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  • 8 months later...

1. (10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't? 
Jesus’ coming to earth stirred up a great deal of demonic activity which subsided after His ascension. So, to show His dominion over demons, the 70 were given the power to cast out demons to show that they had come to the villages in Jesus’ name and by His authority. True Christians today are indwelt by the Holy Spirit and therefore cannot be possessed by demons, but this does not mean we can ignore Satan and his devices, as he has declared war against all who follow Jesus. Therefore, if given the power by Jesus, they should be subject to our command. The 70 were explicitly given this power. However, we have the power of the Word of God, complete as we have it today, which they did not have. 


2. (10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven? 
The 70 came back from their mission excited about their success. I don’t think it’s a warning against their pride but more about saved souls; perhaps a mixture of both. Jesus shared their enthusiasm but He wanted them rather to remember a more important victory. More important than the success of casting out demons was the victory they had over Satan which resulted in more souls in heaven. 


3. (10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack? 
The authority Jesus has given the 70 against the forces of evil, over the kingdom of darkness, over all the power of Satan, might entail Jesus providing them with special powers or even Him intervening miraculously on their behalf. Protecting them and granting them immunity during their mission. What it lacks is testing Jesus by being careless or exposing them unnecessary to dangers or tempting the laws of nature. 


4. (10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively? 
Jesus promises that we will ultimately be kept or guarded by His power. We know from Rom 8:38-39, that nothing in all creation can separate us from God's love for us in Christ Jesus our Lord, not life or death, not angels or spirits, not the present or the future, and not powers above or powers below. We are all aware that believers through the ages have been harmed and even martyred, but Jesus promises that we will obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for us (1 Peter 1:3-5). So, this is to be interpreted spiritually. In our verse under discussion, it meant that the 70 would not come to any physical harm at all during this mission of theirs. Here, it is to be interpreted literally. 


5. (10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things? 
We should rejoice because of the greatest miracle – the salvation of our previously lost soul. A sinner condemned to die, but by His grace our names are written in the book of life – we are citizens of heaven. This means that we will spend eternity with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!, and experience eternal joy. We are often tempted to rejoice over temporal things. That is because our minds are not focused on the reality of eternity and heaven. What can be more important and of greater value than the salvation of our souls? Definitely not all earthly honour, power, and/or wealth. 

  • 2 weeks later...

1.  (10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't?

We too have been granted authority. If it is done in the name of Jesus, I do not see why they should not. 

Jesus sent the 70 (72) ahead of Him to prepare the places for He was coming there after them. 

Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit. We too are given the authority to cast out demons and to perform miracles in His Name. 


2.  (10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?

The thing that seems to have made a big impact on the disciples was the fact that the demons responded to the authority given to them, i. e. the disciples, viz., to cast them out. 

Jesus then responds by acknowledging that satan had been cast out of heaven. Thus demonic activity was prevelant here on earth (It was like a rock had been hurled into a hornets nest) and by casting them out of their prey, they were real mad. This is what Jesus had come to do, destroy satan's work. 


3.  (10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack?

It entails the authority to destroy the work of the devil in the life of an individual or the power the devil has on an individual. 

This cannot be done without Christ's authority.

It does also not mean that literally you will trample on snakes and scorpions, nothing will ever happen to you. The law of nature still abides. Miracles are known to happen though. 


4.  (10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively?

It means that regardless of the outcome of the warfare. Be it the physical body that dies, spiritually we will have LIFE. We will not be cut off from God. 

In the instance where Jesus had sent out the 70, He had said He was sending them out as sheep among wolves, but they would literally and spiritually be safe. 


5.  (10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things?

If our names are written in the Lambs Book of Life, that means we are with Christ for all eternity. We rejoice over miracles because they are tangible and for now. But Salvation is the greatest miracle of all. FOR ALL ETERNITY 

  • 3 weeks later...

