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  • 5 months later...

The Centurion was a good man, he is also humble. He felt he was not worthy to come into  the presence of Jesus. He believed in God, and was seeking after the God of the Jews. He had been generous to the fund for building the temple. Instead of going to Jesus himself he send his messengers to ask Jesus to cure his servant , he didn’t feel worthy to have Jesus inside his home. His faith was so great that he said “ Just say the word and my servant will be healed”. The Centurion knew that Jesus had the power and authority to heal his servant, he also understood that Jesus could delegate that power to another, just as he delegated power in his work as a centurion with soldiers under his command. The disciplines differ because they do not have faith they still weren’t sure who Jesus truely was. 
Q2.Mark 16v15.”Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”.

This command was not just meant for the disciples but for me also. I must speak to those I come in contact with about Jesus and what He has done for me and what He has done for us all. 
Q3. The power I receive from Jesus is limited by my lack of faith. If I believe 100% that Jesus is the answer to everyone’s problems, then I will have the power I need to share Jesus with people. Personally I think I am still at times too ‘worldly’ . I fear people instead of God. I don’t want to offend people, if I know they don’t believe in God. I never seem to have the correct words to day, even when I pray about a situation. And yet I have people who are quite happy to talk about faith in God, but they are fewer than those who ‘don’t want to know’. 

  • 4 weeks later...

How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith?

Jesus can help me more than I can even comprehend and I need to grow more in my faith. Sometimes I get stuck thinking that I am not capable but I am with Him, and I need to remember that anything is possible with Jesus on my side. I must reach out to Him in all things! I need to get in God's word everyday and not believe in what the world says. 

  • 3 weeks later...


In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?

The centurion knew what it was to get something done. He could not necessarily do it all himself, but he had people under him who he could delegate certain tasks to, so that the work got accomplished. He understood that Jesus was Someone who had authority. He believed that Jesus did not have to be present where a healing takes place. (He respected the Jewish faith and did not feel worthy to have Jesus come under his roof) He believed that Jesus could just speak the word and the servant would be healed, alternately that Jesus could send someone and that the healing would then take place. He trusted Jesus' authority over sickness, implicitly and completely. 

What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?

He has told all of us to  ....    Go into all the world and publish openly the good news to  the whole human race ....   Part of all the world is right here where I am at present and that is where I have been delegated to "live Jesus" 

How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.

You cannot do what you do not trust yourself to be able to accomplish. If you believe that through the power of Jesus you are able to "serve" someone who is terminally ill, then you become as it were, brave enough to start. As you go you become bolder and through prayer of others you are able to stand also in the rough and tough times


1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?

The centurion, was a Gentile with a pagan background, and most probably heard about Jesus’ miraculous healing power from his soldiers or from the Jewish elders he had befriended. He understood that the authority and power, to do these miracles, must have come from God, and that this power now resides in Jesus. Having this insight into Jesus’ power, how far His authority extends, and how it operates, showed a remarkable deep faith on the part of this centurion, a faith not seen among the Jewish people - no wonder Jesus was amazed. Being a military man, he realized that both he and Jesus had the right to exercise their authority - all they had to do was say the word and things happened. Just as he did not need to be present to have his orders carried out, so Jesus didn’t need to be present to heal. That is why he could tell Jesus just to just say the word, and his servant would be healed. The centurion believed in Jesus as God’s Messiah, and felt himself not worthy that Jesus should enter his house, or even to meet Him in person. By now the disciples had spent about a year with our Lord and still hadn’t worked out the extent of Jesus’ power. However, they did come to greater insight as their faith grew and as they spent more time with Jesus.  


2. What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe He has delegated to you?

As you get deeper and deeper into the 80’s, more and more people think you have passed your sell-by-date. In the past I had been actively involved in all the churches I attended. But now I prefer to take a backseat and concentrate on studying the Word, telling others about the saving grace of our Lord Jesus, and interceding on behalf of others. It has never been about me; it’s about bringing glory to my heavenly Father, and I feel I must serve Him and do what He tells me to do. To serve Him in the ways now available to me.


3. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.

