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It is limited and extended to those who know the Lord. This knowledge is found in the Bible, God's Word, as we study the Bible we begin to have a relationship with Him, we begin to know Him, and through knowing the Lord we are given everything we need for life and godliness. See Timothy 4 7-8 :D

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God has given us every thing we need to make it in this world and world to come. Knowledge or knowing God is to have a relationship with Him. A relationship that says Father, I give up every thing; my life, my will, my way for You. We totally surrender ourselves to Him because we love Him just as He first loved us.



Q2. (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What is the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise?

The scope is eternal, the extent is everlasting, the boundaries are endless God has given us everything we need for life (personal) and godliness (personal). The evolution of my faith is evident in the progression and pace at which God is allowing me to experience the scope and extent to which he has given everything I need for life and godliness. I know him just as the term knowledge says in a personal and intimate way that allows me to experience the wealth he has invested in me, as unworthy as I am. I am amazed that God loves me and knows everything about me. What I know about me is that without God I am lifeless and ungodly. I give God praise for His excellency in giving me life and godliness.





He does provide us with what we need but I am so weak and messed up and listening selectively that I am like Elijah but at least ten to twelve times a day seeking the next step and finding God has already provided the answer but then seeing the prophets of Baal and the soldiers and might of the other side and looking for the desert to run in. My own daughter had a small heart operation last year and we were blessed with what God and modern medicine do together. I will add that family to my prayers. I preach often to individuals of faith like Daniel's not to seek a furnace but just to know and be able to rest in the fact that my God can preseve me and if he choses not to he is still God.


(P. S. - I f he does not preserve me here on this side of the Jordan he has not lost )


Q2. (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What are the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise?

Peters gospel does not promise men everything they want or think they need; it does promise them all they truly need, in Christ. False teachers promise people what they want in the flesh. The needs of the flesh are deceptive and corrupt and can be characterized as lusts. Their end is corruption and death. False teachers speak of God as the great "need-meeter" as "one who is there for us", eager and ready to satisfy our fallen desires. Peter speaks of God as all-sufficient who has made provision for all our true needs. The provisions Peter speaks of are faith, righteousness, grace and peace, everything pertaining to life and godliness, and His precious and magnificent promises.

The Gospel transformed Peter and I identify with that. We have seen throughout the Gospel what Peter went through. The Gospel delivers us from the corruption of the world and its' lusts. God sets us on the path of salvation. I have come to know that my real poverty is ignorance, and ignorance is deadly. Ignorance is evident in conforming to one's lusts. Knowledge is the only cure for ignorance. I take this to mean doctinal knowledge, scriptural knowledge and we should diligently pursue this knowledge, for it protects us from false teachers and their teachings. You can not have everything that pertains to life and godliness without the knowledge of the Scriptures that leads to an intimate relationship with God. The maturing Christian is marked by his knowledge of God through the Scriptures.



I think Peter is telling his readers about the wonderful gift that they've received through Christ Jesus. In this verse, Peter informs them that they lack nothing because everything they need for life, earthly and eternal, and for godliness has been provided for them. Too often we neglect to fully accept the complete gift of salvation that we have in Christ Jesus. We only receive parts of it.

It is difficult for one to live a godly life apart from God. For this very reason, God sent us the comforter, the Holy Spirit, that would guide us into all understanding and truth. This verse begins, "His divine power has given us." Therefore, if we surrender and submit to the authority, guidance, and teaching of the Holy Spirit, then we will be able to walk confidently and participate in the precious faith that we received.

One must know God in order to participate in this promise. If one has not established an intimate relationship with God, he/she will never profit from the provision that God has ordained for his children. Once one comes into the knowledge of God, to know, intimately God, then he/she is able to benefit from all the promises that God's Salvation offers. It is not enough to know about God, one must truly KNOW him.


I am grateful for this study. I see these things to be true for me especially as I read of others having a similar experience. This relates well to the first question. We really are in this faith together with Peter and all the rest, of every time and place.


David stated in Psalms 16:6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant [places]; yea, I have a goodly heritage. God places us in an area with boundaries wherein we will be the happiest and freest. Jesus spoke in John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. Within the boundaries that God has set we have security and freedom that is maximized. It is God's divine power that gives us everything we need for life and godliness. This is the same power that raised up Jesus from the dead so that if we are dead with Christ so shall we live with Him. This is not accomplished through any effort or merit on our part, it has been provided freely by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ. And the work has been completed there is nothing to add to it. Christ both descended into the depths of hell and ascended into the highest place in heaven that He might be Lord of all. Therefore by faith we have access into all the grace of God and receive everything we need for life. Not only so, we are more than conquerors in Him such that through Him we can explore the depths and height , the breadth and length of the love of God and grow in godliness.

We are being changed into the image of Christ as we draw closer to Him. As we begin to see Him as He is we are changed into that image. Now we see Him darkly and so reflect a less than perfect radiance not like Moses who had to place a veil over his face. However the day will come when we shall see Him face to face and then we will be changed into His glorious image. 1 John 3:2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is. Knowing God is so much more than understanding the promises in the word although this is vital. Jesus desired that we would be one with Him and the Father even as they were one. To have such an intimacy where I cease to be outside of Him but my whole being is in loving fellowship with my heavenly Father. As this occurs I change from glory to glory, from faith to faith from the image of the earthly to the image of the heavenly.


As I think about the verse 2Peter1:3 it tells me as a believer that everything we need for life doesen't come from anything I do.God says we must seek Him first,"in His divine power has given us everything we need.Knowing God is our provider,puts us in a relationship with Him for life.Gods divine power takes us beyond anything we would ever dream of.So here again we have faith in trusting God,that He will supply our needs.Believe in what God tells us through His word..

