Pastor Ralph Posted October 12, 2020 Report Posted October 12, 2020 Please share your thoughts on one or more of the questions in this lesson. Quote
hanks Posted November 21, 2020 Report Posted November 21, 2020 1. Why are the neighbours surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? (1:60-63) Names were important in the Jewish community, and they just automatically assumed that the child would be given Zechariah’s name or a family name. Both Elizabeth and Zechariah wanted the child to be named John. But what surprised them even more was the fact that as soon as Zechariah wrote “John” on the tablet, his power of speech returned. They know realised that this was no ordinary child but that the LORD was with him. 2. Extra credit: How does the filling of the Holy Spirit relate to prophecy? (1:67) In what sense was the "speaking in other languages" on the day of Pentecost actually prophecy? (Acts 2:4, 11, 17) (This is not the time to get in a discussion about the propriety of speaking in tongues today.) Zechariah has come to the realisation that with God nothing is impossible, and is overwhelmed and filled with the spirit of wonder, love, and joy. Filled with Holy Spirit he gives a prophecy of the coming of a Saviour who would redeem His people. All the OT prophecies were coming true. He speaks under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit about the Messiah. Speaking in other languages in Acts 2:4 prophesied that the church of the future would include people from all nations and languages. 3. Zechariah and his son John were from the house or tribe of Levi. What does it mean when the prophecy refers to "the house of His servant David"? What tribe was He from? How is His lineage significant? (See Genesis 49:10. Also Luke 2:4, 11 and Matthew 2:4-6.) The Old Testament is filled with prophecies that the Messiah would be born in David's royal line. We read this, for example, in Isa 11:1; Jer 33:15, and many others. Also, both Joseph and Mary were descendants of David. Earlier God had promised David that David’s kingdom would last forever (2 Sam 7:16). This promise would be fulfilled with the coming of Jesus, a direct descendant of David, whose kingdom will never end. Zechariah knew that the Messiah would be in the line of David, therefore the remark “the house of His servant David”. Jesus was from the tribe of David - Judah. Zechariah, being a priest was from the tribe of Levi. This lineage is significant, because out of David’s line, will come a King who will reign forever! Jesus Christ is going to reign over the throne that was promised to David and His reign will have no limit and no end. 4. How are the terms "salvation" and "rescue" used in Zechariah's prophecy? (1:69, 71, 74, 77). Do they speak of military or spiritual salvation? Extra credit: When does the Messiah bring spiritual salvation? When do we believe Messiah brings about military deliverance to His people? Zechariah is thinking of military rescue. He has in mind, the same way Israel as a nation was rescued from slavery in Egypt, so will the Messiah rescue them from the yoke of the Romans. The moment we put our faith in our Lord Jesus and repent of our sins will we be saved. And military deliverance occurs at His Second Coming. The moment our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ returns. Come Lord Jesus. Come. 5. What is the purpose of Messiah's salvation in verses 74 and 75? What kind of lives does He expect us to live? The purpose is that we, having been rescued from our enemies, can now serve Him, with the ultimate aim of glorifying Him. We should out of gratitude be worshipping Him, this we can do without fear from our enemies and can be done in holiness and righteousness. 6. What are John the Baptist's chief tasks as outlined in verses 76-77? He is to prepare the way of the Lord. He would be preparing the hearts of the people for the coming of the Lord, and proclaiming salvation to His people through the forgiveness of sin. There is much work to be done in getting people to know our Lord. There is the need to explain that they need forgiveness. How Jesus can give them meaning to life, and to remove misconceptions that might prevent them from coming to Christ. 7. What kinds of ministries of preparation do we see in the church today? Why is preparation so important for the future? Extra credit: What does the history of revivals teach us about the importance of preparation? Why do we sometimes get disillusioned with ministries of preparation? We are all sinners, deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. There is none righteous not even one. These are all statements in the NT, and nothing can break the power of sin over us. That is why we cannot be saved by works. Our only hope is a new heart, a new birth, and forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ alone. There must be repentance, a new awareness of sin, and a need to humble themselves. Revivals can change peoples hearts, they experience inward change, become obedient to the Word of God, zealous for God’s work, and delight in worshipping Him. Quote
