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  • 9 months later...

1. Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation?

Jesus treated His Apostles according to their gifts and talents/skills required in a leader. His mission included training leaders to follow Him. And He must have seen the best potential in Peter, John, and James. Being God, Jesus will always be just, we know He loves us all, all are equal before Him, and if He chooses some, it will be the right thing to do. Jesus does not show favouritism, and we are to do the same (James 2:1). Also, the number of witnesses required by law are two or three (Deu 19:15). Being a pastor cannot be easy. They are to handle their congregation with maturity, faithfulness, godliness, and lack of favouritism. People can be forceful, and they have hidden agendas. There’s jealousy and pride. Then there’s discrimination based on race, class, wealth, and whatever.


2. Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?

The Transfiguration revealed Jesus’ glory, and would certainly, strengthen the faith of the disciples, particularly Peter who had so recently confessed Jesus to be the Son of God. It must have been so meaningful to him; receiving this assurance just after confessing his faith. Peter believed, confessed his faith, and then received assurance. Jesus had told His disciples earlier that first they must believe, and then they will see the glory of God revealed in Him (John 11:40). And this is what happened. We know that it had a huge impact on John, for many years later he recalled this event as the Spirit guided him to write: “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). And, in his Gospel, John often emphasizes the deity of Christ and the glory of His person. Then there was God’s voice telling them to listen to Jesus: “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him" (9:35), which they did not always do. These three disciples were given a preview of the splendour which the Lord Jesus will have when He comes back to the earth and reigns for a thousand years.


3. Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration Himself?

I think that for Jesus the experience of the transfiguration was one of comfort and strengthening. Comfort from His Heavenly Father (9:35), and also, honour and glory, as Peter mentioned in 2 Pet 1:17: “He received honour and glory from God the Father when the voice came to Him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is My Son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased." One can understand that Jesus would often pour out His heart to the Father in prayer, and that He would do this especially now, since He knew the agony that soon awaited Him in Jerusalem. And this transfiguration prepared our Lord to face with courage His bitter trial, by reminding Him of the Father’s constant love (9:35), and of the glory that would follow His suffering (Heb 12:2). Jesus speaking to Moses and Elijah talked about His decease which He was about to accomplish (9:31), but also that the humiliation will be followed by exaltation, and death by resurrection – ending on a positive note.


4. What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?

Luke uses eyewitness accounts to add to the accurate account of Jesus’ life, His teachings, and His ministry. Being part of the Word of God, these eyewitness accounts give us another dimension, another picture of God’s glory and what He is doing. For example, the transfiguration of Jesus gives us a glimpse that this fallen world is not our final home. There is more to come, Come Lord Jesus, Come! From experience we know that eyewitness accounts can be very inconsistent and, all too often, shockingly inaccurate. I believe that the Word of God is the only absolute truth in this world, being God speaking to us, and therefore, all eyewitness accounts, included in the Bible, are to be believed totally as an accurate description of what occurred. And for this reason, serves as a supportive part of Scripture, helping us to understand better, and giving us better insight.


5. How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill?

I have only had positive spiritual experiences. As I think back, over more than 80 years, through good and bad the Lord has always been alongside. When I’ve made bad decisions, He helped me minimise the damage. He has also been with me with all the good times. I Live in a country with a high crime rate, and He brought me through a near fatal episode. And so, I can go on and on. The greatest blessing one can have is a relationship with Jesus, to be in fellowship with Him. To be able to acknowledge Him in all we do! All these experiences has only strengthened my faith and trust in my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!


Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation?

Jesus needed to prepare His disciples for leadership. Each one would be given different responsibilities. Each one had different gifts or talents. Jesus chose as He knew what each one would need and could handle. 

A pastor too needs some that will come alongside him, that will pray with him and for him (that will hold him up in prayer). All along you see there is a leader, and then his armor bearer as it were, with him. 


Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?

They were a bit confused and needed to see Christ's glory so they could grasp and possibly understand better Who Christ was. They needed to put together His suffering (soon to be  experienced) and His glory. 


Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself?

If I think of Christ as fully human, then yea, He sure did. He needed encouragement, reassurance and confirmation of His role. 


What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?

The answer as given by Hanks is well put

  On 5/27/2021 at 8:02 AM, hanks said:


 Luke uses eyewitness accounts to add to the accurate account of Jesus’ life, His teachings, and His ministry. Being part of the Word of God, these eyewitness accounts give us another dimension, another picture of God’s glory and what He is doing. For example, the transfiguration of Jesus gives us a glimpse that this fallen world is not our final home. There is more to come, Come Lord Jesus, Come! From experience we know that eyewitness accounts can be very inconsistent and, all too often, shockingly inaccurate. I believe that the Word of God is the only absolute truth in this world, being God speaking to us, and therefore, all eyewitness accounts, included in the Bible, are to be believed totally as an accurate description of what occurred. And for this reason, serves as a supportive part of Scripture, helping us to understand better, and giving us better insight.




