Pastor Ralph Posted August 19, 2020 Report Posted August 19, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
Isaac L Posted January 4, 2021 Report Posted January 4, 2021 On 8/19/2020 at 9:12 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? People suffering from HIV and COVID-19. Drug addicts. Perhaps those who have never experienced forgiveness or do not know they are already forgiven will feel condemned like a leper in the presence of Jesus. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? The leper had faith to believe that Jesus had the power to heal leprosy. He only wasn't sure whether Jesus would be willing to heal him. Perhaps he had been despised by society for so long that he wasn't sure if Jesus despised him too. I think Jesus was pleased with the level of faith the leper had. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? Perhaps the first kind of belief was just theoretical belief. In this sense it may not be true faith even. It seems that Biblical faith calls us to do something in response - e.g. ask God to do that something for us. That's the second kind of belief. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? I can't think of any instance where Jesus refused to heal. He did "turn away" some people who say they wanted to follow him - he told them to reconsider how high the cost was. But he never turned away the sick. A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? If not, what steps are you making to establish this Jesus-trait in your life? Since starting this series, I've gradually picked up on the regularity of a Quiet Time. I learn a few songs a day, then I listen to Our Daily Bread, and I do this Luke study almost every day. Quote
haar Posted January 15, 2021 Report Posted January 15, 2021 1. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? The poor and people with contagious diseases and HIV Aids (especially when the disease started earlier) Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? Anyone caught in sin especially sexual sin 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. Great faith- a lot greater than the mustard seed. What level of belief was required of him? Huge faith. 3. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? The difference between the two namely, Jesus can and wants concerns our faith as regards His ability and willingness. I personally know and have the faith that He has the ability and the willingness to meet every need of ours. Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? 4. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? I can't for now. 5. A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? Yes. In fact, before now I have learnt to create time at to go to the study when other members of the family are still in bed, to have my quiet time. But I desire to improve on the quality of the quiet time to include more of praise and worship and to learn to be still to hear God speak to me. If not, what steps are you making to establish this Jesus-trait in your life? Quote
Christa Posted January 25, 2021 Report Posted January 25, 2021 What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? I believe it is both. Faith, I believe is number one with knowledge coming in at second. I accepted Jesus into my heart when I was a child, I lived on a farm and saw Jesus' work through the birth of new baby animals and every year the crops growing out of the plain black dirt. I knew that only One person can do such things. God! I would see my Grandparents pray for a good crop and at most times all worked out for good. I believed and had faith in God that He wanted to do things for us. I had faith that anything is possible when you ask God. But then, as I got older and the reality of adulthood set in, I lost the faith that a child has. But around 10 years ago I started going to small group Bible Studies and began to learn more about God. Reading His stories such as this story about the leper, shows that when we have faith, God will provide if it is in His will. I also learned that God wants us to ask Him for things, He wants to bless us and show us His love and power. But I also need to remember that some of the things I ask for might not be in His will, because He knows what is good and best for me. I have faith that God will always do what is best for me! He knows me more than I know myself. I need to stay in prayer and in His word on a daily basis. He has so much to tell and reveal to me each day. Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 1. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? We are great at practicing severe forms of ostracism that can lead to people and whole families being treated like the lepers were treated in Jesus’ day. It may be race, gender, culture, poverty, religion, country, politics, anything, or even a football team. The trouble here is that we judge mostly by outward appearance and a person’s connections; not according to inward reality. Jesus knows our hearts and looks at the inside. It’s not the physical leper but the spiritual leper that is separated from Jesus. The spiritual leper is oblivious of their need for cleansing. Every day their minds are filled with pride, ****, greed, jealousy, anger, hatred, vengeance, ingratitude, and a host of other sins. Like leprosy in the Bible, sin is an incurable disease - and we all have it. Only Jesus’ healing touch can miraculously take away our sins and restore us to full fellowship with our Lord. But first, just like the leper, we must realize our inability to cure ourselves and ask for Christ's saving help. Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? In the Bible, leprosy is a dreaded disease that is a picture of sin. We see that the leper does not ask for healing but for cleansing. He is desperate enough to approach Jesus falling on his knees before Him, begging, “If You are willing, You can make me clean.” This shows complete faith in Jesus’ ability to cleanse him. He must have heard of Jesus’ many miracles of healing, so in desperation he risked possible flogging by approaching Jesus. Just image the crowd seeing Jesus stretching out His hand and touching the man, instead of drawing back. “I am willing; Be Clean”! The man was instantly cleaned! This miracle shows us the cleansing power of Jesus, not only over leprosy, but also over sin. For the leper to act and speak like this required absolute trust and the utmost belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah! This leper knew that he was in a bad shape and that if Jesus did not help him, there would be no other way out. Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 3. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that He wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? We often obey God in the small things, but when it comes to the large ones, we want to cling to a measure of control, in case God does not make things happen according to our satisfaction. We couldn’t be more mistaken. Following God is always the right choice to make. God’s simple requests of us are oftentimes stepping-stones to His greatest blessings. The apostle Peter is a wonderful example of a man who took small steps that led to a great destiny. When Jesus asked to be taken out in Peter’s boat, the fisherman could have said no. After all, he’d put in a full night’s work and was probably exhausted. But by taking this small step, Peter received a front-row seat to hear the greatest teacher on earth, and he began a life-changing adventure. Although Jesus’ first request was fairly ordinary, His next suggestion would challenge everything Peter knew to be logical. Heading into deep water at midday for the purpose of catching fish was ludicrous to this fishing expert. Sometimes the Lord asks us to do what seems unreasonable. We should remember that the Lord is not obligated to work within the realm of what’s normal or logical. If Peter had refused this unusual request, he would have missed the biggest catch of his life. When he got out of that boat, the fish meant nothing to him because Jesus became his everything. The Lord isn’t waiting for us to do some big, impressive task for Him; He’s simply calling us to obey Him one small step at a time. The difference is that we need to trust God fully, knowing that His plan is always the best. Trust His purpose and plan. Faith and knowledge. Both. Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 4. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that He isn't willing to heal those who are sick? When it comes to spiritual healing, being forgiven and saved, Jesus will never deny anybody who comes humbly, repents and puts his trust in Him for forgiveness and salvation. There must be none of I deserved to be healed or I’m owed something attitude. But when it comes to physical healing it depends if it is God’s will to heal that person. We read in 1 John 5:14-15: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him”. It all about God’s will not our will. In our prayers we should not be demanding what we want, but rather pray for His will to be done. Trusting that He knows what is best for us. If we align our prayers to His will, He will listen; and we can be certain that if He listens, He will give us a definite answer. Start praying with confidence! Ultimately, our full physical healing awaits us in heaven. In heaven, there will be no more pain, sickness, disease, suffering, or death (Revelation 21). Quote
hanks Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 5. A few weeks ago, we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then, have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? If not, what steps are you making to establish this Jesus-trait in your life? Yes, I have for many years now got into the routine of having a Quiet Time with our Lord for 4 mornings a week with my wife. Quote
AdventIlliniRx Posted February 14, 2021 Report Posted February 14, 2021 leprosy is an infectious, deadly viral disease. at the time of Jesus, there were no medical vaccines or therapies which would restore the one infected by the disease, so the infected individuals were permanently quarantined. the citizens of the day treated the infected individuals with disdain, which they believed was what Scriptures instructed. This is typical of humanity which interprets Scriptures according their selfish view of humanity rather than thru the lens of The LORD. Jesus provided this viewpoint when he lived on earth and developed His Ministry. Mark Marek, San Antonio, Texas Quote
