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  • 6 months later...
On 8/18/2020 at 9:28 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. 

When John the Baptist was called to go forth from the desert by God, he was under the Old Covenant, and so was Jesus, that is why we read in the Gospels that He followed The custom of going to the Temple on the Sabbath day, Saturday.  Jesus's coming forth for His ministry was the dividing line that the Old was going to be gone, completed in HIm and the New Covenant will begin, therefore lots of His teaching was about why He came and the end of His earthly ministry would be completed at the Cross, His death.  Thereby when He said is was finished He meant not only the Atoning Sacrifice for man's sin forgiven for those who will accept Him as the Savior, but the end of the old Covenant.  

Those prophets understood that there was someone greater coming but did not exactly know Who, or How, even with the Words they spoke, The new covenant made available to all at Jesus's death on the Cross.       I am of the new covenant, and I am hidden with Christ in God....Col.3


people are always most of the time anyway critical of CHristians or for that matter anyone.   The look and judge by the persons character and ways, if they don't suit their way they will have something to say, which is wrong.   They use what they think that person should be, how they should act.  We see that is this Scripture of how the Pharisees looked upon John and Jesus, actually to discredit their mission.


Q1. John was one of the greatest and the last prophet of the Old Testament. He was the herald telling the people that the Messiah was about to come. He was the watershed between the era of law that gave way to the era of grace.

John and many of the Old Testament prophets had an inkling about the era of grace and the Kingdom of God they say it in a mist, but knew something wonderful was coming. They had a sprinkling of the Holy Spirit from time to time. 
Those of us who accept Jesus as our Saviour and give our lives to Him have the Holy Spirit living in us because of what Jesus did while here on earth during His public ministry He brought in the new era. He fulfilled and completed the law when He died on the cross for our sins. So although John was one of the greatest of men in the Old Covenant  he is one of the least in the New Covenant.

Q2. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law refused to be baptised by John because of their pride, they knew the law they were not going to humble themselves to be baptised! Because of this they missed out on God’s purpose for them. They refused to see John for who he was or Jesus either they thought they had all the answers . Because they expected the Messiah to be different there was no place in their hearts for being open minded. They had hardened their hearts towards both John and Jesus. They said untrue and bitter things about them putting their own twists on them. The acted the very opposite to the was men of learning and teaching should act. Because of this they were totally loosing out on all the purposes God had for them. We must learn from this to be open to what God may put in our hearts. It may be something you may never have considered but it needs to be explored and prayed about. We also must please God rather than man. If we look to people for our affirmation in life we will be disappointed because people are fickle and usually have an agenda of their own at work. With God as our leader and guide we will be in safe hands. Sometimes it may be difficult to walk away from pleasing people but ultimately it is the right thing to do and we will eventually reap the rewards.

Q3.Unfortunately I know many people who have “rejected God’s purpose for himself “. I don’t need to go further than my own family! My husband has never accepted Jesus. My three children did make a commitment years ago but walked away from it. I have three grandchildren one of whom we brought up, but who is not walking with the Lord. The other two have not had any exposure to Christian teaching and have no interest. I have tried in many ways over the years but have always come up against brick walls. Their hearts are hard towards the Lord. Some are more resistant than others. Now I pray for them daily and have put them into the Lords hands. My husband just cannot get past suffering and pain in the world , I have given him various books on this subject but he is not convinced. 
My children have great abilities and skills which I feel could be used by the Lord in wonderful ways. It is so sad. God is faithful and He may allow it to happen yet. Genesis 18v25. Will not the Judge of all the earth do right! 

  • 1 month later...


Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons?

John and Jesus were alike and yet so different in their  approach. Both touched people deeply. Those that were prepared for the change and accepted their msg, accepted both of them but those that were touched and refused change of heart they saw everything that both Jesus and John said and did, to be wrong and were then very critical about them. 

What are we learn from this?

Don't listen to gossip. 

Know that if your lifestyle is different you can expect people to take offense, and will very likely experience rejection. 


1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.)

