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  • 1 year later...

1.  What motivates Blind Bartimaeus to call out to Jesus? What motivates the bystanders to try to stop him?

Bartimaeus can sense that there is a bigger crowd going past. I guess Jesus' deeds etc have been spoken about and he too has heard about them. So when Bartimaeus asked what was going on and the reply was that Jesus was going by. Imagine his excitement. So his need and desire for sight drove him to call out to Jesus for healing. 

Bartimaeus is acknowledging Jesus as Messiah, when he calls Him Son of David. The bystanders try to stop him from calling out. His calling is loud and insistant and really causing a commotion. 


2. What can we learn about Bartimaeus' faith by the evidence of his actions and his words?

In spite of the crowds' negative reaction to Bartimaeus calling out to Jesus as the Son of David, viz., the Messiah, he continues calling out. Because of his faith that his request will be granted, he does not stop. 

We need to be truthful in acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Healer in our lives in spite of outward reactions. Cling to our Faith and do not let go. 

Mean what we say and say what we mean. 


3. What were the political and spiritual implications of the phrase "Son of David"?

The implication was that Spiritually the long awaited MESSIAH had come.  Politically to  the Jew it meant that the long awaited "Son of David" would sit on the Throne of Israel. 

(Ultimately, it was believed that the Roman oppression would come to an end, when the Messiah came. That is what they looked fwd to.) 


4. Why did Jesus ask the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" What was Jesus' purpose in asking the question?

It was asked so faith could be vocalized and heard by all. In this way Bartimaeus' request from Jesus was clearly put, from his own lips. There was no doubt in anyone's mind what he wanted. He did not make a noise with shouting and calling out just for the sake of it. There was no doubt in his own mind that this was the chance he'd been waiting for. Surely the Messiah would be able to heal him also. He truly believed Jesus to be the Messiah. There was no doubt in his mind at all. 


1. What motivates Blind Bartimaeus to call out to Jesus? What motivates the bystanders to try to stop him? 
He must have realised that if he was to receive any help in restoring his sight it would be from Jesus, the Son of David, the Messiah. He has total faith in Christ to restore his sight. This was his one and only chance. He was told that "Jesus of Nazareth is passing by" (18:37), meaning that soon this opportunity will be gone. Urgent action was needed; he had to do something and he had to do it very quickly. Those that tried to stop him possibly did not want Jesus’ teaching to be interrupted; it was not dignified to be shouting at Jesus this way; they, especially the religious leaders, did not agree with Him being called the “Son of David”; and/or His journey to Jerusalem was being delayed/interrupted. 


2. What can we learn about Bartimaeus' faith by the evidence of his actions and his words? 
He called out to Jesus, calling Him the “Son of David”, a title for the Messiah (Isa 11:1-3). Even after they attempted to silence him he was adamant to be heard and started shouting louder, and kept on shouting louder and louder, for Jesus to have mercy on him, that is to restore his sight. This showed great faith in Jesus, great faith in that he knew who Jesus was, great faith in asking Jesus what he wanted, great faith in calling Jesus Lord, and great faith in knowing what he deserved from Jesus. We see this also in the way he answered Jesus. Without hesitation his prayer was short, specific, and full of faith. 


3. What were the political and spiritual implications of the phrase "Son of David"? 
Jesus had ordered His disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Messiah (Matt 16:20), in this case the “Son of David”. Because of Israel's unbelief, no good could come from such a disclosure; there would be political implications hampering His ministry. He might be seen as a potential Deliverer from the Roman yoke, which might bring His public ministry to an untimely end. They had not yet fully understood the kind of Messiah He had come to be - not a military commander but a suffering servant. His disciples had to first come to a fuller understanding of His mission before they could proclaim it to others in a way that would not cause a rebellion. As a result of Jesus' miracle, the feeding of the 5000, the people wanted to make Him King by force (John 6:15). No good could come from a popular movement to crown Him King; such an ill-timed move would be ruthlessly crushed by the Romans. The perfect time will come when Jesus Himself will make the announcement of who He is (Matt 26:63-64). His death, followed by His Resurrection and by His Ascension, will shed light on who our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is – the Messiah, the Son of David. "Therefore, let all Israel be assured of this: God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah" (Act 2:36).  Ironically, the religious leaders who had seen all the miracles Jesus had performed were blinded to His identity and refused to recognise Him as the Messiah. Yet, here we have a blind beggar who immediately knew that Jesus was the “Son of David” – the Messiah. 


