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  • 8 months later...

1. What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21? 
Jesus was filled with joy as the Seventy returned and reported their victories. He had given them power and authority to heal, to cast out demons, and to preach the Word, and they were successful. They were not the intellectuals or the scholars, but they were faithful, devoted, and obedient to Him. Jesus looked upon His humble followers and rejoiced in the Spirit, thanking the Father for His matchless wisdom, and that their names are written in heaven. Our Lord was happy for all those whom the Father had given to Him, and for this initial success of the Seventy, which foretold the eventual downfall of Satan. 


2. There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference? 
Compared to normal human joy, joy that springs from the Holy Spirit is completely independent of circumstances. Human joy is nearly synonymous with such words as happiness, pleasure, delight, gladness, merriment, and enjoyment, etc. A feeling of well-being, success, or good fortune. It is a self-indulgent pleasure that does not lead to happiness and fulfillment (Ecc 2:1–11). On the other hand, joy from the Holy Spirit, is a joy that can be felt regardless of how the person feels. We read examples of this in the Word. Jesus instructed His disciples to rejoice when they are persecuted, reviled, or slandered (Mt 5:11–12). James tells us to consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds (Jas 1:2). As a fruit of the Holy Spirit, joy is present, in all circumstances, in every Christian (Gal 5:22). This is because of our right relationship with God, and it is not something we can create by our own effort. It is a joy that wants to continually praise both our Heavenly Father and our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ! It is present in the believer’s life in direct proportion to our walk with the Lord. 


3. Why do you think God takes delight in revealing Himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars? 
God delights in revealing Himself to spiritual novices because of their infant-like trust in Him which makes them receptive to His divine revelation. They willingly submit themselves to God and do not depend upon their own wisdom to have the truth revealed to them. This contrast with so called sophisticated scholars who so often think they are too wise, too knowing, and too clever to submit themselves to God. We see this even as far back as Isaiah who prophesied that the gospel would be offensive to human wisdom (Isa 29:14). Their pride often blinded them to the true worth of God's Word and His beloved Son. So, they see no need for Him – they may think that they can earn their own salvation – no need to humble themselves before God. So, we see God hides His divine truth from those who refuse and reject it, and instead reveals it to those who may not seem wise and learned but have trusting hearts. 


4. Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know Him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit? 
There are only two types of people on the earth today. Those that are being saved for eternal life with Christ, and those that will perish and spend eternity in hell. To those that are being saved, the gospel is the power of God. They hear the message, they accept it by faith, and the miracle of regeneration takes place in their life. This kind of knowledge requires deliberate revelation by the Holy Spirit, were these wonderful truths are made known to them. For we read in 1 Cor 2:10 that the Holy Spirit is infinite in wisdom and understands all the truths of God and is able to impart them to us. Only the gospel leads to salvation, as it sets aside all our own efforts to save ourselves and presents Christ as the only way to God. In Joh 14:6 Jesus said: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.  


5. What do you think God looks for in a person He chooses to reveal Himself to? 
God chose us before the creation of the world, for no other reason than because it pleased Him to do this. We are all sinners and deserve eternal punishment from God, but in His great mercy He decided to save some. But, if the Father does not first start His work in our heart and life, we will never realise our terrible guilt and our need for a Saviour. Christ paid the penalty for our sin and earned our salvation when He died on the Cross, but we do not have the strength to come to Jesus by ourselves. Besides electing individuals, God speaks through the teaching of His precious Word to the hearts of individuals, and those who respond are the ones who come to Christ. Here one’s own will is involved. The two great truths of God’s sovereignty and man’s choice is placed side by side, showing that salvation has a divine side as well as a human side. Almost like a paradox. 


6. What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us? 
Many Old testament prophets and kings wanted to know and understand what is now available to us. Jesus told His disciples that they were living in a day of unprecedented privilege. So, they, that includes us as well, had the privilege of knowing the Messiah. God has revealed Himself to us through the person of Jesus Christ. This is one of the main lessons for us in this passage – the fact that we can truly know our Lord Jesus, and on top of this, have a relationship and fellowship with Him. “The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14). The other lesson is that we get to know the person of Jesus is through the Word of God. Jesus Himself taught that the Scriptures reveal who He is (Luke 24:27). We should realise that we are without excuse! We are in such a privileged position with the Bible available in virtually all the languages on earth. We have access to many excellent commentaries over hundreds of years, to many excellent sermons, and to speakers; all available in books, over the internet, or through the media in various forms. We have Jesus’ very Words spoken, yet we take Him for granted, not really listening to Him or obeying Him. 

