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  • 1 month later...
  1. Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making?

The shepherds were in the field in the company of the not-so-bright sheep. They had no power or influence. Why would God choose to first share His good news with the lowest members of society?

The shepherds held the capacity to be amazed and humbled that God would choose them to bear His news. He knew they would be willing to share this exciting event with everyone they knew, unlike the religious leaders of the day, who put so much value in rules, regulations, and their interpretations of Scripture that they might miss the message.

The shepherds were not afraid of what other people thought when they shared the news of Christ’s birth. They didn’t overthink the situation and talk themselves out of telling their fellow man about the miraculous event. They were exuberant and overjoyed at having seen their Savior.


1.   Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making? 

The point God is making is that Jesus comes to all who have a heart humble enough to accept Him. The shepherds were considered as the lowest of the low of society, yet they were chosen to announce the greatest event in the history. Jesus accepts us as we are. It makes no difference who we are, or what we do, He comes to all. Jesus came to be our shepherd; He came in all humility to serve, to save. The conditions of His birth were intentional, so that He would be approachable by all of us, even the poorest of the poor. He came to save all who believed in Him. He died for us, ascended to heaven, and will return to earth as King of kings. Although born into poor and humble circumstances, He will rule the world and judge us individually according to our belief in Him.  

2.   What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? (2:9, 13-14) Is this glory present if we can't see it? Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18)

It is the revelation of God’s power and characteristics, sometimes accompanied by visible phenomena. It is always present even when we don’t see, being an attribute of God. “Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle” (Psalm 24:7-8). It can be His honour or the bright light that surrounds His presence. We seem to attach more importance to things and conditions that are seen, rather than those that are eternal. For example our hardships, trials, and sufferings take centre stage forgetting more important things like our union with Christ, and guaranteed rewards that await us in eternity.

3.   What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? 

Saviour, Christ, Lord.

He is a Saviour, which is expressed in His name Jesus. Salvation comes only from our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. Then He is Christ, the Anointed of God, the Messiah of Israel. The title was applied to that future one whom God would raise up. The Jews were awaiting this special deliverer, one who would be the anointed one of God, the Messiah, the Christ. He is Lord, referring to His deity, God manifest in the flesh. This all tells us Jesus’ true identity - He is God who had arrived here on earth in human form. The One for whom all Israel had been waiting.

4.   Extra Credit: In what way is the Good News universal? (2:10) In what way is it restricted? (2:14b)

We have all sinned and the penalty of sin is death, but Jesus Christ died to pay the penalty for our sins. The Good News is an invitation to respond to Christ personally in repentance and faith. It promises forgiveness and eternal life. It is universal in that it is available to all who will hear – it knows no barriers and goes out freely to each and everyone. But unfortunately, few respond. In a sense it is restricted, in that those whom God had elected before creation will hear it. Their response is guaranteed – they will ultimately hear and respond accepting Jesus as their Saviour.

5.   Which of the responses to the Good News are present in your life? In what manner do they show themselves? (Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation) If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses?

I responded to the Good News 48 years ago and have since then been on this journey with my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Through all these years He has been busy growing me spiritually. Helping me grow in faith, and being sanctified with the help of the Holy Spirit. A lot still has to be done. The fact that God chose me humbles me and makes me truly grateful. It always invokes responses of unbelievable praise, gratitude, and thanks. Then there is the promise of an inheritance kept in heaven for me (1 Pet 1:4); more responses of great joy, more praise, curiosity, amazement (why me Lord), telling others, thoughtful meditation, utter gratitude, and thankfulness.


1.1 Why do you think the msg of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8)

The shepherds in general were a despised class of people, who were not in one place for long periods of time. They moved around with the sheep who they cared for. I think that cld possibly have been one of the reasons the msg came to them. They probably had contacts everywhere and wld have shared the news in many places not only in Bethlehem. They too were of the poor and needy class. (There was no respector of persons/class).

1.2 What point is God making?

The poor and the outcast in society are important to Him.

