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  • 9 months later...

1. Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? (Read very carefully and then list the reasons) 
1. Consider the ravens. Our Lord provides for all their needs, including food. Then surely we should not fear that He will let His spiritual children starve. 
2. Consider the lilies. Our Lord provides these flowers with a yearly supply of fresh leaves and blossoms. Then surely we should not doubt that He will furnish His believing children with all needful clothing. 
3. Consider the pagans. Being ignorant of the real nature of our Lord, they worry unnecessarily about all their needs. We, however, know that He is my Father, and that Jesus is my Saviour, and therefore have no such anxieties and cares as the pagans. We put our faith in God’s providential care. 
4. Consider the perfect knowledge of God. Our heavenly Father knows exactly what our needs are, and will therefore supply as needed, and only what is of benefit to us. There is no need to be anxious or troubled about anything, Our faith produces a cheerful spirit, and we have His inward peace. The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want (Psalm 23:1). 
5.Consider His kingdom. Our main thoughts are not to be of the things of this world, but to be focused on the eternal life to come. We are to “Seek His kingdom”. The kingdom of God is the only kingdom that will endure forever. In our daily life we put God first and the world second; we put things of the soul first and the things of the body second. “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33). 


2. Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint? 
God cares for both the sparrows and the ravens and provides for all their needs. Sparrows being so plentiful, had little financial value, yet God knows and cares about each one. We would be inclined to think that if there was anything God wouldn’t concern Himself with, it would-be sparrows. Yet, Jesus says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father's care” (Matthew 10:29). There is comfort in this thought for us all. If God is aware of everything that happens even to sparrows – our heavenly Father who knows about the sparrows knows and cares about us. Jesus contrasts the lowly ravens with the rich fool who wrongly focused on storing up plenty for the future, but stupidly ignored God. Whereas the ravens neither sow or reap, nor store up their food trusting Him to provide. They literally live from day to day, teaching us that we will never starve as long as we do our duty in the position God has placed us. Jesus says, “How much more valuable you are than the birds!” (12:24). Telling us that God cares for us, who are created in His own image, whom God loved and for whom He gave His One and only Son (John 3:16). If God takes care of birds, how much more will He care for His own creation, and especially those who believe in Him and become His own children (John 1:12)?  We can therefore reasonably assume that God who cares for both the lowly sparrow and raven, will care for His people. A lesson of faith to us. To the Jews ravens were considered unclean (Lev 11:15). The sparrows were plentiful, and lived in close association with humans, but were of little monetary value. Unlike the ravens they were considered ritually clean. 


3. Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two:
1.    Worry (12:22, 24, 25)
2.    Little faith (12:28b)
3.    Fear not (12:32)
     In what sense is this sin?
It has been said: “The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith, and the beginning of true faith is the end of anxiety”. Worry is a sin because it means we don’t trust our Lord to provide. So, the perfect cure for worry is to trust God, and faith is the total confidence in the provision of God. Therefore, a lack of faith will lead to a life of psychological anxiety and a distorted perspective of life: “but the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desires for other things come in and choke the Word, making it unfruitful” (Mark 4:19). We have little faith when we worry and rush around in a ceaseless struggle to get more and more material possessions. We waste our lives doing what God would have done for us, if we had only devoted our time and talents more to Him. It’s not that we should not have genuine concern about food and shelter, it’s that we keep a proper perspective and therefore fear not, knowing He will look after us. By making God’s kingdom our first priority everything else will fall in line (Matt 6:33). 


