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  • 1 year later...

1. Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged? 
Jesus gave specific instructions to two of His disciples to enter the village, and that they would find a colt tied there, which had never been ridden. They were to untie it and bring it to the Lord, and if there was any problem they were to say that the Lord needs it. This is Jesus, the Messiah, in His divine foreknowledge taking control of events. The disciples found everything just as He told them, and the owners of the colt gladly turned the animal over to them. We see the disciples fully trusting the instructions Jesus gave them, perhaps being a little worried about getting into trouble for being accused of stealing the colt. However, they must have been confused not realising that what was happening was in exact fulfillment of Zechariah's prophecy, and that Jesus was actually entering Jerusalem as the rightful King of Israel. As believers we also should be willing to trust the Word of God at all times and to follow its teachings without hesitation, even if this may make us unpopular in this world. How much better to be on the side of our omniscient, almighty God than on the side of Satan, the ruler of this world. 


2. What is the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why a donkey that no one had previously ridden? 
The Messiah will come to us “righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey” (Zec 9:9). This Triumphal Entry of Jesus, riding on a donkey, into Jerusalem was predicted more than 500 years before it occurred. This should have been confirmation to the Jews that He was their Messiah, and their King, as He fulfilled the messianic prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. In the ancient Near-East the donkey was the preferred mount of princes (Judges 5:9-10), kings (2 Sam 16:1-2), and leaders (1 Kings 1:33). Horses were used in battles, and the fact that the Messiah did not come on a horse signifies that He did not come, this time, as a conqueror. As a youngster I have tried to ride an unbroken donkey; they are so stubborn, either they won’t budge or the will try all means to unseat you. This would not be the case with our Lord, the Lord of Creation. I see this colt was specially created to provide a royal ride for the sacred use by our Lord Jesus. 


3. What elements of the Triumphal Entry point to Jesus' claim to be the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah? 
By means of the Triumphal Entry, when the Lord entered Jerusalem on the Sunday before His death, Jesus fulfils the Messianic prophecy of Zechariah 9:9, “Rejoice greatly, your King comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey.” Initially, they welcomed Him and hailed Him as the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah by rejoicing greatly, singing and shouting praises: “Hosanna to the Son of David!" "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Hosanna in the highest heaven!" (Mat 21:9b). When people hail Him as the Son of David, that is the Messiah, He does not try to restrain them. The phrases, “Son of David” and, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,” both clearly indicate that Jesus was being recognized as the Messiah. He is the Blessed One who comes by Jehovah's authority to do His will. Crowds hailing Him as their King; their Messiah. "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" (Mark 11:9). "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!" (19:38). "Hosanna!" "Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!" "Blessed is the king of Israel!" (John 12:13). Little did they know that the victory would not be over a political kingdom but would be a resounding victory over a spiritual kingdom, the Messiah forever defeating sin, death and Satan. Our Messiah on entering Jerusalem, doesn’t ride the triumphant stallion of a conquering general, but the customary mount for royalty, coming in peace. We see His omniscience when arranging the colt to ride, a colt upon which no on ever sat, reserved by God for sacred use (Num 19:2). The owners of the colt when told "The Lord needs it" gladly turned their animal over to them acknowledging Jesus’ Lordship. Jesus’ gentle ride on an unbroken colt shows His miraculous power over creation that He spoke into existence by His Word of power. Being the Messiah, we notice that Jesus is in absolute control, that there is nothing haphazard about the Triumphal Entry. Everything has been carefully planned and is orderly and appropriate, exactly as the Lord has planned it. Right up to Jesus’ arrest, trial, and crucifixion. The Triumphal Entry is intended by God to unlock the reality of Jesus’ true nature and messianic purpose. 


4. Why do you think Jesus is now open about being the Messiah, whereas previously this was something He didn't want His disciples to discuss openly? 
Whereas previously, Jesus had stopped any attempts of a public declaration of His identity as Messiah, the time had come to openly announce and acknowledge that He was the King of Israel, the promised Messiah. Previously His disciples had not fully understood the kind of Messiah He had come to be. He did not want any misunderstanding with them perhaps interpreting the term Messiah in the political sense (John 6:15). Even though our Lord had unveiled His own immediate future to them, that He must suffer, that He must be rejected by the religious leaders of Israel, that He must be killed, and that He must be raised the third day (9:21-22), they still did not fully understand. Because of Israel's unbelief, no good could come from such a disclosure. There was the possibility that harm could come from a popular movement to crown Him King; such an ill-timed move would be ruthlessly crushed by the Romans (Mat 16:20). Bringing His public ministry to an untimely end. This must not happen. Jesus Himself will make an open announcement to the Jewish religious authorities (22:66-70). But now He was fulfilling prophecy and presenting Himself as Israel’s king (Zec 9:9). He wanted all to know that He is the Messiah so as to force the Jewish religious leaders to act. They had hoped to arrest Him after the Passover (Mat 26:3–5), but God had ordained that His Son be slain on Passover as the “Lamb of God, who taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). When they saw this great public celebration, the leaders knew that they had to act, and the willing cooperation of Judas solved their problem for them (Mat 26:14–16). 


