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Q1. (2 Peter 1:1) What does "received a faith as precious as ours" mean in this verse?

All believers have been given the gift of faith from God. The faith given is as valuable as that given the apostles.

How does our faith compare to St. Peter's faith?

Since faith is God given and since God gives exactly the correct portion needed for each individual, it makes no sense to compare one's faith with another's as long as each is using the faith given. We each have enough to fulfill the purpose God has for us.

Is our faith equal to his? Why or why not? How do you explain the discrepancy?

When looked at as saving or persevering faith, there is no discrepancy. However, it seems that faith is also looked at as the amount necessary to steward the particular gift God has given a believer. I believe the latter is what Romans 12:3 and 1 Corinthians 12:7-11 are talking about. Regardless, we all need to view the faith we have been given as qualitatively equal and make the most of it.

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Faith is alike percious in the christians and in thae apostle, it produces the same percious effecte in one and the other.we should hvae the faith as peter because we received tha same promise. With our knowledge of God our faith should just

as peter was cvec though he walked with Christ, we to must walk by faith and not by sight.


The faith, the belief , the hope we have in Jesus is the same. There is only one faith that saves and it is prescious (valuable, of worth, esteemed) to all who have received it. Our faith is equal to Peter's as God gives us each a measure of faith. We are responsible for exercising our faith through our live experiences and choices here on earth. I may not exercise my faith in a like manner to Peter, but I have the faith to exercise my faith equally as Peter. I have come to understand as our church is studying faith that God is the author and finisher of my faith. Without faith it is impossible to please Him and because I desire to please Him, He gives me the opportunity to exercise or put my faith into action. Truly, faith without works is dead.


The comments made here have been very good and I only add mine as an exercise which in itself answers the question in a small manner. Two verses come to mind and please forgive me for the very rough memory. One is the question of who will love more which was answered the one who is forgiven more and the other is of faith being the hope of things not yet seen. My sins no matter how small I might like to view them were taken on by Christ and he would have died for them if they were the only sins. My gain is the same gain if I come to the field early or late and my damnation would be no smaller had I not come to the field or if I had come with less of a burden to be removed. As I face each day Satan choses to attack me because I am loved by God and forgiven by God and each day I seek new forgiveness as I forget how much I am loved and as I chose through my own lack of grabbing hold of that preciousness in the chain of events that are layed before me.



Q1. (2 Peter 1:1) What does "received a faith as precious as ours" mean in this verse? How does our faith compare to St. Peter's faith? Is our faith equal to his? Why or why not? How do you explain the discrepancy?

When we "receive" something, we do not contribute to it. Our faith is not our own doing, nor was it St. Peter's. God gives us this precious faith--something that means everything to us--if we have truly accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Is our faith equal to Peter's? Of course. It may differ in accord to the person God has made of us, but since God is the author, it must be equal. Perhaps different but equal.

I cannot see any discrepancy. If we try to say we are able to have faith in our own ability, then there sure is discrepancy! For, we in ourselves cannot truly "work up" faith! If we try, we will fail. No, as Peter says, we "receive" it--as a gift from our loving Father. :D


Q1. (2 Peter 1:1) What does "received a faith as precious as ours" mean in this verse? How does our faith compare to St. Peter's faith? Is our faith equal to his? Why or why not? How do you explain the discrepancy?

I do not think that there are different kind of faith. All of us have the same faith i.e. faith in Christ for our salvation and redemption. Perhaps if any, there may be some differences in our level of faith as to what we think faith in Christ can accomplish for each of us such as in trust level for financial security, healings and understanding in some of the teachings in the bible. Now, if Ralph meant faith to be faith then I cannot see and discrepancy because we all share the same faith in Christ. But, if the question meant, the level of faith each has, then I would say, rather than making comparision, it would be more edifying if we all seek to understand the word of God and how it applies to us at our present level of understanding. I am excited to explore this book further as it contain many truth on how we can develop that deeper level of faith - Shalom


Everyone's faith is equal with same value, likeness. We have the same faith as St. Peter, but may find we do not use it appropriatly. We may not depend on the Lord for every action we take as St. Peter did, and our faith is not as mature, for this reason.

So the more you depend on the Lord,

the stronger your faith,

and the more righteousness you become.



Our FAITH is precious to us because we are truely the only one that can know and measure our own faith...

Depending on how we experience God's wonderful grace in our lives is illustrated by our total dependence on His Love and grace that we show others by our simply child like Faith. That illustrates how in our own day to day life we totaly depend on Jesus our Saviour and Lord.


Peter is saying to his readers that they have same faith that has been precious to him and it is equal in honour and value. Also, it not limit just to the saints of God such as himself.

This faith in the eyes of God is equal in value to Peters and God does not make any distinction.

Therefore, our faith can be the same as Peters if put the same effort as the apostle Peter in developing and growing in our walk with Chirist.

However, this can be stiffled when we allow ourselves to be influenced by false teachings and stagnancy and shortsightedness in our spiritual development.

