Pastor Ralph Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 1. What is the "cup" that Jesus prays about? Why does He pray that it may be removed? (Luke 22:42) The cup that Jesus prays about is the suffering He was about to endure. Repeatedly in the Old Testament, a cup is a powerful picture of the wrath and judgment of God. God will pour out His fury on His enemies (Psalm 75:8; Jer 25:15). Jesus became, as it were, an enemy of God, who was judged and forced to drink the cup of the Father’s fury, so that we would not have to drink from that cup. Drinking this figurative cup was the source of Jesus’ greatest agony on the cross. Jesus is fully God, but He is also fully human. Here He prays that the cup may be removed, which is the natural human desire to avoid pain and suffering, "Father, if you are willing....". Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 2. Is Jesus' prayer to have the "cup" removed an indication of His weakness? Yes or no? Explain your answer. When Jesus prayed to have the cup removed, He was not trying to get out of His mission. This was not an indication of any weakness on His behalf. He was only expressing His true feelings about the fear of the coming trials. And in His humanity, He was battling the flesh and its desire for self-preservation and comfort; “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Mat 26:41). Immediately afterwards He reaffirmed His commitment to do God’s will. He was no victim of circumstances beyond His control, and unlike any animal sacrifice, went with full knowledge, and willingly resolved to lay down His life as a sacrifice for our sins. Jesus was unafraid of death, and when He had finished His work on the cross – the work of receiving and bearing and satisfying the righteous judgment of God the Father upon our sin – when He finished that work, He simply yielded Himself to death as His choice. He is the Sacrifice itself. He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (John 1:29). Who would willingly give up His life for someone else? What love, what a Saviour! Not weakness but loving strength in abundance! At no time did our Lord falter or turn back. He kept His eyes fixed on the coming glory when all the redeemed would be gathered with Him eternally. This enabled Him to think nothing of shame and to endure suffering and death. Today He is seated at the right hand of the throne of God. Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 3. Extra credit. In what way is this "cup" costly to the Father and to the unity of the Father and Son? Will we ever understand the pain and sorrow that God the Father must have felt for putting His Son through the agony and pain of the cross? For punishing and killing His own Son, who had committed no sin. For the humiliation, the weight of all the sins, past, present, and future, of the whole world, He had to go through. God made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him (2 Cor 5:21). Jesus knew there was no other way to redeem mankind, that He is the only possible sacrifice to redeem the world (Acts 4:12). Jesus not only endured the withdrawal of the Father’s fellowship, but also the actual outpouring of the Father’s wrath upon Him as a substitute for sinful humanity. “This was the blackness and darkness of His horror; then it was that He penetrated the depths of the caverns of suffering” (Spurgeon). Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 4. How can it be inauthentic to pray "Your will be done" prayers without petitioning the Father for what our will is? Jesus taught us earlier in Luke 18:1-8 not to give up praying for what we earnestly desire. We are to persist in keeping our prayers before God, and as we persist in prayer we grow in character, in faith, and in hope. James said “we do not have because we do not ask God” (James 4:2). By asking for something specifically, by mentioning it by name – if His answer is a Yes, then we know that He approves. Otherwise, if pray “Your will be done”, and His answer is a Yes, then we only know what He permits. We know God wants an increase of righteousness in the world, to bring more people to repentance, and to further the cause of the kingdom of His Son. I think our prayers become more powerful when our desires correspond to His will for us. We might not receive what we asked for, since we asked for the wrong reasons, or for the wrong things. Do we only want to satisfy our desires or do we seek God’s approval? Then our prayers will become more effective if we allow God to change our desires so that they correspond to His will for us. Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 5. Why do we avoid seeking what the Father's will actually is? We avoid seeking what our Heavenly Father’s will is, because it is submitting to God’s ways and His plans; meaning that we are no longer in control. By praying “Your will be done”, we acknowledge God’s right to rule; that our will be conformed to His, and that He knows what is best for us. This scares us because we lose control of our lives, scared that He has something special lined up for us that might take us out of our comfort zone. Besides asking for His will to be done requires that we must know some Scripture and know what we are asking for. It includes asking for wisdom, enabling us to know the will of God, it includes asking in faith, so that we can trust the will of God, it includes knowing that our highest aim is to bring glory to our Heavenly Father (1 Cor 10:31). It is to make sure that our prayers are in line with His will - as it is revealed throughout Scripture. I love these next two verses: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him” (1 John 5:14-15). We can now pray with confidence knowing that He will certainly answer us. Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 6. Have you ever been "exhausted from sorrow"? What was it like? What is its spiritual equivalent. (Luke 22:45) As I get older I seem less able to handle stress. And extreme stress has a debilitating effect on me, it is totally exhausting; I become tired and depressed. Initially one panics, and cannot believe what our Lord is allowing to happen to me. I think what is happening is that I allow the flesh to dominate and take control. I question God, after a while I come to my senses and start praying earnestly, and the Holy Spirit takes over and I start experiencing the peace that comes from my trust in Him. Once again, I never learn, I forget that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love Him, even though Rom 8:28 is one of my favourite verses. I still forget! “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”. Quote