2.1 What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? (2:9, 13 & 14)

It is a radiance that surrounded the Angel of the Lord. They slso glimpsed part of the heavenly army who were honoring and praising God.

2.2 Is this glory present if we can't see it?

According to Is 6:3 the whole earth is full of His glory and according to Ps 34:7 the Angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him; 2Kings 6:17 reflects that there are horses and chariots of fire (surrounding us) which we do not see with the naked eye.

2.3 Why are we conditioned to look at the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Cor 4:18)

The temporal is what we see and the eternal is what is invisible and everlasting. We still live in the here and now and so are conditioned to look to the circumstances we find ourselves in.

3.1 What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11?

Saviour, Christ, Lord

3.2 What does each mean?

Saviour means one who delivers or rescues.

Christ means the Anointed One, the Messiah.

Lord means master, it is a designation of someone in a high position.

3.3 What does this tell us of Jesus'  true identity?

Jesus is the ONE Who brings us salvation from enemies and from sin. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah. He is the Master, the LORD MESSIAH. He is the true Messiah, the Saviour to all people, not only the Jews.

4.1 In what way is the Good News universal? (2:10)

The Good News will bring joy to all the people - Gentile and Jews alike; for those estranged from God; for those struggling under oppression, as also to those close to God.

4.2 In what way is it restricted? (2:14b)

The peace will be among those of good will, those with whom He is well-pleased; to those on whom His favour rests.

5. Which of the responses to the Good News are present in your life? In what manner do they show themselves? If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses?

If and when they are missing is when instead of keeping my eyes focused on Him, my Lord and Saviour, I focus on the circumstances - this then brings depression, which lifts when turning again to Him, my ever-faithful Lord, Saviour and Friend, Jesus Christ. I need to continually cast my burden on Him.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)
  1. Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making?

          It was the first step in God’s plan of salvation; these shepherds were watchman and guards but despised and shunned by many. The point God was                     making is that He has no respect to person.

        "And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the                righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:31-32).

      "For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but           God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to                 confound the things which are mighty;  and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and           things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence" (1 Cor. 1:26-29).


  1. What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? The glory of God that the shepherds glimpsed was the presentence of God. (2:9, 13-14) Is this glory present if we can't see it? Yes. We may not see His glory but it doesn’t mean He’s not at work.  Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18) The flesh looks at what can be seen rather than what we cannot see, the eternal.
  2. What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11? The three title and meaning: Savior who is the Messiah the Christ, the anointed one, rescuer, redeemer; the Lord means ruler. What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? That He is the Messiah the Christ, the anointed one and of His saving works and His sovereign position
Edited by Queen Mc Daniel
To make correction and align paragraph
  1. Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making?

It was the first step in God’s plan of salvation; these shepherds were watchman and guards but despised and shunned by many. The point God was making is that He has no respect to person.

"And Jesus answering said unto them, They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance" (Luke 5:31-32).

"For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; and base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: that no flesh should glory in his presence" (1 Cor. 1:26-29).


  1. What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? The glory of God that the shepherds glimpsed was the present of God. (2:9, 13-14) Is this glory present if we can't see it? Yes. We may not see His glory but it doesn’t mean He’s not at work.  Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18) The flesh looks at what can be seen rather than the eternal.
  2. What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11? The three title and meaning: Savior who is the Messiah the Christ, the anointed one, rescuer, redeemer, the Lord means ruler. What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? It tell us about His saving works and His sovereign position

Bailey 12/21/20

Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people?  What point is God making?