Irmela Posted February 15, 2021 Report Posted February 15, 2021 1. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Anyone or any group that is different to the 'norm'. Could be the very poor, those acting different, the cancer-ridden, or where there is an obvious ailment or difference - very fat people or very skinny people - sometimes a person with the onset of Alzheimers or Dementia - it could be different races, drug addicts, or parens/families of drug addicts, prisoners, or those released from serving a prison sentence, the illiterate or not so clever kids, those from single parent homes, orphans, etc. It varies from society to society. Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? When our eyes are opened to see the person one really is, sin-ridden and so in need of help to get out of that miry-clay situation, be it in sexual sin, bound by drugs or just realizing our need for Salvation. Jesus' cleansing and forgiveness changes it. 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did? What level of belief was required of him? This person was loathed by society, he was disfigured and covered with sores. It was highly probable that he would be thrown with sand or stones. He firmly believed that Jesus was able to heal him. He approached Him to ask if He was indeed willing to. The man was also very boldin that he knelt inches away from Jesus, not the customary 4-cubit rule of distancing. The leper risked everything because he believed without a shadow of a doubt, that Jesus coul heal him. This was actually serving as an example of "Anything that is asked in His will, believing, we will receive". Aligning his desire to God's will. Quote
Irmela Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 3.What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that He wants to do it for us? Would you call the difference faith? Or knowledge? Or both? It is in His power to do whatever. But!!!!! He knows what is best for us. So there are times when the answer for healing or removing a malady is 'No' or 'Not now'. Sometimes we need to be reminded who is actually in control. Maybe it is not a healing but a deep friendship or a job that is the issue. God knows what is the BEST answer for us in every situation. So there we see He can do it for us but if it is not for our best He will not want to do it for us. So prayer is still answered but not in our way. Quote
Irmela Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 4. "I will, Be clean" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that He isn't willing to heal those who are sick? Matthew 15: 21-28 relates the story of the Syro-Phoneacian (Canaanite) woman whose daughter was possessed by a demon. Initially it seemed like Jesus was ignoring her request completely. As she persisted in her request, He finally gave recognition of that as faith and her daughter was healed. There is the part where Paul speaks of a "thorn in the flesh". He says 3 times he asked for it to be removed. Maybe it was not a sickness but it was a prayer request not being answered as desired. 2Corinthians 12:6-10. Quote
Irmela Posted February 16, 2021 Report Posted February 16, 2021 5.A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? If not, what steps are you making to establish this Jesus-trait in your life? I do have my alone time with Him, first thing in the morning. I find it very hard to have this time during the day in my present situation. By night time my concentration is not much use anymore. I am aware though throughout the day of being in touch with Him. I dread to think to go through the day alone. Quote
Lisa Daley Posted February 18, 2021 Report Posted February 18, 2021 1. Who on our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Sometime prior to the Covid shutdown in March, 2020, I went on an outing with my daughter-in-law and two grandchildren to a local large chain bookstore for story telling and craft time in the children's department. There were about ten families there of all various social backgrounds, but one woman and child stood out like a sore thumb. A companion aide had brought a girl of about 14yr in a wheelchair who was severly handicapped. She could not hold anything in her twisted hands, nor speak to express her needs let alone her desires. This girl in the wheelchair could not participate in the craft time, but only listen to the voices of the small children and their instructing parents. My own 5 yr old granddaughter stared at this girl and asked her mother, "Why?" was she like that. My daughter-in-law could only say, "We do not stare," and direct her daughter's attention elsewhere. I was left with a pain on the inside, which God would use. When I got home I read Isaiah 53:3 - "He was despised and rejected by men, A Man of sorrows and pain and acquainted with grief; And like One from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or esteem Him." Then I realized never again would I stare and keep distant from an outcast, for Jesus is that person. No longer would I allow fear to separate me from the unfamiliar, for Jesus was shunned but is now in me reaching out to the very same. That young 14 yr old girl trapped in a twisted up cage of a body needs the love of Jesus Christ. I was unable to cross the divide of social barrier that day - but never again. Quote