4. Why did Jesus ask the blind man, "What do you want Me to do for you?" What was Jesus' purpose in asking the question? 
Jesus asked this question with the full knowledge that this man was blind. He knew what he needed and what he wanted, but God still wants us to tell Him our needs as a constant expression of our trust and reliance on Him. The blind man submitted to Jesus, calling Him “Lord” and asked to receive his sight. Jesus connected the man’s healing with the man’s faith, and granted the man’s request and healed him of blindness. We may learn from this incident that we should dare to believe God for the impossible. Great faith greatly honours Him. 


5. In what ways is the question, "What do you want Jesus to do for you?" a good question for disciples today to ask? 
We might assume we know what a person wants from Jesus. But this is not always so obvious. Besides healing they might be asking perhaps a prayer or a blessing. We never know until we ask. Often the person might be supported by some kind helper or be receiving a grant of some kind, and once healed these benefits might fall away, leaving the person in a position of not being able to support themselves. So, it is best to determine exactly what the need is. 


6. In what sense did the blind man's own faith heal him? If he had faith, why hadn't he been healed before? 
I think that when Jesus said to the blind beggar, “Your faith has healed you," He was stressing the fact that it was His personal response to the beggar’s faith in Him that healed him. The beggar’s own faith, though not the basic cause of his healing, had been the channel through which the cure had been effected. It had been the means by which the love and power of Jesus was used to bring about this healing. Ultimately, healing is not dependent upon the quality of one’s faith, but upon the Healer. Faith is only the means, not the power itself. These miracle healings were done by Jesus for all to see that He is the Messiah who has come. Bartimaeus healing depends on what plan God has for the beggars life, does He want to heal the man in this life, or does He have another plan to show His glory through weakness? But, we know that someday all sickness and death will be eradicated (Rev 21:4). 


7. What was the blind man's response after being healed? In what ways is this a good model for us? 
His persistent faith had resulted in his physical healing as well as his spiritual healing. He immediately was grateful and became a devoted follower of Jesus - one of His disciples, glorifying God. We should never forget to show our gratitude by greatly thanking our Lord. What we may learn from this incident is that we should dare to believe God for the impossible. And that great faith greatly honours our Heavenly Father. In the same way our Lord Jesus, can give eyes to the spiritually blind, that they may know Him; feet, that they may follow Him; a tongue, that they may praise Him; and a heart, that they may love Him! 


8. What area in your life needs a dose of Bartimaeus' unstoppable faith? What's stopping you from asking God for that quality of faith right now? 
I need renewing of my faith so that I may be a shining light for the Lord. That I may be there for the sick and dying; that I may be a friend to the friendless; and that I may be of help to the needy and lost. That I may best serve Him, and not to live only for myself, but that I may also be a blessing to others. To thank Him and praise Him for His faithfulness and loving kindness. This is my prayer. 


5. In what ways is the question, "What do you want Jesus to do for you?" a good question for disciples today to ask?

By voicing what they want one can ascertain if it is healing or just a blessing to be prayed over them. Sometimes the "malady" enables them to get a social grant or even a 'helper' to assist them. They could be comfortable with this arrangement and don't rally want to step out in faith back to 'normal' as we term it and find work to get an income etc. 

Praying for and receiving healing could thwart a comfortable lifestyle (the rut) that they have gotten into. 

