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  • 9 months later...

How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. 

Four. Unbelief, pride, intolerance and racial bigotry. 

These four are very common mistakes lurking in people. 


5.  How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?

The rebuke can be in such a way that the person is crushed and you lose him totally.

Then the rebuke can be in such a way that it makes no difference to the person. No change is forthcoming. The wrongdoing has not been recognized by the perpetrator.

The rebuke must be so, that the person changes, repents from what caused the rebuke in the first place. 

Titus 1:9


2.  We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?

When we work in and among the community, we experience the same hardships, privileges, poverty, lack etc., which they do. In this way we are with them. The difference comes in how we react to the circumstances. That is where we are not of them. We do not need to live like they do. We can still be joyful but don't need alcohol to be the center of party. 


3.  Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?

I recall about two years after my conversion there was a serious rebuke against our family. I was responsible. I recall the fight inside of me to keep quiet or to repent. Once I repented, the feeling was just so amazing. It was like a boulder had been lifted off my chest. This experience has in essence helped me when there has been fair or unfair rebuke since. I have been quiet and examined it before the Lord and then tried to deal with it appropriately.

The unhealthy part of the response has been the years of guilt that were not conquered or overcome. 

There had been a lot of unfair slander and criticism. I have truly walked as a "black sheep" for a very long time. 

Praise God for forgiving, healing and acceptance on His part. 


4.  What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?

Titus and Timothy are good teaching manuals. 

Titus 1 : 6ff   ... he must be of unquestionable integrity .  .  . must be blameless ....  a devout man,.  .  . A leader must hold fast to the sure and trustworthy Word of God ...  to give instruction


to convict those who oppose

show the wayward their error

.  .  .   deal severely with them ... 



2. We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?

We are physically here on earth with our generation, but as Christians we are members of Jesus’ kingdom which is not of this world (John 18:36). Meaning that we will experience all the horrors and tragedy of this life, but this is not our life (Philippians 3:8-14). This will all soon pass and we will be in heaven with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ forever. We can identify with our generation because once, like them, we were ruled by sin, but now we live differently. Thankfully, through mercy and grace, we are being changed into the image of Christ, and our interest in the things of the world are becoming less and less as we mature in Christ. Our lives should now be characterized by the fruit of the Spirit - love, moral purity, patience, and peace … (Gal 5:22-23). This will enable us to shine brightly in a dark and depraved world, and be an effective witness to the power of God’s Word. It is a difficult ongoing struggle, but by persevering and with the help of the Holy Spirit, our victory over sin and temptation comes through faith in Jesus Christ.


3. Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?

We have all needed to be rebuked at some time in our lives, and my response has not always been a healthy one. Especially before I came to know the Lord. When I was young, I responded negatively without thinking. As I have grown older, and hopefully with a little more wisdom and insight, I have always thought and analysed the rebuke before responding. Initially I always looked upon a rebuke in a negative way, not realising that it was for my benefit, Then again, there are ways of rebuking. Those done in love and humility almost always results in a healthy response. Jesus rebukes us in love and always for us to grow spiritually.


4. What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?

Only Church leaders who are known to be truly wise and humble should be chosen if someone needs to be rebuked. Rebuking is only good when it is given with good intentions and when it is given wisely. A Christian leader should acknowledge the person who submits to a rebuke in a spirit of humility. This submission displays a sign of true wisdom, for we know that there is nothing more painful to one’s spirit. This reminds me of Prov 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”. 


5. How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?

Besides knowing how to give a rebuke they must know when enough is enough. By overdoing it, it can become counterproductive with more damage done than is necessary. More damage done to the soul instead of destroying the sin. At the same time, a too light rebuke might not have the desired effect. People may respond angrily to any rebuke when their sin has been found out, or they love to sin, or their pride has been hurt. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1.Jesus rebukes the disciples in verses 41 for their unbelief, straight after that Jesus rebukes the demon and heals the boy. The disciples them can’t understand what Jesus is explaining to them about His approaching suffering and death, even though Jesus has told them before they still don’t understand. Next they start discussing who is the ‘ greatest’ among them. Jesus brings a child among them to demonstrate that the least among you is the greatest. The disciples see a man driving out demons , but Jesus did not send him out , so the disciples tried to stop him but Jesus told them not to stop him. The final  rebuke is for their hatred of Samaritans , the disciples wanted to destroy their village because they did not welcome them but Jesus forbad them doing so.