El-babamu A. D Posted March 20, 2021 Report Posted March 20, 2021 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? This Leper was in this condition for many years, only him knows the pain and truman he was going through. Just imagine one day his parents and siblings will come to him but none could touch and feel him. This alone could provoke an awaken faith that even Jesus is not able and strong enough to heal him but in his heart I cry earnestly for my deliverance and healing. The Leper believed in Jesus before he met Him (probably he heard about Jesus) that is why he cry if you are willing and Jesus said I am. Praise God. I will simply say a Willing Faith is at work. Thanks Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 23, 2021 Report Posted March 23, 2021 Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? A. I think that the homeless are treated like lepers in our day. As a rule we don’t want anything to do with them let alone to touch them. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? A. It takes a lot of faith to act and speak as the leper did. He had to have a complete belief that Jesus could heal him. If Jesus didn’t heal him then the crowd would have done some bad things to the leper like throw rocks or dirt at him. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? A. The difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to is faith. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? A. I can’t think of any place where Jesus wasn’t will to heal those who are sick. A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? If not, what steps are you making to establish this Jesus-trait in your life? A. I had already established a solitary place because of the time of day I get up to be with the Father. Quote
Bailey Posted March 27, 2021 Report Posted March 27, 2021 Bailey 3/26/21 I really enjoyed these questions! Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? There was a time, people with HIV/AIDs were the lepers., no one wanted to be near them, If you had TB, forms of skin cancer, Now it's the all great COVID-19 everyone is a leper. We hide behind mask in fear of catching the unknown. We stand in the presence of Jesus everyday in fear of a disease we can't understand, it's there, it raging terror upon the earth worse that the black plague, which by the way is back as well. I sit in isolation, can't go to church, you're under lock down, I call this the work of the devil. Who else prevents you from the house of the Lord, causes mass hysteria throughout the world seeking to kill and destroy preventing entry into the house of the Lord. HUM Where's the Mass Prayer, I haven't seen it in my town. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. This was unspeakable faith. I had a lady say, a family member was sick with the COVID, I said sister, lets pray for them, they didn't want to pray, but fight and vent. I find this a lot in listening to friends and families . I blessed them, keep praying and move on. The fear is so so heavy. I firmly believe God can do something for us and I believe He wants to do something for us, but are we really and truly ready to receive it. Do we want God to Act?, Then we must believe and have faith like the leper and the many who have fought the fight of COVID and won. Quote
kreilly Posted April 2, 2021 Report Posted April 2, 2021 On 3/23/2021 at 5:19 AM, Old Jerry said: Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? Who sometimes feels like a leper in the presence of Jesus? A. I think that the homeless are treated like lepers in our day. As a rule we don’t want anything to do with them let alone to touch them. I agree, the homeless are treated like lepers. Even when they come to our church, I notice people really don't come up and introduce themselves the way they would to others. Many people are afraid to be asked for money and assume that is the only reason the homeless have come. Even if that is the reason they came, we still need to show them Christ's love. Quote
kreilly Posted April 2, 2021 Report Posted April 2, 2021 Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? I think the leper had a faith borne of desperation. He had nothing to lose. Having nothing to lose results in being able to lose yourself completely to your faith in God. That is why Jesus says that we must leave everything to follow Him. That is why God says we must have no other gods before Him. There really is no other way to have true faith. So even though we may have something to lose, we must turn all of that over to Jesus when we commit to following Him, otherwise it becomes an idol. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? I don't know if there is much difference, I think the two are intertwined. We may say we believe it but maybe we really don't. I suppose it is possible to really believe it and have an errant view of God that He doesn't love or care for you and therefore does not want to heal you. However, it is important to keep in mind that clinging to this life as the ultimate prize is not really what we are meant to do. It is not what Jesus or any of His followers did. Therefore, we don't put all of our hope for healing in this physical life. We will be here as long as He wants us here. It is important not to think that if God doesn't heal you or someone you love that He is negligent. That is when we start taking on the role of God and acting as though He is here to serve us and if He doesn't do what we think He should have then He is wrong. That is sin and must be repented of, even if it is borne of grief. Quote