Others again would truly want total healing in body, mind and spirit. They are ready for God to take over and lead them on the journey fwd into paths untrod by them because of the malady. 

From the above it is seen that it is better to ask first instead of to assume that healing in the body is what is wanted/desired.

A blind man was asked if he would like to receive his sight. His response was that he is fine if it be not so because the first One he will set his eyes on will be his LORD AND SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST. 


6. In what sense did the blind man's own faith heal him? If he had faith, why hadn't he been healed before?

Bartimaeus' faith was the conduit through which God could work to initiate the healing. If he had not believed, he would not have called out all the more to Jesus, for mercy, when those in the crowd tried to stop him. This commotion caught Jesus attention and made Him stop in His tracks and initiate the whole process of getting Bartimaeus to Him and him being healed and Jesus acknowledging that Bartimaeus ' faith in God had brought about his healing. 


7. What was the blind man's response after being healed? In what ways is this a good model for us?

In v43 we read 'Instantly he received his sight and began to follow Jesus




It shows who we are to give honor and glory to. Ultimately it is God Who is the Healer. 

The other point is not giving up. In spite of others trying to intimidate you, remain strong in your faith. 


8. What area in your life needs a dose of Bartimaeus' unstoppable faith? What's stopping you from asking God for that quality of faith right now?

I easily get intimidated and end up not doing what initially I had felt was what I needed to do. 

This makes me not want to share and rather just do. It is a very lonely road/existence. 

My prayer is: Lord help me when I know You have laid something on my heart, to go through with it, no matter the consequence. Take away stubbornness and replace it with real faith, dear Lord. 

  • 1 month later...

What motivates Blind Bartimaeus to call out to Jesus? What motivates the bystanders to try to stop him?


A. Bartimaeus wanted to be healed and he knew that Jesus could do that. The thing that motivated the bystanders to try to stop him was he was causing a scene.  


What can we learn about Bartimaeus' faith by the evidence of his actions and his words?


A. Bartimaes had faith that Jesus could heal him. He didn’t care what others though. He was persistently yelling to get Jesus attention.


What were the political and spiritual implications of the phrase "Son of David"?


A. The political and spiritual implications of the phrase “Son of David” was that he knew that this man was the ruler of the world.


Why did Jesus ask the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" What was Jesus' purpose in asking the question?


A. Jesus wanted to be sure that the man was willing to give up the lively hood that he had at that time to become healed. He could no longer be a beggar.


In what ways is the question, "What do you want Jesus to do for you?" a good question for disciples today to ask?


A. Sometimes we really don’t know what that person wants because all we see is what is in front of us. We may not know what the person really wants.


In what sense did the blind man's own faith heal him? If he had faith, why hadn't he been healed before?


A. It was the faith that he had in God by knowing that Jesus could heal him.


What was the blind man's response after being healed? In what ways is this a good model for us?


A. He was delighted in being healed and now he could go out and tell others what God had done for him.


What area in your life needs a dose of Bartimaeus' unstoppable faith? What's stopping you from asking God for that quality of faith right now?


A. There is nothing stopping me from asking God for that quality of faith.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. Bartimaeus sensed there were more people around than usual, so he called out and asked what was happening. He was told that Jesus was about to pass by. Now Bartimaeus knew that Jesus was the only person who was capable of curing his blindness, so he was determined to attract his attention. He calls out as loud as he can, “ Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Bystanders were quick to try and get him to stop shouting, they were embarrassed at the noise and the persistence of his calling.

Q2.We can learn a lot, even though Bartimaeus was being told to be quiet he was determined to get Jesus attention because his faith was so strong he knew Jesus would help him, and cure him. He wasn’t going to be told by anyone to be quiet! He also knew without a doubt who Jesus was , we see this by Bartimaeus calling Jesus “ Son of David”.  We can learn about true solid faith in the Messiah, also about perseverance in prayer especially in the face of adversity.