  • 2 weeks later...

1. What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21? 

The disciples whom Jesus had sent out into the towns and villages He was soon to visit, (after  having given them authority to heal the sick and cast out demons, and declare to them that the Kingdom of God is near) had returned full of joy. This was obviously also contagious so He could rejoice with them. He could just see far beyond what they saw, viz., that the demons responded and were driven out, He saw the start of the breaking up of satan's work (the start of the fall of satan) and He saw that their names were written up in Heaven. They would be with Him for all eternity. 


2.  There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference?

Normal human joy depends on circumstances, and ones disposition, whereas joy in the Holy Spirit is there in spite of adverse circumstances. It is an unstoppable joy. It floods oneself in an unexplainable way. It is just WOW. 



3.  Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars?

Sophisticated scholars often already have a full answer to the sought out query or a part answer and it is very hard for them to look into a situation openly without a preconceived idea of the answer. 

Spiritual novices go into a situation, empty-handed as it were and allow God to fill their hands, hearts, minds etc with His ways of doing something. He is able to use them easier as they are more pliable in His hands. What God reveals to them they accept without 20000 questions about it. They seem to sooner just go ahead and do, than first puzzle it all out. They sooner accept "God is in control". 


4.  Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit?

I understand that not everyone comes to Him with an open heart. This is required for God to reveal Himself. An intellectual aptitude can be an obstacle in God's work in us. It is required that the Holy Spirit be given free reign in our hearts and minds, that we can listen to the Father and learn from Him. He does answer to prayer. (He is not a puppet) 


6.   What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us?

We learn that we are privileged:

to be children of God,

to be disciples,

to have truth revealed to us which enables us to get to know God, 

that joy, real joy, inspired by the Holy Spirit cannot be contained but it erupts in praise (and it is ok to do so). 

  • 4 weeks later...

Q1. Jesus had sent out 70 men to prepare the way for Him coming to teach them. The mission had been successful and they had returned to Jesus excited at all they had achieved through the power given to them by God. Jesus was full of joy through the Holy Spirit , because He knows this is part of the Fall of Satan. Jesus is also full of joy because the names of the 70 are written in Heaven.

Q2.Normal human joy comes about when things are going well in our lives and all is well with us. It can evaporate very quickly when life becomes difficult or there are problems on the horizon! Joy that comes from the Spirit is different it is a gift of the Holy Spirit not something we can muster up on our own accord. It comes from knowing, loving and obeying Jesus. It is present deep inside all the time, a calm assurance that all is well despite things being difficult all around us. It is that feeling that gives you the knowledge that this is all passing and in the future we will be present with the Lord, He will wipe away every tear, there will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order has passed away. Rev 21 v 4.

Q3. Jesus loves all people but He particularly loves people who are innocent, simple, and humble. These people have open willing heart and are willing to learn and obey. Sometimes the more knowledgeable we becomes , we can lose the original purpose of loving God and those around us. We can become full of pride and self promoting. 
Q4.God doesn’t allow everyone to know Him intimately because not all of us have the right heart attitude and really want to know Him. If we want God to reveal Himself  to us we must seek Him with all our hearts. 1Chronicles 28v 9 If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him He will reject you forever.

Q5.A deep desire to know Him intimately, someone who loves Him, believes in Him and that Jesus is His son and Saviour of the world. Someone who is willing to follow closely despite being in this world but also has a view and expectation of the world to come.

Q6.I need to be humble and to seek my Lord and Saviour daily. I need to really pray for my family and friends who are not following Jesus, that God may reveal Himself to them , I also need to pray the Holy Spirit will soften their hearts. I need to be more aware of the joy of the Spirit and give thanks for it and the assurance it gives me. I need to thank God for all I can learn from His word and these studies. 

  • 1 month later...

What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21?


