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  • 8 months later...

1. Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as He sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today? 
Jesus got His disciples to go in pairs for practical reasons (Ecc 4:9-12). There was also much wisdom in sending them in this manner. To be valid witnesses two or more people were required (Deu 19:15). "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses" (2Cor 13:1). There are advantages of fellowship and partnership, and they can help and encourage each other. Also, there is protection against an attack. One can easily be overpowered, but two can usually resist an attack. Going into a hostile environment they will be able to sustain and comfort each other. It can be tough and very discouraging when you go on your own. Later this pattern was followed by Barnabas and Saul are sent out together on their missionary journey (Act 13:1-3); and that afterward Paul and Silas are together “commended by the brothers to the grace of God” (Act 15:40). And let us not forget Barnabas and Mark (Act 15:39), Judas and Silas (Act 15:27), Timothy and Silas (Act 17:14), and Timothy and Erastus (Act 19:22). The 70 were sent because there was much work to be done and there was less than a year left before the Cross. The above can be used as a template for us today. 


2. What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is He trying to accomplish? 
The 70 were sent out to preach immediately, and mainly where Jesus Himself was about to come. They were to go into the villages and towns, and prepare the way for His coming, and He equipped them with His power and a vision to reach all people. They were appointed for a different purpose from the apostles.. The apostles were to be with Him; to hear His instructions; to be witnesses of His miracles, His sufferings, His death, His resurrection and ascension, that they might then go and proclaim all these things to the world. There was an urgency to get the message out to the villages Jesus had decided to visit. Jesus would be going to the Cross in less than a years’ time. The 70 would be the forerunners to Jesus, they would prepare the people for Jesus’ message, so that when Jesus arrives the groundwork would have been done. Jesus could now concentrate on His healings and His message about His kingdom. Jesus was trying to evangelise as many as humanly possible, and as efficiently as humanly possible. We see our Saviour’s deep and tender concern for people’s everlasting welfare. It made no difference that some of the territory would have many Gentiles living there. This just goes to show that Jesus loves all, be they Jews, Samaritans, or Gentiles, they were all part of His loving concern. 


3. In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that? 
As it was then, so ever increasingly is it true today that the field is large - it is the world! Jesus Himself said “The field is the world” (Mat 13:38). At the very moment when the Lord spoke these words, He was in the midst of a harvest field containing the souls of Samaritan men and women. He was telling the disciples that a great work of in-gathering lay before them, and that they should give themselves to it immediately and diligently. He was teaching them that the fields were already white for harvest, and the time to get to work was now. So today, the Lord says to those of us who are believers, “Lift up your eyes, and look at the fields.” The harvest is indeed plentiful in my area of the world. Not only in my country where the need is extremely great; with our country having turned its back on the Lord. But even in my family, my town, my street, and even my immediate neighbour, there are lost souls all around. They need to hear the gospel, for none can be saved if they don’t know of Him? "How are they to believe in Him of whom they have never heard?" (Rom. 10:14). They need to hear the open invitation to repent and put their trust in Jesus Christ (Matt 11:28; Luke 14:23), promising that if they do, they will be forgiven of their sins and receive life everlasting, which only Christ Himself can give. 


4.  Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest? 
It seems that the need has always been greater than the work-force. This is probably because believers are so busy keeping their head above water. The pressures of work and keeping up with the Joneses is too much, that there is no time or concern for spiritual things. I’m without excuses. I have not done anywhere near enough that I could have done for the Lord. Besides work pressures and raising a family, I did serve on many church councils as an elder, but I’m ashamed to say that I feel sometimes that I was not directly involved enough in the harvest. 


5. Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c) 
God is the main recruiter because it is His harvest. Although the Lord is sovereign over the harvest process, we are given the privilege to join Him in His harvest! And it is God alone who empowers believers with the necessary qualities needed to carry out the task of harvesting His “field”. He equips, qualifies, and ordains those He sends out. Sometimes He thrusts them out almost forcefully, for not all are immediately willing. Moses and Jeremiah being two examples. Prayer is one of the best and most powerful means of helping forward the cause of Christ in the world. So, when we need more workers, we are instructed to pray that our Lord would compel more workers to become available, since it is God alone who can raise up and send the labourers required to work among souls. 


6. What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labour? (10:7) 
Jesus told His disciples to accept hospitality graciously because their work entitled them to it. So, there was no need to feel guilty about the accommodation, food and drink their hosts provided – it is part of their deserved wages. Workers for the gospel deserve to be supported, and it is believers’ responsibility to make sure they have what they need. There are many ways we can support those who serve the Lord. We can start by paying them an adequate salary. We need to show our gratitude for the work they do, as well as supporting them emotionally. It would be nice to lift their spirits with special surprises now and then. They need to know that we are giving to them cheerfully and generously. 


1.  Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today?

It is easy to get discouraged alone. When there are two this is less likely to happen. (One seems to look out for the other and give encouragement without even noticing it. Just another person being present is better than being alone). 

