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  • 9 months later...

1. Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day?

It was hard for the disciples to understand the true purpose of the Messiah, because of their preconceived notions. They had been brought up to believe that the Messiah would come and rescue them from the yoke of Rome, and set up His kingdom immediately. It was impossible to believe that He would be rejected by His own people, and much less put to death by them. Paul wrote in 1 Cor 1:23, “but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling-block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles.” A stumbling-block to the Jews, because they thought the Messiah would be a conquering king accompanied by signs and miracles. They expected David’s throne to be restored. Besides, He was executed as a criminal, and how could a criminal be a saviour? Foolishness to the Gentiles. They did not believe in a bodily resurrection, they did not see in Jesus the powerful characteristics of their mythological gods, and they thought no reputable person would be crucified. To them, death was defeat, not victory. Today the Good News of Jesus Christ is still foolish to many. Our society worships power, influence, and wealth. Jesus came as a humble, poor servant, and He offers His Kingdom to those who have faith, not to those who do all kinds of good deeds to try to earn salvation. This looks foolish to the world, but Christ is the mighty power of God, and is the only way we can be saved. “No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). Knowing Christ personally is the greatest wisdom anyone can have. Which reminds me of what Isaiah wrote in Isa 55:8-9: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts”.


2. What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?

A basic condition of taking up our cross daily is to deny self. This involves a completely new way of life; no more living for our own selfish interests, but living a life for the sake of Jesus and the gospel. We recognise His Lordship in every area of our life – we live to serve His purposes. Now we deliberately choose the kind of life Jesus lived, and He gives us two approaches to life: to deny ourself/or live for ourself; take up our cross/or ignore the cross; follow Christ daily/or follow the world; lose our life for His sake/or save our life for our own sake; forsake the world/or gain the world; keep our soul/or lose our soul; share His reward and glory/or lose His reward and glory (9:23-27). It means to identify with Christ in His rejection, shame, suffering, and death. “The cross represents three things: It’s a sign of suffering, a sign of rejection by the world, and a sign of obedience to God. What is “your” cross? Your cross is accepting God’s will for your life and doing it cheerfully. Your cross will always include suffering, always lead to rejection by the world, and always involve obedience to God." (Ray Pritchard). The result will be that we follow Jesus, living a life in total obedience to Him. We will have a relationship with Jesus, fellowship with Him (there can be no greater blessing), and we will acknowledge Him daily in everything we do.


3. What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox?

The self-destructive attempts at so called “saving our lives” are clinging selfishly to this present life. By indulging in our pleasures and appetites; by basking in comfort, luxury, and ease; by living only for the present; by using our finest talents for worldly acclaim. By being self-centred – it’s all about me. They will be lauded by the world and have temporary pleasure but lose Christ and the possibility of eternal life. To gain Christ demands the loss of self. We see the futility of clinging to this life, not doing anything that might endanger our safety, health, or comfort, because that, paradoxically, would result in losing the very “self” one wants to preserve. By contrast, if following Jesus is most important, we may find ourself in unsafe, unhealthy, and uncomfortable places. We may risk death, but we will not fear it because we know that Jesus will raise us to eternal life. Nothing material can compensate for the loss of eternal life. As Jesus' disciples we are not to use our lives on earth merely to please ourselves; rather we should spend our lives serving God and others. When we invest our life for Christ and His Kingdom we will receive eternal life, as well as the satisfaction of serving God on earth, and we find that by giving up control to God, He fills our lives with Himself.


4. If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance?

There’s no easy way, it demands their willingness to totally submit to Jesus. In other words, they need to be willing to give up everything in obedience to Jesus Christ, and live a life of denying self, taking up their cross, and following Jesus Christ – nothing less. A willingness to endure daily hatred, hostility, rejection, reproach, shame, and suffering. Even death if Jesus demands it, which is symbolic of a total, final commitment. By rejecting Christ for the sake of anything in this life, is utter foolishness; it will result in losing one’s soul, and spending eternity in the lake of fire. There can be nothing more valuable than a person’s soul. It’s not about their life; Paul wrote “For to me to live is Christ, to die is gain” (Php 1:21). John MacArthur: “I really am convinced that most popular evangelism today lures people into deception.  It promises a wonderful, comfortable plan for everybody’s life. It says nothing of a small gate, narrow way. Its subject is the love of God. There’s no mention of the wrath of God. It tends to see people as deprived rather than depraved. It’s full of compassion and understanding without a mention of sin and wrath and judgment. No summons to repentance, no warning of judgment, no call for brokenness, no expectation of a contrite heart, no desire for sorrow over sin. It just calls for a moment, a hasty decision, a few words, and then some promises of health and happiness and blessing” (Luke 9:23-26, The Gospel in Perspective, 24 November 2002).