Q1. As Christians we have power to cast out demons, if it is what Jesus wants us to do. He has to give us the authority to do it. It would also depend on the motivation of our hearts, our humility and our compassion. I have at times gone to see people who are lonely and depressed and feeling very negative, and by the time I leave they are different people. Sitting upright, smiling and chatty. I have done nothing but sat and chatted and listened to how they feel. This may be loneliness but sometimes I wonder if the Presence of the Holy Spirit in me, has not caused Satan to slide away. Which results in a more peaceful and contented person. It may not answer the question but it is along similar lines. I think God is very much at work among us and often we fail to realize it.

Q2. I am not sure of the answer to this, could Jesus have been warning them about their pride, it was because of pride that Satan was caste out of heaven. Or maybe Jesus was saying to them not to dwell on the fact that they could caste out demons but dwell on something more important. The most important thing was that by casting out demons they were defeating Satan and his ways. 
Q3.Power to trample on snakes and scorpions was not literally given to the seventy, what was meant was that they had power by Jesus’s authority to crush the work of Satan and his evil followers. Satan is first introduced to us in Genesis three as a serpent and in Revelations as ‘that ancient serpent’. Also in the area where these men lived they would be used to dealing with serpents and scorpions as part of their daily lives and knew how dangerous they were. This power from Jesus did not give them immunity from being bitten by these creatures.

Q4.Nothing shall by any means hurt you, did not refer to being hurt physically. They could still be physically hurt but no one or nothing could destroy their souls or the essence of who they were. They maybe persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ but no one could touch the core of who they were.

Q5.To have our names written in the Lambs book of life is the most wonderful thing that could happen to us! Because we are so bound up in the things of this world we can sometimes forget how wonderful it is. It is something we need to think about and thank God for this gift and great privilege. It is another thing we need to be so thankful for, and need to speak to others about. 

  • 1 month later...

1.    (10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't?

Surely YES.

Whatever they had, the power and authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, is very available for us today. All we need is to be sure we have accepted His as our Lord and Saviour and believe in Him and His power and we will operate in the spiritual realm with signs and wonders.

2.    (10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?

I think Jesus wanted to teach them that Satan was already a fallen angel and that the most important thing was not just their victory over Satan but their status in the Kingdom of God, whether their names were written in the Book of Life

3.    (10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack?

It entails that if walk and work with and in Jesu, He will shield us and make us overcome snakes and scorpions and be safe

4.    (10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively?

This is a tough one given that almost all the disciples during Jesus time had "something" that hurt them. In fact, all of them except Apostle John that was not murdered!

I think the most comforting thing is that even if we are hurt in the cause of our discipleship here on earth, if we have our place in the book of life, we will be with the Lord in Heaven at the end.

5.    (10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things?

Please see answer in the b) part of my answer of question 4.

  • 4 weeks later...

(10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't?


A. The demons are subject to our commands today. We may not be able to drive out demons from other people but we are able to keep them from entering us in the name of Jesus.


(10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?


A. I think it was to remind them that it was God who rejected Satan from Heaven so by using Jesus’ name they will be able to cast demons from others.


(10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack?


A. It means we live in a dangerous world and there will be all kinds of attacks again us but as long as we keep our confidence in Jesus not a hair nor our spirit will be trampled because of Jesus.


(10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively?


A. This means that there is nothing that separate us from the Love of God. It is interpreted as spiritually.


(10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things?


A. We should rejoice that are names are written in heaven because that is where we will spending eternity. We are tempted to rejoice over much lesser things because that what we can see right now. Eternity is in the future and that doesn’t always come to mind.

  • 1 month later...

If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't?

