Pastor Ralph Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 1. (Luke 22:24) Why does pride so easily dominate the life of leaders? Why do proud men and women seek out leadership roles? Why are we tempted to "lord it over" others - at work? in our families? in our churches? Jesus had just told His disciples that this will be the last quiet time they will spend with Him before His death. Instead of grieving they start a dispute about who should be the greatest! This shows us how depraved our hearts are - ever weak, ever deceitful, and ever ready to turn to what is evil! Pride of self-achievement can easily dominate and corrupt leaders into taking credit for what they have achieved, forgetting that without our Lord enabling and sustaining them, it would not have been possible (1 Cor 4:7). The pride of power is a very old sin, constantly before people seeking leadership roles (Lev 26:19). Ambition, self-esteem, and self-conceit lie deep at the bottom of all men’s hearts and often in the hearts where they are least suspected. We seek importance/recognition and this desire causes us to try to “lord it over” others. This seeking worldly greatness causes us to try and dominate others. This can be at work, at home, at our church, wherever sinners are. It also makes us demand honour and all sorts of fancy titles. Pride is essentially self-worship, and is a hindrance to seeking our Lord. Pride always goes before a fall, so as believers we should do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3). Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 2. (Luke 22:25) Why are we eager for titles? Reverend, Doctor, Chairperson, President, Director, Minister. What do titles do for us? What do titles do to us? Our pride has us looking for respect and public recognition of our prominence and importance. We get this from titles. If someone addresses us as Professor, Doctor, or the like, it immediately elevates us to another level of respect and recognition. Some people live for this, and any kind of title is of utmost importance. They are always striving for honour and recognition, and do all they can, legally and illegally, to attain this. These titles allow us to boast of our achievements, and can lead to inflated pride. Unfortunately, it can make us arrogant and unlikeable. I feel that we are not to boast about ourselves, instead let us boast about the glories of God. For ultimately what we say of ourselves means nothing in God’s work. It is what God says about us that makes the difference (2 Cor 10:18). How much better it is to seek the praise of God rather than the praise of people. Then, when we receive praise, we will be free to give all the glory to God. We are all a work in progress, and none of us will be perfect until we reach glory, but that does not mean that we should not endeavour to honour the Lord in all we do, say and think. Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 3. (Luke 22:26-27) How does a servant leader contrast with a self-absorbed leader? Whom should leaders serve? Their followers? or Christ? Can you cite any examples when who we should serve isn't clear? The way the world operates is that somebody is the greatest, somebody is on top, somebody has the authority, somebody dominates. They have the power and authority. Jesus says that this is not the way leadership works in the kingdom (22:26); there it’s about service and humility. Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and give His life a ransom for many (Mat 20:28). Thus, our great example of servanthood is Jesus Himself, and our great enemy of servanthood is self. Christian leadership does not lord it over people, even though at times it must exercise authority (1 Pet 5:3); it does not demand recognition and status; it does not pay attention to titles; it does not use its position for personal advantage at others’ expense. We see worldly leadership models selfish men seeking selfish advantage, but Christian leadership models servanthood, even at personal sacrifice or inconvenience. The leaders mission is to serve one another; to give their lives not only in service to our Lord Jesus but also to their fellow man. Great leaders are humble, and regard others as more important than themselves (Philippians 2:3). I read once that if the President of a country took a month off, no one would really miss him/her; but if all the trash collectors in the country took a month off, we would notice. Leaders are always to serve in obedience to the Word. We do not serve anyone or things that go against our Lord Jesus Christ. We are all accountable to Jesus. Being a servant does not mean that we are unrewarded. Quite the opposite; God’s greatest servants receive the greatest rewards. But a great servant does not serve for the sake of reward, but for the sake of God’s glory. Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 4. (Luke 22:28-30) What are the four promises Jesus offers His disciples in verses 29-30? Jesus identifies/recognises the faithful, those who have stood by Him in His trials; God will honour them when they suffer for Christ, Christ in a very real way suffers with them. To these faithful disciples He assigns them a kingdom, meaning that they will share in His royal rule (Rev 3:21; 20:4). They will have the privilege of sitting, with Jesus, at the table of the greatest Feast of all the ages - the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. To eat and drink in the kingdom of God is part of the symbolism of the joys disciples will experience in the new heaven and earth (Mat 8:11). They will have special status in the Kingdom of God. They will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel, meaning that they will share in Jesus’ function as ruler and Judge in the new kingdom (Mat 19:28). It will be their honour to welcome into the eternal kingdom believers that have been faithful to the end. Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 5. (Luke 22:30) What is the significance of eating and drinking at the King's table? We do this in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross for the sins of the world. When Jesus said, “This is My body,” He meant, “This is symbolic of My body” or “This is a picture of My body which is broken for you.” To eat the bread is to remember Him in His atoning death for us. In the same manner our Lord Jesus also took the cup after the Passover supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” It reminds us of Christ's death and the glorious hope of His return. Our participation in it strengthens our faith through fellowship with Christ and with other believers. Quote