5. What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry? What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Why the difference in reactions? 
We read that where the road began to go down the Mount of Olives, the disciples and pilgrims began to joyfully praise God in loud voices. They praised Him because of all the miracles they had seen. Blind Bartimaeus was healed only a few days before and, even more recently, Lazarus had been brought back from the dead (John 11:45). Amongst other the crowd sang: “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!” which is from Psalm 118:26 – referring to the coming of the Messiah. In contrast to the rejoicing, we have the Pharisees starting to complain about the people applying Messianic words to Jesus. Asking Jesus to rebuke His disciples. Accusing them of blasphemy. They didn't want someone challenging their power and authority, and they didn't want a revolt that would bring the Roman army down on them. With hardened hearts and because of being spiritually blind, they could not see Jesus for who He really was, and they complained as they had throughout Jesus’ ministry. Our Lord replied that if His disciples kept quiet “the stones will cry out.” Meaning that the stones of the city of Jerusalem would be a witness to His glory, and would burst into cheers, celebrating the establishment of God’s eternal Kingdom. The same words Habakkuk had used about Jerusalem in his prophecy (Hab 2:11). 


1. Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged?

It was not a normal instruction to be given to anyone. Yet, that was exactly what Jesus needed at the time. He needed that donkey to fulfill His Kingly entry into Jerusalem He needed to enter on a donkey, which had nor been ridden before. He also knew where they would find that donkey. 

For there not to be any trouble Jesus also instructed the disciples as to what to say. Many people were willing to do something for the Master and for Him to use them in any way. So just saying "The Lord has need of it", was enough for there not to be an argument. 


2. What is the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? 

Why a donkey that no one had previously ridden? 

Jesus comes in peace. If it was riding on a horse it would be as coming to war. An *** or donkey was ridden by non military personnel. Donkeys were also ridden by noblemen and kings. It is also tradition that no one should use the animal on which a king rides. This donkey had not been ridden before. It was kept for this specific purpose. We have Jesus actually showing openly that He was indeed the long awaited MESSIAH, coming in peace. 


3. What elements of the Triumphal Entry point to Jesus' claim to be the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah?

The donkey that was used had never been ridden before. It had been set apart for a specific use, viz., for when Jesus would use it to ride into Jerusalem. By doing this He is initiating a kingly act. Revealing His intention of coming in peace. Also, by this deed Jesus is revealing openly that He indeed is the long-awaited MESSIAH. 


4.  Why do you think Jesus is now open about being the Messiah, whereas previously this was something he didn't want his disciples to discuss openly?

He would have had difficulty to complete His ministry of teaching, healing and proclaiming the Kingdom. People  hoped that He was coming to subdue their oppressors, they did not understand "coming in peace". Now that the end was drawing close, Jesus revealed Who He was, so there was no excuse about not knowing. 


5. What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry?

The pilgrims were excited and acknowledged Jesus as the Messiah. Messianic phrases were shouted, eg., "Hosannah to the Son of David; Blessed is the King who comes in the Name of the Lord! ; Blessed is the King of Israel". 

What was the reaction of the Pharisees? 

The Pharisees murmered and wanted Jesus to stop the  crowd. They were not at all enamored with the crowd. 

Why the difference in reactions? 

The crowds believed Jesus to be the MESSIAH and the Pharisees did not believe. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged?


A. Jesus is fulfilling a prophecy that says that he will ride on a donkey that had  never been ridden.


What is the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why a donkey that no one had previously ridden?


A. The riding on a donkey is a symbol of a King and the King needed one that had never been ridden.


What elements of the Triumphal Entry point to Jesus' claim to be the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah?


A. The riding on a donkey that had not been ridden before and the people celebrating it.


Why do you think Jesus is now open about being the Messiah, whereas previously this was something he didn't want his disciples to discuss openly?


A. His task here on earth has been completed and now he could let everybody know that he is the Messiah.


What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry? What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Why the difference in reactions?


A. The pilgrims were excited about Jesus’ glorious entry. The reaction of the Pharisees was to reject those that were crying out for Jesus. The difference between the reactions was the Pilgrims knew that Jesus was the King that was promised and the Pharisees didn’t believe it.

  • 4 months later...