As I see it, Peter is saying that through the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ we have received a faith that is precious, but that faith will only remain precious when we continue to grow in the knowledge of God through His Son Jesus who by faith provided this precious prevelege. to all believers.


As part of the "greeting" of the letter, Peter is addressing those to whom he writes as having received a faith equal to his own. Peter is not holding himself above those with whom he shares this precious faith. We all receive a "measure of faith" upon our acceptance of Christ. Even though it may be a popular concept that we "grow in faith" I believe that to be a misnomer. We grow in the knowledge of Christ, but I believe faith is faith, just as I believe a person is either lost or saved, period. You either have faith or you don't.


When I read like precious Faith I think of the same faith that each of us as believers have. The same sacrifice was made for all and we all recieved the same faith it is precious because God gave His only begotten Son as a sacrifice for us. Jesus is Our Precious Gift from God so when we recieve Him as our Lord & Savoir we recieve A Precious Gift from God, Jesus & Faith for you must believe that He is that takes Faith that comes from the God.


I don't see a discrepency in the text, perhaps in the various interpretations of the text there are discrepencies, but even so, I'd say it's a matter of a variety of perspectives and life experiences.

It seems that the first question is, was Peter writing a letter for a specific time and place, or for the ages. I believe it was the first and that the church saw and valued his letter as ageless. I also believe that he was wrestling with the seeming delay of his Lord's return. If this is the case, he seems to be advancing the argument that all people in the Roman empire are in the same situation, regardless of how close they were historically to Jesus during his time among us on earth.

Secondly, the faith is the Lord's to give and therefore equally precious because of the One who gives the gift. Thirdly, this gift is individually crafted for the believer, for each one of us is unique and precious in His sight.

Thanks to all who make this site a reality. I enjoy being part of this virtual community. I belong to a real congregation that is great for me and my family. This virtual one allows me to think and type and read the thoughts of others and receive feedback as well. This doesn't always happen in the busy-ness of the local congregation.

In Christ Jesus,



I don't see a discrepency in the text, perhaps in the various interpretations of the text there are discrepencies, but even so, I'd say it's a matter of a variety of perspectives and life experiences.

It seems that the first question is, was Peter writing a letter for a specific time and place, or for the ages. I believe it was the first and that the church saw and valued his letter as ageless. I also believe that he was wrestling with the seeming delay of his Lord's return. If this is the case, he seems to be advancing the argument that all people in the Roman empire are in the same situation, regardless of how close they were historically to Jesus during his time among us on earth.

Secondly, the faith is the Lord's to give and therefore equally precious because of the One who gives the gift. Thirdly, this gift is individually crafted for the believer, for each one of us is unique and precious in His sight.

Thanks to all who make this site a reality. I enjoy being part of this virtual community. I belong to a real congregation that is great for me and my family. This virtual one allows me to think and type and read the thoughts of others and receive feedback as well. This doesn't always happen in the busy-ness of the local congregation.

In Christ Jesus,



The faith we receive and that Peter received is the same. We both received it. It was the righteousness of Jesus Christ that gives it value. v.3 says that it is through His divine power that is doing the giving. It isn't something that WE have conjured up for us to boast in.


Truly God has granted us all the same gifts. It is our pursuit of these gifts that causes differences. Do any of us have the dedication that Peter did to dedicate our life in the following of God's instruction. We tend to busy our life with unimportant things. In this sinful endeavor we block the pure grace and gifts of our Father.


Peter had a lot of faith and ours is as precious as his. It is equal to his and has the same value. Since God gave us the gift of faith we just have to use it. All we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to accomplish much but most people don't even use that much of their gift of faith. If it appears that Peter or anyone else has more faith then us maybe its because we aren't exercising or using our faith to its full measure.


"Received a faith as precious as ours" means that the faith is something given by God, and is the very same faith as that given to the first appostles, with the very same potential for development.

Our faith compares in seed as equal with Peter's faith. It must go through similar processes in order to become as powerful as his was: this involves trial by fire, probably on various occasions. In this sense we may not have developed our faith to the same extent that Peter did, and may therefore seem lesser in quality and quantity.

Every person's journey is unique, and in a sense incomparable with others. The discrepancy could be due to

1. The unique character of each person's journey.

2. The stage to which the initial seed of faith has been allowed to develop.

3. Each person has different but special giftings, so the development of their faith will have different outcomes, and therefore cannot be compared with the faith of others. Not all are called to be apostles. Other giftings may seem to be the result of lesser faith. Other giftings may be the result of lesser faith!


If my faith in Christ is personal saving faith then my faith is as precious to me as Peters was to him. My faith is equal to his because of the only thing that saves him or me, the blood of Jesus and our repentence and faith in that blood to pay the penalty for our sins and that faith is granted to all believers by God. It is not of us but God lest any man should boast. Therefore in that it is equal.

My growth in that faith may be different depending on how much I feed and excercise that faith.