5. How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance?

I’m not sure I understand the question. My love for Jesus comes first before anything else, and I don’t see why I should make allowances for any unbelievers in my company. Jesus is perfect holiness, perfect righteousness, perfect virtue, perfect goodness, perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom, perfect compassion, perfect love, perfect mercy, perfect grace, perfect power, perfect justice. There is nothing in Him to be ashamed of. Rather, if there is anything I’m to be ashamed of, it is my sin, my pride, my greed, my disobedience, my thoughts, and I can go on and on. Unbelievers don’t want to be around them. Their self-righteousness keeps them from Jesus, they think there is no need for Him. They are ashamed of everything to do with Jesus and will not have Him reign over them. What is the balance? I will treat them with love and respect, but that is all. As a believers we should be sensitive in which Jesus’ truth and honour is threatened, and seek to compel a change of heart. It is up to us to stand out against the anti-Jesus trends that are operating in the world today. I will not allow them to insult my Lord and Saviour, or to speak badly of Him. He will put to shame those who are ashamed of Him.


Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day?

It was uppermost in every one's mind that the coming  Messiah was going to liberate the nation of Israel from its oppressors (the Romans) and would restore the Kingdom to Israel and would therefore sit on David's throne and reign from there. Power to them meant taking out the oppressors and taking over the rule of the land. 

Because of this it was very difficult for the disciples to accept that the Messiah was to be rejected and killed. Then later to be told it was to be a criminal's death. Death on the cross? That was very hard to take in. This fact was told them on more than one occasion. Then also He was to rise on the third day. 

It was only later after it happened that they remembered and sort of were able to understand. 

Before the "whole picture came into being" it was not easy to understand God's ways. Later things fell into place and they could understand and become spreaders of tbe Good News. 





What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?

Putting aside our own selfish desires and following God's will for our lives. It is a call to absolute surrender. "Dying to self". 



3.  What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox?

Lk 9:24 Whoever would preserve his life and save it, will lose and destroy it  . . . 

{This could be describing a situation where you have to deny your affiliation to Christ, in order to save your physical life, but in so doing you are actually destroying it.} 

. . .  but whoever loses his life for My sake, he will preserve and save it from the penalty of eternal death. 

{This part could well be describing the situation where you refuse to deny your affiliation to Christ and in so doing you lose your physical life but your soul is saved for eternity.} 


If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance?

Refer them to 1 John 1 9. If we admit our sin; confess our sin. He is faithful and just to forgive . . .  to cleanse . . . 

Then remind him/her to deny himself/herself, take up his/her cross daily, and follow Christ

Remember Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life


5.  How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance?

I am not ashamed of Jesus. I guess if non-Christians want to be around me then they should be able to witness this. The unbelievers did try to mock Jesus, they did try to trip Him up with questions. 


Q1.The disciples find it hard to understand that the Messiah was going to be killed and would rise again. This was not in line with their expectations, they had understood that the Messiah would come and overthrow the Romans who have held them under oppressive rule for too many years. They longed to have their kingdom restored to Israel. But now Jesus was telling them He was going to die , He told them different aspects of what He would suffer over a period of time but they couldn’t accept it or understand it. After Jesus death His predictions made them realise that everything that happened was part of Gods plan. 
Q2.Daily taking up our cross, mean that if we want to live for Jesus and follow in His footsteps we must do His will and deny ourselves the things we want to do. It take discipline each day to do this but as we study God’s word , pray and learn more and more about Jesus and His wonderful, sacrificial love for us denying ourselves becomes easier. This is because as our love grows so does our desire to please Him and we will not be happy doing anything that is displeasing to Him. Unfortunately our sinful nature is always lurking not too far away so we cannot become complacent and we need to surrender ourselves to God every day.

Q3.We should be faithful to Christ no matter the cost. And for our persecuted brothers and sisters that ‘cost’ may be death! But by dying they will save their eternal lives and live in God’s presence for all eternity. This is also what happened to all but one of the apostles. We may not have to face physical death but we could face eternal death, if we live life just as we please. Only by surrendering our wills to God and trusting in Him have any hope of preserving our lives in eternity.

Q4.I would tell this person that no one is beyond the forgiveness of God. No matter how great the sin His mercy is greater still. But they have to turn their lives over to God and truely repent of their sin and be prepared to follow Him from this day until the end. In every situation they must uphold God and not revert back to their old ways. 
Q5. I try to speak to non Christians about God but I don’t do it on a continuous basis, otherwise I think they would start avoiding me. I will however continue to live my life to please the Lord. I don’t change my ways in their presence. I refuse politely if asked to go somewhere inappropriate, or if asked to do something on Sunday. I do this in a normal, nonjudgmental way, at least I hope I do! I say something if someone uses the Lord’s name in my presence. If I am asked what I did on any given night, I will say ‘ I was at my Bible study’ etc. I also pray both for those that I feel have no interest and those that may show a flicker of interest. Sometimes it can be hard when you can feel the antipathy radiating from someone but I continue as normal and try to be extra careful in being friendly or whatever is appropriate depending on the circumstances.Jesus had unbelievers listen to Him and believe, there were also those who tried to catch Him out so they could accuse Him .There were those that were too blind to see who He was, and those who were jealous of His following and sought to get rid of Him for their own evil designs.

