Pastor Ralph Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
steveamooti Posted November 9, 2020 Report Posted November 9, 2020 I have often been asked to do things in my work (a consultant), which I decline to do because I think I am not qualified to do. But sometimes, at the insistence of the one asking me to do the job, I accept, only to discover that I have done it, not by my own cleverness, but by the power of God. The challenge is how to discern the voice of God from the babel of noises in my heart and mind. Quote
hanks Posted November 12, 2020 Report Posted November 12, 2020 1. What was different about Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? Mary's question, “How can this be?” was one of amazement and not of doubt. She wanted to know how could this be possible as she had never had relations with a man? Zacharias’ question, “How can I be sure of this?” was one of unbelief. He felt that both him and his wife were too old to become parents of a child. And besides Elizabeth was barren, so this promise was an impossibility. 2. Secular people often make fun of the virgin birth. Does this passage actually teach that Jesus was born of a virgin? If so, why is this important to our understanding of who Jesus was and is? Yes, it does teach us the Virgin Birth, and it is important in our understanding of who our Lord Jesus is. Every person born inherited the sin of Adam. Jesus Christ, God's Son, had to be free from this sinful nature passed on to all other human beings by Adam. Because Jesus was born of a woman, He was a human being; but as the Son of God (Joseph was not His father), Jesus was born without any trace of human sin. God Himself would plant life in her womb and as a virgin she would give birth to the Messiah, who is without sin. Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary, and was conceived of the Holy Spirit. He was born holy. Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. The God-Man - the only begotten Son of God, Jesus, who would save His people from their sins, the divine Redeemer, the holy offspring, the divine King who would reign over a spiritual kingdom that would last forever and ever, was going to be born! Our failure to believe in the virgin birth leads us into confusion and unbelief. If we refuse to accept the Lord Jesus as the Son of God who came into the world through the womb of the virgin we find ourselves compelled to deny all the great truths concerning the Person and work of Christ. He would be human; as Son of the Highest (1:32), He would be the Son of God (1:35). For unto us a Child is Born (His Humanity), unto us a Son is Given (His Deity) (Isa 9:6). 3. Why is Mary frightened? Is her fear reflective of unbelief? The message that Gabriel brought was so unexpected, so sudden, so extraordinary, and was so high an honour, that she must have been having anxious thoughts, and not been able to comprehend what was happening to her. We just have to think if Zechariah, a priest, who must have known about angels was so amazed at the appearance of an angel, how much more might a young virgin be so. Yet she trusted the LORD, in belief wanting to know how? Which the angle gently answered and removed any fear. 4. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? He created us and we are His creatures. He owns us. And it is only right that we are submissive and obedient to the will of God. Our obedience is out of love for our Saviour. Mary is a good example of understanding her role in our Lord’s birth - she was nothing but a servant. She was not a part of redemption. She was not sinless. She was a simple, humble little girl who was given a privilege. And as a servant she responded and said, "Let it be done to me according to your word." Real humility! 5. Have you had any experiences where God has taught you to be a willing servant? Yes, when I get big-headed and try to give myself credit for what I have achieved in life. I come down with a bump. And it is only when I humble myself and give my Heavenly Father all the credit due to Him, that my fellowship with Jesus is restored. I must say not my will but Thy will be done. Quote
Clif Posted November 12, 2020 Report Posted November 12, 2020 Why is Mary frightened? Is her fear reflective of unbelief? Anyone who becomes a parent knows that it is an awesome responsibility. Raising a child (whether he or she be gifted or have special needs) is a full time undertaking, spread over many years. We do our best, making a series of decisions and taking actions of which we are unsure, praying and trusting that what we do is right. How much more difficult it must have been for Mary, a teenager who is entrusted to raise a child with a Divine Destiny. It is not so much the physical nature of the event (her body being used for a special birth). More than that, she will have a role in raising a child to become a spiritually centered being. This would frighten anybody, including Mary, but it is her faith that allows her to accept her new role without question. Perhaps Mary should be considered a virgin in a spiritual sense, never having been corrupted by the world. She speaks directly with an angel, with no intermediary, and responds with an immediate affirmation of her role as God’s servant. What a wonderful example. Quote
Irmela Posted November 14, 2020 Report Posted November 14, 2020 1. What was different from Mary's "How?" question, to Zechariah's "How?" question? (1: 34 , 18) Mary's question was one of amazement and not doubt whereas Zechariah's question was one of unbelief. Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? Mary believed and Zechariah doubted. 2. Secular people often make fun of the virgin birth. Does this passage actually teach that Jesus was born of a virgin? Yes. In verse 34 Mary says she had had no intimacy with any man as a husband, which is the normal means of conception. If so, why is this important to our understanding of who Jesus was and is? It shows it was supernatural. It was indeed a miracle. 3. Why was Mary frightened? It was not an everyday occurance to have an angel come to you. And then what a responsibility awaiited her. Is her fear reflective of unbelief? No. Of wonder at the fact that such a thing could happen without her being intimate with a man and to her of all people. 4. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? Submission is hard, especially if 'self' is not buried and rears its ugly head. Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? We often complain when we do not "see" the end and need to submit in a situation that is not easy. 5. Have you had any experience where God has taught you to be a willing servant? Yes, many. God is so gracious. Quote