hanks Posted January 9, 2022 Report Posted January 9, 2022 6. (Luke 22:29-30) What does it mean to rule and reign with Christ? Is this ruling present? or future? True greatness, the blessing of the Lord, will one day be ours. Eating and drinking at the table of Jesus in the kingdom of God, not because we have earned it for being great servants, but because the greatest Servant of all has obtained this seat for us and given it to us. Those who follow Him in humility, rejection, and suffering will also follow Him in glory. Here, on earth, our leadership is one of servanthood, as we follow Jesus’ example of serving; that is not to be served. The riches and power we strive for in this world, are temporary and are subject to decay and theft. We are called to give up these worldly and imperfect things, and the privileges we sometimes demand in this life, in order to lay them up for the next, where we will be given places of honour in His Kingdom. The true riches of heaven will never perish, nor will our position and power. We will be given thrones on which we will be seated, and from where we will rule and reign with our Lord Jesus Christ. Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 1. Luke 22:24) Why does pride so easily dominate the life of leaders? Why do proud men and women seek out leadership roles? Why are we tempted to "lord it over" others -- at work? in our families? in our churches? Leaders are many times better and quicker at doing things or grasping something, understanding something. This leads to pride. I guess it is fallen-human nature that fights againat the fallen state it is in and tries to show it is standing. Calling out, "There is nothing wrong." By doing that it comes across as proud and when coping better than others it becomes proud. That is possibly where or why leaders come across as proud. When a person is able to do somethng or grasp something in a situation quicker than someone else, then they are quick to "lord it over" others, be it at work, in family situations or at church. The true leader remains humble. Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 2. Luke 22:25) Why are we eager for titles? Reverend, Doctor, Chairperson, President, Director, Minister. What do titles do for us? What do titles do to us? Maybe it still shows when there is a title that the person is a cut above the rest. It might show that the person can be seen as a type of benefactor. Titles elevate a person and ensure a type of respect, not necessary always deserved. The person with a title is put in a different 'class' as one without a title. Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 3. Luke 22:26-27) How does a servant leader contrast with a self-absorbed leader? Whom should leaders serve? Their followers? or Christ? Can you cite any examples when who we should serve isn't clear? The greatest model of a SERVANT was our Lord Jesus Christ. My desire is to be like Him to serve as did He. "Lord make me like You,, Lord make me like You; You were a Servant, make me one too. Lord I am willing, do what You must do, to make me a servant to make me like You." A self-absorbed leader definately does not copy our Lord's example. In serving Christ we invariably serve people at the same time. Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 4. Luke 22:28-30) What are the four promises Jesus offers his disciples in verses 29-30? °. Envolvement of the operation and administration of His Kingdom. ° The priveledge to eat at His table ° To sit on thrones ° To judge Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 5. Luke 22:30) What is the significance of eating and drinking at the King's table? It is an ongoing provision, not only something that will only happen once. God is taking on the responsibility of providing for us at all times. We too will sit at table at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Quote
Irmela Posted January 12, 2022 Report Posted January 12, 2022 6. Luke 22:29-30) What does it mean to rule and reign with Christ? Is this ruling present? or future? It means to live as He showed us to live. To serve Him daily as His disciples. In troublous times and through all trials and with great joy at all times. I understand it to be both present and furure. That verse in 1 Peter 2:9 shows it is from present and always. You are a chosen people A royal priesthood A holy nation A people for God's Own possession To proclaim the praises of the One Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. Then the verses reflected in Revelation reflect the future (the time to come) . Rev 1:6.we are a kingdom, kohanim (priests) to God His Father Rev 5:9&10 those redeemed He made for our God a kingdom and kohanim (priests), and they shall reign upon the earth. Quote