  1. Shepherds  are watchers of their flock, just as Jesus is and preparing to be.  The lowly sheep herder keeps his eye on his flock for trouble. While sheep are suppose to be dumb animals, they rely on the help of the sheep herder for care, just as we rely on God.
  2. What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? Is this glory present if we can't see it?  Why are so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal?  The glory of God was the shear beauty, majesty of light, realizing in the black of night the sky is brilliant with lights to the point where you almost can't see, and the heavenly choir arriving on time to great our savior's presence, this was better than  anything they could of dreamed of.  This glory is always present if we keep our minds stayed on Jesus.  We are human, we look at flesh, we forget to meditate on his word day and night.
  3. The three titles of Jesus are a savior, one who rescues, deliverer, preserver.  The anointed one, the Messiah, Christ the Lord.  This means that what the shepherds were saying was true that a baby wrapped in clothes lying in a manger, the Messiah the Lord was born.  The sky filled with angels saying glory to God in the highest.  I still think they were singing like they do in heaven, you know that Heavenly Choir that is always on key.
  4. Well one good thing about the Good News is everybody excepted it and was in agreement with it for the time being, like most people are at the birth of a baby.  All men don't feel this way about Jesus even this day.  They reject him, hate the word of God but I get ahead of myself.  The world and man has put restrictions on the Good News.
  • 3 weeks later...

  When you know and believe that God's plan is perfect, you can trust that He chose the right place, the right timing and the right people to be available for His use.  They were sanctified, set apart for holiness.  These shepherds experienced a night they would never forget.  Their lodging was illuminated by the brightest light ever known to them. Their flocks were unusually quiet.  Their ears heard the sweetest heraldic sounds and their eyes beheld the angelic host in the sky.  These were men of renowned, they did not run away from or hide themselves or even tried to fight.  They listened and marveled.  I can imagine that in their lifetime, they heard prophesy of the coming of the Messiah.   It was predestined for them to be on the hill which was in close proximity to the place of Christ birth.  After beholding the baby lying in the manger,  confirming what the angles have told them, can you imagine the enthusiasms  they reported these things to others.  The confidence they spoke in.  Yes, God can use anyone to do His bidding.  His point being made is the affirmation and assurance of His Word.  Deuteronomy 10:17 says it all.  

The three titles given to Jesus or referred to in Jesus is "Savior", "Messiah" and "Lord."  The title "Savior" indicates His purpose for coming to earth in the fleshy body to save souls and redeem sinners.  The title "Lord" refers to His deity.  As Lord, He is anointed.  Furthermore, He holds the highest conceivable and most lofty designation.   He is called the "Messiah" because He is thought to come in the last days to deliver the Israelites.  As the "Messiah", he was thought of as an agent sent by God.  





Q3. The three names of Jesus in this passage are Saviour, Christ and Lord. 
Saviour:is the name that shows what Jesus has done for us He is our Saviour because He died on the cross to redeem us from our sins. Jesus was the only one good enough to be able to pay our ransom, Jesus was the only sinless man to even walk this earth. 
Lord: this refers to one above us. We can call Jesus, Lord if we have humbled ourselves and accepted His as being over and above us.

Christ: means anointed one, or Messiah, The Jewish nation knew from scripture that a Messiah would be sent from God. The Jews had differing expectations of how and when the Messiah would come and what His purpose in coming would be.

Q4.The good news of the gospel is for all mankind regardless of race, gender or creed. Jesus had shepherds come to see Him in the manger, they were the first to be told of the birth of Jesus. Jesus also had magi visit Him, they brought expensive rare gifts to Him. They were in a different position to the poor shepherds. They were all welcome to go and pay homage to the new born king. 
The Good news is restricted by sin and pride and unbelief. God’s favour also has to rest on us, but God will never turn anyone away who earnestly seeks Him.

Q5.I am amazed that God has chosen me to be privileged to belong to His family. I am constantly curious to study more and learn more about God and what I must do to please Him. I love to spend time thinking and meditating on the things of God, I try to practice having thoughts of God or His word in my mind as often as possible during the day and night if I am not sleeping. I praise God and thank Him daily for everything I have otherwise it is so easy to take things for granted. I try to use every opportunity to speak to family and those I meet about Jesus, this is an area I am not good at but do try. I don’t know that I feel great joy as much as I should but I do feel joy when I think of what lies ahead if I remain faithful and true to my Lord and Saviour.