In pairs it is safer, be it as a witness to something that happened or be it for safety as in an attack. One is an easy target for an attack, two is less likely for it to happen. 

Not everyone has the same spiritual gifting. Better that there are two and so one fills in as it were, what the other leaves out.  

This being sent in pairs has been a guideline to follow down the ages. Nothing gets done for nothing, there is always a lesson to be learnt from it. 


2.  What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is he trying to accomplish?
There is not much time, but there is still a lot of work. Disciples need to put into practice what they have been taught.

With a bigger group, more pairs are being sent out. More people can be reached. Greater ground can be covered. 

The villages where the disciples were welcomed, faith was stirred up. Jesus was soon to follow. But the ground-work had been done and the people would be 'hungry' and eager to receive more. 

The fact that they were sent ahead was like pre-evangelism. It was into a new area where Jesus was not well-known. 


3. In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that?

The people eagerly accept what Jesus is telling them. They indeed are crying for a change from the Roman Oppression they have lived under for so long. The longing for the promised Messiah is uppermost in their minds. Now the news of the Kingdom of Heaven being at hand is met with great enthusiasm. 

Indeed all over the need is great. Many have pushed aside the truth that God is indeed God and Christ is the One Who can save them from their sin. 


4. Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest?

The harvest always seems to be much more than what there are workers. 

It is very easy to fall into the trap of guilt and shame that one did not go into a foreign mission field and be involved in harvest there . But in the home field it is also necessary to have workers.

Ones life needs to portray Christ. It is only in the hereafter that we will be aware of who was reached for the kingdom, by ones lifestyle. 

It is so that one sows or plants, another waters and another reaps. 



5. Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c)

God knows each and everyone. He has called us to work somewhere. It does not help recruiting who man wants (remember when Samuel was sent to anoint one of Jesse's sons as king. In his eyes the older one looked able but God had not chosen him for that job. His was another job. David was the one God had chosen as king) God knows who will stick it out where. He knows whom He can send into the foreign field, He knows whom He can send amongst the elderly, amongst  the youth, amongst the troubled 'rebels', amongst the drug addicts, whom He can send amongst the "special needs" people etc. 

Our instruction is to pray for workers and to go where we are sent. 


6. What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7)

If this is meant here on earth, I guess it is that we are to expect to get sustenance as is needed day by day. 

One day in heaven it will be a different story. That is when we will receive our reward. 

We are not to expect extravaganza par excellence now. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1.Jesus was setting out a pattern to be followed by all His disciples. We see it being followed many times in the New Testament. Paul took different people with him on his journeys as did Timothy. It was also for practical reasons, there is safely in numbers. If one was to become discouraged, the other can encourage him. They could look after each other. They can help and advise each other. They can pray together. Their spiritual gifts may be different so they both bring something different to their preaching and teaching.

Q2.There was much work to be done in a short space of time. Jesus wanted as many people as possible to have the opportunity to know their need of God and know about the kingdom of God. They were also to heal the sick among them. Their mission was to seek out towns and villages where the message of Jesus would be accepted. They were to prepare the way for Jesus to come and teach. If the people did not accept them and Jesus they didn’t go there and the people lost the opportunity of their lives to meet and hear the Son of God preaching and teaching them about the kingdom of heaven.

Q3.There were many people who needed to know of the love of God. There were not enough workers to go and tell people about the  kingdom of God. There are many people in my area who flaunt God’s laws and ways. Those that I have opportunity with often feel they are doing ok! They have there own religion and all ways lead to God!! I find it hard trying to tell people just how wonderful God is and fell I don’t make a very good job of it. But I keep praying for opportunity and that God would give me the words to say.

Q4.People don’t realise the urgency of telling others, we think there is plenty of time, but we don’t know how much time any one of us have.People are very involved with their own lives, work and families. Things that have kept me from being active mostly comes from not feeling confident about know just what to say to someone, how do I put all that God is into a few words and not put people off. I do realize this shows a lack of trust in God. I am afraid of letting Him down! I need to pray for the confidence I lack in this area.
Q5.God is the main recruiter because we cannot recruit on our own. We need to ask God to send the right people for the job. Prayer has to be the main thing to do prior to looking for workers. 

Q6.God gives His workers the peace of knowing they are working within His will and doing what He has asked us to do, to preach His word. As believers it is our responsibility to pay our church leaders a just wage. They should not be struggling while their congregation has plenty. We must also support other workers that we know or that we decide to support to enable them to carry out their work for the Lord. All we are doing is giving back to the Lord a little of what He has given to us. 

  • 1 month later...

1.    Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today?

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says two is better than one. The two can use their different gifts to complement one another in their evangelistic tasks and they  can physically compliment one another in times of need. The same principle applies today in our service especially in evangelism.

2.    What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is he trying to accomplish?

Jesus was sending the disciples ahead to prepare the ground spiritually by preparing the hearts of the people before His arrival. This action also prepared the the disciples in the task ahead after Jesus left to heaven. So it was also training (part of the discipleship programme).