To have any faith at all we must believe that God exists. We receive this faith as a free gift from God by our repentance and our trust in Jesus Christ. Initially this faith might be so small but as we grow spiritually it becomes larger and larger. So, this smallest bit of true faith from God, perhaps the size of a mustard seed, can grow to immense proportions in the lives of believers and spreading out to influence all they come into contact with. Christian history is full of superhuman achievements performed by those whose faith was, at one time, only the size of a mustard seed. Nothing is impossible for those who put their trust in Jesus (Mat 17:20). Once Jesus Christ makes His home and establishes His throne in our hearts, His power isn’t limited to the things we can ask for or imagine. He works in us to give a continuing growth and transformation, to give us and all His church a glory that will never fade or end. I feel that as our faith increases, so does the power Jesus will delegate to us increase. God’s plans aren’t restricted by our half-hearted prayers and limited imagination. His plans are infinitely greater than we can ever know. God is at work in our lives with the same power with which He raised Jesus from death. It moves mountains, heals the sick, and is the means of entrance into the kingdom.


How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith? 

Faith is the axis by which heaven and earth meet and exchange power in the heart of Man.  God created faith and gave us each a measure of it,  but I believe the reason He created faith was so He could interact in our conscience minds and lives.  Faith is where God and I meet.  If I am not exercising faith,  I am not interacting with God.  Hebrews 11:6 - "he who comes to God must believe that He is". 

God took great care and investment of time in Abraham's faith. He created sucseeding experiences to allow Abraham to see God's hand upon his life and to build his faith.  He allowed Abraham to exhaust all human effort and watch the pillars burn,  the idols fall,  and rid the sin that was holding him back from pure faith. God perfected the faith in Abraham,  as Abraham continued to say "yes"  to God along the way. 

And that is what Jesus does in us today.  He leads us to online discipleship courses,  or causes us to hear the right sermon at the right time,  or blesses our quiet time and reveals His truth to us.  We have a measure of faith from Him,  and He is delegating His power where it is needed.

Jesus will always use a humble heart that believes in Him.  

  • 2 weeks later...

1.    In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power.

He saw Jesus as having authority and  power to just speak the word and the desired result is achieved irrespective of distance. 

How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?

This insight showed great faith by the Centurion compared to that exhibited by the disciples who were usually doubting and fearful.

2.    What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?

To do all He did such as fish for men, to heal the sick and do all others as He said in the great Commission and also in Mark 16.17. But the truth is that I am not exploiting these great authority and power, So help me Lord God Almighty to exercise your power to execute your delegated mission.

3.    How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.

I think the size of power Jesus can delegate to me is not limited to my faith. The size of my faith however determines how much I can accomplish as my small faith may result in under utilisation of His great power given to me even if I have faith as small as a mustard seed.



  • 1 month later...

Bailey, Greetings 6-7-21   

1. State the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power.  How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?  The centurion was just not a your everyday gentile.  I believe he was a man of faith.   He had authority to command his men and others, but he had heard of Jesus and was amazed at him, he followed Jesus, like a smart solder he knew the power of the man.  Not just any man.  Now this is a sign of someone stepping out of his element and into that of faith and trust.  Look, he had friends who spoke on his behalf, Lord you don't have to trouble yourself,  I DO NOT DESERVE TO HAVE YOU COME UNDER MY ROOF.  In Luke 7:6-9, Jesus comments, on his faith.  We today , could we do that?     

The centurion acted as a disciple by ministering to one of the sick, his sense of mission of talking to Jesus in the time of trouble, a cry for help. He was on a mission to help the sick, the oppressed and broken.  It looks as if this man would have had the spirit of Christ within him.  The centurion displayed a faith that even the disciples had not shown during the times.

2. What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?  This question was difficult for me, I have been so confined to house due to the Pandemic, having to wear a face mask, having no contact with the outer world, I am really forced to live inside my house.  All I have left is just the me and the Lord and the dog.  I have gotten use to the quiet time and no one coming by.  I did have a home care worker but the girl was stealing everything she could.  Senior Services wouldn't help me, so I just take care of myself. It's not so bad.  So being with Jesus' gives me time to reflect on scripture and read.  I do allot of bible studies, it helps.  So is this what is delegated to me?


In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?


A. Evidently the centurion had been following Jesus’ exploits and knew that Jesus had the power to heal people. He also knew, because he was following Jesus, that he could just say the word and it would happen.


What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?


A. I think the portion of Jesus’ mission that he has delegated to me is to go into the world and make disciples.


How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.


A. It is all limited by my faith. The more faith that I have the more I can accomplish.


What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?

I have had this feeling in my heart the last few years that the Spirit has been calling me to work with inner city churches to establish tutoring programs where children could be taught the gospel also.  I don't have the faintest idea how to do something like that, but I know I need to take a step of faith in that direction.  If it is not what I am supposed to be doing, it won't work out, and that's okay.  There is a definite need in our community for better education and pairing that with the hope of the gospel could make a real difference.  