Katy Posted August 10, 2022 Report Posted August 10, 2022 Q1.Unfortunately pride is present in most of us. Our hearts are full of pride and self righteousness. This pride can be found in some Church Leaders as they become more confident in their roles as leaders of the Church they can put their achievements down to their own efforts and forget that the Lord Himself has put them there and it is He who helps them accomplish things successfully. I think we can sometimes be at fault by putting our leaders on pedestals and only looking to them, instead of seeing God behind every sermons preached and every new person who turns to Jesus. Satan is constantly on the lookout for a chink in our armour to plant seeds of pride into our hearts because he knows it is offensive to God. A proud person will seek out leadership role because they are in no doubt that they can do the job and probably think they can do it better than anyone else. Humility isn’t part of them therefore they won’t consider that they may not be the person for the role or that someone else may be more able or equipped for the role. In our own lives , because of the ever present tendency of our hearts towards evil we may exert power over those around us maybe at home , or at work. I think it is usually if another person is shy , lacking confidence or maybe junior to us, we can see them as vulnerable and take advantage of the situation. If as Christian’s we are guilty of this we must go to God and the person we have abused and ask forgiveness and make attempts to make reparation. Q2.Titles are a means to respect ,admiration, and recognition. All humans crave these things to some extent, but some more than others. I know myself I have great pride in my children’s achievements and titles. But I also have great sadness because none of them walk with the Lord. This pride makes me realise I have the world still in me. So I do not allow myself to say anything to people I meet about my children unless they ask a direct question. Unfortunately people with titles can use them or use the privileges that can come with them to exert power over others or they can have feelings of superiority. These attitudes of superiority or power are not of God and are sinful, and need to be urgently addressed. Quote
Katy Posted August 11, 2022 Report Posted August 11, 2022 Q3. A good leader is one who is humble and willing to serve. They will not ask anyone to do anything they are not prepared to do. The greatest example we have of this was Jesus. He went about His business speaking and mixing with all people, no one was outside His scope. He was found among the poor, the sinful and those who were most vulnerable. Jesus was also invited to dine with people seen as more ‘respectable’ in society. At the last supper Jesus demonstrated His humility and His willingness to serve by washing the disciples feet. This was usually done by a servant. On the other hand a leader who is not humble or willing to serve others, is usually full of pride, of their importance and is seeking to further their own agendas. They do not see or care about the needs of the people they are supposed to be leading. A Christian Leader should serve God first and then those he is leading. If he is serving God wholeheartedly it will follow that he is faithfully leading his flock. Q4.Jesus told the disciples that He was conferring on them a Kingdom just like His Father had done to Him. That they may eat and drink at His table, in His kingdom and that they may sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. The disciples had been observers of Jesus doing His work but now Jesus was making them participants with Christ in His kingdom. In this kingdom they will have the ongoing privilege of being at His table where everything will be provided for them. This will start with the Marriage feast which will celebrate the marriage of the church, made up of faithful believers to Christ. They will take part in judging and welcoming, those who have been faithful to God, into eternal life in the presence of God for ever. Q5.In biblical times it was a great privilege to eat at the Kings table. It was not just one meal but ongoing provision all provided by the king for certain privileged people. We see this in the story of David. Because of his great love for his friend Jonathan, he invited his crippled son Mephibosheth to his table for life, he also restored to him all his grandfather’s lands.2Samuel chapter9. We will have this privilege if we remain faithful to God to the end. We will be invited to the Marriage feast and will be provided for by God for ever. Q6. I think this is now and in the future. If we are wholeheartedly following Jesus we are ruling and reigning as Jesus desires for our lives but we are subject to get distracted and sin is forever lurking near us. All this will change in the perfection of the new heaven and earth where we will continue to rule and reign with Jesus but in a more perfect and complete way. Quote
George L Posted April 3, 2024 Report Posted April 3, 2024 (Luke 22:24) Why does pride so easily dominate the life of leaders? Having something to set one apart is never to be lowervin ones esteem. Why do proud men and women seek out leadership roles? The like to be seen as elevated in place and importance. Why are we tempted to "lord it over" others -- at work? in our families? in our churches? Worldly nature not yet regenerated. (Luke 22:25) Why are we eager for titles? Worldly value system. Reverend, Doctor, Chairperson, President, Director, Minister. What do titles do for us? Feed oned ege. What do titles do to us? Tie us to a role not necessarily our constant calling. (Luke 22:26-27) How does a servant leader contrast with a self-absorbed leader? A servant leader leads beside where a self-absorbed type expects you to follow, not necessarily making sure you advance in capability and function. Whom should leaders serve? Their followers? or Christ? Christ as he will see we follow the holy spirit guidance. Teaching, demonstrating, encouraging. True service as a leader, Building the replacing generation. Can you cite any examples when who we should serve isn't clear? Any time we loose site of the need to traing our replacements. (Luke 22:28-30) What are the four promises Jesus offers his disciples in verses 29-30 eat and drink at my table in my kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. (Luke 22:30) What is the significance of eating and drinking at the King's table? Be provided fo at the head of the tables cost. (Luke 22:29-30) What does it mean to rule and reign with Christ? Is this ruling present? or future? We are the ambasadors of the kingdom on earth as Jesus was. We represent Christs rule here and now. I firmly believe the exacting requirements to serve the Lord we are aiming for is filling in the resume deciding our assignment/s in etermity to follow. Quote
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