How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill?

For good. Without it I would most likely not have held on through thick and thin. 

Drugs, street-life,  etc   there but for the grace of God go I. 


Q1.The Transfiguration is one of three occasions that Jesus picks Peter, James and John to be with Him for a special time.In Luke chapter8 they are allowed into the room when Jesus healed the daughter of Jairus. They were also with Jesus when they went deep into the Garden of Gethsemane for Jesus to pray prior to being betrayed and crucified. Jesus was training and revealing more and more of Himself to these Apostles, maybe because He could identify leadership qualities in them and spiritual maturity beyond that of the other disciples. Jesus treated them all as individuals and developed and nurtured each ones special gifts, and trained them to face life without Him. 
Q2.Jesus did this to show the disciples who He truly was and so they could see first hand His glory , this would help them after He had left them, It is so much easier to speak convincingly of things you have personally witnessed.It was an assurance of things to come in the future after Jesus had suffered.

Q3. Maybe Jesus needed a few people who could understand fully who He really was. A few that He could open up to and be human with and receive their reassurance and help but at all times holding in tension the fact that He was the Son of God. This showed them without a doubt who He was. 
Q4.Eye witness accounts are important but people witnessing the same thing can give very different accounts and contradictory accounts of the event. The Word of God as we know is “ God Breathed” and is wholly accurate because it is from God, therefore we know we can believe everything it contains. There is nothing more important than the Word of God. 
Q5. My Christian experience has been positive. Life is hard but I have been blessed in so many ways by God. His constant presence is reassuring and helpful. He has often stopped me from making bad decisions, and has helped me when I have been in all sorts of difficult situations. I just could not imagine life without His presence and His leading and guiding. I just wish I had the words to convey this in a meaningful way to those around me. 

  • 1 month later...

1.    Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John?

He saw in them qualities such as spiritual maturity, leadership ability and ability/ reliability that made them worthy for His future assignments.

Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation?

The Pastor's action may be interpreted as favoritism

2.    Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?

So that the would see His glory and to be able to give live eye witness/ testimony of what they saw.

3.    Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself?

Yes He needed reassurance from His Father especially as the human part of Him was pulling back away from the mission He was sent by the Father to suffer and die so as to save the wold.

4.    What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians?

Such eyewitness experience of seeing the Lord along with the Word certainly is what I desire to experience as Peter, John and James experienced. I think Prophet Isiah saw the the Lord and was transformed as he also saw his uncleanness and cried out, and was made whole. I desire such experience.

Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?

To me both are important but it the Word, the Bible that is with us 24/7. The Holy Spirit can illuminate our hearts as we meditate in the Word and show God in His glory too.

5.    How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill?

Well, how I wish someone would testify about me. But I think people say that I am a real child of God by my love for the things of God in my life.


  • 1 month later...

Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation?


A. For one thing they were his special friends. But the other thing is he could see something in them that would make them a great leader and he wanted to cultivate that leadership.


Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?


A. They needed to see Jesus transfigured before them because it would reinforce their belief in Jesus. God also told that Jesus is the one to follow and not the old prophets.


Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself?


A. I do not think that Jesus needed the transfiguration it was for the disciples to able to understand what was going on.


What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?


A. I think that the place of my eyewitness of God’s glory was on the mission trips that I took.


How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill?


A. My spiritual experiences has influenced my Christian life when I accepted Jesus as my redeemer. I was in the construction industry and my behaver was one as needing to be accepted. But when I accepted Jesus as my savior I didn’t care what they thought of me. I no longer needed to be accepted by them.

  • 2 weeks later...

1. Jesus, I learned from this lesson and I praise God for His teachings, gives us according to what we are destine in our assignment.  It may seem unfair but it totally base upon what we are capable of.  It by no means indicates or reflects that one abilities is much more important than the others or that lesser capabilities are insignificant.  Everything given to us by Jesus is of great importance and significance in fulfilling the purpose and plan of God .  

Jesus knew that James, John and Peter would play important roles in the building of His church after His resurrection and ascension into heaven.  He even prophesized beforetime of Peter being the rock of which He will be His church and that the gates of Hades will not overcome it.  Jesus had to see something in Peter, who denied him, something so great in order to make this declaration. In Acts 8:15-17, Peter and John went to Samaria to lay hands on those who were baptized by Phillip so that they would receive the Holy Spirit.  The Bible does not provide us with an explanation as why Phillip didn't do it, but after receiving the knowledge of truth from this lesson, we can understanding better.