Q2. We have to live and contribute to this world even though we are belonging to this world , we are passing through on our way to our Heavenly Home. The light of Jesus must reflect of us onto other people. If our lives are immersed in Jesus we will be able to speak to others about Him, without feeling ashamed or ‘strange’. Even though we are in the midst of hostility a lot of the time we must continue doing and saying all we need to, in order to be know as Christians. We need to be in prayer for the Lord’s leading and guiding to be involved with others but to be confident in saying ‘ no’ when we need to. The deeper we get to know Jesus the less likely we are to have any desire to do anything or be involved in anything that would displease our Heavenly Father. We can influence those around us by being faithful to the things of God while living along side ungodliness. 
Q3. I think in general my response to rebuke has been to feel defensive and I have tried to explain why I did or did not do something. I have often felt hurt and felt the rebuke unjustified. However I have learnt over the years that I am not as perfect or good as I at times seem to think I am! I now go to God and ask His help to show me what I need to learn from the rebuke and what action, if any I need to take. I do make sure that a rebuke or criticism does not interfere with my relationship with the person who rebuked me. Sometimes this may be hard , if I feel the rebuke unwarranted but I remind myself that others don’t necessarily see my deeds or actions or words as I may see them. My Lord always helps in these situations!

Q4. A Christian leader needs to be a godly man with one wife and to be able to control his family because if he cannot look after his family he will not be able to look after the church God has entrusted to him to lead. He also needs to be a man of integrity and godly maturity. He must teach and admonish as Jesus did. There are many illustrations of Jesus teaching and rebuking in the Bible and a Christian leader must do the same. Much prayer and seeking God’s leading and guiding will be done prior to rebuking anyone. This will always be done in a gentle and respectful manner , but with firmness and biblical discussion. 
Q5. Not everyone will take a rebuke in a positive way but a Christian leader must try and do it in such a way that it will bring about the needed repentence and change of direction. To do this in a harsh nagging way will alienate someone straight away. Or to keep mentioning the misdemeanour every time they meet , will annoy and provoke anger. Equally if the rebuke is given in a light , joking kind of attitude it will give the person the impression that their leader isn’t serious and that their sin isn’t that bad that they need to do something about it. It is not an easy situation for any leader as we are all different and need and take correction in different ways. Hopefully if we are walking close to God we will know if we are doing something wrong before our Christian leaders have to speak to us. 


  • 1 month later...

How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. (Please do this for your own private study, but don't feel you need to share the list with your discussion group -- it'll be far too repetitious.)

We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?

Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?

When rebuked, there is usually of feeling hurt and anger. I am an exception to such feelings. I pray the the Lord will hell me use corrective rebuke as an opportunity for to reflect and see where I was wrong and take correction

What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?

How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?


How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. (Please do this for your own private study, but don't feel you need to share the list with your discussion group -- it'll be far too repetitious.)

We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?

Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?

When rebuked, there is usually of feeling hurt and anger. I am an exception to such feelings. I pray the the Lord will hell me use corrective rebuke as an opportunity for to reflect and see where I was wrong and take correction

What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?

How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?

  • 1 month later...

We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?


A. We can be with them but not be of them by keeping our eye on Jesus through bible study, prayer and fasting. If we do these things we can still identify with our generation and still live differently because we will have a positive attitude and will be willing to help others.


Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?


A. I have usually responded negatively to rebuke. I have tried to talk them out of rebuking me. But as a rule have changed some of my attitudes.


What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?


A. The necessary preparations for a Christian leader to able to rebuke those in his or charge is to be gentle. We may not know why that person is acting the way that they are but they need to understand that their attitude is not exactly what it ought to be.


How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?


A. It is possible to overdo rebuking when the person hits a verve that is your pet peeve and you really didn’t like that person to begin with. Then you will really let them have it. The way it possible to be too light on rebuking is that the person is a great friend and you don’t want to hurt their feelings.