Nana Karlsson Posted April 3, 2021 Report Posted April 3, 2021 I think our society today treat people infected by the covid 19 virus like lepers were treated in Jesus'day. No i cannot think of any place where Jesus indicates that He isn't willing to heal those who are sick. Ever since we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place to pray, i have learnt to spend a Quiet Time of my own. It has not always been easy as i battle with distructions of all kinds, but i am adamant and still pressing in to spent quality Quite Time with the Lord. Quote
Ayo S Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? So many people - those who have HIV/AIDs, Covid-19, those who are elderly, incontinent. Those with mental illness, those with sever physical disabilities, those who are homeless, drug addicts, prostitutes, and known sinners - paedophiles, murderers, convicts and ex-convicts. We ostracise so many - those who are transgender, those who have strange facial disfigurements, burn victims, those who are disabled. Not to talk of the many who are ostracised in some way or shape due to class, skin colour, family background, marital status. When I think of how Jesus openly touched the leper it reminds me that I am to reflect Jesus. I am to be His ambassador in this world and I cannot shy away from people because of my discomfort and my prejudices. Lord, give me a heart of love that I may honestly and openly embrace people into your love. There are so many people that are rejected by society and Lord I would love to show them kindness. Teach me, O Lord, to be kind and remember to stretch forth my hand to others who are rejected and castigated by society. Quote
Godswriter Posted July 12, 2021 Report Posted July 12, 2021 1. Who in our society are treated like lepers were treated in Jesus' day? I would have to say the poor, homeless, people with multiple illnesses like myself and people who have illnesses that are high risk 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. It takes a giant leap of faith 3. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? It means you believe He can do something for someone else but not you. It means you means you believe He can do something for you personally 4. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? No but I do know that He does not always promise to heal everyone completely here completely. 5. A few weeks ago we studied Luke 4:42 about Jesus going to a solitary place. Since then have you made progress toward establishing a Quiet Time of your own? Yes However it is getting interrupted by the fact I am having trouble sleeping at night and trouble concentrating during the morning. Quote
pickledilly Posted November 27, 2022 Report Posted November 27, 2022 2. Describe the kind of faith it takes to act and speak as this leper did. What level of belief was required of him? 3. What is the difference between believing God can do something for us and believing that he wants to do something for us? Would you call the difference faith? or knowledge? or both? Knowledge and faith are complementary concepts but they are not the same thing. You cannot authentically choose to place your faith in something you have no knowledge of. Today, our churches are filled with people who have lots of Biblical knowledge but never lean into the faith to trust and apply that knowledge in their real everyday lives. Intellectually believing something is true isn’t the same thing as trusting and relying on that truth in your own heart. A classic practical example is someone who believes that airplanes are a great way to travel quickly, comfortably and generally safely, but refuses to trust and act on that belief by actually buying a ticket and stepping through the gate to board the plane. Saying you believe something and actually living like it’s true are two different things. This courageous leprous man not only believed the demonstrable truth that Jesus had the power to heal; he trusted that Jesus had the power to heal him and took action according to that faith! Quote
pickledilly Posted November 27, 2022 Report Posted November 27, 2022 4. "I will. Be clean!" is pretty strong. Can you think of any place where Jesus indicates that he isn't willing to heal those who are sick? Jesus would surely have desired otherwise, but had to warn his hometown of Nazareth that He could do no mighty works there because of their lack of faith. Mark 6:5-6 records there were only a few people that He did heal, because they demonstrated faith. Mostly the people there were completely focused on who they thought Him to be as a hometown boy made good, and were so clueless to the miracle of fulfilled prophecy standing before them that they attempted to murder Him. God responds to honest genuine faith, but the people were looking for prestige and sensational favors from Him. I'm sure it was heartbreaking for Him to have to hold back healing from many more people there. However, I don’t recall that Jesus was ever unwilling to heal anyone who came to Him in faith. Also, there was Lazarus. Jesus could easily have healed this dear friend from afar, but chose not to because of an even greater purpose. Quote
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