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  • 1 month later...

1.   In what ways do Mary's and Joseph's consecration of Jesus set an example for us?

Mary and Joseph acknowledged that the child belonged to God, who alone has the power to give life. We would do well to follow their example by devoting our children to God, asking that they honour the Lord, glorify Him, and serve Him. Originally, God had decreed that the firstborn sons belonged to Him; they were to form the priestly class (Exo 13:2). Later, He set aside the tribe of Levi to serve as priests (Exo 28:1-2). The ceremony included buying back - "redeeming" - the child from God through an offering. Jesus, born into the world as an Israelite, He was therefore born under the law, however, Jesus Himself had no personal guilt but by His own free will took upon Himself the sin of the world.

2.   If Simeon and Anna had never seen the Messiah, in what ways might their lives have been important? In what might your life be important to God?

Even if Simeon and Anna had not seen the Messiah their lives would have been important as they both made themselves available for God to use and speak to; they both allowed the Holy Spirit of God to impart to them God's word and they both believed. We too can be important in God's kingdom by availing ourselves for God's eternal will to be done through us.

3.   What did Simeon's and Anna's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? What are some of the reasons that we can't hear God?

They showed their dedication to God by being obedient and believing in His Word. The reason why we do not hear God's voice is because we are too preoccupied with other thoughts; even ignoring the Word of God and the Holy Spirit. We as human beings get too wrapped up in worldly situations and things that we just totally ignore God, and God being a jealous God, is not pleased with such actions.  

4.   What place do praise and thanksgiving have in Simeon's and Anna's lives? What does this say about them? How do we nurture these in our lives? Why does our culture see long periods spent in prayer as wasted? How did Anna see it?

Praise and thanksgiving was the main priority in Simeon's and Anna's daily lives. This is proved by their faith, hope, patience and obedience. In my own life I can say that I was not always thankful for what Jesus has done for me. This has however recently changed; I try every day to thank Him for saving me from eternal death. We should be thanking Him more often and dedicate more time to be spent with Him. In our world today material things have replaced Christ in many families. We see this in the rush to live our lives and fewer people stop to take time to enjoy God's creation (flowers, a beautiful sunset, the change of seasons, spring, winter, birds singing, etc). Churches have been replaced by TV preachers, more and more people are spending Sundays home. On the contrary, Anna and Simeon spent all day long in the temple worshipping God and waiting patiently for the answer to their prayers.

5.   What expectations do Simeon and Anna have of the Messiah's salvation? What does this have to do with Jerusalem? With the Gentiles? With Jesus' own life? What kind(s) of salvation does Jesus offer today?

Conditions for God's people at this time in history were bad. Things were bad politically because the Israelites had little to say about their lives and laws, which were dictated by Rome. Things were bad religiously because Jerusalem was controlled by a coalition of scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees, whose internal differences were forgotten only when they had a common enemy. Otherwise, their hypocrisy, legalism, laxity, and traditionalism on various points were notorious. Both Simeon and Anna knew they needed the Messiah’s salvation to get their nation out of this mess. Simeon also understood and spoke of the Messiah's salvation being for all people. It would shine as a revealing light to the gentiles, showing them their sins and need of a saviour. It would be the glory of Israel - that they would be chosen to provide this salvation. Anna also recognised Jesus for who He was and shared this news with those who looked forward to the "redemption in Jerusalem". So, they knew that they needed to be redeemed and they expected this to occur in Jerusalem. Jesus offers us salvation from our sins and from the penalty of death that those sins give us. We are saved from death and given life. We are also saved from ourselves - from our sin nature that makes it impossible for us to be always good no matter how hard we try. Once Jesus has completed His work of salvation in us we will have complete victory over sin.


1. In what ways do Mary's and Joseph's consecration of Jesus set an example for us?

Mary and Joseph did not think of themselves above the law (i.e. they did not think that because they were chosen for this special task of brnging up/ looking after the Christ Child, that they did not need to follow the Law as given to Moses). They also believed it was necessary to present the Child to God in the temple. Even though they were aware of Who He was, they still went through with the ceremonies, where every male child is to be circumcised, i.e. is to bare the 'sign of the covenant' and also to present him to the Lord.  

Just as Mary and Joseph did, we too should dedicate our children to God. Just as they did, present the Child with a home where God is honored, so should we.

