Pastor Ralph Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
hanks Posted July 15, 2021 Report Posted July 15, 2021 1. When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of His answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a); b. (11:18b-20); c. (11:21-22). a. If Jesus was driving out demons by Satan, that would mean Satan is fighting against himself. b. If it took Satan’s power to drive out demons, then the Pharisees who drove out demons were working under Satan’s power. c. If Satan could stand against God or Christ, how is it possible for Jesus who had just driven out a demon from a mute man. Quote
hanks Posted July 15, 2021 Report Posted July 15, 2021 2. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? What verse in this passage indicates this? Satan has ruled on earth long enough, and Jesus now shows by His miracles that the arrival of God’s ruling power will challenge Satan’s power and control on earth. Jesus’s power is greater than that of demons, which He has proved to us on many occasions. Even enabling His disciples to cast out demons. So, we notice that this is not an even match, for His power is far greater than Satan’s power. We only have to remember one incident, where Jesus cast out a legion (1000’s) of demons immediately by His Word (8:29-33). Also, Jesus is stronger than Satan as seen by His overcoming the presence and power of evil in the world. This is indicated by verse (11:20), “But if I drive out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come to you”. The kingdom of God has come in the Person of the King Himself. Evidence of this was the fact that Jesus was casting out demons by the finger of God/the Spirit of God. Satan, who had controlled the kingdom of this world for thousands of years, was now being controlled and overpowered by Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. Quote
hanks Posted July 15, 2021 Report Posted July 15, 2021 3. (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 He says "He who is not with Me is against Me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? No, there is no conflict here. We learn that we are either for Jesus or against Him – there is no neutral ground. We are either in the kingdom of God or in the kingdom of Satan; either in the kingdom of light or in the kingdom of darkness. We either belong to God or we belong to Satan. In 9:49-50 we learn that if we are not for Christ we are against Him. Jesus is saying that those who fight evil are on the same side as those who are driving out demons. In this verse 11:23, Jesus is saying that if one is not on His side, one is on Satan’s side. In both cases there is no neutral ground. If we aren’t actively for Christ we are against Him. Quote
hanks Posted July 15, 2021 Report Posted July 15, 2021 4. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? (11:27-28). Jesus was warning people who highly valued family ties and thought that their genealogies guaranteed that they were part of God’s chosen people. The people believed that a man’s value came from his ancestors, and a woman’s value came from the sons she bore. He told them that a person’s obedience to God is more important than their place on the family tree. Replying to the woman Jesus did not detract from what she said, but added to it saying that even “more blessed” are those who keep His word. Quote
Irmela Posted July 29, 2021 Report Posted July 29, 2021 1. When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) b. (11:18b-20) c. (11:21-22) a. If someone from the family (k) fights against someone else from family (k). That family would soon be none and void. Can also be taken as if someone from family (k) speaks bad about another one from family (k). How can the integrity of the family last. b. They reckon Jesus drives out demons with satans help, that means their own sons must also make use of the same means. c. Jesus' was stronger or more powerful than the demons, so that was why He could drive them out. Quote
Irmela Posted July 29, 2021 Report Posted July 29, 2021 2. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? What verse in this passage indicates this? It is not an even match because Jesus can drive them (the demons) out. In verse 20 Jesus speaks about driving them out by the 'finger of God. In Matthew, he speaks about the Spirit of God. Whichever way they submit and obey His command Quote
Irmela Posted July 29, 2021 Report Posted July 29, 2021 3. In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? The stmts are not in conflict. One is either for Christ or against Christ. There is no middle path. There is no maybe. Either YES or NO, either FOR or AGAINST. Quote
Irmela Posted July 29, 2021 Report Posted July 29, 2021 4. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? (11:27-28) It is so easy to think we can fall back on the fact that parents served the Lord. But it is more important that when you hear the Word, you act on it. You obey it and put it into practice. It is no good to think our forefathers did this and that and we do nothing. It is impotant to hear, obey and put into practice. Quote
Katy Posted September 10, 2021 Report Posted September 10, 2021 Q1. A. The Pharisees we’re claiming that Jesus was casting out demons by the Beelzebub. But He pointed out to them how outrageous that accusation was because He did not want any doubt lingering in His listeners minds that there could be any truth in what they said. Jesus point out that any kingdom divided would crumble, just as home with bitterness and strife going on will be unhappy. Satan would not be helping Jesus cast out ‘demons’, in other words himself or one of his spirits.Q1.B. There were other Jews casting out demons at this time and Jesus second point is if I am casting out demons by the power of Satan then these disciples of your are also doing the same thing.Q1.C. Then Jesus goes on to make the point that if He is not casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub then they are missing something wonderful, that the Spirit of God is with them and they are so caught up in their own thinking that they cannot grasp the magnitude of the happenings around them. Q2.verses 21 and 22 portrays satan as a strong man guards his house and thinks all his possessions are safe but someone stronger comes along( this is Jesus) and removes all that was supposed to be safe. All through Scripture we see that God is more powerful than Satan . He attempted to tempt Jesus by His power was greater than Satan’s . Jesus did not sin. When Jesus died on the cross He defeated Satan, and redeemed us from the clutches of Satan. Q3.In Luke 9v49-50 Jesus told His disciples that someone who is working against evil is on their side even if they don’t know this person. In 11v23 Jesus makes it clear that that anyone not with Him is against Him. There is no sitting on the fence! No place for being neutral, we either stand with the Lord or we are against Him. The battle has been won at Calvary but Satan will keep trying until end times and we have to be very sure where we stand either with Christ or with Satan! Q4.We cannot claim allegiance to Christ because of a family connection. Nor by the fact that we appear at church Sunday by Sunday, or by any other outward sign . The only true way of having and showing our allegiance to Christ is by listening to and obeying God’s word. Quote
