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  • 9 months later...

Q1. Even though Jesus and the disciples were exhausted and Jesus was grieving for John, when He saw the crowds gathered He had compassion on them and He welcomed them. He spent the day preaching to them and healing the sick among them. He did not react as most of us would do if someone was wanting attention when we are tired or not feeling well. He was the very opposite to us He welcomed them , He had compassion on them , He loved them despite how He was feeling Himself . He was also being a good example to the disciples and to us as His followers. We also need to ‘die to self’ and put other people’s needs before our own. We also need Godly wisdom to know when it is time to take time off in order to recharge our batteries. We are no use to anyone if we are exhausted, emotional and tetchy . Neither can we be effective and efficient in the Lord’s service if we are over tired. And we may do a disservice to the Lord by being in a place when we are not fit and able. If we are in doubt whether to take time out , it is always good to seek advice from someone you respect and can trust to give you a straight and honest answer and advice.

Q2.Jesus was going to use this opportunity to teach the disciples that their own resources are far from adequate and that they must trust God and give His recognition and ‘all the glory’.

Q3. Jesus was teaching the disciples and us an important lesson. They had to realise how inadequate they were for the task. Humanly speaking they could not provide what was needed. But could they contribute anything to the cause? It is also a question for us, we may not have much but what can we give Jesus to help the cause at a particular time? 
Jesus took what they found and used it and added to it to provide what was needed. So we can see the contrast between the small amount that we can provide and realise that God provides the rest. To Him be the Glory.

Q4.My record to date in surrendering what I have to the Lord is poor! I struggle in case I don’t have enough! Also my husband is not a believer and my giving has at times caused problems because he does not understand about ‘ giving to the Lord’ . I have explained but he refuses to accept that I should support anything but our own household! In recent years since our children are educated and living independently I do have a bit more disposable income which I give to the Lord but I am always fearful of my husband being annoyed. This is not a good answer but I am afraid it is the truth.


1.  What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue?

Jesus and His men were tired and had gotten into the boat to go off to a quiet place. As they stopped and got out of the boat they were met by a crowd of people. Jesus had compassion for the people and saw their need and sought to meet it. 

In doing this Jesus is teaching us to put the needs of others first. 

We can rely on God to provide us with the right opening to stop, take stock and bring activities to a halt. 


2.  Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier?

There was a lesson in this also. The desciples realized the enormity and impossibility of the task. Their means (resources) were totally  inadequate. God was about to show that what is impossible with man is possible with God if given into His Hands. 


3.  Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing? Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"?

To have created something from nothing would have been easy but the lesson needed, would not have been brought across. 

This whole situation was beyond quick human help. Jesus sends them to find out what they have to be able to use in this situation. (No good looking how many sticks there were. What could be used to feed the crowd.  There were no resources in the field ...   berries, wheat, etc) They have FIVE LOAVES AND TWO FISH. In human hands this was enough for one person, maybe two could share it. But for their need it was completely inadequate. UNTIL IT WAS PLACED IN JESUS' HANDS. 

Jesus knew that they could not feed the crowd with what they had. They were taught to see and bring what they had into Jesus' hands and He in turn blessed it and gave it back, multiplied and more than enough to meet the need of the crowd. 


1. What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though He and His disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue?

Despite Jesus and His disciples being tired, He saw the large crowd as sheep without a shepherd. Feeling sorry for them, He welcomed them and started to speak to them about God’s kingdom and healing all who were sick. This large crowd had prevented Jesus and His disciples from having a much earned/needed rest so He had every right to be annoyed with them. But instead of being irritated, He responded compassionately and in love when He saw the crowd wandering around lost, helpless, and without a spiritual guide. I think Jesus provides the perfect answer to finding a balance of attitude and ministry, and when to stop – one continues and continues until all the needs are met. Our Lord will provide the means and the needs. I feel we should try to walk in His steps - to be like Him, to be kind, and patient, and always willing to help. Remembering that Jesus received all, spoke to all, and did good to all.


2. Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier?

Jesus decided to feed the people rather than dismissing them because of His physical and spiritual concern for them. Getting rid of the people by sending them away while they were still prepared to listen to His teaching, and while they are hungry is not the way God treats people. Besides, among the crowd there must have been many who were still blind, deaf, lame, and diseased - needing His healing. Jesus knew that their greatest need was spiritual, and that He could heal their bodies and fill their stomachs, but this was only a stopgap measure if they died in their sins. So, Jesus carried on teaching them about repentance and the kingdom of God. On top of this this was a chance to teach His disciples an important lesson. The disciples were keen to see the crowd leave, but they did not have the same the compassion and concern that Christ had for the multitudes, but one day they would.