2.If Simeon and Anna had never seen the Messiah, in what ways might their lives have been important? In what might your life be important to God?

Simeon was an example to the community where he lived. He was righteous and devout. He cautiously and carefully observed the divine Law. He did not give up on God's promise. He was looking fwd to the coming of the Messiah. There was an expectancy in his life-style, for God's promise to be fulfilled. He believed. He did not doubt God's promise. He lived a God-fearing life. All in all he was an example to all around him. 

Anna had lost her husband after only seven yrs of marriage. She then 'lived' at the temple (seen to be God's dwelling). She did not 'mooch' around at home and cause disunity among family and friends (did not allow herself pity-parties) - she stayed close to God's dwelling-place, where she {prayed and fasted (did without things)} worshiped God. She stayed under His protection and did not seek that else-where. 

Both of them lived for God and were willing to be used of Him as He saw fit. 

3. What did Simeon's and Anna's righteousness, devotion and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? What are some of the reasons that we can't hear God's voice?

God is holy. When we deliberately stay in sin, we cannot hear His voice. The sin blocks it out. Simeon and Anna lived righteous lives (by that one can deduce that if there was sin, it was sorted out - so too if there is sin in our lives, we need to confess it, we need to repent of it). They were devoted to God and did not allow the things of the world to deviate them from praising God. They were old already but believed what God had promised them. They were living with expectancy. Because they were attuned to Him, they were sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading.

The reason we would not be able to hear Him could be sin in our lives and also unbelief.

4. What place do praise and thanksgiving have in Simeon's and Anna's lives? What does this say about them?  How do we nurture these in our lives?  Why does our culture see long periods spent in prayer as wasted?  How did Anna see it?

Praise and thanksgiving were centre in Simeon's and Anna's lives. They were joyous people and did not let the 'way of the times' or the things of this world, weigh them down. Our culture no longer accepts the term 'wait'. It is a culture of fast living, of doing and being active and getting things done as quickly as possible. A time of 'instant' this and that. Praying is trusting and believing God to do and provide the necessary in His time. (Answer prayer as He sees fit) Our culture mostly no longer believes in God's existence. They have become insensitive and believe they can do it all themselves. Anna's whole life depended on prayer and living close to God. She definately did not see or experience it as a waste of time, neither do I.

5. What expectation do Simeon and Anna have of the Messiah's salvation? What does this have to do with Jerusalem? With the Gentiles? With Jesus'own life?  What kind(s) of salvation does Jesus offer today?

Simeon and Anna were eagerly expecting relief from their situation, viz., from Roman occupation. This was expected to come once the promised Messiah had come. I understand that in whichever way this was brought about, they were satisfied. Simeon realized that Messiah would bring salvation (release from sin) to all mankind. That in itself would be the start of being saved from legal control, because even if outwardly you are under other's authority - spiritually you are free.  The Messiah will be a Light for the Gentiles also, - when there is light you can see what is hidden. This would be the start of being set free. 

Jerusalem was under Roman rule. They realized that the coming of the Messiah would be the beginning of the end of that.

Redemption comes with a price. Ultimately there would be liberation for Jerusalem, for the Jews and for the Gentiles. Jesus was the One to pay that price with His Life. Mary was warned that she too would feel as if a sword would pierce her soul (she would feel His pain and rejection) . It was not all immediate acceptance, but it was the start of being set free (salvation) from oppression as well as from the bondage of sin. This is what Jesus offers us today - to be set free from sin.

  • 3 weeks later...

Bailey 12/21/20

What did Simeon's and Ann's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice?  What are some reasons that we can't hear from God?  Simeon's devotion to the Lord seems to have been over watched by the Holy Spirit,  It does not mention the bloodlines of Simeon and Anna, but Simeon has the characteristics of a Nazirite priest without some of the extremes with the hair and vow of service which he was doing anyway.   The Holy Spirit rested upon him, so he was in touch with his pray life, his meditating on the Torah, his praises and worshiping of God, his fasting everything he did for God.   We don't hear from God because we don't spend time talking with our savior, we don't read the bible, we don't meditate or take the time to give praise and just worship him for whatever through out the day.