3.    In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that?

Many people needed to hear the Word but there was no one to carry the message to them. The same situation is the case in our localities today. The major difference is that there are quite some labourers /workers around today through the many churches that are almost on every street but the people are not interested to hear. There is need to pray to the Lord of the harvest to turn the hearts of the people to be receptive to the message of the labourers.

4.    Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest?

To me the workers are not few in my part where I live in Nigeria. In my small village there are four different denominations proclaiming the word through weekly church services and periodic open air evangelism. There are also theological training colleges to train labourers for the harvest. I think what we need is more prayers for the Lord of the Harvest to turn the hearts of the people. 

I personally do pray at times that God should make me and others to be spiritually turned to righteousness so the we will follow Him and do that which He wants us to do.

5.    Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c)

God is the One Who owns every human being and desires that we all should not perish. He is also the One Who has the power to turn hearts of people towards Him.

He wants us to pray to Him to  facilitate this turning of souls towards Him.

6.    What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7)

Today workers in God's service are paid wages by the congregations of the churches or organisations where they serve and worship.

  • 3 weeks later...

Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today?


A. Jesus paired up the disciples as he sends them out so they can support each other. The application for today is the same. We need to be paired up so we can support each other.


What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is he trying to accomplish?


A. Jesus’ decision to send out the Seventy was to get the word spread more widely. It was also a training ground for the disciples to learn how to spread the word.


In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that?


A. The harvest was plentiful in Jesus’ day because there was nobody to teach them about the good news. The harvest plentiful in my area of the world because you can see how the country is going downhill.


Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest?


A. The workers are few in my culture because they will be accosted by those that don’t believe. They will be shouted down by the non-believers to the point where those that are on fence can’t hear the message.


Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c)


A. God the main recruiter because he is the one we are to place our petition for more workers.


What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7)


A. The “wages’ that God offers harvesters today for their labor is the great feeling we get when we have been successful of bring people to Jesus.

  • 1 month later...
On 7/16/2021 at 5:46 AM, Katy said:


Q4.People don’t realise the urgency of telling others, we think there is plenty of time, but we don’t know how much time any one of us have.People are very involved with their own lives, work and families. Things that have kept me from being active mostly comes from not feeling confident about know just what to say to someone, how do I put all that God is into a few words and not put people off. I do realize this shows a lack of trust in God. I am afraid of letting Him down! I need to pray for the confidence I lack in this area.

I feel exactly the same way.  I am always worried about letting God down by not being able to evangelize effectively, even though I know that He tells us not to worry and that the Holy Spirit will give us the words to say.  Recently, I have been attending a church where the members are more vocal about their faith and witnessing to others.  Seeing them has helped me have more confidence to feel more comfortable speaking about my faith more freely.  I guess this goes back to the reason for putting disciples together in pairs.  

  • 2 months later...

1.    Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) What application does this have today?

Because as Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 says two are better than one and also two make quick work of things as well. When there is something the Lord wants us to do; it is better to have someone else with you and be willing to have them pray for you.

2.    What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? What is he trying to accomplish?

To prepare them for His leaving and also for ministry. 

3.    In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? How do you determine that?

The harvest of souls is plentiful and there is need of workers. Yes because of the fact so many people need to know the Lord. By learning to pray for the work of the Lord.

4.    Why are the workers few? (10:2b) What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest?

 Because there are people who are not ready to do the work of the Lord. Idleness, laziness, idolatry and busyness.

5.    Why is God the main recruiter? What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c)

Because He chooses to use the unequipped and equip them. To pray for them. 

6.    What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7)

The wages we will receive is the harvest of souls and also rewards in heaven.

  • 1 year later...

Why does Jesus pair up the disciples as he sends them out? (10:1) safety and combined complimentary gifting. What application does this have today? One discerning one preaching or doing the hands on praying seems optimal for out of church environments.

What are the strategic purposes behind Jesus' decision to send out the Seventy? The wording strongly suggests gonprepare the ground. Go pray for the area and its people. What is he trying to accomplish? Hands on experience in their coming ministries.

In what sense is the harvest plentiful in Jesus' day? (10:2a) Is the harvest plentiful in your area of the world? I was raised in the cherryland of Wisconsin. Without the migrant workforce the cherry’s were far beyond our capacitynto harvest.  How do you determine that? In the world there are 1.36 billion Chinese and 1.4 billion Indian peoples. Africa is the dize of all the restbof the continents combined. Our work is before us. We need harvesers.

Why are the workers few? (10:2b) It is hard dirty work. Intensly delicate to minister to the true needs which are key to setting captives free. What kinds of things have kept you in the past from being active in the harvest? Entangled in Master level Track and Field officiating. Teaching survey instrument measurements for long throws and horizontal jumps. Holy spirit asked if I would be more satisfied doing more championship meets running the measurement crew or working for him. I retired from teack and field and am selling my equipment off.

Why is God the main recruiter? The spirit of god is busy working on hearts. What is our instruction when we need more workers? (10:2c) Pray the Lord of the harvest send workers into the field.

What kind of "wages" does God offer harvesters today for their labor? (10:7) that their needs be met.

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