3. Why didn't He create bread and fish from nothing? Why did He ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"?

There are many ways Jesus could have performed this miracle. He could have created the bread and fish from nothing the way He called down manna from heaven in the wilderness. Or, He could have spoken the word and the food would have miraculously appeared in each person’s hand. Or, He could have called angels to provide. Instead, He used the disciples to distribute the bread and the fish to the people. This was to teach the disciples that His method for meeting the needs of a lost world is through people. Christ meets the needs of people through people, but not through people who choose to serve. He works through His servants - servants who serve because they’re under obligation to their Master. They give your inadequate resources and abilities to Jesus. Jesus asks the disciples to find what food they have available, which was 5 loaves and 2 fish. This was to highlight their inadequate resources and to hand these resources over to Him in trust. Before we ask God to do the impossible, let’s start with the possible and give Him what we have. The insufficient becomes more than sufficient when surrendered to Christ! When Jesus issues a command like the one in our passage, (“you give them something to eat”) we can trust Him to provide the resources. He is after all Jehovah-Jireh the God who provides. God delights in providing for His people. Whatever our needs. He will meet them through His love and grace.


4. What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in His hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself?

There were personal issues that my son had, and when all looked lost and there seemed to no solution to the problem and situation, we brought all we had in prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ. In His great love, mercy, and grace – problem solved. In the crisis hours of life, when your resources are low and your responsibilities are great, it is good to remember that Jesus already has the problem solved.

  • 1 month later...

1.    What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired?

To meet the needs of the spiritual and physical needs of the crowd and to teach the disciples that God can multiply our resources if only we can have faith in Him and surrender what seems to us to be small and inadequate

How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry?

By learning from Jesus and asking Him to empower with strength in and our weakness or fatigue so that we can still be be able to meet the demanding needs of ministry. 

When do we stop when the needs continue?

I think we should not stop but continue in the power of the Lord and in faith that He is able to provide for our own needs and the needs for the ministry

2.    Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier?

If He had dismissed them earlier as requested by the disciples, they would have missed the teaching that accompanied the miracle of God's power to multiply our lean resources

3.    Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing?

To teach the disciples that God is able to bless and multiply our own earthly meager resources if we surrender same to Him.

Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"?


4.    What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in his hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself?

The challenge is similar to what the disciple faced, looking and seeing just the limited resources in my hands and not remembering that God has the power to bless and multiply it if I will just entrust what I have to Him

  • 2 months later...

What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue?


A. He wanted to teach the disciples that even though they are tired there is more to do. We must depend on God to help us to do the things that He has called us to do.


Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier?


A. Jesus decided to teach the disciples that if they turn to God when things seem impossible then they can achieve the goal set before them.


Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing? Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"?


A. He wanted them to figure out what they had and wanted them to share it. If Jesus had created the bread and fish from nothing, this lesson would have been wasted. Jesus wanted them to share the things that they have.


What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in his hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself?


A. The struggles that I had in surrendering myself to missions was feeling inadequate because I didn’t know their language. Placing myself in God’s hand He always made sure that there was somebody there that could interpret for me. As a result the mission trips seem to me to be a success.


Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing? Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"?

Faith is an action.  We demonstrate our faith by taking the actions that Jesus commands.  Oftentimes, God asks us to do our part and take steps to move in the direction faith is leading us before he steps in and takes over to solve the problem.  He is not our magic genie.  If that was the relationship then we would be the master and he would be the servant.  Instead, we are His servants and do what He leads us to do because He is good and just and leads us in righteousness.  Because He is a loving God, He steps in where we fall short.

  • 3 months later...

What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue?

His motivation was to show them that God provides all they need to serve others in every capacity and also that when they doubt they need to have enough faith to believe that God will work it out for them.  By learning to rely on God instead of trying to figure things out ourselves and thinking we have it all together. By also learning that we are His called out ones and He is our Provider and He will give us what we need. We stop when they want their needs continually met but not the greatest need met meaning salvation of their souls. 

Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier?

To teach His disciples that all needs are provided for by the Lord when we choose to obey Him and His will for us.

What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in his hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself?

I have an issue with controlling the outcome of what I do and God has to constantly remind me of what He can do and who He is and that He can cause me to see what the person needs and wants and differentiate between the two. He has had to knock me over the head until it got through. I am very stubborn and believe I know it all when I don't.

  • 1 year later...

What was Jesus' motivation for teaching and healing on this day, even though he and his disciples were tired? How can we find a balance of attitude and ministry? When do we stop when the needs continue? Jesus once again majored in compasion for the peoples need of understanding of the kingdoms good news.

Why did Jesus decide to feed the people rather than dismiss them earlier? Tp,provide a hands on experience of God providing abundantly after a request in compasion for a need.

Why didn't he create bread and fish from nothing? Why did he ask the disciples to find what they could? What is the significance of the command, "You give them something to eat"? I believe slightly differntly than the narayion in the lesson. My reading suggests that Jesus broke the loaves and fish, handin a piece to each apostle. And as they began to feed in obedience the bread and fish continued to expand in their hands.  A true hands on experience for their future faith needs in trusting in doing as the word tells us to do.

What struggles have you had in surrendering yourself to be part of this ministry process of assessing the need, bringing your resources to Jesus, placing them in his hands, and receiving back the power to meet needs beyond yourself? The compassion tompray for sick and inferm or other needs when no great heart responce occurs is difficult. When compassion is flowing and your in tears it is much easier to believe you are centered in His will. Pray for the need because you don’t ‘feel it’ should never stop us, yet it tempts us to not obey.

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