Irmela Posted November 22, 2020 Report Posted November 22, 2020 1. Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? None in the family are called John. A child was usually named after someone in the family, especially the first-born son. Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? (1:60-63) This confirmed what Elizabeth had said. All had assumed that Zechariah was deaf and dumb so they motioned with signs, instead of just talking to him. As soon as he wrote down the name, his power of speech returned and he praised God, and they were amazed. 2. How does the filling of the Holy Spirit relate to prophecy? (1:67) In what sense was the "speaking in other languages" on the day of Pentecost actually prophecy? (Acts 2:4, 11, 17) To be filled means to be full of, in every way - his actions, thinking, speaking. Zechariah firstly praised God. Then he prophesied about the Messiah and then about John ( the forerunner of the Messiah) The 'speaking in other languages' wld have been prophesying that the Good News was not just for the Jews/Israrlites but for the whole world. 3. Zechariah and his son John were from the house or tribe of Levi. What does it mean when the prophecy refers to "the house of his servant David"? The Messiah would be descended from the kingly line of David. What tribe was he from? David was from the tribe of Judah. How is His lineage significant? (See Genesis 49:10. Also Luke 2:4, 11 and Matthew 2:4-6.) The sceptor or leadership would be from Judah. Both Matth and Luke point out that He was from the House of David. .... King Interesting too .... Mary was cousin to Elizabeth (from the priestly line of Aaron, from the tribe of Levi) .... Priest. 4. How are the terms "salvation" and "rescue" used in Zechariah's prophecy? (1:69, 71, 74, 77). Salvation and rescue is to care for, to set free, to deliver from or to liberate. Do they speak of military or spiritual salvation? Spiritual Salvation, i.e. salvation from the power of sin, so that they can live godly lives which reflect holiness and righteousness before God. When does the Messiah bring spiritual salvation? Through the forgiveness of sins. Sin kept them in captivity and forgiveness set them free. (pardoned them) . When do we believe Messiah brings about military deliverance to his people? When He will come again as reflected in Revelation. 5.What is the purpose of Messiah's salvation in verses 74 and 75? What kind of lives does he expect us to live? To serve Him fearlessly and be in His presence. To live holy and righteous lives. 6.What are John the Baptist's chief tasks as outlined in 76-77? He was to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was to give them the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of sins, i.e. call them to repentance so they cld receive the forgiveness of sins and be set free or experience pardon (spiritual salvation). Quote
Irmela Posted November 22, 2020 Report Posted November 22, 2020 7. What kinds of ministries of preparation do we see in the church today? Why is preparation so important for the future? What does the history of revivals teach us about the importance of preparation? Why do we sometimes get disillusioned with ministries of preparation? Sunday Schools where children are taught about God's love power and justice. Youth meetings where young people supposedly receive guidance and preparation for their future in this world and eternity. Colleges where students prepare for ministry .... unfortunately much doubt is also sprouted. History of revivals teach us that there is a lot of prayer which foreruns revivals. Then comes repentance. God wants righteousness and holiness. Sin stops the working of the Holy Spirit. Ministry of preparation is a lonely ministry. Change does not happen overnight. It is easy to become discouraged if no change is seen Quote
Queen Mc Daniel Posted December 10, 2020 Report Posted December 10, 2020 Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? Culturally, families named their children compatible to their relative and there were no one in their family named John Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? (1:60-63) A. The neighbors of Zechariah assume if he could not speak he was dumb also, the scripture says he would be unable to speak until the child’s birth (1:20) Extra credit: How does the filling of the Holy Spirit relate to prophecy? (1:67) The filling of the Holy Spirit relates to the prophecy here enable Zechariah to announce God’s promise. The promise of the coming messiah and the forerunner John the Baptist. In what sense was the "speaking in other languages" on the day of Pentecost actually prophecy? (Acts 2:4, 11, 17) Tongues or diverse language was the wonderful work of God; Every nation under heaven was able to hear the fulfilling prophecy of Joel 2:28 ,29 NRSV) " Then afterward I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions. Even on the male and female slaves, in those days, I will pour out my spirit”. Quote