We don't take everything to God in prayer as we are encouraged to.  We lean too often to our own understanding to what we see than rely totally on the word of God.  Therefore, we make rash decisions that we rely on and trust.  These decisions, if not addressed immediately and humbly, can be detrimental to our relationship with God and it damages our characters here on earth.  Thank God for His mercies, and sovereign grace.  True repentance from our heart is healthy and reaps great benefits. 


Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?

I also agree that this increased the disciple faith, especially as they led the church after Jesus' ascension and suffered persecution/martyrdom.  I wonder if a point is not also being made to the disciples (and us) that Jesus is greater than Moses and Elijah.  He is not just a great prophet, as some people would claim, but He is the Son of God who has fulfilled the law and cleansed us of our sins through His sacrifice.  Moses and Elijah follow Jesus.  They look to Him as Savior.



What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?

I have never personally had any eyewitness experiences of God's glory.  I have never seen His face or heard His audible voice.  However, I have seen so much evidence of God moving in my life--answered prayers, incidents where I have been kept from harm, coincidences that are not coincidences but God's hand moving in my life.  These things in conjunction with Holy Scripture have bolstered my faith.  They have also provided opportunities for me to witness to others.  It is a balance-the two go hand in hand.  Sometimes the witness comes because you can share your story of how God has been working in your life.  Sometimes you are able to witness by praying for someone and they see the prayers answered.  Sometimes you can share a word of Scripture or engage in Bible study with someone to share the gospel.  

  • 3 months later...

1.    Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John?

Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation?

I believe it was because He knew before this that these disciples would be the ones who would bring about the dispensation of the Gospel through out the world. When you consider the fact that John was the only one of the disciples who wrote John and also the only one who survived his death sentence and had been boiled alive and still was able to write a set of three epistles. He also had been exiled to Patmos at the end of his life. He wrote the book of Revelation where he sees what will occur in the last days and also how everything will happen. The Lord knew the true potential of his inner circle and what they would accomplish after the ascension. I believe church members misunderstand the relationship the pastor may have with a few members is because they could consider it favoritism and wonder why he is doing it. I know that he has one with me and my mom because he is always glad to see us and frequently mentions it to us. 

2.    Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them?

I believe it was because He knew that this would need be recorded for the Go who would come after them. 

3.    Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself?

Yes because He needed the Father to remind Him that His true mission was to save the world through His death on the cross.

4.    What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? Which is more important to us? To others? What is the balance?

The place for an eyewitness experience of this is when we are obedient to the Lord and choose to do His will. This is when God will grant a request like that for us. It is when we are truly seeking Him that He will give a glimpse of who He is through the Scriptures and also that He will do it personally. I believe that the Word is important just like seeing Him and His glory.  For others it could be either one. The balance is learning not to seek signs like the Jews and Gentiles during His time on earth.

5.    How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill? My spiritual experiences have grounded in the roots of Christ and caused me to seek Him more daily by His faithfulness and mercy to me. It also has caused me to do His will more often as well. Through this people have come to know Him as well.


  • 1 year later...

Why did Jesus show special attention to Peter, James, and John? Surely each received special attention. However making clear the revelation of the messiahs rejection and that this was He is necessary for us. That the continuety of the prophecies and their fulfillment remained true. God does nothing without telling his prophets. Why do church members sometimes misunderstand when their pastor enjoys a special relationship with a few in the congregation? So many of us do not realize we are the only one that is exactly us. God did not knit us to be a copy. We get our training and lessons from walking through the believers walk. And it shall differ from others in many ways.

Why did the disciples need to see Jesus transfigured before them? I am not sure of the spiritual manifestation about me when I pray. Yet often when the tears are flowing and the heart pounding I know I am in contact with God’s heart. The window into the spiritual meeting was open to them. It was as necessary for them, a blessed assurance, anchoring for their role in what was to come throughout their particular ministries.

Do you think Jesus needed the transfiguration himself? I believe his prayer life always included ‘I only do what I see my father doing’ and  ‘I only say what I hear my father saying’.. that said this was a open window for the three apostles and a normal in the Lords prayer life for him.

What is the place of eyewitness experience of God's glory alongside of the Word of God in our lives and witness as Christians? My 3 visions of the angels of Jude 6 when life support and 60 liters of oxygen a minute was not sustaining my life is always with me.   I know that ‘Hey God you know me.’ Does not  ind a person to the covenent of Christ’s salvation. Which is more important to us? Knowing how truly lost are the uncommited emowers my driving force in prayer for the all Jesus paid for. To others? The force to others is only the power of an eye wittness testemony. What is the balance? Both have their place. God choses what we see. His choices are perfect for His purpose.

How have your own spiritual experiences influenced your Christian life for good or ill? They set me on the path to grow and become rightly fit for His purpose. To serve in whatever roll he presents me with.

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