Old Jerry Posted October 21, 2021 Report Posted October 21, 2021 When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) b. (11:18b-20) c. (11:21-22) A. (a) Jesus is saying that if you are fighting with people that you are united with, then you and that person will fall. (b) Jesus is saying that some of your spiritual leaders were casting demons so if they are casting out demons then they must also be using the devil to do so. But I am casting demons by the Spirit of God. (c) Jesus is saying that He is stronger they evil spirit that in him and he is able to cast him out. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? What verse in this passage indicates this? A. Jesus is saying that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons in not an even match if verses 11:21-22. (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? A. I don’t see any conflict in the statements. If a person is working with you then he can’t be against you. But in the other statement He is saying that if you are not working with me then you are against me.” What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? (11:27-28) A. To see Christianity mainly as a family pride does not bring you any closer to Jesus. It just brings you closer to your family. In order to be closer to Jesus you have to do as He directs you to do. Quote
haar Posted October 29, 2021 Report Posted October 29, 2021 1. When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) When there is absence of unity in a home or system, the home or system will collapse.b. (11:18b-20) Jesus told His accusers that he couldn’t be driving out demons using satanic power else Satan’s kingdom is divided. He concluded that since the power that he used was from God, the Kingdom of God has come to them.c. (11:21-22) Jesus says here that he casts the demon out because he had the power that was greater than that of Satan. 2. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? He that is in us is greater than he that is the world 1John 4:4 We are more than conquerors Rom 8:37 You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." (1 John 4:4) What verse in this passage indicates this? 3. (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? I don't think so 4. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? (11:27-28) Christianity is far more than a family pride and responsibility. It is about knowing Christ personally, listening to his word and obeying his word. Quote
Godswriter Posted May 14, 2022 Report Posted May 14, 2022 1. When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) Whether it is a kingdom or house and it is divided and will fall b. (11:18b-20) When they said that He casts them out by the devil; then the sons of Israel had to be doing the same way however if they were cast out by the power of God then the kingdom of God was officially upon them. c. (11:21-22) When someone who is under the power of God chooses to work and do miracles and they are unable to explain how they are possible; they need to realize that Satan is weaker than Christ because God created even the angels. 2. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? What verse in this passage indicates this? Ephesians 6:10-20 speaks about the weapons we use against the enemy and what they are known for. The sword of the Lord is the Word of God. The belt of truth is the truth of the Word. Shield of faith is the faith we have in Christ. The shoes of the Gospel of Peace is the 4 Gospels. The helmet of salvation is our very salvation in Him. The breastplate of righteous is our righteous living. Lastly is prayer for without it we don't know how to fight. 2 Cor 10:3-5 speaks of how we do not war against the flesh but the prince of the air and this world and principalities as well. 1 John 4:4 speaks of how the Lord is mightier than the enemy. 3 (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says, "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says, "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? What are we to learn from each? No we learn that anyone who is working what is according to Christ is tecnically for us and not against us. 4. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? We will end up compartmentalizing our faith and believing it only applies to certain areas of our life. Quote
kreilly Posted March 15, 2023 Report Posted March 15, 2023 What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? I think the old saying is God only has children, not grandchildren. Your faith has to be your own and Jesus has to be the reason for it, not just following a family tradition or not wanting to disappoint your family. Having a relationship with Him is what our faith is based on. Family can become an idol if it is more important to us than Jesus Quote
George L Posted December 2, 2023 Report Posted December 2, 2023 When Jesus is accused of being empowered by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, what are the three points of his answer? Put these points in your own words. a. (11:17-18a) How can something that opposes itself stand? b. (11:18b-20) If I cast out devils by the prince of devils, by whom do you cast them out? c. (11:21-22) when a stronger comes upon the armed man defending his home, he is overcome and his valuables taken. What in Scripture indicates that the spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons is not an even match? Jesus saying “When I cast out” and “when a stronger man come”. What verse in this passage indicates this? Luke 11:21-22. (Extra credit) In Luke 9:49-50 Jesus says "Whoever is not against you is for you." But in 11:23 he says "He who is not with me is against me." Are these statements in conflict? No. What are we to learn from each? Many things are going on about us that do not concern our assigned mission for God. If there is opposition to our being about God’s business and our assigned task, they are in opposition really rebellion to Christ. What are the dangers of seeing Christianity mainly in terms of family pride and responsibility, like the woman in the crowd? (11:27-28) Pride would allow one to take personal offense at opposition. When opposition is actually to Christ and the Father, not ourself who is only the messenger assigned to deliver the message. We should remain calm and unoffended. As Jesus withstood the great contadiction of sinners against himself. He continued his work to completion. Quote
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