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  • 8 months later...

1. Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"? 
The 70 went out to talk about the kingdom of God and the King, and there were two possibilities; either the people of the house were receptive or unreceptive to the good news of the kingdom. On entering a house, they must first pronounce their greeting upon the home; saying “Peace to this house”. This was the characteristic blessing, but here the blessing conveyed the messianic peace promised in the OT and stressed the authority based on power from God that was behind these disciples. If the householders were worthy, that is, receptive to the message, then the blessing would stand. It meant that they had a proper attitude toward God, and these people would be open to the gospel message. Some of God’s elect were present in the house and they responded positively to the message. The disciples, two at a time, would then stay in this house knowing that they are welcome. But if the people were not worthy, that is, unreceptive to the message, then the blessing would return to the disciples. They would then leave and move on to a new home. There was going to be a lot of this kind of hostility and rejection to the gospel as there still is today. “The kingdom of God is near you” is part of their message. They had to proclaim the gospel otherwise how could the people accept or reject it without first hearing it. The 70 were stating the fact that the kingdom is here and that they have come to introduce them to the King of that kingdom. There cannot be a kingdom without a King, and this King was the Messiah, Jesus Christ. They were being invited to enter this kingdom, to leave behind them the kingdom of darkness were Satan rules. 


2. Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment? 
Disciples are to preach the gospel and all those God elected/chosen will hear and respond in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Resulting in them being drawn out of the kingdom of darkness and bringing them into God’s kingdom of light, so that they can enjoy full fellowship with Jesus. Salvation is solely the work of God. We do not even have the strength to come to Jesus by ourselves. It is only when God begins to work in our hearts and life that we will realise that we have a need for a Saviour. We then have the choice of accepting or refusing Him, but those chosen by God will hear the gospel, respond positively, be saved, and spend eternity with Him. They would be healed from their sins. Only God can forgive us our sins, and only Jesus Christ can judge believers and unbelievers. Romans 14:10-12 says that we will all stand before the judgment seat of Christ and that each one of us will give an account to God. All unbelievers will be judged by Christ, and they will be punished according to the works they have done. All believers will also be judged by Christ, but since Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to us and our names are written in the book of life, we will be rewarded, but not punished, according to our deeds. 


3. Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message? 
Believers will be spending eternity in heaven and unbelievers will be spending eternity in hell. Jesus will ultimately judge all people – believers and unbelievers. Believers will be judged on the work they have done for Jesus during their ministry, to determine the size of their rewards. Unbelievers will be judged on the extent of their rejection of Jesus’ message to determine the severity of their punishment. How often have they heard the gospel and still rejected it, and still, they reject our Saviour. 


4. Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment? 
It is terrifying to think that our hypocrisy and our lifestyle could cause some people to reject Jesus. One of the greatest hurts we can hear if someone tells us that we are no different from the rest of the world; that as Christians we don’t standout or make a difference in our community. There can’t be any unloving acts in our life. Malice - evil thoughts grudges, revenge. Deceit - any form of dishonesty. Hypocrisy - insincerity, pretence, sham - pretending to be someone we is not. Envy – jealousy, resentment, spite. Evil speaking - backbiting, malicious gossip, false accusations. All of these sins are violations of the fundamental commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves. (1 Peter 2:1). If we truly belong to Jesus Christ we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:22-23), in greater measure as we grow in Christ-likeness. No Christian is perfect, but they will genuinely try to grow and mature spiritually in this life; and this is not the same as being a hypocrite. Those who reject Christ, for whatever reason, will have no excuse on the Day of Judgment. Each person is responsible for their own salvation. 


5. What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in His "Press Secretary" or spokesperson? 
Jesus’ chief message is both salvation and judgment. To be a spokesperson for Jesus one would truly have to know Him, and reflect His attributes in our daily life. The only way one can know Jesus is by entering into a relationship, and the only way we can reflect some of His attributes is by obedience to Him. This means to love Him with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (10:27), and surrender to His plans for your life. To deny self, take up our cross, and follow Him (9:23). The Holy Spirit changes us forever, and Jesus comes alive in us, as we get to know Him personally. We can and must proclaim Jesus’ message calling a spade a spade, not only by our words but also by our life. The message of salvation means repentance and total trust in Jesus Christ as our Saviour. The message of judgment is the warning of the consequences of rejecting the gospel. Jesus made it clear that people will be judged according to the degree that they rejected. In other words, there will be degrees of punishment in hell. This reminds me of Heb 4:12: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart”. God’s Word requires decisions. CH Spurgeon wrote: “while you reject Christ you are living on the borders of hell, and ere long you will be lost to all eternity”. This is not a message we often hear today. The alternative is to live for eternity with Him in heaven! 