hanks Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 7. In what ways does alert prayer keep us from temptation? (Luke 22:46) Jesus teaches us to pray so that we will not fall into temptation (Matt 6:13; Mark 14:38, 22:46). And if we are tempted, God has promised that we will not be tested beyond what we are able to bear, to limit its intensity, and to provide a way of escape (1 Cor 10:13). Prayer keeps our minds set on things above, not on earthly things (Col 3:2). Nothing better than having our minds filled with the majesty and holiness of God, the love and compassion of our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ. All of which are reflected in His perfect Word. For me Psalm 119:11 is a powerful verse to memorise: “I have hidden Your Word in my heart that I might not sin against You”. Another one of my favourites is Phil 4:8: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things”. If we walk in the Spirit, having fellowship with Jesus we make decisions in the light of His holiness; our mind is occupied with Christ and there is no thought of sin. By keeping our minds on heavenly things, we will not be bombarded with messages and images that may lead to sinful lusts. Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 1. What is the "cup" that Jesus prays about? Why does he pray that it may be removed? (Luke 22:42) The cup Jesus refers to is the mission He has been sent on. He has been sent to carry/bear the sins of the world. (He is the sacrifice for the sins.) It refers to the infliction of punishment associated with the wrath of God, God turns His back on sin. So Jesus will be rejected and cut off from God. This is what He is dreading - being cut-off from God in that time. It is a two-sided pain. Agony for Jeshua to be cut off as well as for the Father to turn His face away from Him (to be thus separated) Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 2. Is Jesus' prayer to have the "cup" removed an indication of his weakness? Yes or no? Explain your answer. No, He was not weak. He was fully Man. The horror of what was about to be, was staring Him in the face. He, the One Who knew no sin, now to be made sin. Enough to cry out, is there not possibly another way it can be done. Yet at the same time He fully, willingly, submitted to Father's will. To be that sacrifice, the Lamb that takes away the sins of rhe world. Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 3. In what way is this "cup" costly to the Father and to the unity of the Father and Son? The Father will have to inflict the punishment of His wrath on Him, the Son, who knew no sin. The Father and Son would be separated, there would be no communion because of the load of sin on the body of Christ. Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 4. How can it be inauthentic to pray "your will be done" prayers without petitioning the Father for what our will is? If we do not state our will in a matter we are praying or petitioning about how can we say nevertheless. Neverthless is for one or the other. There is otherwise no choice referred to. Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 5. Why do we avoid seeking what the Father's will actually is? It means total surrender on our side. Sometimes we find it hard to do that. Quote
Irmela Posted January 20, 2022 Report Posted January 20, 2022 6. Have you ever been "exhausted from sorrow"? What was it like? What is its spiritual equivalent. (Luke 22:45) Yes. Heaviness overcomes you, until you pass out. To overcome it we need to in that time just hand over. Let go and let God. Remember He too brings restoration during that "exhausting time". Quote
Irmela Posted January 21, 2022 Report Posted January 21, 2022 7. In what ways does alert prayer keep us from temptation? (Luke 22:46) It helps us resign to the now time but not in panic mode. Also our thoughts are steered away from temptation and we begin focusing on Christ, who we are talking to. Quote
Katy Posted August 28, 2022 Report Posted August 28, 2022 Q1. The cup is the suffering Jesus is about to face. It is both physical and psychological. Jesus is about to take on Himself the sin of the whole world and His Father will cut off communication with Him for a period. Jesus is finding in His humanness it difficult to face this. Jesus comes to His Father and makes the request that if possible could He be spared the separation from Him and the physical torture. However Jesus the says “ Not my will be yours be done.” Q2. I am not sure if it was a sign of weakness , I would never consider Jesus as being weak. I think it is a sign of His humanness. Jesus would not be human if He did not have any concerns or fear of facing all that was going to happen. Q3. The Father and Son’s communication would be cut off, because of what He was about to take on. The wrath of God would all be placed on His Sinless son for the sake of all sinners. No father likes to punish their sons but it is a necessary part of teaching them right and wrong , in this situation God the Father was punishing His Son for the whole world’s sin and He could not look upon all that sin until it was all over. Q4.When we pray and request something from God we must first of all be clear just what it is that we want. In this way, if The Lord is nudging us and directing us in a different way. It will be very clear to us. If we are a true follower of Jesus we desire our requests to be in line with the Lords will, and will be happy to be able to discern what the Lord’s will is for our lives. Q5.Our human nature wants to be in control of everything, we therefore don’t seek what Gods will is. We are only true followers when we fully realise that Gods way is best. If He doesn’t answer prayer as we anticipate it is because it is not the right time and we must trust in His plan for our lives. Q6. My times of being exhausted from sorrow are usually to do with my children/ grandchildren, their disappointments in life or their lack of maturity , occasionally their behavior or attitudes. I go through the same thing when I see their lack of commitment to the Lord but it is a much deeper kind of sorrow because it will have effect into eternity. But I also know the Lord’s comfort and peace. Quote