A. It was the accomplishments of the 70 that had returned from their mission trip.


There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference?


A. The joy that springs from the Holy Spirit is a deep within joy that cannot be described. The joy of a normal human joy is only a surface joy.


Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars?


A. I think this is true because the spiritual novices accepts it and does not question it where the sophisticated scholars are always questioning whatever they learn.


Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit?


A. Maybe because if he let just anyone know him intimately that they would be so proud of themselves that it wouldn’t do any good.


What do you think God looks for in a person he chooses to reveal himself to?


A. God wants a person that is interested in Him to reveal himself to them.


What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us?


A. We are to rejoice in the Holy Spirit.


1.    What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21?

The 70 disciples returned with joy of the good news of their success of their outing where they had power over spirits, Holy Spirit inspiration made Jesus to respond with joy that led Him to praise to the Father

2.    There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference?

3.    Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars?

4.    Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit?

5.    What do you think God looks for in a person he chooses to reveal himself to?

6.    What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us?

  • 1 month later...

Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars?

Spiritual novices are humble and seeking for Him to reveal Himself.  Sophisticated scholars think they already know everything so they aren't seeking revelation.  God delights in those who humble themselves and seek Him first.  We ourselves delight in spending time with people who listen to us rather than those who think they know everything and tell us how we should think, act, feel.  

On 8/7/2021 at 5:36 AM, Katy said:

Q4.God doesn’t allow everyone to know Him intimately because not all of us have the right heart attitude and really want to know Him. If we want God to reveal Himself  to us we must seek Him with all our hearts. 1Chronicles 28v 9 If you seek Him, He will be found by you, but if you forsake Him He will reject you forever.


I think this is a great answer to question 4.

  • 5 months later...

 1. What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21?

I believe that it was the fact that the disciples came back with the good news of setting captives free. This essential was part of His earthly ministry that He was to fulfill in the Gospels. 

2.    There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. How would you describe this difference?

I would say that the difference between the two are that one is temporary and of this world and the other is permanent and not based off of circumstances but off of our relationship with Christ.

3.    Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars?

I believe that it all has to deal with how one humbly surrenders and submits themselves to God and earnestly seeks the Lord.

4.    Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit?

It deals with how everyone who truly trusts Him choose to seek Him for who He is and not what they can get from Him. Because the Spirit is part of the Divine Trinity that is the part of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. For the Trinity was in existence before time even began. They were how the world came into existence.

5.    What do you think God looks for in a person he chooses to reveal himself to?

As John spoke of in the Gospel of John; God is looking for someone who truly worships Him in spirit and truth. For He is both spirit and truth.

6.    What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? State what are the main lessons for us?

To not base our relationship with Christ off of our circumstances because they are temporary and to seek Him in both spirit and truth.

  • 1 year later...

What was it that prompted Jesus to be filled with joy in 10:21? Seeing his 70 return sucessful in walking out instructions.

There is a qualitative difference between joy that springs from the Holy Spirit, and normal human joy, as good as that is. Yes How would you describe this difference? Joy of the Holy Spirit is an overwhelming total feeing. It is as though I am immersed in it. Whether tears seeing His compassion or joy at the event it is total. Every partvof me is taken up in it.

Why do you think God takes delight in revealing himself to spiritual novices instead of sophisticated scholars? Because we are harvesters of the average, the normal, the downtrodden and burdened.

Why do you think God doesn't allow just anyone to know him intimately? Trust is required when being given tools of greatervpower. Why does this kind of knowledge require deliberate revelation by the Spirit? All power is exercised through the Holy Spirit. He only does as God the Father wishes. To be an extension of His ministry you must show ability to do as instructed.

What do you think God looks for in a person he chooses to reveal himself to? Faithfulness to love him. Have an open relationship with all of God. Trust at the level you will run to him covered in muck saying ‘Oh Father I have done it again!’ With a breaking heart and tears on your face. Being a mess after failing to do right instead of slinking off.

What are we disciples supposed to learn from this passage? There is joy in the Lord when we believers act in trust in his instructions. State what are the main lessons for us? We should be carrying the joy into the world, our burdens released, believing we have power and authority to lift burdens off those oppressed and beaten down

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