Pastor Ralph Posted August 19, 2020 Report Posted August 19, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
Katy Posted April 7, 2021 Report Posted April 7, 2021 Q1. I have always understood that the lighted lamp represented the word of God present in a person. When we learn about Jesus and understand all that He has done for us and ask Him to be part of our lives, we are like a lamp alight with the presence of God dwelling within us. When this happens we must share this good news with those we come into contact with, we must stand up for Jesus when we are in company, that maybe say something not accurate or maybe something derogatory about Jesus. We are not to hide our light under a bushel. We must speak up and there by put our light on a stand to give light to all around us. Q2.I think this is like “nailing our colours to the mast”. In whatever situation we are in eg. A new job, a new circle of acquaintances, etc, we should ASAP be open about being a Christian. This will help us to be able to say “no” to any situation that may arise which would be contrary to what we believe in. We must also take every opportunity to develop friendships with unbelievers in the hope of leading them to Christ. We must share the good news we have with those around us, and not keep it to ourselves. Q3.I find this hard to answer, in my experience someone who thinks they know all there is to know about being ‘right’ with God , very often are not interested in hearing anything different. They have the answer. They are 100% sure they are right, and do not want to engage in conversation about it. I have a couple of people in mind , and after many attempts of approaching the subject in different ways, and failing to make any headway I am bringing them to the Lord in prayer. A key message of this verse is the need to obey .It is pointless hearing the word of God unless I obey what I hear. Q4.This was a difficult thing for the disciples to hear Jesus say about His Mother and brothers. Jesus was emphasising the importance of hearing and really listening to what God is saying in His word , and then going and putting it in to practise! We must never walk away and not think, meditate and then obey all we have heard. Obedience may have a cost but that is part of being a follower of Jesus. By our obedience we show the caliber of Christian we are or are not! Q5. Hearing, listening, meditating, obedience! Quote
hanks Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 1. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. The New Testament uses the image of light in a few different ways. When referring to a disciple: “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14; 1 Thess 5:5). As believers we are to reflect His light and shine in this world of darkness. When referring to Jesus: Jesus Himself said: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness” (John 8:12; John 1:4; John 1:9). His life brings light to humankind, helping us to see the world, and our condition clearly – overcoming the darkness of evil. When referring to The Message: “Your Word is a lamp unto my feet” (Psalm 119:105; Isa 9:2). The Word is the light that shows us the way ahead so that by hearing/listening we don't stumble as we walk. We see that this parable is a logical extension of the Parable of Soils, and the emphasis here is again on hearing or listening, “pay attention to how you listen!” (v 8:18). Remember also, the soil is the human heart, and the result of the hearing of the Word is dependent on the condition of the hearer’s heart. At the same time Jesus Himself gives us the meaning of the parable, "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the Word of God” (Luke 8:11). These seeds (The Word of God) that fall on good ground are the people who listen to the message, understand it, develop true Christian character, persevere, and produce fruit for God (Luke 8:15). In the same way, one does not light a lamp in order to hide it, so also a person is not given “the secrets of the kingdom of God” (Luke 8:10) in order to keep them secret. This helps me identify the lighted lamp as The Message, the gospel, The Word of God. Quote
hanks Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 2. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? Once we have received and understood God’s Word, we have a duty to let our light shine for the Lord. For this to happen we need to be well placed, spreading the truth, and at the same time seeking opportunities for others to hear and understand God’s Word. Just as we don’t light a lamp in order to hide it, so also we are not given the “secrets of the kingdom of God” in order to keep them secret. I think the world today is more in need of the saving grace of the Word than ever before. Recently, I read a news article about the hundreds of churches that are closing and being sold throughout Western Europe. Darkness is spreading and gaining momentum! If ever there was a need for the light of the Word to be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden, it would be now! Quote
hanks Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 3. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? Pay attention to how you listen! (8:18a). Throughout Scripture we are told to pay close attention to how we listen. Some people hardly listen at all, others listen to be entertained, and others to find fault, but the true believer listens to obtain wisdom and to put it to good use. So, we find that disciples listen with a mind eager to understand and ready to believe and obey, while the rest of the people only hear with little interest, or out of curiosity, or even in stubborn opposition. If we are faithful in sharing the truth with others, God will reveal new and deeper truths to us. If, on the other hand, we do not have this spirit of evangelistic zeal, God will deprive us of the truth we think we possess. In other words, to the former more knowledge would be granted; the latter would be deprived of what knowledge they seemed to have. They don’t get it! What we don't use, we lose. Yes there is hope for all believers as long as they realise that applying God’s Word helps them grow spiritually. Our Lord Jesus is emphasizing the importance of what believers do with His teachings. We should let our light shine by living and spreading the truth for all to see. Quote