Q1. Jesus knew supernaturally that there would be a donkey in that place. He also had many friends who were more than willing to give what they had to help Jesus in any way that they could. If the disciples were challenged Jesus had instructed them to say that “ The Master had need for the donkey”. Once they heard who needed their donkey they were willing to let the disciples take it away with them.

Q2.A donkey was an acceptable mode of transport for a Jewish nobleman at this time. There are many references to this in God’s Word, eg Zechariah 9v9. 2Samuel18v9. speaks of Absalom riding a colt. When Jesus told His disciples that He should ride a donkey that has not been ridden before He was declaring Himself to be a King, the Messiah. This donkey was set apart for a particular reason because a King was going to use him. It was also a rabbinical tradition that no one should use a donkey that a King had ridden on.

Q3. The fact that Jesus was riding a donkey an acceptable mode of transportation for a King. It was a donkey that had not been ridden by anyone else. All the people knew Jesus was the Messiah and covered the road with their coats and palm branches. They cried out greetings of : “ Hosanna in the Highest”, “ Hosanna to the Son of David”, Blessed is the King of Israel”. These are all signs that the people knew Jesus was the Messiah. Jesus would have stopped them if they were wrong but now was His time to declare who He was as He approached the end of His life having completed the first part of His ministry of preaching teaching and healing both physically and spiritually. Now He was to face the most difficult and gruesome part of His ministry, to rescue us from an eternity spent in hell. 
Q4.This was the right time to acknowledge that He was the Messiah if He had openly claimed before that He was the Messiah He would not have been allowed by the Pharisees to continue His ministry. Jesus had a certain amount of things He wanted to achieve before He was captured and put to death and if He openly declared who He was too early His ministry would have been cut short. 
Q5. The people recognised who Jesus was and were praising and glorifying Him. The Pharisees were not happy, maybe they recognised also but were not prepared to accept Jesus as Messiah because He did not fit in to what they expected the Messiah to be. Although they studied the Scriptures they failed to recognise and accept Jesus as Messiah. They just resolved more firmly to get rid of Him, little realising that by so doing they were fulfilling Scripture.

  • 1 month later...

1.    Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged?

I think Jesus wanted to teach his disciples that he had power to know where to get his needs and had authority over our possession.

  1. What is the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Why a donkey that no one had previously ridden?

Jesus was now ready to reveal his identity as the Messiah and King by his choice to enter Jerusalem on a donkey especially that which no one had previously ridden, in fulfillment of prophesy.

  1. What elements of the Triumphal Entry point to Jesus' claim to be the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah?

I think the aspect of huge crowd of the people joining his disciples to shout praises and worship and spreading their garments of the ground confirmed him as rightful Anointed One and the Messiah.

  1. Why do you think Jesus is now open about being the Messiah, whereas previously this was something he didn't want his disciples to discuss openly?

Jesus was now being open about being the Messiah because he has completed his mission. He has raised and trained a team of disciples, taught, preached and healed the sick and delivered those in demonic bondage etc and the time had come for him to become the sacrificial lamb he came to be for our ransom from sin.

  1. What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry? What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Why the difference in reactions?

The pilgrims were happy and excited to be part of the historic experience. But the Pharisees were jealous and furious as they saw their power and authority slipping out of their hands to the coming Messiah.

  • 1 year later...


What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry? What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Why the difference in reactions?

The pilgrims were excited and recognized Jesus as the long awaited Messiah who fulfilled the prophecies.  He had proved himself by his many miracles and authoritative teachings.  

The Pharisees were angry that Jesus was accepting the praise and title of Messiah.  They considered it blasphemy because they did not believe He was the Messiah.  He did not fit the mold they had imagined because He did not come up through their ranks, nor was He born into some kind of powerful position, which in their eyes would have made Him more worthy. 

  • 2 months later...
  1. Why do you think Jesus gave such cryptic instructions to the two disciples about where to find the donkey and what to say if they were challenged? Limited instruction information recuces oportunities to talk unnecessarily about ones mission.
  2. What is the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey? Riding was a sign of important person as opposed to walking. Why a donkey that no one had previously ridden? A sign of special spiritual/religeous mission.
  3. What elements of the Triumphal Entry point to Jesus' claim to be the King of the Jews, the rightful Anointed One, the Messiah? The actions matching the prophetic predictions of the messiahs coming.
  4. Why do you think Jesus is now open about being the Messiah, whereas previously this was something he didn't want his disciples to discuss openly? It is time to confront the corrupt higherarchy.
  5. What was the reaction of the pilgrims to Jesus' glorious entry? Praise at his coming. What was the reaction of the Pharisees? Religeon (act as we say to please us and we will say your blessed) vs true spirituality, please God and be blessed. Why the difference in reactions? The religeous leadership wer man pleasers not God pleasers and were confronted by losing their earthly place politically and with the people.

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