  • 2 months later...

What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?

Jesus has asked that I heal the broken hearted. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to lead me into a completely different avenue of life and to touch people's lives in a way that I didn't think was possible. He has asked me to encourage others, to leave behind my beliefs and my church of old and go out into new places and strengthen those who are weak. There are so many that need his touch and I cannot stay silent here and stay in my comfortable place, thinking it is OK. He speaks that I should move forth and that I must do.

Lord, help me to leave behind the comforts of yesterday and step into your path and calling for me. It's not OK for me to sit comfortably in church, stagnant as I refuse Your mission. 

  • 2 months later...

1.   In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power.

The centurion knew what It was like to have authority because he had authority over soldiers himself And also Because of this he knew Jesus must have had some kind Authority over what He did. This being said That meant Only 1 thing in man's that Jesus had the power over life and death The Ability to heal diseases and indignities but also had the power to cast out evil spirits.

How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?

The disciples were able to see the Lord's work and authority up close and see how He actually did things.

2.    What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you?

To set the captives free.

3.    How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.  It is limited by how I believe that the Lord can work through me.

  • 1 year later...
  1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?

    Because he held a position of authority over others, the centurion had a degree of insight into Jesus’ unique authority that the disciples could not yet fully relate to. He had heard the stories and reports of the wondrous events of healing and restoration, even raising of the dead. The centurion comprehended that Jesus possessed great power and authority in the natural realm, but also in the spiritual realm, to the extent that the Healer didn’t even have to be physically present and only had to speak the command of healing in order for it to be done. He had surely heard of the compassionate heart of Jesus toward the sick and dying, and he fully placed his complete deep trust in that power and mercy. This military leader was utterly humbled by this to the point of feeling unworthy to have Jesus even enter his home or meet face to face.   The disciples were constantly exposed to these acts of healing, so they had some realization of Jesus' power in the natural realm. But I’m not sure they had really begun to grasp the fullness of His authority within the spiritual domain as they struggled to reconcile what they had been taught to expect of Messiah against what they heard and saw in the Man they had been called to follow.


3. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith?

Faith is expectant, confident, and assured of things I cannot yet see, here as related to Jesus and His work in me. Faith gives substance to the unseen realities of the spiritual realm. If my expectations, confidence, and assurance are weak and small with little substance, there isn’t much room for His power to enlarge and fill my life. Faith expands my capacity to receive His power like a deep breath expands my lungs. It opens God’s hand to release the flow of His blessings and mighty power at work in and through me. The moments of testing that God allows in my life will always reveal the degree of faith I have.

So I would simply say that little faith = little power.

  • 4 weeks later...

1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time? The centurion knew that Jesus had power to heal just through His words. He did not even have to come and touch someone in order for it to happen. The disciples did not understand who Jesus really was and what He could do.

2.What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you? He had delegated me to heal people and to tell them about Jesus. He wants me to help whoever I can whether they are sick in their body, soul or mind. I have authority through Him

3.How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith. If I think that someone else who is greater than me can do it buty not me then I limit the power He has given me. If I don't believe that I am able to then I limit what He can do through me. I must believe that I can do all things because He has given me His power and authority to heal the sick and to cast out demons and to console and help the ones mourning and bring them joy.


  • 4 months later...
  1. In your own words, state the insight that the centurion had of Jesus' power. How did this insight differ from that of Jesus' disciples at the time?  The disciples were students not administrators with ‘office’. Giving the territory proper credit the doings of a powerful new Rabi (teacher) whom miraculous strange things of benefit to the poor and needy would be properly reported to the military structure which maintained public order. If nothing else, ‘this is the guy drawing huge crowds’. The miraculous side spoke of power and authority to delegate.  Strange as it seems to ‘civilians’ a mikitary trained mine immediately recognizes another authority not by their fancy uniform orvtitle,  ut as the nnsvy speaks of certain officers. ‘He/She draws a lot of water.’as battleship or sir aircraft carrier power among the smaller ships.
  2. What portion of Jesus' mission do you believe he has delegated to you? The portion before me each day. My claim is not preparedness but availability.   I am a bench marker, a fill in. I like the fire crew go when called. Otherwise I train.
  3. How is the power Jesus can delegate to you limited by the size of your faith.  Faith is trust. Not hearing of possibility, but more a great and powerful double hand grip on the actuality of God’s specific promise forcthe situation before you.

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