  • 1 month later...

1.    Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day?

Despite the fact they had been told that by Jesus, they still wishfully assumed that Jesus was the Messiah that live to reign and deliver them politically from the Romans

2.    What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?

To carry your cross daily is to be ready to suffer daily in the course of following Christ.

3.    What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox?

Trying to avoid suffering /persecution or danger particularly death by refusing to serve the Lord and end up loosing our eternal salvation  

4.    If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance?

5.    How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance?

By serving the Lord while at the same time showing the no Christian love and care/ acceptance without compromising your our faith

  • 1 month later...

Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day?


A. Because they were with him and saw what he was doing with all his miracles that it was hard to see that he would be crucified,


What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?


A. It means that we must bring Jesus with us where ever we go. We must confess that we are a follower of Jesus.


What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox?


A. The kind of attempts at “saving our lives” is to deny Jesus and adapt the corrupt world that we live in. It is paradox because we are to bring people to Jesus and we have to do this in the corrupt world so we have to associate with them.


If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance?


A. Do to the fact that they think that they have lose their soul is an indication that they really haven’t because if they had they wouldn’t have thought about it.


How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance?


What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?

We must die to self daily.  We surrender our lives to Christ and He carries our burdens (sins) for us.  

How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance?

I recall that before I became a Christian it was hard for me to be around Christians sometimes because I thought they were judging me-that they were saved and I was going to hell.  I couldn't get past that for awhile, my pride got in the way, to see that they just wanted me to be saved too, rather than to condemn me.  So I always try to be a little sensitive, but they will have to get past their own stumbling blocks with Jesus' help.  I try to help and encourage any way I can.  

II Cor 2:16: To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life.  

  • 3 months later...

1.    Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day?

I believe that they could not understand the true meaning of why the Lord had to go through all of that. I believe that part of it dealt with the fact they spent so much time with the Lord and with the crowds that they never considered that His true mission was not to heal the sick or raise the dead. But it was to die on the cross after being rejected by His own people and going through all the suffering that He had to deal with in order for the Scriptures in Isaiah to be fulfilled. 

2.    What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean?

It means to choose to forsake selfish ambition, choose to give up our rights to have what we want, to give up any right to hold a grudge or stay angry for the purpose of glorifying God and bringing people to Him.

3.    What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Why is this such a paradox?

Saving it for the purpose of our reputation. Saving it to keep our addictive behaviors and also to keep our rights of any kind. Because we don't realize what Christ truly means until we choose to actually look this up and study it out.

4.    If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance?

Yes because I know Christ wants us to talk to them about what they need to be saved in order to go to Heaven and speak the truth in love and grace. 

5.    How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? What is the balance? By choosing our words carefully when we speak around them and learning to wait on the Lord's timing to discuss our faith with them. He had a peace and grace about Him that caused them to want to be with Him. The balance is learning to spending quality time with the Lord while learning to live in the world but not be of it. 

  • 1 year later...

Why was it so hard for the disciples to understand that the Messiah must be rejected and killed and rise the third day? They did not understand Psalm 22 was a prophesy of what they were walking through. That Jesus was the Lamb of God.

What does it mean to take up your cross daily? If it doesn't mean bearing your own life's burdens (and I don't think it means that), then what DOES it mean? It means to die daily to the desires you have abd how you would proceed. Then proceed to walk through your day as the Holy Spirt guides you to walk as Jesus would walk it person.

What kinds of attempts at "saving our lives" are actually self-destructive? Chosing what our mind wants vs what the holy scriptures say. Doing what we want not what God wants done is destructive to God’s devine plan. Why is this such a paradox? We have great trouble realizing in our meekness and deciding we are mere messengers delivering words that we are to be delivering true words from The God’s heart to those in a dying world.

If someone told you they thought they had lost themselves or lost their soul, how would you counsel them without giving them false assurance? I either believe God is in the restoration business and that Jesus died as sacrifice and redemption for all. Or I am unworthy of serving Him who went to the cross for me. He saved me from my death bed while I was unsaved. He plays no favorites. “God provided a way for you” is truth. If they do not receive it it was not false, the truth was stollen from them or they did not hear to hear and understand.

How can we be unashamed of Jesus without it being difficult for non-Christians to want to be around us? Be ye seperate from nonbelievers..  Did unbelievers want to be around Jesus? Wanting to see to understand and hear to understand were a limited portion of those who came to see the happening they were hearing about. What is the balance? We are to be fishers of men. Hungry fish will follow odor to the bait. Well fed fish ignore your bait. There is no reason to push beyond lack of interest. That is offensive as is the offensive pushy sales person not listening to you say you do not want what they are selling.

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