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  • 4 weeks later...

I do not think that Zechariah is being "punished".  Instead, I feel this is a description of how attitudes can effect one's performance in life.  Because Zechariah has an attitude of unbelief, he is unable to express God's spiritual message to others.  It does not mean that his lips are "literally" sealed.  I believe Gabriel is saying that you cannot communicate wonderous thoughts to others until you believe them yourself. 

Another part of this reading that caught my attention was the word "joy".  In other chapters of the Bible, John always seems so serious and even tragic.  It is worth noting that he must have provided joy to his parents and others, although this part of his personality can easily be overlooked.


We often underestimate the depth of the world view of our scientific culture. Zechariah had to unlearn the belief that when one is past child bearing age, one cannot have children. But God graciously gave Zechariah 9 months to unlearn, and after that Zechariah would compose a song of praise to God. He had learnt his lesson in solitude!!

I myself, 64 year old and childless with my wife, often balk at the thought of getting a child at 65 years of age. Shall I be alive when the kid is ready to go to secondary school 13 years hence, and 10 years later, complete university? But God has demonstrated that HE is able in all things. May the God of Elizabeth and Zechariah be my strength in my doubts about many things.


1.1 What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7?

Zechariah and Elizabeth were both descendants of Levi as well as of Aaron. Zechariah was a priest and was of the division of Abia which was the 8th one in rotation of the divisions as ordered by David and Zadok many years before. They were old already and had no children, as Elizabeth was barren.

1.2 What kind of people are they?

They are God-fearing people, living righteous in the eyes of God.

1.3 What is Zechariah's job?

Zechariah was a priest. Twice a yr, his division was called up for a week to fulfill their part in the temple service. The rest of the time he lived and worked in a little village in the hill country of Judea, South of Jerusalem.

2.1 Why do you think that it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on that particular day?

I believe God allowed it to be like that because He wanted to share the news with Zechariah, that John was to be born, in a very special way, and at a very special place.

2.2What does the offering of incense represent?

The incense represents the prayers of the people.

3.1 Which are the most important points (which the Angel Gabriel's msg involved) to you?

Personally the reassurance of not needing to fear and that prayers get answered. Also the fact that prophecies do get fulfilled. It is wonderful to know and experience that God does do what He promises.

3.2 Which do you think would be the most important to the people of John's time?

That John was the forerunner of the Messiah, fulfilling the prophesy of Isaiah and Malachi.

4.1 Specifically , which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? (1:18)

That the child will be borne by Elizabeth and be theirs as they were both advanced in years.

4.2 Why do you think he can't believe it?

They had hoped and prayed for many years and no child had been born to them.

4.3 What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today?

The humanly speaking impossible things. The things that require faith, i.e real faith.

5.1 What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian?

Doubt and despondency. Feelings of low self-worth. Being spiritually dull and not sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

5.2 How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life?

Joy leaves. The person is often filled with shame.

5.3 What is the cure for unbelief, do you think?

Humility, repentance, prayer, studying the Word, and becoming more sensitive to God.

6.1 What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions?

Unbelief asks how is it possible, whereas the hard question is, how will it come to pass?

6.2 How is the latter necessary to solid faith?

It builds faith when one is able to hear how it will get done, even if it is not understood completely.


  1. What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? What kind of people are they? What is Zechariah's job?

We learn that Zachariah was a priest that belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; Elizabeth his wife was a descendant of Aaron, both were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly. They had no children because his wife was barren; and both pass child barren age.

4.    Specifically, which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? (1:18) Why do you think he can't believe it? What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today?

From the scripture, "Zechariah asked the angel, 'How can I be sure of this? The response was ,"I am an old man and my wife is well along in years.' The (b) part;  What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today? Often we can’t believe that God will bless us in spite of our mess. I just heard my landscaper testimony. In March 2019 he stated,  he was dead for an hour and witness everything done to him while medical team worked on him, and should not have walked out of the hospital. The doctor's and medical team didn't understand why he was not brain dead. He yet don't understand why God chose him. He is seeing and witnessing supernatural thing that don't make sense to him. There is a lack of faith and belief in the power of God.


7.Compare and contrastZechariah's reaction (v18) to the angel's announcement to Mary's. (v34 + 38) What is the difference between her question and his?

Zechariah's prayer for a child was about to be answered by the birth of John. Through that, not only his prayer, but also the prayer/longing of the nation would be fulfilled, viz., the coming of the forerunner of the Messiah as prophesied by Isaiah and Micah, so that the Messiah could come. 