hanks Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 4. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of His family as He seems to in 8:21? I don’t think Jesus was speaking disrespectfully about His family. It is more about Him obeying the will of His heavenly Father. The Son of man must do the work which the Father gave Him to do (John 17:4), and no interference can be tolerated. The answer of the Lord was that real relationship with Him does not depend on natural ties, but on obedience to the Word of God. Jesus' true family is comprised of all those who not only listen to the Word of God but who also actually obey it, these are His mother and brothers. All who have taken to heart the messages of Jesus, belong to the spiritual family, a family far more important than any merely physical family could ever hope to be. Jesus assures us here that to be in the kingdom is to become a part of His family. He says that His earthly mother and blood brothers are not His only relatives, but that whoever has heard the Word of God and does it will enter His kingdom. These are His mother and brothers. So, learn to listen. Be careful how you listen. Most of all, listen to the Holy Spirit. You and I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. Don't listen to your doubts; don't listen to your fears. Listen to the Holy Spirit who points the way to the King, and take your place as part of the family of God. Quote
hanks Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 5. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? Pay close attention to how you listen/hear (8:18). This would be my single theme, and I think it is very applicable to the passage under consideration. It is a message sent from God, directed to everyone that hears it, and as such should be heard and listened to with close attention. It is personal message sent on a one-to-one basis and should be heard by that person. It is a blessing to have an opportunity to hear the Word.. It is a greater blessing to have a hunger to hear the Word and embrace it. It is the greatest blessing of all to hear the Word and be conformed to the likeness of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It expresses the thoughts of God and speaks about the most solemn and important doctrines in life. It should be heard with prayer, as the Holy Spirit alone can unfold and apply it to our heart. It should be gratefully and faithfully heard, believed and accepted, knowing that it is the absolute truth. It should be heard and compared with God's written Word; for many false teachers have gone out into the world. There are many thoughtless hearers who hear the Word but do not understand. There are many shallow hearers whom the devil amuses while they think they are listening to the voice of God. There are many prayerless hearers, on whom the Word falls as good seed upon a barren rock! There are many unbelieving hearers who have no faith and consequently the Word has no meaning. There are many who hear for others, but not for themselves - forgetting that it is God's message to them! Pay close attention to how you hear for you will be held accountable for the use you make of the Word. God will demand an answer for the use or abuse of it – He is a jealous God and will avenge His injured grace. Blessed are believers who hear the Word of God, who keep it, who hide it in their hearts, who memorise it, who embrace it with love, who obey it in their lives. For they have a lamp to enlighten their darkness, a map to mark out their road, plenty of nourishment for their soul, and the promise of eternal life. Quote
Irmela Posted April 28, 2021 Report Posted April 28, 2021 1. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. From the context of the passage (verses 4-21) , (although part seems to be spoken outside and part inside) the lighted lamp is the Word which has been opened up. It is no longer not to be understood but is open for all to see and hear about and understand. Ps 119v105 aptly puts it ... Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. Both a LAMP and a LIGHT 2. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? If it is hidden it is not good for all, whereas if it is placed on a lampstand it is good for all who are prepared to use its 'goodness', its 'help', its 'guidance' etc. So the Gospel is available as the Lamp and Light for all. Up to the individual to use it. 3. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? Answer by previous person is very well put. 4. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? I think if you read that verse properly his family is included in His answer. If they were not following Him then it was a wake up call to search their lives and become part of His spiritual family also. 5. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? Be hearers and doers of the Word. Quote
haar Posted May 31, 2021 Report Posted May 31, 2021 1. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. The lighted lamp represents the Word of God or the message. It also represent Jesus. In John 1:1 Jesus is described as the Word that was with God at beginning. 2. Why must the lamp be placed on a lamp stand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? To be visible and audible. The Word of God needs to be proclaimed loud and clear for people to hear and obey and not be hidden. 3. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? There is hope only if the will make effort to really listen and hear the Word clearly and obey It. 4. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? He did not mean disrespect to His household. He wanted to draw the attention of the disciples and other on the significance of hearing and doing/ obeying the word. 5. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? Effective Hearing the Word of God and obeying It. Quote