  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/2/2021 at 2:22 AM, Irmela said:

2.  We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?

When we work in and among the community, we experience the same hardships, privileges, poverty, lack etc., which they do. In this way we are with them. The difference comes in how we react to the circumstances. That is where we are not of them. We do not need to live like they do. We can still be joyful but don't need alcohol to be the center of party. 

Well said, Irmela!

On 6/18/2021 at 5:58 AM, Katy said:


Q3. I think in general my response to rebuke has been to feel defensive and I have tried to explain why I did or did not do something. I have often felt hurt and felt the rebuke unjustified. However I have learnt over the years that I am not as perfect or good as I at times seem to think I am! I now go to God and ask His help to show me what I need to learn from the rebuke and what action, if any I need to take. I do make sure that a rebuke or criticism does not interfere with my relationship with the person who rebuked me. Sometimes this may be hard , if I feel the rebuke unwarranted but I remind myself that others don’t necessarily see my deeds or actions or words as I may see them. My Lord always helps in these situations!



I also tend to respond defensively, Katy.  I think it is the natural reaction of the flesh to tell us we are right and not wrong.  So true that we need to take a step back, humble ourselves, and ask God to show us any truth in the rebuke.  Then, yes, we need to repent when we are guilty.  God is good--He does always help these situations!


Bailey 10/15/21    Greetings

1.  How many rebukes of the disciples can you find? :

Rebuking Unbelief , Rebuking the unclean Spirit, The disciples' inability to understand Jesus' coming betrayal, Rebuking pride in the Disciples, Rebuking intolerance in the disciples, and Rebuking Racial Bigotry in the disciples.

2.  How can we be "with" them but not "of" them?  How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently?   To both questions, we live in a society now where everyone says what they want and when they want, the youth of today especially have no respect for authority, yet when they are disrespected the world must "so they think" understand.  Living in today's world we as disciples are the preach the word of God.  I understand what is being said, I may or may not agree,I don't have to go alone to get alone.  I give respect with the love of God and I must remember to love my neighbor. 

  • 3 months later...

How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. (Please do this for your own private studyR

Rebuking Unbelief, the unclean spirit being rebuked, the disciples' inability to understand Christ's coming suffering, rebuking pride in the disciples, rebuking intolerance in them, Rebuking the Samaritan's opposition, rebuking the disciples for opposition to someone doing the work of the Lord, lastly rebuking their inability to die to self

2.  How can we be "with" them but not "of" them?  

By learning how to spend quality time with the Lord and listen to His voice at all times.

Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? What has been healthy about your response? What has been unhealthy?

I have felt offense, hurt, betrayed and even condemned. It has actually been unhealthy, and the fact I take offense so easily.

What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately?

The ability to listen to the Holy Spirit's leading and know what to say and when to say it. 

How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? How is it possible to be too light on rebuking?

Simply by letting your emotions control how you speak instead of letting the Lord speak through you. By choosing to go light because of fear of rejection.

  • 1 year later...

How many rebukes of the disciples can you find in 9:37-56? List them. The apostles were corrected four times

We can't be other-worldly and still be able to communicate to our generation. How can we be "with" them but not "of" them? While we are among them in presence we do not hold their value system. How can we both identify with our generation and still live differently? We were part of our lost of our generation prior to our salvation. Compassion for their terrible destination is a good start of prayes and suplications for their salvation.

Up to this point in your life, how have you usually responded when you have been rebuked by parents, teachers, employers, spouses, spiritual leaders, etc.? It depends on their intent. If it is for my benifit or the goal of the organization I appreciate it. If it is serving os selfish motives I do not take it well.  What has been healthy about your response? I am a process person. I love optimizing a process to produce better quality results.  What has been unhealthy? I do not do myself well in relationships when openly rejecting their correction.

What is the necessary preparation for a Christian leader to be able to rebuke those in his or her charge appropriately? A prayer life that brings understanding in the Spirit of how to lead them into change to the better way of dealing with their issue.

How is it possible to overdo rebuking as a leadership style? Rebuke is to correct, not smash or destroy. How is it possible to be too light on rebuking? We need achieve a correction in values and bring understanding of the poor results vs best results if their error limiting their progress. There is no acceptable falling short of a persons proper fitting into the family of God. As Rebuke is the strongest corrective level we would seemingly dealing with a rebellious spirit at that level. Gaining attention of the seriousness is required.

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