4. What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-33). How does it make you feel? What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come? 
My heavenly Father has given me the Kingdom - is an invitation to live in His Kingdom, to submit my life to Him, and to place everything into His care. And, besides this, He is pleased to give this great gift, not because of anything I’ve done, solely because of my union with Christ. I know that I’m part of this Kingdom because I acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Saviour, and gladly surrender to God’s rule. How does it make me feel? Gratitude beyond measure! That God would even care about me – His creature and a sinner as well. I don’t deserve any of this, and this just goes to show me, His great love and concern for us. Dear heavenly Father, what can I say but thank You that You have invited me to enter Your spiritual kingdom, Your eternal Kingdom, a Kingdom of forgiveness, a Kingdom of blessing, a Kingdom of righteousness, a Kingdom of joy, a Kingdom of peace, and a Kingdom of glory. Broadly speaking, we can say that the Kingdom of God consists of our Lord’s sovereign rule over all the universe. More narrowly, however, the Kingdom of God is the spiritual rule over the hearts and lives of those who willingly submit to God’s authority.
At the same time, it is also in the future, in that Jesus will return to reign over a perfect Kingdom, where sin and evil will no longer exist. In this life it means as a follower of Christ I turn away from my self-centeredness handing my life over to Jesus’ direction and control. I surrender all, He becomes the centre of my life, and I live in obedience to His Word. It also means sharing the Good News of the Kingdom with others. Jesus has said “My peace I give to you … Let not you hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27). So, I’m not worried or anxious about anything, knowing that He will look after all my needs, as He has promised to do. In the life to come I will spend eternity with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Great will be my reward in heaven (Luke 6:23). Being a child of God's I will inherit my heavenly Father’s estate. All that the Father has is mine – I will be joint heirs with Christ! (Rom 8:17). When Jesus returns my body will be changed and glorified, and be forever free from sin, sickness, and death. In the meantime, the Kingdom of God is not of this world (John 18:36), but one day it will be manifest on earth (Isa 35:1), and Jesus will rule this physical Kingdom. 


5. Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:33). What sense does that make? 
We must not misinterpret this as a command to sell everything we own. Rather, we are to get rid of those possessions/money that possess/own us, and that take time away from our Lord, specifically our heart! Anything and everything that stands in the way of our salvation we are to sell, give up and/or deny. That’s the bottom line. Contrasted here is temporary treasure we store up for ourselves here on earth, and the eternal treasures we can store up in heaven. We can be generous in giving to those in need, and God will reward us with lasting riches in heaven – making us rich in grace here, and rich in glory hereafter. This makes complete sense if we struggle with greed and with living for this life only. We can give away our possessions, freeing us from greed and helping us to focus on God and eternity. Also, there is no need to worry about theft or rust, as heavenly treasures are fully insured against theft and spoilage. 


6. Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know? 
Wherever our treasure is, that is where our heart is. From a practical point of view our heart always follows our money. For example, if we’ve made a huge investment in a new home, this is going to be the centre of our life. This is a huge investment and this is where our heart is going to be. We will think about it, worry about it, dream about it and talk about it. Our new home is going to be the centre of our life. How can we know? Where is our heart? Easy, our heart is wherever we have been spending our money. It is no wonder we have trouble concentrating on the things of our Lord – we spend all that we have on things of this world. We will never be able to get our heart focused on heaven as long as all our heart/money is focused on the earthly possessions. Our problem is this: We’ve invested everything down here and nothing up there. What have we been sending ahead to heaven? 

  • 2 weeks later...

1.  Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? 

1) Life is more than food;  body is more than clothes.  We cannot add to life anyway, be it the length that we live, of it or any other aspect, like our height, looks etc. We cannot change it. 

2)  The birds are taken care of. Even the birds of prey (a bird looked upon as unclean), surely God will provide for our needs also. 

3)  The field is clothed with flowers for the season and then burnt; yet come the season again, the field is beautifully bedect with colour yet again. Again it is God's doing. Surely He knows that we too need to be clothed and will provide clothes to cover our bodies. 

4)  The pagans worry about what to eat and what to wear. They run after physical and material needs. So we should be different. It should not consume our thoughts and desires. 

5)  Our thoughts and desire should be on God's Kingdom. That is eternal. That is forever. 



2.  God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint?

God cares for sparrows as well as for ravens. No difference is made. 