Bailey Posted December 11, 2020 Report Posted December 11, 2020 Bailey 12/10/20 1.Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of name? They are surprised at her choice for the baby because at the naming ceremony and they came to circumcising of the child, they thought they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, but Elizabeth spoke up and said no, He is to be called John. Well the neighbors were surprised and shocked. Zechariah wrote the name John out on a tablet because he had not been able to speak during the past several month of the pregnancy. We don't know how Elizabeth knew about the name John, but she did. I would dare to suspect the power of the Holy Spirit told her or and angel may have shared it with her. After Zechariah gave the same name as his wife he begins to speak. 5.What is the purpose of the Messiah's salvation is to live free from the power of sin. His people are to live without fear of what it's and woes, but for the love of God who seeks consistent holiness and righteousness in our lives. We are to live for God's approval and glory not the world's. 6. What are John the Baptist's chief tasks? John the Baptist, the prophet of the Most High was to go before the Lord and prepare the way for him, to give his people knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins. Repent of your sins. Quote
Happy and in Love Posted December 22, 2020 Report Posted December 22, 2020 1. Imagine if you will, during Elizabeth's seclusion from their friends and neighbors of the village, how she and Zechariah had a in-depth non-verbal conversation about what had recently transpired in the temple. Zechariah had to communicate to her by writing on a small slat of wood. It probably took Zechariah the better part of five months to convey to Elizabeth his conversation with the angel, to describe to her the fear he felt from what the angel said but mostly for losing his voice. Can you imagine, how they both felt when observing the swelling of Elizabeth's belly knowing that the prophesy of the angel was true - that God really did hear and answered their prayers. Imagine every time they spoke concerning the baby, they called him "John." It was customary and still is in some families/cultures that the first born son is named after the father or recognition of a male relative who had past away. The neighbors had probably experienced some sort of confusion and astonishment when they saw and heard Elizabeth was pregnant in her old age. She was definitely with child full term. Apparently, Elizabeth nor Zechariah had not discussed with their friends or neighbors the detail of the events that occurred and when they witnessed firsthand Zechariah's tongue being loosen when he agreed with Elizabeth that the baby will be called John. Yes, the people spoke about this for a time, times and half-a-time. 2. In order to prophesy anything of God, one must be filled with the Holy Spirit. One has to be sanctified, set apart for holiness to be used by God. Therefore prophesy and Holy Spirit goes together like grace and mercy; joy and peach. After undergoing talking with the angel and losing his ability to speak, Zechariah had to been steadfast more in his relationship with God. Each day, he and Elizabeth had increase in their belief of God, I imagine. They were obedient in the doings of ceremonial religious manners. Now they have belief and faith in God. In the day of Pentecost, Jesus said that they were going to be endowed with the Holy Spirit and they were. Speaking in tongues is the result/evident of being filled with the Holy Spirit. When one speaks in tongues, they are speaking a language that God understand. Whereas prophesy is the edification of the church/saints of God. Quote
Katy Posted December 29, 2020 Report Posted December 29, 2020 Q1.In Jewish culture it is customary to name the first born son after the father, so they expected Elizabeth to name the baby Zechariah but of course Zechariah had a number of months to communicate to Elizabeth all about what had happened in the temple when the angel appeared to him. Zechariah probably used a small wooden writing tablet to tell Elizabeth all the angel had spoken to him about. When Zechariah confirmed that the baby was to be called “ John”, he was immediately able to speak, this amazed the neighbours and they knew this was no ordinary child. Q2. Both in the Old Testament and the New Testament it speaks of being filled with the Holy Spirit in order to speak by the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost we are told in Acts 2 v4 “All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” Q3. The Messiah was to be from “the house of his servant David”, from the tribe of Judah. Both Mary and Joseph were from the house and line of David. Jacob said when he was blessing his son Judah “ the sceptre will not depart from Judah, nor the rulers staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs and the obedience of the nation is his”. Q4.Salvation is the main theme of the message.In the Old Testament salvation often meant deliverance from military or political deliverance from their enemies but in the New Testament it usually refers to God’s deliverance from the power of sin. The purpose for deliverance from sin is to enable sinners to live free from sin and to live in ways that are pleasing to God our Saviour. The Messiah brings spiritual deliverance as soon as we humble ourselves and seek forgiveness for our sins and ask Jesus to take control of our lives. Q5.The purpose of the Messiah’s salvation is to rescue us from Satan and to enable us to serve Him without fear. We must live our lives in holiness and righteousness until we meet Him face to face. Q6.John the Baptist job was to go before the Messiah and prepare the way for Him by engaging with the people and drawing them back to the things of God , and to teach them about the need for repentance. He was laying a foundation on which the Lord could build on, so that He could accomplish what he had come to do. Quote
