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  • 1 year later...

1. What does repentance consist of? What synonyms can we use to describe repentance to our generation? (Luke 24:47) 
Repentance consists of changing one’s mind, that is a complete and irreversible change of mind, heart, and actions. This occurs once we recognise that our sins are offensive to God; we turn away from the sin, and ask Him for forgiveness. In Acts 11:18 we read that repentance is a necessary part of salvation. God has commanded us to repent and have faith in Christ (Acts 2:38); it is by trusting the Lord Jesus as our Saviour, we are regenerated and receive eternal forgiveness of sins. If we think of it, how does an unbeliever truly accept Jesus Christ as Saviour if he/she does not realise the need of a Saviour? Repentance is a response to the work of God, who convicts and convinces us that we are in error. This realisation, that is brought about by the convicting ministry of the Holy Spirit, is repentance. God is waiting to forgive us if only we will come to Him in confession and repentance. Remember what Jesus said (15:7), that there is joy in heaven among the angels over every sinner that repents. He will not withhold repentance from anyone, it is so often that we are unwilling to admit that we are wrong. Some synonyms are: acknowledge sin to God; a complete about-face; a change of mind; change of direction; a change of attitude; turning away; turning about; sorrow, go another way; conversion. 


2. Is forgiveness of sins possible without repentance? Is repentance possible without the forgiveness of sins accompanying it? (Luke 24:47) 
Without repentance there can be no forgiveness of sin. This is not an option; it is a must. It is not a message we often hear today, for preachers do not like to tell folk they are sinners. However, Peter faithfully preached repentance in his sermons after Pentecost (Acts 2:38). If we don’t recognise or acknowledge or confess our sin, how can we be forgiven for something we don’t even realise exists. There has to be deep sorrow, and sadness, that we have offended and have been disobedient to our heavenly Father. This is not asking for forgiveness out of our fear of unpleasant consequences, that may result because of our actions, and a desire to avoid them. No, this is an awareness of God’s mercy to sinners and our need for a Saviour. This faith presupposes repentance. Confirmation of true repentance will be shown in our future actions: to show faith apart from works is impossible (James 2:18). True repentance is always accompanied by forgiveness. No repentance means no forgiveness. Many fear their sins are too great for God to save them, it is not the magnitude of our sins but the refusal to repent that will send us to hell. God has promised that once we have truly repented to forgive us our sins, and He always keeps His promises. “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chron 7:14). “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). 


3. What does it mean to preach or do some action "in His name"? (Luke 24:47) 
To preach or do some other good deed “in His name”, is a mandate of authority. It means in preaching for example, we have the authority to preach, direct from our Lord Jesus. No other authority or permission is required, we have this Divine authority to preach the gospel under His orders. Here the term name is important since it includes the whole person. Hence, the name Jesus refers to His birth, His ministry, His suffering, His death, His resurrection, and His ascension. Jesus Christ’s name also points to the Messiah, who is the exalted Son of God. It is not some magic saying or formula to be used. When used in healing as an example, there has to be complete faith in Jesus’ name and trust in Jesus’ divine power for healing by the person needing healing. However, sometimes healing miracles do not occur, especially when God wants to strengthen our faith to His glory. “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is perfected in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9). 


4. Why was the shift of focus from the Jews to the Gentiles so significant? 
Initially the focus was on Jerusalem, the very city where our Lord was crucified. The Jews were the first to receive the call to repentance and faith in Him. However, never was the Gentiles outside the scope of God’s reign (Deu 10:17; Rom 3:29). As we know, the Lord Jesus Christ did not die for one race of mankind but for the whole world of sinners. The offer of full and free salvation goes out to whosoever will, Jew or Gentile. It was God’s plan to bless all nations, and now that time had come. To do this He used Israel and Jesus Christ to bring salvation to all. But of course, before sending the glorious message out to the Gentiles there must be the coming of the Holy Spirit. We read about this in Acts 10:44-46 when the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles. 


5. What steps should we be taking in our communities to see that the gospel is carried to every people group in our midst? (For example, Korean, Hmong, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, Muslim, Chinese.) What steps should we be taking to carry the Gospel to every language of every people-group on earth? How can we facilitate this work?

Before we can carry the gospel message of repentance and forgiveness of sins to other groups, we must wait to receive power - the power of the Holy Spirit. Without this power we will be ineffective. We will also need to have a working knowledge of the group’s language. This might cause a delay since it can take time to learn a new language. To fully understand the gospel, it’s obvious one needs the Word in one’s own language. It has been forecast that by 2038 the Bible will have been translated into every language of every people-group on earth (Wikipedia). Wiki also states that as of Sept 2020 the full Bible has been translated into 704 languages, and that the New Testament into an additional 1551 languages. But there is a lot of work still to be done. As of Oct 2019, it was estimated that there were 3969 languages without any Bible translation at all, but many of these are likely to never need a Bible because they are very similar to other languages, or spoken by very few people.