Zechariah's doubt was reflected in the question .... How can I be sure of this? .... and the excuse with it, .... we are old in years .... 

Mary in turn had not prayed that she would be the one to carry/care for, the Christ-child and when she heard the announcement from the angel, she asked how it would come to pass and then after the angel explained, she gave her "will" over completely, and said "Let it be so".


I am uncertain of the translation used in the exerpt which reflects Zechariah's question as "How can  this happen?" and Mary's question as "How will this happen?




1.    What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? What kind of people are they? What is Zechariah's job? 
Zechariah was a Jewish Priest who worked at the Temple. Elizabeth was his wife who was also a descendant of Aaron (the first high priest of the Jews). They had no children and were both elderly living in the time of Herod the Great (37-4 BC). 
Both were devout Jews obedient to God. They faithfully observed the OT commandments and regulations. Their obedience was from the heart, so much so that both were upright in the sight of God. 
As a priest his duties were the upkeep of the Temple, teaching Scriptures, as well as leading worship services. This involved offering incense and prayers on behalf of the Israelite people, as well as the morning and evening sacrifices. He was a member of the order of Abijah (one of 24 groups of priests as divided by David’s instructions), who were on duty this particular week. 
2.    Why do you think it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on this particular day? What does the offering of incense represent? 
Our LORD is sovereign and nothing happens by accident. Zechariah was chosen by lot to fulfil God’s plan of sending John the Baptist as a prophet into the world. This would be the first prophet for over 400 years, and his message was to encourage people to turn away from sin and back to God. He would also be Christ’s forerunner. God was guiding the events of history to prepare the way for Jesus Christ, His Son, to come to earth. 
The offering of incense would be for Zechariah a once in a lifetime honour! Incense was burned twice a day, and as the smoke drifted upwards the people prayed - the smoke symbolising the peoples prayers ascending up to heaven. 
3.    The Angel Gabriel's message involves twelve separate points about John the Baptist's birth and ministry in verses 13-17. Which are most important to you? Which do you think would have been most important to the people of John's time? 
The announcement of the forerunner of the Messiah is most important to me. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is coming, to redeem us!! “And he will go on before the Lord, in the spirit and power of Elijah” (1:17a), The fact that John would become the Lord’s forerunner, announcing the coming Messiah. This was God’s plan that John would go on before the Lord to prepare the way for Him. John was identified with the messenger in Malachi 3:1, a fact that was later confirmed by Jesus in Matt 11:10. 
To me v.16 which reads: “John will lead many people in Israel to turn back to the Lord their God”, is the most important in John’s time. Because this did happen as crowds of Israelites turned to the Lord through John’s ministry. In Matt 3:5-6 we read: “People went out to him from Jerusalem and all Judea and the whole region of the Jordan. Confessing their sins, they were baptised by him in the Jordan River”. This was confirmed again in Mark 1:4-5: “And so, John came, baptising in the desert region and preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem went out to him. Confessing their sins, they were baptised by him in the Jordan River”. 
4.    Specifically, which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? (1:18) Why do you think he can't believe it? What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today?  
Zechariah doubted the angel’s word that he would have a son. He felt that because of both his and his wife’s old age it was humanly impossible to have a child. He should have realised that if you want your prayers answered you have to trust God to do what we consider to be impossible situations. His faith let him down in not trusting God to do the “impossible.” Had he forgotten what God did for Abraham and Sarah? (Gen. 18:9–15). 
We believe that if it’s not possible scientifically, then it’s not possible. Forgetting that God set these scientific laws in place in the first place, and that with God anything is possible, and what He promises He delivers. 
5.    What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian? How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life? What is the cure for unbelief, do you think? 
Believers have this problem with faith and unbelief. They want to believe, yet find themselves filled with doubt.
Lack of trust in God can hurt us in that it might prevent us from receiving His best. This was shown to be the case when the Israelites did not believe that God would help them conquer the giants in Canaan. This resulted in them, instead of entering the Promised Land, God sent them to wander in wilderness for 40 years. 
The cure. Faith is a gift of God (Eph 2:8-9). We need to grow in faith by the daily renewing of our trust in Jesus. We need to get deeper into His Word and start building a stronger relationship with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 
6.    Extra credit. What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions? How is the latter necessary to solid faith? 
The difference depends on the motive for asking these questions. In Matthew 22 we read of the hard questions asked by unbelievers, the Pharisees and Sadducees. They were not looking for answers but only to try and trap Jesus with His answers. However, if as believers, we are truly seeking answers to any hard questions then asking God is the only true source. We approach God in faith, with not a drop of doubt. We believe in His wisdom, His power, His loves and that nothing is impossible with Him. 
Every day, we have repeated opportunities to trust in our own wisdom or to ask God for His; to live in the flesh or to walk in the Spirit; to be in the slavery of the darkness of sin or to be set free by the light of Jesus Christ. There is a godly wisdom that can be ours only when we come to God recognizing our need for Him and for His wisdom. If we want answers to hard questions we should ask God. It is not necessary for us to face life in our own wisdom, ask and He will give generously (James 1:5). This will ultimately result in strengthening our faith. 
7.    Extra credit. Compare and contrast Zechariah's reaction to the angel's announcement to Mary's (1:34, 38). What is the difference between her question and his? 
Mary trusted God understanding that nothing is impossible with God. She knew the birth would happen and only wanted to know how.
It is different with Zechariah; he doubts God’s ability questioning how can this happen. 
8.    Why does God "punish" Zechariah (if that is what you call it)? What effect do you think it has in his life? What effect do you think it has on those observing Elizabeth's pregnancy and birth? How do you categorize this - as punishment, discipline, rebuke, chastisement, or something else? Though we discipline our children, why do you think we resist the concept that God can punish His servants?  
God disciplined Zechariah as a reminder of his sin of unbelief. It must have frustrated him tremendously as he could not tell this wonderful story. He must have wanted to praise God for this miracle (the first miracle to occur in over 400 years), but was kept silent until John’s birth. Initially, they could not announce Elizabeth’s pregnancy, as everyone knew she was barren and old as well. They would have thought this an impossibility and that she had lost her mind. So, she kept herself in seclusion for 5 months (1:24). It was only after her pregnancy became visible did it become believable. We tend to think God’s punishment can be harsh at times, but we must remember He is sovereign and just in all His dealings with us. 