Bailey Posted November 16, 2020 Report Posted November 16, 2020 1. What was different about Mary's "How?" to the angel rom Zechariah's How , I believe it was in the way the angel greeted her. He said you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you. Given at that time the angel also offered comfort, Don't be afraid, Mary you have found favor with God. Zechariah, spoke doubt and some fear. From the readings it reads as if he questioned the angel as well.. I can't even begin to think what was going on in her head and heart. Mary knew she was a virgin and this experience was so overwhelming. When Mary stated that she was a servant of the Lord's, oh how unselfish. In a time as this that we live in can we say May it be to me as you have said, better yet can we even praise the Lord. Bailey Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted November 19, 2020 Report Posted November 19, 2020 What was different about Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? The different about Mary’s response to the angel from her husband Zechariah is Mary believed the miraculous could happen, she simply asks for information because she was a virgin; whereas, her husband response was that of disbelief and wanted some sign or proof. The different is the reason why Mary was rewarded and Zechariah was disciplined. Because of his unbelief Zechariah “you will be mute and not able to speak” 1:20 until all that was spoken come to pass. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? It’s had to accept being a servant when we look at ourselves and our natural ability instead of faith in the power of God when we place ourselves in God’s hand. Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? It’s a lack of faith, we should believe that “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthen me” Philippians 4:13 Quote
AdventIlliniRx Posted December 5, 2020 Report Posted December 5, 2020 Mary was the first Disciple. contrary to the secular belief that Christianity is patriarchal and discriminates towards women, Mary was the first Disciple. The Mother of the LORD Jesus Christ. At age 13. Amazing Grace!. Quote
Katy Posted December 13, 2020 Report Posted December 13, 2020 Mary’s question of “How”was not motivated by unbelief or doubt as Zechariah’s was. Mary simple wanted to know how this incredible birth was going to happen as she was a virgin. As soon as the angel Gabriel explained to her what was going to happen she replied “I am the Lord’s servant, May it be to me as you have said”. There was no trace of doubt just complete trust in her God, despite all the personal implications for her and her betrothed Joseph. Zechariah was doubtful because of their advanced years, he did not think about nothing being impossible with God. Also he should have know about the numerous other times in the Scriptures were God had opened barren women wombs and blessed them with a child. Eg. Abraham and Sarah. Jacob and Rachel. Q2.Yes Jesus was born of a virgin. It is important because Jesus was born of a women, so He was human, and understands our suffering as humans. But Jesus was also God , and without any blemish of sin, so He was conceived of the Holy Spirit. Q3.Mary’s fear is not reflective of unbelief. She was responding in a very normal human way to news which was out of the normal sphere of human experience. When the angel told her not to be afraid, it appears from the passage that she listened to him because her thinking was rational, and she seems to have clarity in her question which followed. She did not allow her fear to control her. Q4.We are wilful people with stubborn hearts and we like to be in charge and in control of our lives. Our pride and ego’s get in the way of us being servants and submissive. I find even after years of trying to humble myself and being submissive, I can have days where I plough ahead on my own and forget to consult my Lord about things! It is a daily discipline of humbling ourselves before God and seeking His will for our lives. Q5. I think one of the most difficult things I have had to learn is rising early to have time with the Lord before my day begins. It is much easier now as I am retired but when I was working and my children were small it was hard. I once read that when your tempted to stay in bed , there was a battle going on around my bedside between Satan and God, and it was up to me to win or lose the battle! Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 13, 2022 Report Posted January 13, 2022 What was different about Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel from Zechariah's "How?" question (1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? A. Mary’s “How” one of belief and Zechariah’s “How” one of disbelief. Mary was rewarded for her belief and Zechariah was disciplined for his disbelief. Secular people often make fun of the virgin birth. Does this passage actually teach that Jesus was born of a virgin? If so, why is this important to our understanding of who Jesus was and is? A. For me this passage does actually teach that Jesus was born a virgin. It is important to understand that Jesus was also God and did not carry the man’s genes. Why is Mary frightened? Is her fear reflective of unbelief? A. Mary was frightened because she did not understand what was going to happen to her. I don’t think that her fear is reflective of her unbelief. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? A. It is hard to be a servant because we have our pride and we want things to go the way we planned it. As a servant we are doing things somebody else’s way. Have you had any experiences where God has taught you to be a willing servant? A. I have had experiences where God has taught me to be a willing servant especially when I was on mission trips. Quote
George L Posted June 7, 2024 Report Posted June 7, 2024 What was different about Mary's "How?" question (1:34) to the angel from Zechariah's "How?" question Mary was asking how a pregnancy could happen since she was faithfully betrothed. Zechariah’s how was asking how after years of failure.(1:18)? Why was Mary rewarded and Zechariah disciplined? Both were rewarded, by the miracle promised, but Zechariah was kept from leaking the name, and his silence brought attention that God was doing something different right now. Spiritual people would understand, others would think punishment. Walking things out is not always pleasant. But it is important to obey. Secular people often make fun of the virgin birth. Does this passage actually teach that Jesus was born of a virgin? Yes. If so, why is this important to our understanding of who Jesus was and is? The breaking of the Adamic line. Fulfillment of the prophecies. Why is Mary frightened? How many people in her knowledge have encountered an Angel? Is her fear reflective of unbelief? Reflective, just how does this fit into reality for me. Why is it so hard for us to accept being a servant? Is it easy to understand God created you special and for a purpose? No. It takes time to sink in. Why do we have such trouble being submissive to God? Self is our biggest sin. Have you had any experiences where God has taught you to be a willing servant? Several. I was praying for promotion to have more funds for giving. Holy Spirit said “you have a problem with pride!” ME ‘What?” “You want to buy with YOUR money. Do you want the money or the stuff!” I said the stuff. In short order I was moving bread and pastries by the van load, not a few loafs. The Holy Spirit laughed as I drove one day with my van filled to the seat tops with pies, cookies, cakes, and bread. “Did you ever plan to buy this much bread?”… it went on for six months every day. I wanted the express to maturity, God said no after months of prayer. I asked why. Because it is the believers walk… one step at a time. Quote
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