Q3. By using the title “Son of David” it showed Bartimaeus knew the Scriptures and the promises of the coming of a Messiah who would be a descendant of David, as promised by the prophets. The political implications are that those in leadership would object and make it difficult for Jesus to move around freely in His ministry. 
Q4.Jesus asked Bartimaeus “What do you want me to do for you”. Jesus asked the question to give Bartimaeus the chance to say exactly what he wanted, and to give him the chance to show his faith in Jesus and to be able to express it openly, and vocally. 
Q5. It is a good question to asked before we pray with someone or help them in some way. By asking the question it gives us the opportunity to really understand what the person needs and expects from us. It takes away an chance of misunderstanding.

Q6.Bartimaeus faith was so strong and determined he was not going to take no for an answer. He knew beyond doubt that Jesus would heal him if he could just get His attention. I think Jesus waited until now so that this story would be written done to teach and instruct, and challenge us about the quality of our faith in God.

Q7.Bartimaeus followed Jesus, he started to give to others instead of receiving from others.He also gave God the glory. All those around him did likewise. It is a very good model for us to Praise God openly for all that He gives us and does for us each and every day.
Q8.That quality of faith is certainly a challenge. I will ask God for that deep unwavering faith. 

  • 1 year later...

What motivates Blind Bartimaeus to call out to Jesus? What motivates the bystanders to try to stop him?

He wants to be healed and he won't let anyone stop him from getting Jesus' attention.  They try to stop him because he is being loud and embarrassing. 

Why did Jesus ask the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" What was Jesus' purpose in asking the question?

I think He asked that because He wants people to evaluate their commitment to their desire for healing.  They need to think about whether or not they are really ready for the accompanying changes this will bring.  Kind of like when He talked about putting one's hand to the plow and not looking back.  People need to know what they are committing to when they choose to follow Him. 

In what ways is the question, "What do you want Jesus to do for you?" a good question for disciples today to ask?

See answer above. 

What was the blind man's response after being healed? In what ways is this a good model for us?

He followed Jesus.  We should follow Jesus. 

What area in your life needs a dose of Bartimaeus' unstoppable faith? What's stopping you from asking God for that quality of faith right now?

Probably the way I use my time.  I need to serve Jesus with my time.  I spend too much of my spare time relaxing or taking care of my possessions when I should be serving God and serving others. 

  • 5 months later...
  1. What motivates Blind Bartimaeus to call out to Jesus? His revelation that IS 35:5-6 was walking toward him. What motivates the bystanders to try to stop him? They are bystanders, not spiritually aware of the gift. They are about the show.
  2. What can we learn about Bartimaeus' faith by the evidence of his actions and his words? He is acting upon his spiritual revelation.
  3. What were the political and spiritual implications of the phrase "Son of David"?It is declairation that the messiah is there.
  4. Why did Jesus ask the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" To understand the basis of his faith.  What was Jesus' purpose in asking the question? Receive a prophet as a prophet you may receive the prophets reward. He is saying I recognize what the prophecy says I may expect.
  5. In what ways is the question, "What do you want Jesus to do for you?" a good question for disciples today to ask? We build upon firm foundations. For the gift delivered in answer to prayer to take hold and last… the recipient must truly value the answer. An answer from the heavenly relm, not a piece of candy from God’s vending.
  6. In what sense did the blind man's own faith heal him? He reported his foundation.  If he had faith, why hadn't he been healed before? The messiah was not present. He believed in a certain promise. Look that the crippled man stayed at the pool and never is reported as going to the temple for a miracle.
  7. What was the blind man's response after being healed? He began to praise. In what ways is this a good model for us? We overcome by the gospel and the word of OUR testemony.. so many of us do not truly value what has been done for us as a powerful tool for the Lord.
  • 6 months later...

Blind Bartemeius'father Thimoteaus knew GOD. Batemieus grew up in a faith believing household. So it's no surprise when Jesus came to town, he jumped at the opportunity ,no matter how embarrassing to shout out to Jesus what he wanted.

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