8.Why does God "punish" Zechariah (if that is what you call it)? What effect do you think it has in his life?

I think it is calling Zechariah into a deeper/closer walk with God and a greater reality that God does answer prayer and does what He says He will do. The answering of the prayer was Elizabeth's pregnancy and there was no doubting the fact that Zechariah had indeed seen the Angel as the thing he said would come to pass - did come to pass - he could not speak.

Further I do think it jolted him into realizing that God is truly merciful, awesome, and amazing. I am sure this experience brought him even closer to God.

What effect do you think it has on those observing Elizabeth's pregnancy and birth?

I am sure it brought a certain amount of awe onto all and sundry as well as an exciting expectancy of what God was about to do.

How do you catagorize this - as punishment, discipline, rebuke, chastisement or something else?

I think this was God's way of dishing out discipline in love. Zechariah could now not talk - it was a time to draw closer to God on his own without talking/discussing it with anyone.

Though we discipline our children, why do you think we resist the concept that God can punish His servants?

I think many times we do not realize or accept what is happening as a type of punishment, but just take it as a happening in time. Discipline is part of loving and we find it hard to accept that part of loving from God Who is so merciful.


5.What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian? How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life? What is the cure for unbelief, do you think?

I think one of the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian is sarcasm or laughter like what Sarah did and also denied she did laugh when the angel of God said why Sarah laughed at the promise that she will have a baby. 

Unbelief causes a disciple's mind to close on the possibilities for the things to happen. 

Prayer and humility will cure unbelief so that faith will be established once again in the heart of a disciple and start believing and start declaring the truth again that fruits of the truth will bear in one's life. 


6.Extra credit. What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions? How is the latter necessary to solid faith?

unbelief is having a closed mind and heart on the too good to be true things that can happen while asking the heard questions mean that the mind and the heart of the person is giving room for the hard things to happen and because of this faith can build up as it the asking gives birth to answers.

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the reminder about the birth of John, which was the 2nd Birth from The Holy Spirit, the only difference between birth of john and Jesus was that mary was a virgin, whereas, elizabeth was barren, however The Holy Spirit was the Creator of both.  Scripture reveals that The Holy Spirit is the Creator and Redeemer.  john is equivalent to The Church today which evangelizes the world about the Gospel of The LORD Jesus Christ.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Zechariah was a priest belonging to the division of Abidjan. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were godly people who obeyed all Gods laws and kept the commandments. Elizabeth was childless and both of them were getting old.