Bailey Posted July 31, 2021 Report Posted July 31, 2021 Bailey greetings 7/31/21 The theme of Luke 8:1-21 The true following of Jesus Christs word is to let your light sign as one who is not afraid of the gospel of the word of God. In this day of so many "so call preachers", people of hearing false teachings from dead ministers, I have said this before, people want to be feed and see what is it that stirs the spirit about this man named Jesus'. What is going to give me the glory if I can't see the true light of the Lord. I don't want to see you at the bar, then preach to me, is this your light? Show me the way to Jesus through your lamp light. Through this light, I have been set free, I am no longer blind, God's been good to me. I hope my light shines so bright with delivering his word, that I light up a stadium. Saints, please keep my Denzel (my dog) in your prayers, He just started having seizures in the past month, My vet said she doesn't treat these conditions and I would have to travel to another city for treatment and care, I don't have a car and can't afford his treatment. I have been praying for a healing for him. Please join me. Thank you for your time and prayers. Pat Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 3, 2021 Report Posted August 3, 2021 What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. A. I think that it was the Message because of the context of where it was introduced. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? A. The lamp must be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden so that it will be useful for all in that place. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? A. There is always hope for those who think they are Christian, but don’t get it. I think it is saying that if you don’t put into practice what you have heard you are deceiving yourself. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? A. I think that Jesus was making a point and He wanted it to stick with them that they must put into practice what they had heard. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? A. You must try to convince the people around you that Christ is the only way. Quote
kreilly Posted August 13, 2021 Report Posted August 13, 2021 On 7/31/2021 at 6:50 PM, Bailey said: Bailey greetings 7/31/21 The theme of Luke 8:1-21 The true following of Jesus Christs word is to let your light sign as one who is not afraid of the gospel of the word of God. In this day of so many "so call preachers", people of hearing false teachings from dead ministers, I have said this before, people want to be feed and see what is it that stirs the spirit about this man named Jesus'. What is going to give me the glory if I can't see the true light of the Lord. I don't want to see you at the bar, then preach to me, is this your light? Show me the way to Jesus through your lamp light. Through this light, I have been set free, I am no longer blind, God's been good to me. I hope my light shines so bright with delivering his word, that I light up a stadium. Saints, please keep my Denzel (my dog) in your prayers, He just started having seizures in the past month, My vet said she doesn't treat these conditions and I would have to travel to another city for treatment and care, I don't have a car and can't afford his treatment. I have been praying for a healing for him. Please join me. Thank you for your time and prayers. Pat I will pray for Denzel's healing. I know he means a lot to you. Kirsten Quote
Godswriter Posted November 22, 2021 Report Posted November 22, 2021 Q. What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? Tell why you identify it in the way you do. A. I believe that the lighted lamp actually refers to the Lord Himself; because the Lord is called the Light of the world. He's the only one who can reveal a person's sins. Q. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? A. In order to light the way for everyone who is in the house. That we need to be the ones who share the light and love of the Lord. Q. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? A. I believe that there is when they realize how much they truly need to depend upon the Lord. Q. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? A. I believe He spoke that way in order to make an important point that only those who trust in the Lord and choose to obey Him. Q. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? A. Our faith is what we must be willing to share with others. Quote
George L Posted July 16, 2023 Report Posted July 16, 2023 What or whom does the lighted lamp represent in 8:16? A disciple? Jesus? The Message? I identify the message as directed to all who claim salvation. Tell why you identify it in the way you do. John 1:1-5 Jesus is the word and the word is the light for mankind. Rev 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. It is our testimony of what Jesus has done for us and the power of the Good News in the bible that wins souls. Why must the lamp be placed on a lampstand rather than hidden? What does this mean in the twenty-first century? A hidden lamp is a total loss of use of its purpose. Unless you are with Joshua at Jericho. We are not to hide the gifts we have been given. We are to bring grace to the poor, weak, downtrodden. In view of 8:18, is there any hope for people who think they are Christians, but don't really "get it"? Only if the come to their senses and begin to reciprocate the Lord’s love with obedience to perform His will, finishing His work on earth. Why would Jesus speak so disrespectfully of his family as he seems to in 8:21? When you walk in your office you are fully in that role. It has responsibilities, and requirements. You are about your assignment. Family is not a part of work, it has it’s own protocol. Perhaps Jesus is pointing out that the apostles are paying more attention to the crowd than the teaching. If you must state a single theme of Luke 8:1-21, what would it be? The importance of setting self aside.. Mar 8:34 And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. We are to be about the masters business first as guided by the holy spirit who will see that our life is balanced, family, work, and living on earth realities handled in order, and opportunities to minister the great grace of the gospel are not missed. Quote
George L Posted July 16, 2023 Report Posted July 16, 2023 An interesting phrase Luke 1:2 2 according to the thing which they delivered unto us, those who previously {lit. from before} were khazaye {eyewitnesses}, and His own Mashamshane {Ministers} of The Miltha {The Word}; Quote
Ludmila Kosenko Posted March 18, 2024 Report Posted March 18, 2024 Want to share: Something else to consider from God's Word related to the subject of light... 2 Corinthians 4:4 The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. 1 John 2:11 But anyone who hates a brother or sister is in the darkness and walks around in the darkness. They do not know where they are going, because the darkness has blinded them. Quote
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