A sparrow is a tiny (almost unimportant) bird. A seed-eating bird. From the Jewish point of view, it belongs to the "clean" variety.

The raven, in turn, is classed among the unclean birds. It feeds on decaying flesh. 

Neither store in barns, yet both are noticed and cared for. 


3.  Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two:
worry (12:22, 24, 25)
________ (12:28b)
________ (12:32)
     In what sense is this sin?

Worry;  little faith;  fear

If we are anxious or worry about our bodily and material needs, we are reflecting that we are not trusting God to supply those needs. Normally a child does not worry about those needs, he just expects them to be there, nevermind how. The clothes he needs are there (ready to be used as needed). Just so also when hungry under normal circumstances the food will be there ready supplied by the parent or carer. Just as the child looks to his parent to do the supplying, so we too should look to God to supply our needs. We ought not to worry about them. 

Worrying or not having faith that God will supply our needs as and when He knows is best is like mistrusting His ability in being a Good Father. 

Also by stating the above, I too do not believe it right to fold my hands, do nothing (laze around) and then expect food and other needs to appear on my doorstep. I believe part of God's supplying is enabling us to work and so feed and clothe and teach our families the importance of labour (be it in the field or wherever) and then getting sustenance etc., but ultimately realizing it actually comes from God. 

Should for some reason this not be so then God is in the process of teaching us something. Still we ought not to doubt that He indeed is watching over us through thick and thin, through hardship and in times of plenty. He is always there.

Not trusting Him and worrying, is unbelief. 


4.  What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:31-32). How does it make you feel? What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come?

God's Kingdom is where He rules. God says in His Word that we are His heirs. It is not something we can easily understand. One of the mysteries which make Him be God. If I understood all, He would not be so great. I stand in awe of His kindness, love, favour, grace, mercy, pardon, His provision, His glory. 

His Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom. He is prepared to share this with me (us). Its mind-blowing. 

If my heart is filled with Him, with pleasing Him in all I say, do, think, that is His Kingdom come into my life. His rule. 

In eternity that is what it will be. Doing and being with Him. Not separated from Him. 


5.  Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make?

I think this means do not collect and have things that are not a necessity. If you have an abundance, give the extra to the poor. 

Should you already be in that place of having enough use the extra funds in giving to those in need. 


6.  Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know?

It is very easy to just state that my heart is with God. My hearts desire is to do His will in small and everyday living as well as in the unexpected big things requested by Him from time to time. To do these things without grumbling but truly to and for His Glory. 

We can know where our treasure is by that which holds us. If we are not bound by the cares of this world I guess we can safely say our treasure is laid up with God. 

  • 1 month later...

Q1.v 23. Life is more important than our immediate needs. 2.v24.God looks after the ravens, and we are far more valuable to Him than the birds of the air. 3.v25. Worry does not achieve anything, so why do it! 4.v27-28. God looks after all of nature, which comes and goes very quickly. How much more will God look after us and our needs. 5.v29. Don’t concern ourselves with things of little importance- God knows what we need. We must put all our efforts into seeking God and the Kingdom of Heaven. 
Q2.Both the sparrow and the raven are cared for by God. Both these verses mean the same thing. In Jewish law the Raven could not be eaten because it was considered unclean because it feeds on blood and carrion. A sparrow is considered a clean bird because it feeds on seeds.

Q3.Worry, little faith, Fear. These are all sinful. If we worry it is a sign of our unbelief , we do not think that God can deal with the present situation in our lives and so we worry. If there is little faith in our lives again it shows we do not believe fully in God. We are half believers because we doubt we are like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. James 1v6.Fear in our lives is the result of lack of trust and belief in God. 
Q4.I consider it a great privilege to be part of God’s Kingdom. But I think I can lose sight of this privilege at times, but as time goes on it becomes clearer and clearer. Why should I a sinner saved by Grace be given such a calling to be known as a child of God and to have an inheritance waiting in Heaven for me. It makes me strive to lay up treasure in Heaven rather than on earth. Sometimes I wonder am I still too attached to some things on earth. I know I love to be doing the things of God, studying, learning, listening, praying, meditating, and meeting with the family of God. I long for the day I will be in His presence. I realise I have not put in my list above of the things I like doing, speaking to others about Jesus! I struggle with this but do try. It should just flow from me and does sometimes but not at others. 
Q5.This I enjoy doing, but am limited because my husband is not a Christian and finds it hard to understand but I try to sell what I can and pass the money on to different charities. It is a sign we are not too attached to material possessions. I was an avid collector of ‘ things’ in days gone by so have had plenty to sell.