But when it comes to people-groups/ethnic groups I’ve read that in the early 1970’s half of all ethnic groups had never heard of our Lord Jesus, but that has been reduced today to about 20%. Which still means there is a lot of work to be done. If I take my country South Africa as an example; we have twelve official languages, and it is said about 3000 ethnic groups! How can we facilitate this work, worldwide? I’ve discovered a beautiful App which I’ve downloaded on my phone, it’s called “Unreached of the Day”. It gives me a daily reminder of an unreached ethnic group I can pray for. As an example, today 29th Jan 2022, I was to pray for Hui in Malaysia. The app comes with statistical data, a bit of history, outreach ideas, Scripture focus, prayer focus, and even with a map showing the location of the ethnic group. What an exciting opportunity to do something for these lost souls.


6. The first apostles were eyewitnesses by definition (Acts 1:22). In what sense are we witnesses? What evidence are we aware of about which we can speak authoritatively? Of what are you a first-hand witness? 
We are witnesses in a sense that we point people to Jesus Christ and tell lost sinners how to be saved. As true believers we have been filled with the Holy Spirit, and it is through His power that we are able to witness. And have been given the mandate to speak authoritatively about His Word and the message of repentance and forgiveness. We need this power for witnessing, and for holy boldness in reaching others. We might be highly talented, intensively trained, and widely experienced, but without spiritual power we are ineffective. We cannot be witnesses for Jesus in our natural strength but only in the Spirit's supernatural power. As we share the gospel, we must pray that God would open the person’s mind to the truth of His Word. But in the end it is only He that can impart sight to spiritually blind eyes. Having a personal relationship with Jesus, we are first-hand witnesses to what we know about our Lord. We know all about His loving care, His peace we experience, His disciplining us, His guidance in times of need, His loving kindness in times of sorrow, and the fact that He is always there for us. 


7. Have you ever met a powerless Christian? What kind of waiting is necessary to receive spiritual power for ministry? How diligently and obediently are you willing to wait for and seek this power from the Spirit? 
No, I don’t think there is a powerless true Christian, since all Christians have been indwelt with the Holy Spirit. To me powerless means completely powerless, zero power; I think a backslidden Christian might have limited power or near zero power but cannot be powerless. The Holy Spirit is given at the moment of salvation (Eph 1:13). Every true believer receives the Holy Spirit as a sign that they belong to God and that they will be kept safe by God until the time they receive their glorified body. So, the Holy Spirit indwells believers permanently. This indwelling is in contrast to the filling of the Spirit (Eph 5:18). This can be a continuous process or a moment-by-moment process. To be filled with the Spirit we have to confess and put away all known sin in our lives (1 John 1:5-9). 
Also, we should yield ourselves completely to His control (Rom 12:1-2). This involves the surrender of our will, our intellect, our body, our time, our talents, and our treasures. Every area of life must be thrown open to His dominion. It also involves knowing His Word: reading, studying, and meditating on the Word of God. To be filled with the Spirit also means we must be emptied of self (Gal 2:20). 
I feel that the closer we are to the Lord, the more we are aware of our own complete unworthiness and sinfulness (Isa 6:1-5). In ourselves, there is absolutely nothing we can be proud of (5:8). The believer who is filled with the Spirit is occupied with Christ and not with self. 


1.  What does repentance consist of? What synonyms can we use to describe repentance to our generation? (Luke 24:47)

Repentance consists of a change in our actions. A change from unbelief to believing in Christ and to follow Him. In doing this our old lifestyle will be left behind and we will begin to live in a new way. Having Christ take over the reign in my life, having Him sit on the throne of my heart and working the controls. Allowing Him to make me the person He would have me be. 

Repentance means leaving behind a life of sin and death and "living" God's way. 

Synonyms would be,... 

Tuning away from 

Feel sorrow for

Forsaking a certain lifestyle

Making restitution 

Forgiving where others have caused pain and bitterness

Keeping the Commandments of God

2.  Is forgiveness of sins possible without repentance? Is repentance possible without the forgiveness of sins accompanying it? (Luke 24:47)

Only when you recognize that you have sinned can you repent and ask for forgiveness. If you do not recognize the need to repent and change no action takes place. Forgiveness  is being pardoned for something recognized as being wrong. 

The two go hand in hand. 


3.  What does it mean to preach or do some action "in His name"? (Luke 24:47)

It means doing something in/on the authority of His Name. In the very presence of Him or by the commission of Him, i. e. He sent me. Doing it in His power. 