I think they should be, however, I personally don't feel like I have much control over demons/demonic influences.  I agree with others that demons definitely have no authority over a Christian, so in that way we have authority.  I've never thought much about the average Christian casting out demons.  I always thought that was a job for a priest or something.  To be honest, I didn't really believe too much in demon possession.  However, after talking to fellow Christians and reading Pastor Ralph's article on demonic influence and possession (sorry, I can't remember the exact name of the article), I have come to a clearer understanding of how prevalent and common demonic influences are in the world.  Now I understand that when some people talk and act in certain ways they may actually be under the control of demonic influences.  I have never actually attempted to command a demon to do anything.  I guess I have never had the courage because the person I am facing doesn't even realize they are under the influence of a demon.  Maybe if I just tried...things would be different.  I have prayed for God to rescue people from demons, but maybe I haven't really done my part.  

The Seventy had face to face contact and direct discipleship from Jesus Himself.  We have the New Testament Scriptures.  


Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?

I think Irmela made a good point when she said their casting out of demons reminded Jesus of the original casting out of Satan from Heaven.  


What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively?

I initially thought in this case it was literal, until I realized Jesus said this after they returned from their mission trip.  When He sent them out, I do think He covered them with special protection and that is why He told them not to take money or supplies with them.  But it appears that this is referring to the future, so I think it must be that nothing can hurt them spiritually/figuratively, as we know many of them were eventually martyred.  


Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things?

We should rejoice that our names are written in heaven, because that means we are saved from eternal damnation.  It is human nature to rejoice over lesser things, such as casting out spirits, or other things we count as our successes because we are naturally self-centered.  We have to work to deny ourselves and live for His glory only.

  • 3 months later...

(10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Why or why not? What did the Seventy have that we don't? What do we have that the Seventy didn't?

Yes because of the fact that they are subject to the Lord's power and authority. Nothing but the Holy Spirt which we have. We have the Holy Spirit because our baptism by Him.

(10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?

They needed to realize that the Lord is the one who is ultimately in charge of the demons bowing down to Christ.

(10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? What does it lack?

It entails the demons having no power over us and it lacks nothing because God is the one who controls everything.

(10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? What does it mean here? Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively?

It means that everything is worked out for our good even the bad things in life. That God would protect us and it would be interpreted spiritually and figuratively.

(10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? What does that mean? Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things?

Because we are the book of life and we can not be taken from Christ's hand at all. It means that we are bound for heaven and sometimes we do rejoice over small things.


  • 1 year later...

(10:17) If the demons were subject to the Seventy's command in Jesus' name, should they be subject to our command today? Yes. Why or why not? Because we are in Christ. What did the Seventy have that we don't? Nothing, in fact we should have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. What do we have that the Seventy didn't?Act 4:31  And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

(10:18) Why did the disciples' report of their power of demons prompt Jesus to recall the Fall of Satan from Heaven?Verification that satan was cast into the earth and God’scpower far exceeds the enemy’s.

(10:19a) What does the "authority to trample on snakes and scorpions" entail? Dealing with evil powers so that people are set free of/from them. What does it lack? We are granted execution of God’s plan and purpose in any situation. His judgement, not ever our own.

(10:19b) What does Jesus' declaration, "Nothing shall by any means hurt you," include? I believe we are spiritual beings with eternal life and assigned to heaven as our destination when we leave natural life. If we should be executed for our belief we win, go to heaven, the perpetrator faces their future while we begin to enjoy eternity. What does it mean here? We gave up our life to live for Jesus, there is no loss to us.  Is it to be interpreted physically or spiritually, literally or figuratively? I believe it is literally true. What use is a heaven which is only a figure of speech.

(10:20) Why should we rejoice that our names are written in heaven? Our end is assured. What does that mean? To me it means that by walking the ‘follow me’ and doing Jesus work in his will, not works for our own glory, we will arrive at judgement, the seven seals book is open, and what we have walked in for the Lord matches the me plan that God knew and knited me to do before formed. We performed our duty in the devine plan. Jesus will know us because we match that which was written into the book by God the Father before He sealed it. We will hear ‘well done’ not ‘I do not recognize you’. Why are we often tempted to rejoice over much lesser things? I love rejoicing over any supernatural action of God on behalf of the living down here. It is giving thanks. I have difficulty rejoicing in other things.

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