Jesus is saying that in the old covenant period John was the greatest. But everyone who is part of the new covenant era is greater than John. He had the highest praise possible for John as no person has had a greater privilege in preparing the path for the Messiah. No person can match his importance to this world. He had done everything expected of him. He had clearly announced the arrival of the Messiah, directing the people's attention to that Great One: “Look, the Lamb of God who is taking away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). He had emphasized the necessity of conversion (including repentance) as the only way for the sinner to enter the Messiah's kingdom (Luke 1:76-77). He had humbly receded to the background when the One had fully arrived, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30). However, John was merely “preparing the way,” while the least important believer in this-world terms (that’s me/us) is greater because we get to experience the kingdom reality directly. We have a clearer knowledge of the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection. John would die before Jesus would be crucified and rise again to inaugurate His Kingdom. Because we witness the Kingdom’s reality, we as Jesus’ followers have the privilege and place greater than John’s. Jesus was not contrasting the man John with individual Christians; He was contrasting life before Christ with life in the fullness of Christ’s Kingdom. In other words, it is better to live in this age of fulfillment than to be the one inaugurating (but not experiencing) the kingdom of God itself.


2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus - and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this?

The people, especially the Pharisees, experts in the law, and religious leaders were so critical of John the Baptist because he didn’t drink wine and he often fasted. Because he was so different, they assumed that he was demon possessed. By contrast, Jesus would feast and drink. But that did not satisfy the Jews either. They simply labelled Him as a glutton and a drunkard who hung out with the lowest sort of people. Neither John’s asceticism nor Jesus’ enjoyment of life could please the stubborn people who chose not to believe, and to refuse to listen to either John or Jesus, no matter what was offered. They weren't troubled by their inconsistency toward John and Jesus; rather they were good at justifying their own so-called wisdom. What we learn from this is that the faithful lives and witness of Jesus’ disciples, are placed in contrast to those who have accepted the lies of the Pharisees and scribes, and joined them in rejecting John and Jesus. The irony is that it is the very outcast disciples of Christ and the despised tax collectors and sinners who are the wise while the religious elite, the leaders of Israel, are the fools. The world will always find fault with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and we will never change their mind. We must be content to walk in Jesus’ steps and let the world say what it likes. We must give up the idea of trying to please everyone. Whatever we do, we will never silence their ill-natured remarks.


3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think?

Yes, I have come across a few in my life. And I’ve learnt to handle them with care, and have an overdose of patience. You have to chip-away at their false belief, error of judgment, or lack of discernment. Never to confront them or come across as a Mr-know-all, and most importantly never ever get into an argument with them. We have to approach them with love and humility. However, we will find that most people have compelling reasons to do or believe whatever suits their purposes. I would think to find the right balance depends on the individual one is trying to convince. We have to help them examine their ideas in the light of God’s truth, being careful not to become self-serving as the Pharisees. Without the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit it might be an impossible task. Remembering that it is the divine wisdom that has brought the new covenant era, and made possible the new age of the Sprit and of God’s plan of salvation in Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...

1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.)

I am a privileged son of the Most High God by grace through the finished work of salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross.

2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this?

Both Jesus declared truth that is contrary to what the people wanted to hear.

3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"?

Yes. I think all my friends, neighbours and colleagues who are followers of other religions that do not accept the Lord Jesus as their Lord and Saviour fit this category

What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late.

Preach salvation to them. So help me Lord God

What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think?

  • 2 months later...

Bailey Greetings 6/29/21  Happy Birthday to Me

1.  In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater that John the Baptist's?  That is a hard question, as disciples, we are still crying out in the night, preparing the way for the Lord. Making a way in the desert a highway for our God.  Times are even harder, faced with opposition on every side. We must grow in wisdom and spiritual insight, seek favor with God, and people.  We must make ready a people for the Lord Isaiah 40: 3-5 .  We must believe with perfect faith like john when spread the good news.  We must remain humble, walk with love, show love and love your neighnor..  Remember He Jesus did not come down from the cross to save himself, but he died to save you and me.  When minister  to a very tough crowd and your words have to mean it.  So if they knock you down, if you can look up, then you can get up in the mighty name of Jesus'.


In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.)


Maybe the reason that my position in the Kingdom if greater than John the Baptist’s is that I have all kinds of resources to study Jesus and we might know more about him  then John did because all he had was the old testament.


Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this?


The people were so critical of John and Jesus because they didn’t understand them. We can learn that we need to study the bible to get to know them.


Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think?


We can bring the Word to them but we have got to remember that we are the planters or the waters and Jesus is the one that makes them grow.