Katy Posted August 29, 2022 Report Posted August 29, 2022 Q7.When our minds are fixed on God in prayer, we will not be thinking about sinful things. We will not be tempted because The Lord will give us the strength to resist temptation. There are verses in the Bible that tell us about the importance of knowing God’s word so that we will avoid sin , if our minds are on prayer and God’s word we will have no desire to sin. The more we get to know Jesus through prayer and study the less inclination we will have to offend Him in anyway. Sometimes it may be difficult to pray but we must persist in order to stay close to the Lord. We have the Holy Spirit who will take our feeble efforts at prayer and present them in a fit state to God. Quote
haar Posted October 25, 2022 Report Posted October 25, 2022 1. What is the "cup" that Jesus prays about? Why does he pray that it may be removed? (Luke 22:42) The cup is that of carrying the sin of the world and paying the penalty- death on the cross. He prayed that the cup be removed as he did not could not imagine having to bear such filth upon himself given his divine origin though in human form then. 2. Is Jesus' prayer to have the "cup" removed an indication of his weakness? Yes or no? Explain your answer. No. His prayer to have the “cup” removed was not an indication of weakness but as I explain in question 1. 3. Extra credit. In what way is this "cup" costly to the Father and to the unity of the Father and Son? The “cup” is costly to the Father too because he could not bear the pain seeing what his beloved son was going through: such agony and shame of carrying the sin of the world and the momentary separation from him. 4. How can it be inauthentic to pray "your will be done" prayers without petitioning the Father for what our will is? We can pray “your will be done” without really meaning it in our hearts. In this case, our prayer is not authentic. 5. Why do we avoid seeking what the Father's will actually is? We avoid seeking the Father’s will because we are selfish and set our minds on what we want irrespective of whether it pleases our Father or not. 6. Have you ever been "exhausted from sorrow"? What was it like? What is its spiritual equivalent. (Luke 22:45) I cannot recall such experience. 7. In what ways does alert prayer keep us from temptation? (Luke 22:46) Such prayers hook us on to the center of power, the presence of the Lord where the power to overcome is available for us. Quote
George L Posted May 5, 2024 Report Posted May 5, 2024 What is the "cup" that Jesus prays about? The task ahead of him as the sacrificial lamb of God. Why does he pray that it may be removed? More likely it seems he is validating that there is no other option to complete the salvation sacrifice which he sees spiritually in full detail. And has seen it as his destiny before accepting the earthly assignment. (Luke 22:42) Is Jesus' prayer to have the "cup" removed an indication of his weakness? Yes or no? No Explain your answer. I see him verfying that it is a must complete tasking, not a request to avoid. Extra credit. In what way is this "cup" costly to the Father and to the unity of the Father and Son? The Father and the Holy Spirit were present and saw every bit of what was done. They endured it with him. How can it be inauthentic to pray "your will be done" prayers without petitioning the Father for what our will is? God’s will, values, desires are fully sketched out in the scriptures. Post Acts 2 and the 4 holy spirit anointing the infilling we ought to hold within us in steady fellowship, conversational relationship with our Father, our Brother, and the holy spirit. Jesus said “put self up on your cross daily, then come follow me.” We need be working the harvest field with our Lord and the holy spirit. We should not be in a distant relationship. Why do we avoid seeking what the Father's will actually is? Because we still live the self life and not strive to live the christ life. Self is or greatest sin, Have you ever been "exhausted from sorrow"? There are times in prayer that are a wrenching, tears flowing mess. I do not get there as often as I would desire. What was it like? Woke up on life support after a motorcycle wreck. Unable to breath assisted by the machine sufficiently to live. 60 liters Oxygen a minute was not enough my lungs were so damaged. What is its spiritual equivalent. The times we truely know one we are praying for is unsaved and what is their destiny without salvation. Realizing the very worst human’s price was paid that they not go where only satan and his angels should be sent. (Luke 22:45) In what ways does alert prayer keep us from temptation? (Luke 22:46) Essentially live a watchmans calling. Pray and percieve. Then discern God’s will in the situation. And begin to speak that result in Prophetic prayer. Once You know how God wants the outcome. John 2:25. God knows man and we need not tell Him “Oh look, Oh see that!” We need to put His solution into place by praying as He guides us. A complete result, not telling him how to adjust his plan but speaking the completion to come into place. Quote
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