2.) (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What is the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise?

2.) Meditating on this verse, I am drawn to what Paul writes to the church in Ephesus. "I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the woking of his mighty strength,.." Ephesians 1:18-19

We have God's infinite power available to us as believers, as His children.


2.) (2 Peter 1:3) Meditate on this verse for a few minutes. It is a verse about provision. What is the scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness"? What does "knowledge" or "knowing God" have to do with this promise?

2Pe 1:3 according as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who has called us to glory and virtue,

Scope and extent of this verse is 'all things' are already provided for our lives and our godliness. Once we have received His Holy Spirit we have been given it all - we just need to understand how to use what we have. The 'knowledge' part, as I see it, would be having revelation of God. Not just head knowledge, which doesn't lead to intimacy, but heart knowledge. Many have a head knowledge of the scriptures without an intimate knowledge of the author - which comes from revelation. Having 'knowledge of God' as in facts and memorised verses etc, is not to be compared to 'knowing God'. The pharasee's with all their head knowledge of the scriptures could not compete with Jesus who knew the fathers heart. Just as God has glorified His son Jesus - He also wants to bring us into glory and power.


It says in Hosea 4:6 "my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge". Jesus said that we would do even greater works than him. Being victorious in that begins with your own personal mustard seed, and how you exercise it, plant it, feed it, water it, tend to it, to make it grow into the great tree that it "could" become. In these last days before our Lord's return, our LACK of knowledge about Him, and our authority within Him as His body, could very well be our demise. He HAS given us all things pertaining to life and godliness THROUGH the knowledge of Him: the wisdom to minister, to pray, to be a vessel for the healing of our brothers and sisters, the Word to guide us in our authority over the evil in heavenly realms. Jesus is the embodied living Word. If we do not know it/Him, how would we be able to be victorious and do those greater works He is going to call/is calling us to do? It is for this reason that the unbelieving (faithless) will have their part in the lake of fire, because the Word (Jesus) says we each have a measure of faith as a gift to use, which is just the beginning seed, and that He has equipped us and given us dominion. The small acts of obedience daily is the water that will see that our most precious mustard seed grows, so that when real persecution comes, it will face a mighty tree that cannot be uprooted. The knowledge of our God is the ONLY way to obtain these promises.


EveryWe who recieve the promises of the gospel sharein the divine nature, and our hearts are set for God's service.

with knowledge of God we will not let the things of this world cause us to lose sight of his promise.


:) The scope, and extent, and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness" is all in all. It includes our lives right now and the life eternal. His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue. Whatever we need to live this life given to us here on earth were already given and provided for....all things, everything.

Even to live a life for God was already given us only that we have a responsibility to fulfill, obligation to do and for all we know it is all by God's grace. :rolleyes:

Knowledge or knowing God have a lot to do with this promise, it is the only way for us to understand the things that the Lord had prepared for us. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God had prepared for those who love Him." But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 1 Cor. 2:9-10.

If we know God, we will receive Him in our hearts and with that His Holy Spirit will reside in us and He will teach us into all His truth. Our faith grows and we trust God's promises and these promises will keep us through times of testing and as our verse says: that we may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through ****. Amen! :rolleyes:


Jesus, through his divine power, grants us all we need to maintain ourselves spiritually, and to prepare for for our eternity with Him. He has called each of us individually, so we know know him as our personal Saviour. Jesus promised us that there will be eternal communion for those who belived upon Him. Our knowledge of God tells us that what He says IS TRUE. We are to give Glory to Him, and He will provide for us.


I found further insight into Gods provision in this verse by meditating on the words "His divine power"...

"His" being Jesus Christ (a continuation from the preceding verse)

"divine" (Gr. theios) indicating Christs relationship to the Godhead

"power" (Gr. dunamis) inherent power, ...power that duplicates itself

...perhaps this duplication of power has to do with "God in Christ in us"

whereby the Father, revealed in the Son, now reigns from within and supplies our every need through intimate relationship...

Wow... trying to put this stuff into words is like trying to wrap the wind up in wet tissue paper!


The scope and extent and boundaries of "everything we need for life and godliness" is exactly what it says. "Knowledge" or "knowing God" has to do with this promise because it is the key to fulfilling this promise.


#1 - "Everything we need for life and godliness" means we have all capacity to glorify God by our thought, word or deed in every situation.

#2 It is only by our knowledge of God that we have capacity for any good in life. God has equipped us (


It is only by our knowledge of God that we have capacity for any good in life. God has equipped us (


This reminds me of the age old illustration. Jesus is a gift. God gives us a present (Jesus). We just need to open the gift. Well, most of us stop there. This verse is saying that we need to dig deeper into the box God gave us because He has also placed "everything we need for life and godliness . . ." inside the box!


Hi All

God has promised to look after us. But we need to read his word and draw closer to him. To know what he promises us and to get to know him more intimintely. God says he will look after us but we must put him above all things.


There is no scope, extent or boundaries when it comes to His provision for us. As long as we seek to fullfill the greatest commandment of loving Him with all of our hearts, minds, spirits & bodies, He will provide for us in every situation, every second. Nothing is impossible for Him. However, we must remain in Him so He remains in us. If we don't know God we are not doing what He commanded us and we miss out on all the abundance He wants to give us both spiritually and physically. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us.


Through his divine power God has freely given us all the things that concern life and devotion and the precious promises we can become partakers of the divine nature and escape the corruption that's in this world.

Having the knowledge of God will lead to everlasting life.

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