Q2.It was part of God’s plan that the ‘lot ‘ should fall to Zechariah on that day. The angel of the Lord was able to deliver his message. 
The offering of the incense was a great honour only allowed one in a priest’s lifetime. The incense represented the prayers of the people.

Q3..I think that the fact thatJohn would bring back many Israelites to the Lord their God is very important. This is also important for the people of Israel. Also important is that John would prepare the way for the Lord, this was his role and he fulfilled it. He would be great in the sight of the Lord, is important as it shows he was doing as he should which pleased God.

Q4.Zechariah questions the fact that he is being told Elizabeth will have a baby , long after the age of childbearing! He can’t believe it because it is not a usual occurrence. I find it hard to understand answered prayer of any kind, I feel undeserving and unworthy and yet He is so gracious and kind. 
Q5. The symptoms of unbelief are falling away from the things of God. Complacency about the things of God. Being sarcastic about the things of God. It hurts a Christian because it is like a dark pit which gets deeper and deeper unless steps are taken to change things. The cure is to come to God in humility, confess and repent and get stuck into the word. Spend more time in God’s presence.

Q6. It is good to ask questions to try to understand the bible better so we can know God better. There are often things we don’t understand or things we don’t agree with, or find hard to except. When these things happen we need to ask someone with wisdom and discernment to help us to bring our thinking into line with God’s thinking. Prayer and humility are needed. 
Q7.Mary asked for an explanation as she was a virgin but immediately accepted the explanation, even though it was something quite extraordinary that was going to happen to her. Zechariah was in doubt that it could happen, because of Elizabeth’s age.

Q8. I think it is a rebuke, something to give him time to ponder on his doubt. Something for us to use as an example of what God thinks of doubt or unbelief, and apply it to our lives. I am sure when Zechariah wrote his story for Elizabeth and the family they dare not doubt that Elizabeth would conceive. I think God does punish us when we need it , all through His word He has punished people, we deserve it as much as anyone in the past. Eg. Adam and Eve were punished as was Cain. In the time of Noah all the people were punished. 



8. Why does God "punish" Zechariah?  I am always confused by this because in Judges 6, Gideon asks for a sign and God doesn't seem to have a problem with that.  At other times, Abraham (Genesis 18:22-33),  Moses (Exodus 2:11-14), and Gideon (Judges 6:13-22) all seem to make excuses or question God's judgment and that seems to be okay.  What is the difference?  When is it okay to ask for a sign and when is it not okay?  Is Zechariah disciplined because he is a priest and should know better?  Is it because the angel is the sign?  I don't know.  I do know that God can see what's going on in our hearts, so there must have been a difference in what he saw in Zechariah's heart from the other three.  I also know I struggle at times because I have prayers that seem to have gone unanswered for years, so I can kind of relate to Zechariah.  

5.  How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life and what is the cure?  Unbelief hurts a disciple because if you don't believe, you won't bother to share the gospel with others.  It also leads to a number of emotional problems that were mentioned by others earlier.  I agree with part of the cure being humility, repentance, and prayer.  Also, I think doing what Jesus taught by serving and teaching others helps us enter into situations that will revitalize our faith.  We don't do because we don't trust God to take care of us.  When we do what He tells us to do, that demonstrates our trust and faith in God. 

  • 2 weeks later...

1. What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? What kind of people are they? What is Zechariah's job?

We learn that Zachariah was a priest that belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; Elizabeth his wife was a descendant of Aaron, both were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly. They had no children because his wife was barren; and both pass child barren age.

2. Why do you think it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on this particular day? What does the offering of incense represent?

2.1. The angel of the Lord was able to deliver his message. The offering of the incense was a great honour only allowed one in a priest’s lifetime. 

2.2. The incense represented the prayers of the people.

3.1. Which are most important to you ? V16 & 17 - “He will turn many of the sons of Israel back [from sin] to [love and serve] the Lord their God. It is he who will go as a forerunner before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, TO TURN THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS BACK TO THE CHILDREN, and the disobedient to the attitude of the righteous [which is to seek and submit to the will of God]—in order to make ready a people [perfectly] prepared [spiritually and morally] for the Lord.””

4.1.Zechariah doubted the angel’s word that he would have a son. He felt that because of both his and his wife’s old age it was humanly impossible to have a child.

  • 1 year later...

What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? What kind of people are they? What is Zechariah's job?