Q6. I hope my treasure is in Heaven! I long for the things of God. But sometimes I wonder if I still am a bit too attached to some things of this world. But I try to keep my focus on Him every day. 


  • 3 weeks later...

Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? (Read very carefully and then list the reasons)

 God will feed us because we are more valuable then birds.

 We cannot extend our lives when we worry.

 God will take care of our needs.

 God will clothe us.

 He will give us more than our needs if we trust in him.

Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint?


A. The ravens he feeds and the sparrows He is saying that we are more important to than they are.


Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two:

worry (12:22, 24, 25)

Clothes (12:28b)

The kingdom is our if we believe (12:32)

     In what sense is this sin?

A. We are seeking worldly things.


What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-32). How does it make you feel? What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come?


A. I am confident that this world is not all there is. There is going to be a more exciting place than this when I leave this world.


Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make?


A. It doesn’t make sense to sell all my positions. God gave me these possessions and I am the steward of them. If I don’t make them my idols and I give away my abundance to poor then I don’t think I should sell all my possessions. I would have nothing else to give.


Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know?


A. My treasures are in heaven along with my heart. I know because there is nothing more on this earth that I want. I’m like Paul I am satisfied with what God has given me.

  • 1 month later...

1.    Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? (Read very carefully and then list the reasons)

1.    Life is more than food 

2.     The body more than clothes

3.     God feeds the birds, he will surely feed his children

4.     Our worrying can’t change anything

5.     He adorns the flowers that are today but dry and are burnt up. We are more important the flowers. He will surely cloth us in his glory. The pagans who do not have the promise of kingdom and worry about these things. Not us!

2.    Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint?

Sparrows are classified as clean birds and the Jewish law allows the Jews to eat them. They are forbidden to the ravins classified as unclean.

3.    Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two:

1.    worry (12:22, 24, 25)

2.    little faith(12:28b)

3.    fear(12:32)

     In what sense is this sin?

4.    What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-32).

The significance to us is captured and listed by Pastor Ralph Wilson as follows:

·  The full inheritance that belongs to the King,

·  The full attention that is the right of the royal family,

·  The full privilege of reigning alongside the King,

·  The full provision of every need that we have,

·  The full pardon for all our sins against the King and his kingdom,

·  The full love and favor of the King himself,

·  and a whole lot more that we scarcely understand.

 How does it make you feel?

Great and hope/ faith renewed

What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come?

It consist of everything we need and reigning with the King in eternity and right here on earth through the Holy Spirit in us.

5.    Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make?

Since we have been blessed with all the goodies of the kingdom, we can bless the poor with all what we have by selling and sharing our possessions with them. It does not mean we sell everything and give it out and stay hungry. Sharing is the answer.

6.    Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know?

Our heavenly treasure is our investment in heaven through sharing with the poor and giving for God’s work here on earth.

To be franc, my heart dwells more earthly investment but I earnestly pray that such will become an idol or mammoth.

  • 6 months later...

1.    Jesus gives five reasons in 12:22-30 why we shouldn't worry and strive over the material needs of life, food, clothing, shelter, and the like. What are they? (Read very carefully and then list the reasons)

1.   Life is not about food because He is our Provider

2. Body more than clothing because we all have souls.  

3.  Consider the ravens/ sparrows because God is our Creator and He will care for us    

4.    Worry won't solve anything

5.  God clothes even the grass won't He also provide for us

2.    Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint?