It is saying He is responsible for the action. In fact it is actually connected with all that Jesus is and has done. 

4.  Why was the shift of focus from the Jews to the Gentiles so significant?

Jesus concentrated His ministry to the Jews. That is not to say He left out the other nations. But it was to one people who would then be commissiined to take the msg to the rest of the world.

The Jews rejected the Son, then only was the msg taken to the Gentiles. Still we find the focus starts at Jerusalem   then Judea, then Samaria (mixed races), then the uttermost parts of the world. 

The msg is NOT just for one people, it is for EVERYONE. 


5.  What steps should we be taking in our communities to see that the gospel is carried to every people group in our midst? (For example, Korean, Hmong, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, Muslim, Chinese.) What steps should we be taking to carry the Gospel to every language of every people-group on earth? How can we facilitate this work?

That is very interesting what Hanks posted. 

Without Christ it is pointless going anywhere. 

Wherever He guides that makes sense to follow, as He will open the way. It is our lives/actions that need to portray Christ. That is what will win whichever people we get into contact with. Without power from on high this is an impossible task. 


6.  The first apostles were eyewitnesses by definition (Acts 1:22). In what sense are we witnesses? What evidence are we aware of about which we can speak authoritatively? Of what are you a first-hand witness?

I too was lost and hell-bound. When I handed my life over to Christ, He began a work in my life to re-new me. So in that way I have witnessed Christ's power in my life. I can speak of first-hand experience. My life has changed. 


7. Have you ever met a powerless Christian? What kind of waiting is necessary to receive spiritual power for ministry? How diligently and obediently are you willing to wait for and seek this power from the Spirit?

If you are an introvert it does not help trying in your own power to talk to a group of people. God has made each of us unique. He made us that way for a purpose. He will fill us with power to do the task He has intended for us to do. 

If you are called as a pastor don't try for an Evangelist. You will burn out. Nor vice versa as you will be agitated. Neither does it help to go ahead of time. Go when God sends you. Don't follow a calling that is not yours it will only cause frustration. 

Stay in the Word, watch and pray. 

  • 8 months later...

Q1. Repentance consists of realising our sinfulness before God and having a deep desire to be sinless and pleasing to God. Our attitude needs to be one of humility and sorrow and longing to be right with God. So we must come to Him and seek His forgiveness and turn away from our sin and our source of sin. For some this may mean a change in lifestyle, new friends, new places to visit etc. The are new things to look forward to : Forgiveness from God , a realisation that God loves us so much that He was prepared to suffer and die a death full of suffering and shame to give us the opportunity of spending eternity in His presence, and having our sins forgiven by God.Our forgiveness and salvation is a gift from God, nothing to do with anything we have done but only by God’s grace. No matter what we do we could never meet God’s standard of righteousness. Repentance is a change of direction in life, a desire to turn from sin and follow Jesus. It can be described as Conversion, or a change of heart and mind. 


Q2. Unless there is true sincere and humble repentance there is no forgiveness of sin. When we realise just how holy God is and how far short our standards in life fall we need to come in true repentance to God and seek His forgiveness. There will be no forgiveness without true repentance. If our repentance is sincere and true it will show through in our future lives, by how we change our ways and stop sinning. Forgiveness is God’s part, and if repentance is true there will always be forgiveness from God. “ If we confess our sins , He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteous.” 1John 1 v 9.


Q3. To something in His name means to do something on His behalf, we have His authority and blessing to do it. Therefore we have a responsibility to do it to the best of our ability and with a willingness and commitment second to none. 
Q4. The Jewish people were God’s chosen people and through them He would bring His salvation to the whole world. But first to the Jews and then to the Gentiles. The Jews were at first surprised when the message was taken to the Gentiles by Saul/ Paul , it took them time to accept that God’s salvation was for all who accept Jesus. Today we have a responsibility to take the Gospel message to those who as yet don’t know Jesus.

Q5.It is our responsibility to do all in our power to see or enable the message to be spread to people who have not had the opportunity to hear about God. If we don’t go ourselves we must pray that others will go and we must support them by prayer and financially. We can facilitate speakers from other countries coming to speak in church with a view to support them or maybe influencing church members to travel and work in these countries.

Q6.By studying the Bible we are witnesses of all God’s goodness and mercy. We learn about it and we personally experience it in our own lives. I personally have experienced the change in my life when I confessed my sin and was forgiven by God. I experience  the change in my own life as God hones me to make me more and more like Him. I am a first hand witness of this. 
Q7. A true Christian is never powerless because they have the power of the Holy Spirit. However I know I have been nervous and  akward because I have gone into a situation without enough preparation which is usually not enough prayer. Prayer is the essential ingredient to doing anything in ministry. I am impatient, at times restless and anxious, none of these are good when waiting and trusting that something is going to to happen.