A. We learned that they were from the line of Judea. They were righteous and walked blamelessly and they had no children.


Why do you think it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on this particular day? What does the offering of incense represent?


A. The lot fell upon Zechariah by divine providence. The offering of incense is the prayers of the people.


The Angel Gabriel's message involves twelve separate points about John the Baptist's birth and ministry in verses 13-17. Which are most important to you? Which do you think would have been most important to the people of John's time?


A. The most important to me is that he was filled with the Holy Spirit. The most important to the people in John’s time was turning the hearts back to their father.


Specifically, which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? (1:18) Why do you think he can't believe it? What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today?


A. The part of the prophecy that Zechariah questions is his wife getting pregnant. He couldn’t believe it because she was past childbearing age.


What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian? How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life? What is the cure for unbelief, do you think?


A. One of the symptoms of unbelieving Christian is that they don’t believe in Jesus. This unbelief hurts the disciple’s life because will call him to do something and they won’t believe it can be done. The cure for this is to do what you have been called to do to see how it turns out.



Extra credit. What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions? How is the latter necessary to solid faith?


A. The difference is that when you ask hard questions you are trying to understand what you are believing. The answer will help you become more solid in your faith.


Extra credit. Compare and contrast Zechariah's reaction to the angel's announcement to Mary's (1:34, 38). What is the difference between her question and his?


A. Mary’s reaction to the angel’s announcement was one of belief where Zechariah’s was one of unbelief.


Why does God "punish" Zechariah (if that is what you call it)? What effect do you think it has in his life? What effect do you think it has on those observing Elizabeth's pregnancy and birth? How do you categorize this -- as punishment, discipline, rebuke, chastisement, or something else? Though we discipline our children, why do you think we resist the concept that God can punish his servants?


A. God “punished” Zechariah because of unbelief. It made him think about what he had done. By observing Elizabeth’s pregnancy and birth made him believe again. I think that he was rebuking him.

  • 10 months later...

Q1. Zechariah and Elizabeth are an elderly couple who are childless. By now they are resigned to the fact that they will not have any children. They were upright and righteous people doing everything they could to obey God’s laws. Zechariah was a priest , he belonged to the priestly division of Abijah. Elizabeth also was descended from Aaron. 
Q2. It was not by chance that the lot fell to Zechariah that day. It was a divine appointment with God. So that God’s plan could be explained to Zechariah, before it began to happen. The incense that were burned were to represent the prayers of the people, they were standing outside the temple in prayer.

Q3. It is a blessing to hear of answered prayer. ‘He will be great in the sight of God’ another blessing, how wonderful for Jesus to day of John “ Among those born of women there is none greater than John”! He will be filled with the Holy Spirit even from birth, So John had power from the Holy Spirit all his life which enabled him to do the Lord’s bidding. For the people it was wonderful to have John to direct them back to God and make them aware of their sin and the importance of repentance. Each and every point of the twelve is important and a blessing to John, his parents, the people who heard and obeyed and for us to be able to read, study and learn about God’s goodness and graciousness towards us despite our sinfulness. 
Q4. Zechariah has a hard time believing that at this stage of their lives they are going to have a baby. He has prayed for years with no result and now in their old age he is told That Elizabeth will give birth to a son. There are many things today which cause people not to believe, but I think a big one is if prayer is not answered exactly as we want it answered then faith waivers. Instead we should keep on praying, believing that God will answer in the best way possible. God only has our good in mind. The time may not be right for something to happen or God may be sees that what we are asking for just would not be good for us. We must trust God, even in disappointment. 


Q5. The symptoms of unbelief in a Christian start with the cooling off from the first love that a Christian had for Jesus. Complacency sets in and they start to skip morning time with the Lord, make excuses to not go out to the midweek Bible study and so it progresses. Satan looks to see this and starts putting pressure on by putting wrong thoughts into the Christian’s mind about not believing in the truth of God and the Bible. This unbelief , if entertained will spread into all areas of Christian beliefs until we don’t bother with the things of God at all. We all must be on our guard at all times because this can happen silently and discreetly before we realise it we are doubting all we know about God. As soon as we notice any complacency in our lives towards the things of God, we must examine our lives and be honest with ourselves about how important or unimportant God is to us in our lives. If we find complacency and unbelief we must go to God in humility and repentance, confessing our sin and seeking forgiveness.  Then we must immerse ourselves in the things of God, seek out fellowship , go to Bible studies and most of all pray earnestly for renewal of our first love.