Q1. The Shepard’s were humble men, who were not respected by people in general. Their job although full of responsibility was considered to be lowly and unimportant. However in Scripture some very important characters were shepherds eg Abraham, Isaac , Jacob and David. Although the shepherds were afraid initially,they were joyful and went immediately to see for themselves, they did not worry about sharing the good news with everyone they saw and they praised and glorified God. God is making the point that to Him , status or any of the things we consider important are irrelevant to Him. God looks at the heart not at the outward appearance. 

Q2. The glory of God that the shepherds experienced was the brightness of the sky around all the angels, wherever God is there is light and brightness. In Isaiah 6v3 we are told “The whole earth is full of His glory”. 

God’s glory is present even if not visible to the human eye, we are so taken up with the here and now that we can miss so much that is spiritual. We must fix our eyes of Jesus and think about eternal things rather than temporal things John the Baptist was chosen by God for a particular task of laying a foundation for Jesus to build on. John was to draw people to the things of God , to tell them that the Messiah was coming and to get them to repent and turn away from sin. He baptised then with water to purify them. God prepared John by being with him as he roamed the wilderness near his home. John spent more time with God than with other people. He was a hermit and as a hermit he did not adhere to the norms of society, and he didn’t care about convention! He needed to be like this to withstand the political and religious pressures he would encounter as he carried out his ministry.


  • 1 year later...

Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? (2:8) What point is God making?


A. The message of Jesus’ birth comes to shepherds because this message is for everybody not just the rich and honored.


What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? (2:9, 13-14) Is this glory present if we can't see it? Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18)


A. The “glory of God” was seeing the Christ child. This is the same glory that we have in our hearts. We are conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal because we can see temporal with our eyes.


What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11? What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity?


Savior which means we have somebody standing up for is in front of God.

Christ which means we have somebody to praise.

Lord. We have the son of God at our side.


Extra Credit: In what way is the Good News universal? (2:10) In what way is it restricted? (2:14b)


The Good News was for everybody. It’s restricted because we have to be believed.


Which of the responses to the Good News are present in your life? In what manner do they show themselves? (Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation) If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses?


A. All responses to the Good News are present in my life. They show themselves in everyday life like the sunrises and the beauty of the earth.

  • 2 years later...
  1. Why do you think the message of Jesus' birth comes to shepherds, of all people? Demonstration that the Messiah was coming to the downtrodden classes. (2:8) What point is God making? Worldly position is no attraction for God or His annointed one.
  2. What is the "glory of God" that the shepherds glimpsed? (2:9, 13-14) The light of the very righteousness of God. Is this glory present if we can't see it? Our chuch began in a second hand schoolhouse moved onto our patch of wooded land. One night lights sirens and fire trucks arrived to put out the flames shooting above the roof. There was no fire. God had shown up in at the service. Those inside did not see what they experienced. The fire crews did. Why are we so conditioned to look to the temporal rather than the eternal? (2 Corinthians 4:18) unfortunately it remains far to rare for now. Wells of Salvation Opened refers to leaven slipping in to our expectation of God. “Their God is too small” we have put worldly limits on supernatural god limiting our faith.
  3. What are the three titles of Jesus given in 2:11? Saviour, the coming redeemer. Christ the chosen one of God for redemption. the Lord or coming king.     What does each mean? What does this tell us about Jesus' true identity? He is all of them.
  4. Extra Credit: In what way is the Good News universal? (2:10) He will fulfill the Abrahamic covenant in a blessing to all peoples. In what way is it restricted? (2:14b) You must take ownership in God and his promise by faith or it is not operable for you.
  5. Which of the responses to the Good News are present in your life? Today is 13,788th day since being brought back to life by the power of God. When I was not serving Him. I owe him all. I serve him in wonder at his love for others. In what manner do they show themselves? (Great joy, praise, curiosity, amazement, telling others, thoughtful meditation) All of them cycle through. Essentially the vision of me is a delivery truck He loads and I deliver. I am forbidden from loading what I think I should carry. If some are missing, why? What can you do to recover these responses? Repent, apologize and get back to work for the kingdom. We are to be delivering the touch of the kingdom of heaven. Not leavened bread.

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