The people especially the pharisees and their religious leaders were stuck up in the law and their traditions and so were critical of John the Baptist and Jesus. John's ascetic ways and his preference of locust and wild honey to the traditional bread and wine and regular fasting was something way out of the ordinary for the people.

Jesus on the contrary socialised with sinners and tax collectors, enjoying meals and drink with them even in their homes. This earned him criticism and was called a glutton and a drunkard. Neither John nor Jesus way of life pleased the people. They were skeptical and hardened their hearts and so rejected the good news about God's Kingdom and God's purpose and plans for their lives.

What we can learn from this is to accept the fact that people will always criticise us, but we should never be moved by it. We should stand firm no matter what, never to compromise the things of God, never to please people but rather seek God earnestly so we do not miss His purpose for our lives.

On 6/28/2021 at 10:24 PM, Bailey said:

Bailey Greetings 6/29/21  Happy Birthday to Me

1.  In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater that John the Baptist's?  That is a hard question, as disciples, we are still crying out in the night, preparing the way for the Lord. Making a way in the desert a highway for our God.  Times are even harder, faced with opposition on every side. We must grow in wisdom and spiritual insight, seek favor with God, and people.  We must make ready a people for the Lord Isaiah 40: 3-5 .  We must believe with perfect faith like john when spread the good news.  We must remain humble, walk with love, show love and love your neighnor..  Remember He Jesus did not come down from the cross to save himself, but he died to save you and me.  When minister  to a very tough crowd and your words have to mean it.  So if they knock you down, if you can look up, then you can get up in the mighty name of Jesus'.

Happy Belated Birthday, Bailey!

  • 3 months later...

1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) 

In truth l am like one of the prophets in the Bible where I am pro pursuing what the Lord is saying to me about a nation.
2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this?

John was very blunt but also lived out the whole purpose of his purpose of his life through being a doc.

3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"?

yes many however I don't know they are really ready for it?

What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late.

My walk with the Lord

What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think?

Not following the Holy Spirit's urging to call or pray for someone taking on more than you can handle

  • 1 year later...

In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) My position is greater because I am an adopted child while John the Baptist is only a prophet proclaiming Him and baptizing others. He will be in heaven but not as a regular member. He will be grandfathered in.

Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this? People were critical of John because of the clothes he wore and what he ate. And that he would not dance or be joyful. Jesus was criticized because He went to eat with publicans and tax collectors and sinners. They also called Him a glutton and a drunkard. That we cannot please everyone. People will always be critical about something or other.And that people will always misunderstand people of faith.

Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think? I can think of people who were prominent as authors or singers and who turned around and left the faith totally. I cannot think of anyone personally who rejected God's purpose for them.


  • 4 months later...
  1. In what ways is your position in the Kingdom greater than John the Baptist's? (A hard question, but at the root of today's lesson.) I though stumbling and bumbling as I am. I know that I Am. Yes! That I Am is my Father who is in heaven. By the holy spirit I have been given I may learn to know him as Abba (greek for daddy). I may seek Him as a beloved child, with a first born brother seated at His right hand making intercession… read that editing, proof reading, correcting my prayers into perfection for me, always, ever! OH sll ye saint's praise God!
  2. Why were people so critical of John and Jesus -- and for opposite reasons? What are we learn from this? So many people want their self verified important. Their self perception of importance. Repent, cry, humble yourself is far beneith them they think. They fail to see the God selected have been public rejects. Abram, Isaac, Jacob, Moses Gideon on and on. Throw away people of humility. John said ‘You repent for your sins snd be washed clean by baptism’ Jesus said ‘what is easier, to say rise up and walk, or hour sins are forgiven you. Already done no sacrifice to buy..” 
  3. Do you know anyone who has "rejected God's purpose for himself"? What can you do to influence him or her for Christ before it's too late. What is doing too little? What is doing too much? Where is the right balance, do you think? So many have heard the word and then once so enlightened missed the warning and like me, became entangled in worldly pursuits, time wasting, non god serving activities. What to do, pray for them. Prophecy that the life come back into the dead bones. Pray the holy spirit and the Lord act on their behalf. Intrusive is too much, Nothing or no serious prayer on their behalf is too little. Failing to get from praying, petitioning, into praising and thanking God for the positive outcome.   That is balance. When you know you know you can trust that God loves them more than you ever can. And He never changes nor goes back on His word.   

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