Q6. There is a big difference between unbelief and asking hard questions. There are many areas of the Christian life that are not straightforward and people have different views on their meaning and different traditions. The Bible can also have verses that are difficult to understand and know how they affect us as believers in the twenty first century. We need to do our own research, study and talking with Bible scholars to try and understand what they mean for us today. All this is done in the context of trying to understand what God is teaching us and saying to us through it. Unbelief is not present just searching to understand. 
Q7. Mary was anxious to know how this would happen as she was a virgin and not yet married. Yet she had no hesitation in accepting God’s plan for her. Zachariah felt it couldn’t happen because of Elizabeth’s age . He was totally forgetting he was dealing with God , with whom nothing is impossible. Mary realised that she was talking to God and this was something He wanted her to do. Zachariah because of worldly limitations forgot that God can do anything and is not bound by the things that limit us, like age and fragility.

Q8. I think God rebuked Zachariah and gave him time for reflection, and I am sure he spent that time feeling ashamed and saddened at his unbelief. Especially in the light of the wonderful and extraordinary event that was unfolding in their lives. I am sure everyone who came in contact with them marvelled at all that was happening and wondered why Zachariah was unable to speak, would he have been open and honest or would he have been too ashamed to admit his unbelief? I think he would have told people in humility and shame of how he had offended God but also how  he regrets his unbelief. I have no doubt that God punishes  us if we deserve it or He will do at a later stage. We are told in the Bible many times that God will punish the wicked. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6 v23.


  • 1 year later...
  1. What do we learn about Zechariah and Elizabeth in 1:5-7? They are beyond 60 years old, past child bearing years. Both are of priestly lineage. What kind of people are they? Devout and Godly . What is Zechariah's job? A priest of the Abijah crew.
  2. Why do you think it happened that the "lot" fell upon Zechariah to be the officiating priest for offering incense on this particular day? The Holy Spirit interviewed to bring assurance to God’s plan. What does the offering of incense represent? Presentation of the peoples prayers before God.
  3. The Angel Gabriel's message involves twelve separate points about John the Baptist's birth and ministry in verses 13-17. That Gabriel himself was sent. Which are most important to you? God ensures we know our destiny if obedient. He also makes sure there are exclamation marks on certain events. Which do you think would have been most important to the people of John's time? The silence showing he had seen a powerful vision and the delivering of the prophetic word confirming their understanding after the birth of John.
  4. Specifically, which part of this prophecy does Zechariah question and disbelieve? That he and Elizabeth would conceive a child at their age. (1:18) Why do you think he can't believe it? It was to be miraculous and that was rare in his day. What kinds of things are we unable to believe that God does in spite of us today? Most people believe none of God’s promises. They treat word declairatins as myth, fable, or untrue.
  5. What are the symptoms of unbelief in a Christian? Lack of conviction in something explicit in the word.  How does unbelief hurt a disciple's life? Unbelief is essentially rebellion. It blocks your prayers. What is the cure for unbelief, do you think? Experience where the reality of the word is active before your eyes.
  6. Extra credit. What is the difference between unbelief and asking the hard questions? The Holy Spirit is with us for training. His rebukes are very corrective. How is the latter necessary to solid faith? Obey as directed and experience the delivery of the promise.
  7. Extra credit. Compare and contrast Zechariah's reaction to the angel's announcement to Mary's (1:34, 38). Zechariah had to believe a told would occur . Elizabeth the physical signs.  What is the difference between her question and his? Believe for a miracle is truely coming vs you have received a miracle and are walking out its completion from seed to birth.
  8. Why does God "punish" Zechariah (if that is what you call it)? I do not see it as punishment. Often we are given a prophetic insight so we can pray but we are not to speak, watchman not watchdog. It was important that this was known to be very special, his silence was an exclamation mark at the beginning. What effect do you think it has in his life? He had been given the name. That identity was his to carry and his alone. I have a word I have carried since 1987. It shall come to pass. I am just now stepping into that ministry’s beginning. What effect do you think it has on those observing Elizabeth's pregnancy and birth? Many knew from Zechariah’s silence God was acting. How do you categorize this -- as punishment, discipline, rebuke, chastisement, or something else? Emphasis on the God they serve is acting now!  Though we discipline our children, why do you think we resist the concept that God can punish his servants? We are not open to learning until correction, obedience, and blessing come in order. Proving that it is God’s way in our lives. Listen, obey, receive. For a good father corrects his children.

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