  • 1 month later...

1.    What does repentance consist of? What synonyms can we use to describe repentance to our generation? (Luke 24:47)

Repentance consist of making a u- turn, from heading to the wrong direction and heading to the right direct. From sinful lifestyle and heading towards righteous, living for and in  Christ.

2.    Is forgiveness of sins possible without repentance? Is repentance possible without the forgiveness of sins accompanying it? (Luke 24:47)

Repentance is necessary for forgiveness of sin.

3.    What does it mean to preach or do some action "in his name"? (Luke 24:47)

To preach or do some action in the name of Jesus is to believe in him and use his power to achieve the desired results of the action.

4.    Why was the shift of focus from the Jews to the Gentiles so significant?

The shift from the Jews to the Gentiles was significant because it in line with God ultimate plan for salvation to be extended from Jews – Jerusalem, to the uttermost part of the world.

5.    What steps should we be taking in our communities to see that the gospel is carried to every people group in our midst? (For example, Korean, Hmong, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, Muslim, Chinese.) What steps should we be taking to carry the Gospel to every language of every people-group on earth? How can we facilitate this work?

By evangelism starting from our individual Jerusalem then unto those uttermost parts of the worlds nearer us.

  • 1 year later...
  1. What does repentance consist of? Recognizing the totality of one’s failure and lack of effort to please God who created you and your ability to have life. Confessing that to God. For He is the creator, the ruling King. What synonyms can we use to describe repentance to our generation? Turning from the failure of self to the forgiveness and recreation of new life in Christ.  (Luke 24:47)
  2. Is forgiveness of sins possible without repentance? No, clean me up but I am not serious of change is a recognized failure type.  Is repentance possible without the forgiveness of sins accompanying it? (Luke 24:47) yes if we include the most difficult forgive of our self.
  3. What does it mean to preach or do some action "in his name"? (Luke 24:47) There are two meanings. The I am proclaiming some scriptures I found saying your guilty. I am using the name of the word. Vs Walking in the Christ walk healing the sick, casting out the demons, restoring the people who need the acts of the kingdom. Christ gets to hold court, we should be saving His lost sheep, making them well, training them to find more sheep. Salvation in the real is a new functional body part for the church.
  4. Why was the shift of focus from the Jews to the Gentiles so significant? The intent of the law of Moses and following it would have produced such a blessed and abundant land that all countries would have abandoned their gods and come to the one true God. God grafted in the Gentiles to show His chosen people they were missing the promise to them. Turn to your Messiah and become blessed .
  5. What steps should we be taking in our communities to see that the gospel is carried to every people group in our midst? (For example, Korean, Hmong, Vietnamese, Puerto Rican, Muslim, Chinese.) The job in our area is there are 150 languages being used in Louisville. There is an office which coordinates that need. The Ft. Knox area is deep in extra cultures with foreign spouses as well. Bibles and ‘speakers’ are being found as needed. What steps should we be taking to carry the Gospel to every language of every people-group on earth? Tremendous support of those ministries overseas developing unique to the culture materials we can adopt back. How can we facilitate this work? Support the front line missions that teach as well as preach. Many cultures will be won through educating their children. As they are developed at the cultural interface we can bring them to the need of the migrated.                 
  6. The first apostles were eyewitnesses by definition (Acts 1:22). In what sense are we witnesses? We can see through the gospel record of the events that impacted them so deeply they remembered exactly for years.  What evidence are we aware of about which we can speak authoritatively? God answered your cry for salvation. No mater how mild or desperate your situation that turned you. Your testemony of God’s provided redemption can be disreguarded but never denied. By the blood of the Lamb and that word of out testemony that are you a first-hand witness to the truth of redemptions from lost to a new forgiven lifestyle.
  7. Have you ever met a powerless Christian? Many. What kind of waiting is necessary to receive spiritual power for ministry? None if we will follow the instructions of the narrow path. Understand we have to grow in the new. No instant results in learning new skills. The armour, prayer, study, and fellowship. Begin the maturing process.  How diligently and obediently are you willing to wait for and seek this power from the Spirit? I was advised by a wise ministers wife that there is always a next level upward. We learn in our walk, come to the test . Do we trust that fresh word of revelation or not? Faith or not yet. Then if fail, around again the mountain and relearn and retest. Again around, or up a level and learn then test again. Patience is truely with our own cry for now, Then learning it is the believers walk, one step at a time. As See the Red Sea.. take a step.. find it is true. Again and again.

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