who comes to each of us as individuals with our own specific needs, first revealing those needs and then supplying the answers. And what a picture of how we must come to the end of self-reliance and ability in order to truly see the sufficiency and supremacy of God. Quote
pickledilly Posted November 24, 2022 Report Posted November 24, 2022 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? What does Jesus talk about instead? Simon Peter was experiencing the first moments of realization that Jesus truly was the Lord, the Messiah. He understood that he was literally standing there before the promised Anointed One, and I think he probably felt profound awe but also deep shame and absolute terror! In the presence of holiness, one realizes personal sinfulness. Peter had previously been brought to Jesus, but had not believed in Jesus and responded in faith like his brother Andrew. He had returned to the familiar life he knew as a fisherman. Jesus didn’t need to challenge that lack of faith here because Peter was now fully and sorrowfully aware of it. Instead, He reassured Peter that there was nothing to fear and that the Lord had a mighty purpose for his life in the kingdom of God. This time, Peter didn’t hesitate. Thank You, Lord for second chances. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? In following the example that Jesus Himself has set for us, the answer is yes – essentially He does require His disciples to leave everything in the sense of what our hearts cling to and what we cherish most. The ideal is a willingness to release every single person, possession, talent, ambition, hope, dream, expectation, need, etc in life that we treasure so that absolutely nothing is more important in our lives than the LORD and His kingdom. He understands our imperfection in actually thinking and living that way, but the bottom line question He asks of me is “Would you be willing, if that’s what I must ask of you?”. In reality, what a profoundly hard question. Quote
Lottie Posted January 23, 2023 Report Posted January 23, 2023 1.What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? Why the progression, do you think? He first asks Peter to put out a little from shore. Then Jesus tells him to put down in deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Because Jesus knew that the fish would be found only in deep water and He wanted Peter to trust Him. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? He wanted to see if Peter would obey even though he was a seasoned fisherman. This was a test for him to see how willing he was to do what he was asked. 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Jesus tells him not to be afraid. That from now on he will catch men . Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? Because Peter already admitted that he was a sinner. Peter knew that Jesus was not like him and He was humbled before Him. What does Jesus talk about instead? Jesus talks about becoming a fisher of men and following Him. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? No, not everyone but some who become missionaries or pastors. Others are to follow Him in other ways. They are to put Him first and their families and possessions second. They have to choose to give up something that holds them back from fully following Jesus. 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. It means giving up my selfish desires and serving Him. It means choosing to follow Him wherever He leads me. Now I have followed Him into Christian Over Eaters Anonymous. A Christian group that helps people who have eating disorders. Through using the 12 Steps from AA we learn how to recover from our eating disorders and become people who go out and help others overcome it.He has led me to become a moderator or leader for group meetings and sponsor others. He has led me to write poetry and read it in church and in my group. He also gave me the great joy years ago of serving others in a camp by cooking meals. He has helped me to communicate better to others through the program. Quote
George L Posted June 3, 2023 Report Posted June 3, 2023 1. What things does Jesus asks Peter to do and in what order? Why the progression, do you think? He is asked to assist in a small way, “would you row me out a small way so I might speak to the crowd”. After the teaching where he has the best seat, greater request. Fetch your nets back in the boat, and row out deep to fish. Who knows what part of the teaching convinced him to hear in faith and make the effort. He humored the teachers request. And in so doing positioned himself to receive a tremendous blessing. Why? I believe throughout the biblical accounts from Genesis onward being obedient to meet the need, request, of a ministry gift always brought blessings. Peter and the crowd were waiting, I believe, having heard the wonderful assurance of his teaching.. that ‘the promise of the Kingdom of God has come near you’ in hope something strange and wonderful would happen. The draught of fishes confirming the teaching and the truth before a ‘great cloud of witnesses’. Then as now, hear the teaching, risk believing and step out as asked. Receive a blessing both unexpected and of supernatural in character. 2. Why do you think Jesus asked Peter to attempt the seemingly impossible task of catching fish during the day, after he's tried all night and failed? Why now, why this way is often in my heart. Because of the great cloud of witnesses is often the answer both of why did it happen now, and Lord why the delay? It suddenly occurs to me that the crowd on the shore watched a common family of fishermen, who had only helped him minister by taking him slightly off shore to speak more fully to the crowd. They saw a powerful blessing of impossible proportions from giving up some personal time in service of God’s messenger. Do we now expect our seeds of kindness and tiny blessings to grow and produce as mustard seeds. We should. God proved he cared about their situation. God acted in blessing multiplied for their kindness meeting the Lord’s need for the boat to speak from. Imagine the bust of wealth into the town. Fish be dried and traded, not just local food, but economic gain. 3. How does Jesus respond to Peter's plea for him to leave, due to Peter's sinfulness? Why doesn't Jesus address Peter's sinfulness at this point? What does Jesus talk about instead? The soft kind offer, come with me (serve me in seeming small things as was rowing me out to speak) and after the great blessing to large to receive all. Mal 3:10 Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it. No mention of Peters past, all erased by the offer of a tremendous future in the Lord’s service. And any having seen in hands on actual blessing to large to receive. It is as though he is asked ‘will you come assist as I open the windows of heaven and pour out upon others? Come walk in the super natural with me learn of me. 4. Does Jesus require all his disciples to leave everything? If not, why not? If so, in what sense? Personal belief.. God designed each human with a unique and special gifting. That so if obedient to His calling of us to service we are an exact fit to a roll in the divine plan for harvesting souls. Some engines are “stock”, some are “blueprinted”, others are designed and built to be exceptional high performance race engines. We do best as we accept our adjustment to our gift matching role. Accepting “greatest good for the kingdom” above our own desires. A.B. Simpson on Self Life vs Christ Life. “Put your self up on your cross daily…. And come follow me.” Im my life it is verse three of old rugged cross. So I'll cherish the old rugged Cross, Till my trophies at last I lay down, I will cling to the old rugged Cross, And exchange it some day for a crown…. Hang on to badges from my past, or walk into the future with the Holy Spirit. Every day a choice to make. 5. What does it mean to you personally to "follow" Jesus? Share a bit of your personal journeying with your brothers and sisters and they'll share a bit of theirs with you. Mutual encouragement and reinforcement. I came fully to the Lord from what should have been my death bed. Motorcycle wreck on a country bridge, thrown into the girders then a 60 foot fall into 3 feet of water. I awoke on life support realizing that my own snap at anyone near me when I was sick or hurting personality, my control freak nature, and that would be my death. As instead of caring for me as they would prefer my own mouth would drive my care to minimum. And knowing that every thing they did to help me would be painful. I cried God give me the patience to put up with the pain. God answered. His spirit poured into my ICU room. My maybe live thru the night, maybe hospitalized 6 to 9 months became home on the 47th day. Wheel chair, yes, nurse with me when family could not be, and six months of more healing. Today is the 13395th day of life given me because of his great mercy. Stumble, fall away, drag back. Yes. His calling renewed. Past associate pastor of two churches in the last 33 years. Thinking I was finished. No, called deeper into prayer and time with Him. Follow.. fill the roll He has for you. The most dangerous prayer to your comfortable life is not, I am qualified to do, x y or z, but I am available. Then when He calls you can only trust Him and not your self. Dear friends, commit to His calling and invitation. No matter how small it seems to you or a moment of inconvenient, row out a bit deeper. The reward is great. PS, I am a 3rd string fill in for a gift missing from the church I attend. It is not a step down to serve as the Master needs. It is joyous to see the working of prayer. The power of our prayers is far greater than iyr natural stamina and reaches farther than we could ever run. Quote
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