1.  Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"?

All are given a chance to choose. The time is not unlimited. We need to decide soon. You don't know when it will be too late. 

2.  Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment?

It all works hand-in-hand. Very often having received salvation, then the healing process begins to manifest or is complete. Jesus brought hope to the hopeless. Very often that oppression brings sickness. Oppression is lifted, sickness is lifted.

We will all be judged at the closing of the ages. The ultimate result of the judgment can be changed if salvation is accepted. We are encouraged to bring the Word in favourable or unfavorable times. 

3.  Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message?

Man was created by God and He declared His work to be good. Then man of his own decision, (disobeyed) fell into sin. Rom 3:23 reminds us that all have sinned. Thus we are all under God's judgment. 


4.  Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment?

No one is perfect. If we have failed we are to confess our failures and turn about that a change is noticed and not go back to that sin. Ultimately everyone must make his own decision to accept or reject Christ's message. No excuse is acceptable. 

5. What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson?
The msg of judgment and salvation go hand-in-hand. If the msg of salvation is not accepted it is Christ that is rejected and ultimately God. By rejecting God, judgment is called down upon them. If the msg of salvation is accepted the result is eternal life for that one. 

Jesus is possibly looking for total submission, for obedience, willingness to surrender to Him wholeheartedly. He enables us in the midst of all to STAND. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1.Jesus sent the seventy out two by two to every village, none was to be excluded. All were to be given the opportunity of either accepting what was being offered to them or rejecting it. That message was that the kingdom of God is near that Jesus the King of the Kingdom was on His way to tell them all about it and about the difference believing would make to them and their future. They were to call to each door and greet people with the traditional Jewish blessing “Peace to this house” and tell them about the gospel. If they were interested and open , they would receive a blessing from God. If not the blessing would return to the disciples. 
Q2.When people accept the word of God through the ministrations of a disciple they are agents of salvation and healing. Because someone accepts the word of God they pass from darkness of sin into the light of salvation, and because of this their sins are forgiven and they will not have to face the rigours of judgment as they would have had to do if they had died in their sin. So in this way they are possibly agents of judgement. 
Q3.Yes we will all have to face God and give an account of all we have done and have not done. Those who have lived for Christ will be judged for all the work done for Him. And will be rewarded accordingly, but those who have rejected Christ will be sent to eternal damnation. 
Q4.Because our sinful nature is constantly in the background we will all do things which are wrong. However if we consistently ask God’s help to live as He would want us to, He will guide us and lead us so we will not have too many inconsistencies in our lives. If we confess or admit to people that we should not have said or done something and own up to our inconsistencies hopefully we will not lead anyone astray. A mature person will not allow the inconsistencies of another put them off the things of God. It is about God and His Son and what they have done for us not about people and how they act. Our inconsistencies will be no excuse on Judgement Day. 
Q5.Jesus message is about the great salvation available to us all but as with all things there are consequences if we reject Him, and people must also be aware of this. A spokesperson for Christ must know and love Him. They must be a person of integrity and sound character. They must be willing to face rejection and know that when they do face it, that it is not personal but it is a rejection of God. They must also realise that it is a privilege to be rejected for the sake of Jesus. They are being faithful by speaking out and being rejected.

  • 1 month later...

1.    Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"?

Both groups need the opportunity to hear the Word of God. Their positive response and acceptance /receiving the Word qualifies them to enter the kingdom of God and escape from judgement and condemnation and eternal death.

2.    Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment?

No. A disciple declares a message of salvation and those listeners who accept the Word will be saved while those who hear the same word but reject it have rejected the Lord Jesus and thereby rejected the Lord God and thus are judged and sentenced to death eternal.

3.    Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message?

As the result  of the fall in the Garden of Eden, man has fallen short of the glory of God and is condemned to death but salvation option is available through acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior. His rejection leads to judgement and condemnation and the second death.

4.    Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment?

It is terrifying that our inconsistences will lead someone to reject the Lord. However, this will not be an excuse for anyone who rejects the Lord for that excuse. He will be punished for rejecting the salvation of his soul.

5.    What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson?

Jesus chief message is repent, for the kingdom of God has come meaning that His concern is all we hear the word and repent and be saved. The Judgement is just a screening process to separate sheep unto salvation and the goats unto condemnation.

His spokesperson should be someone who willingly follows Him, has passion for the salvation of souls and who is ready to carry his cross daily to achieve the objective.

  • 4 weeks later...

Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"?


A. The disciples are sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive because Jesus wanted them to turn from their sins and repent because the kingdom of God is near them.


Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment?


A. It is possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing without being judgmental. They don’t know what the people with whom they are talking have been going through. They only want them to see Jesus.


Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message?


A. I think that if they reject Jesus’ message, they are under God’s judgment.


Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment?


A. Our inconsistencies will have no bearing on them on the Day of Judgment. They have to own up to what they had done or hadn’t done.


What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson?


A. Jesus’ chief message is salvation.

  • 1 month later...

Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"?

They are sent to the receptive and unreceptive because they can't tell the difference until after they share their message as to how it will be received.  Therefore, they must share it with everyone.  I assume they say "The kingdom of God is near you" because Jesus was ushering in the kingdom at that time. 

Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message?

We are all under God's judgment until we receive Jesus' perfect gift of salvation through His atoning sacrifice that covers our sins.  

  • 4 months later...

1.    Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"?

They are sent to both groups because they needed to learn that not everyone would accept the message of salvation and that there would be those who would reject it completely. To let people know that Salvation had come in the name of the Lord.

2.    Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment?

Yes, because they are commanded not to judge since they are not the ultimate judge over anyone when it is God does the judging. 

3.    Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message?

According to the Scriptures in Romans we all are under judgment because without Christ we are missing the mark through our sinful nature and that we cannot attain God's mercy on our own merits. 

4.    Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment?

Because we believe that everyone will be saved from their sins when it is not exactly the case. There will be those that will become vessels of God's wrath because they chose sinful living instead. They base Christianity based off of the believers instead of Christ Himself. For the Lord is the only one without sin. No, it will not they will still have to answer God.

5.    What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson?

The Gospels speak of salvation to the world and that He was in fact the very Messiah that was prophesied about years ago. People that truly love Him and want to serve Him wholeheartedly.

  • 1 year later...
  1. Why are the disciples sent to both the receptive and the unreceptive? To locate the ready fruit along the vine. Why are they to say to each, "The kingdom of God is near you"? It is an assurance to those who receive the word and a true warning to the rest as to whom they are rejecting a precious gift sent to them.
  2. Is it possible for disciples to be agents of salvation and healing, without at the same time being possible agents of judgment? Yes. We are but messengers. Ambassadors making clear the availability of the kingdom at hand. In no culture is rejecting a gift not an offence. Rejecting Gods word is truly rebellion on their part. They bring the judgement upon them selves just as the saved brought the gift of salvation upon themselves.
  3. Are people already under God's judgment, or only become so if they reject Jesus' message? All are under judgement for all have sinned and fallen short. Saved is rescued from the deserved fate of the world.
  4. Why is it so terrifying and sobering to think that someone might reject Jesus because of the inconsistencies they see in our lives? If we have read and understood Danial and Revelation or listened to sound preaching then we can see the cloud of destruction hovering over them. Will our inconsistencies give them an excuse on the Day of Judgment? No as all the wonders of the firmament declare the righteous glory of God leaving no one any excuse.
  5. What is Jesus' chief message: judgment or salvation? Judgement comes, please hear the call from the lifeboats crew, we are here to save you from your fate. What qualities do you think Jesus should look for in his "Press Secretary" or spokesperson? I am being driven to understand it took 40 years to prepare Moses in humility to serve as spokesman for God to Pharoah. Humility is not an offensive approach. It opens conversation, it does not demand anything. It does not seek its own. It offers too not taking anything from. I saw to day we have deverence backwards so struggle. I recall Lester Sumrall only saying “Come Out!” And the person set completely free. Why.. because he delivered freedom to the captive. Setting free to the prisoner. We are not to take someones belief from them. We are to offer them the good news of the kingdom of God is a better option for them. We are to deliver to, not take from.
  • 5 months later...

My inconsistencies( I call them those flies in the ointment) very much discourage me. I'm forgetful, often suddenly casual, chronic insomniac who does everything haphazardly and whenever whenever, losing things all the time, forgetting things a lot of time,and a whole lot more flakiness. I feel so overwhelmed, the cares of this life seem endless and the things of God get thrown in the gaps of moments here and there, and often when I finally go on a rampage of doing all I can to show someone the gospel in every which way, in the end, 90% of my sudden big effort just has no feedback. I get no response, they don't - whatever , I see no actual results, if at all. Been puffing a long like this for years now, gonna turn 70 this summer and wish I could become someone effective for the Lord before my life ends, please pray I become somehow what the Lord wants me to be. Thank you🌹


Please respond to my complaint in way of advice, the only other thing I can add--- the dear Lord Jesus is endlessly good, loving, merciful, faithful protecting and encouraging to me He showers me with kindness and blessings everyday, but I still feel like I'm not - I don't know how to say it, wavering between lukewarmness and trying real hard some of the time but usually falling right back into old habits please help me understand where I go wrong, thank you

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