The Lord will always provide for His Creation However the raven is unclean while the sparrow is not, and they could eat it.

3.    Jesus refers to our focus on material possessions in three negative ways. The first is "worry." What are the other two:

1.   worry 

2.   lack of faith 

3.   fear

     In what sense is this sin?

Simple you are not trusting God but instead you are doubting Him.

4.    What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-32).

The significance to us is captured and listed by Pastor Ralph Wilson as follows:

·  The full inheritance that belongs to the King,

·  The full attention that is the right of the royal family,

·  The full privilege of reigning alongside the King,

·  The full provision of every need that we have,

·  The full pardon for all our sins against the King and his kingdom,

·  The full love and favor of the King himself,

·  and a whole lot more that we scarcely understand.

 How does it make you feel?

Hopeful and renewed

What does it consist of? How is it effective in this life? How is it effective in the life to come?

It means that we have the power to conquer the kingdom of darkness and it gives us this ability to save souls. Inheritance of souls.

5.    Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make?

The ability to bless the poor so you become blessed. 

6.    Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know?

Heaven what clearly states this is how we choose to worship either Him or things. 

  • 8 months later...


Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make?

Interesting that Jesus restates this here as a general principle to everyone, as well as telling it to the rich young ruler.  I think we can so often ignore this teaching in the context of the rich, young ruler because we can be like--that was his problem, it's not my problem, I don't need to do that, plus I'm not all that rich.  However, in this case, Jesus is just stating this as a general rule for life.  It is a way to demonstrate that you are not owned by your possessions.  Having too much really just impedes your ability to serve God, because you are busy "taking care" of all of the stuff that you own-cleaning, maintaining, repairing, replacing.  That said, it is a struggle for me every day.  I definitely have too much stuff.  Much of it is sentimental.  The other is decorative because I like things to be beautiful.  I spend far too much time taking care of my "stuff" may God forgive me.  In the end, I think that is why as we age, we end up living in a room with just a few clothes (maybe just a hospital gown) and only our basic needs being met.  God has to force us to realize we don't need stuff, we need Him.

Where is your treasure? Where is your heart? (12:34) How can you know?

As I mentioned above, I am still a work in progress.  I pray every day that he will mold my heart and shape me into the person He wants me to be, enlarging my heart to love Him more.  I am critical of myself.  I focus on my shortcomings and am aware of all the wanderings of my heart.  I pray that He will purify and cleanse me and help me follow Him better. 

  • 8 months later...
  1. Extra Credit. God's care over sparrows is mentioned in 12:6-8. Ravens are mentioned in 12:24. What is similar about these statements? God takes care of them. How does the raven differ from the sparrow, from a Jewish viewpoint? The raven is an unclean bird
  3. What is the significance to you that the Father has given you the Kingdom (12:32-32). We have access notvonly to ur God but access to what we have need of as well as whatcis needed for others. How does it make you feel? Blesses and often overjoyed. What does it consist of? Acess, supply as needed and supplybin abundance. Healing, deliverence, carinf supplies. How is it effective in this life? Delivering God supplies intompeoples lives is demonstration that the kingdom has come near them. And that God is backingbup his words ofbptomiss eith action How is it effective in the life to come? If we eill but opearate in the skills and giftings God has given us to havest the fields for lost souls we will be able to rejoice with many in heaven.
  4. Why should you sell possessions and give to the poor (12:32). What sense does that make? I am walking out the correction of such an error. The word cam “Do you own that stuff or does it own you”, the the third verse of old rugged cross, my trophy’s I lay down… they are bring eold and the proceedes put into the kingdom.
  5. Where is your treasure? In heaven Where is your heart? (12:34) I try best to keep my heart coupled with God’s heart. How can you know? Like any familiar relationship there is a temperature to the well being of it. Warm or cold. You are maintaining and enhancing. Or you are or have been uncaring of the other.

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