Old Jerry Posted January 18, 2022 Report Posted January 18, 2022 Why are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? (1:60-63) A. I think that they were surprised because in those days it was the practice to name the baby after somebody in the family. Zechariah and his son John were from the house or tribe of Levi. What does it mean when the prophecy refers to "the house of his servant David"? What tribe was he from? How is his lineage significant? (See Genesis 49:10. Also Luke 2:4, 11 and Matthew 2:4-6.) A. The messiah was to be from the house of David so John being of the tribe of Levi means that he is not the messiah but a prophet. How are the terms "salvation" and "rescue" used in Zechariah's prophecy? (1:69, 71, 74, 77). Do they speak of military or spiritual salvation? Extra credit: When does the Messiah bring spiritual salvation? When do we believe Messiah brings about military deliverance to his people? A. They are speaking of spiritual salvation. The messiah brings spiritual salvation when we accept Him as the only way to heaven. I think that the military deliverance to the people will come when he comes the second time. What is the purpose of Messiah's salvation in verses 74 and 75? What kind of lives does he expect us to live? A. The purpose of the Messiah’s salvation is to free us from the evil one. We are to live a holy and righteous live before Him all of our days. What are John the Baptist's chief tasks as outlined in verses 76-77? A. John’s chief purpose is to prepare the way for the Messiah. He was to reach them the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins. What kinds of ministries of preparation do we see in the church today? Why is preparation so important for the future? Extra credit: What does the history of revivals teach us about the importance of preparation? Why do we sometimes get disillusioned with ministries of preparation? A. We still see the same preparations for the Messiah in our church today. The pastors are preparing us to enter the kingdom of heaven. Unless repent we can’t enter the Kingdom. The history of revivals teach us that it very important to prepare for the Kingdom. We sometimes get disillusioned with ministries of preparation because it tells us we are still sinners and need to repent. Quote
George L Posted June 27, 2024 Report Posted June 27, 2024 hy are the neighbors surprised at Elizabeth's choice of a name for the baby? Tradition was to select a name of earlier family member. Why are they so surprised when Zechariah writes "John" on a wooden tablet? The name was not traditional but outside the tradition and not used in that family before. And from his science he wrote out the same name. (1:60-63) Extra credit: How does the filling of the Holy Spirit relate to prophecy? The Holy Spirit is the functional bridge of knowledge, teaching, and messages between God and man. (L1:67) In what sense was the "speaking in other languages" on the day of Pentecost actually prophecy? I know of two ministers this operates in. The late Nora Lamm had English as her tongue. She was native Chinese. My friend Manuel was called to interpret for an English speaking ministry in a New York Hispanic church. He was Spanish speaking and not literate in English. He was instructed to be the interpreter. And as the English speaker spoke he was given the Spanish to speak. His native language. The gift of understanding and speaking English which he never learned remains with him. (-Acts 2:4, 11, 17) (This is not the time to get in a discussion about the propriety of speaking in tongues today.) Zechariah and his son John were from the house or tribe of Levi. What does it mean when the prophecy refers to "the house of his servant David"? The expected prophetic of the messiah being of David’s line. What tribe was he from? Levi family line of Abia. How is his lineage significant? It placed him in the incense burning duty cycle. (See Genesis 49:10. Also Luke 2:4, 11 and Matthew 2:4-6.) How are the terms "salvation" and "rescue" used in Zechariah's prophecy? Prophetic declarations of the coming manifestation. (1:69, 71, 74, 77). Do they speak of military or spiritual salvation? Spiritual. Extra credit: When does the Messiah bring spiritual salvation? When you believe upon his sacrifice for you. When do we believe Messiah brings about military deliverance to his people? When he leads his army into battle on earth. What is the purpose of Messiah's salvation in verses 74 and 75? What kind of lives does he expect us to live? He expects us to compete his ministry in gathering all his sheep into the fold. Quote
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