God Bless!



I believe that "received a faith as precious as ours" means that Peter could tell that these Gentile believers had received Jesus Christ just as he and those that he was with had done. They had believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and were saved. They were brethren. Romans 10:8-12

Our faith today is the same as Peter's is. We are brethren. Our faith is equal to his because our faith and his faith is in Jesus Christ. Without faith it is impossible to please Him. (God) There may be different gifts but all have the same gift which is the Holy Spirit.

Peter had a leadership roll in the early church and that was why he was called an apostle. He was an eyewitness to the actual events of salvation. All of us are disciples of Christ but not all of us are leaders. No discrepancy. We are all saints (believers) and there is no difference in our faith. People get faith confused with sanctification and that's a whole different catagory. IMHO

Just my thoughts,

from PA


"Received a faith as precious as ours" in this verse means there are no second-class citizens in the household of faith. A truth Paul points out in Ephesians 2:11-22 and a lesson Peter momentarily forgot but was reminded by Paul in Galations 2:11-21. The gospel knows no second-class citizens in the kingdom of God. This is because salvation is by grace and not works. All men stand equal before God, because it is His righteousness in Christ which saves us and not our own righteousness. I believe we share the same faith as Peter. We are all deficient and corrupt, but through the Gospel God has made a provision for us in Christ. We all need the Gospel just as much as the next person and that hasn't changed. Things may have been different in Peters' day but we are no less threatened today. We are constantly attacked by Satan and he would lead us to death just as certainly as Peter. The world today is just as dangerous or more so than in Peters' day. We are surrounded with opportunities to kill ourselves physically and mentally with drugs, alcohol, sex, etc. and Satan would love to lead us to death. I personally don't think we are in a comfortable place away from harm, but I believe God is protecting us, and I think that's what Peter believed, and is telling us. Stay in the Word, have faith, make Christ central in your life.


Hello all!! My feelings on this verse is that Peter's faith came straight from the source, Jesus Christ. He knew how precious this faith in Jesus Christ was and is. Anyone who hears God's word and the teachings of Jesus Christ would falll into the group spoken of where it says, "to those who...have received a faith as precious as ours. In addition, I believe this particular group, not only heard, but also believed. In other words, they received the faith and kept it. Peter's faith isn't just a faith that he heard about and passed it by. He grasped onto it and shared it for the rest of his days. :)


Faith- what a word- Faith in God - Live by Faith

I would think that any chirstian who has had to over come medical problems, church problems, building a church building and others, any still remains in Him do in fact have real Faith in God. I recall in 1 John 5 that Gods promise is that if we remain in Him , he will remain in us. All we need to do is thank God for the victories and ask Him for the faith to claim the victories


1. Jesus bore the sin of all mankind. It was through the righteousness of God that the Just would die for the unjust so that He might bring us into fellowship with Him. It was a complete and open act of boundless love. Peter didn't receive a "special" faith or one that was somehow more elevated than any other person. He had to believe that Jesus died for his sins in order to enter into the grace of God wherein he stood. What precious faith that a sinner can be washed and received into sonship! From the lowest to the highest He bids us come.

2. How do we compare faith to faith? The faith I have is the same substance and evidences the same results as did Peter's. This is his reason for rejoicing that we also have received like precious faith as him. God does not change He does not weary of His many children and He loves each of us to the same degree as he loves His Son. Jesus returned into the bosom of the Father where He said He went to prepare a place for us in Him. Jn 1:18

3. Definitely our faith is equal to his.

4. It is the same substance. God knows us and loves and pities us as a father his children. His heart yearns for us and desires that we be given the kingdom and be one with Him and Christ. There is nothing that He withholds from us. The quality of our faith is the same. One might say well Peter had more faith than me. Jesus said that if you have faith as a grain of mustard we can remove mountains. God knows what we are capable of and what we need for the path He has laid out for us.

5. Discrepancy in quantity? In the utilization of what God gave Him? Peter had a unique calling such that his name is found upon the foundation of wall of the holy city. Rev 21:14 If there is a discrepancy it would lie in the mandate that is laid on us according to our need and ability.


I believe Peter is talking to a group of people who have accepted (believed in their heart and confessed with their mouth) Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Peter is indicating in this verse that those who have decided to follow Jesus have received an element that will help them through this walk, which is faith. Peter seems to let his readers know that the faith they received is the same as the faith he has. It simply means to me that Jesus is the same to all. What he does for one, he will certainly do for another. As a believer, especially today, we must hold on to the faith that is provided through Christ Jesus. When comparing faith, I agree that we all are given the measure of it. However, it is up to us to nurture it and develop it further. I believe faith grows. We mature in this walk. WE all enter as babes, but we must grow and become the disciples and ambassadors that God desires of us. Is our faith equal to Peters? Certainly depends on how you view the previous question. Currently, we all may not be on the same faith level, but it surely isn't impossible. We need to cultivate this faith-walk and move forward to the level of faith that Peter and others have.

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