  • 2 weeks later...
  1. In what ways do Mary's and Joseph's consecration of Jesus set an example for us?

The word consecration means dedication, blessing, hollowing or sanctification. Mary and Joseph ‘s consecration of Jesus clearly set an example parent should model, thus, dedicate or give back your child or children to God and raise them in the fear of God.

  1. If Simeon and Anna had never seen the Messiah, in what ways might their lives have been important? In what might your life be important to God?

I believe Simeone and Anna lives would have been important because both were example to their community in that they were righteous  and God fearing. Both were "sensitive to God’s voice and available when God called upon them”. My life is important in the same manner: By listening and following the Holy Spirit direction, Using the gifts given to serve other and modeling a Christ like character.

  1. What did Simeon's and Anna's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? What are some of the reasons that we can't hear God?

Simeon’s and Anna’s righteousness, devotion and praise made them more sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s voice. When we are sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, our spirit is open to hear and receive revelation and manifestation you will never expected to see nor can you explain.

Some of the reasons we can’t hear God are as follow: failing to study God’s word, communicating with Him on a regular bases and keeping His commandment.


the detailed recording of birth of Jesus provides evidence to all humanity of His Divinity.  Jesus Christ is Divine and he is human, simultaneously.   This "mystery" is what separates Jesus from all other gods.  

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. Mary and Joseph’s consecration of Jesus is a great example to all parents of how to raise children in a ‘Godly’ way. Although Jesus was God they did not feel they were above the law, but obeyed everything asked of them in the law of God. Although they knew Jesus was God they treated Him as a normal boy with all the love guidance and discipline that it entails.We are told in Luke 2v40 “And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.”

Q2.Simeon and Anna’s lives would have been important because of their dedication to God. When someone is walking close to God it infiltrated every aspect of their lives. When they met others , they would have been overflowing with love, graciousness, kindness and many other fruits of the Spirit. They would also be praising God and speaking to others about God.   My life is important to God because He loves me, and He died for me. I try to live each day for Him by depending on Him for everything, and by honouring Him in all I do even when it is just the mundane things of life. I try to pray, read and meditate to learn more about Him and to learn more about how He Qantas me to live for Him.

Q3.Very often we cannot hear the Holy Spirit because we don’t stop long enough for us to listen and recognize the prompting of the Spirit. Sometimes we may be led by the Spirit but not recognize it at the time, but in retrospect realise the Spirit’s prompting and guidance.

Anna and Simeon were sensitive to the voice of the Spirit because of their nearness to God. They were aware of the prompting of the Spirit because their minds and their eyes were fixed on the ‘things of God.’

Q4.Praise and thanksgiving were very much part of their lives as they spent time in the temple with God. I am sure it was in all aspects of their lives not just when they were in the temple. We nurture these in our lives by being positive and realising all that Jesus has done for us, and give Him praise and thanks. Also we have so much that others don’t have we need to be thankful and grateful and find ways to share our good fortune. Unfortunately many people have no concept of God and don’t want anything to do with God, therefore don’t understand the need or the value of prayer. Anna spent most of her time in the temple worshiping and praising God, she realised that it was the best place to be. It is a little bit of heaven on earth when one can come away from the world and spend uninterrupted time in Gods presence.

Q5.Simeon and Anna expected the Messiah to deliver their people from the bondage of oppression. The Messiah came to deliver us from sin. However some thought the Messiah would deliver Jerusalem from the oppressive regime of the Roman Empire. Jesus came to save all people both Jews and Gentiles from their sins. Jesus offers the same salvation today if a person is sorry for sin and believes that Jesus died on the cross for them , they will be saved.

  • 1 year later...

In what ways do Mary's and Joseph's consecration of Jesus set an example for us?


A. We are to follow God where ever he takes us. Mary and Joseph was following the law.


If Simeon and Anna had never seen the Messiah, in what ways might their lives have been important? In what might your life be important to God?


A. Their lives would be important because they were following God’s instructions.


What did Simeon's and Anna's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? What are some of the reasons that we can't hear God?


A. They were able to hear the Holy Spirit’s voice. We can’t hear God’s voice because we are not in tune with it.


What place do praise and thanksgiving have in Simeon's and Anna's lives? What does this say about them? How do we nurture these in our lives? Why does our culture see long periods spent in prayer as wasted? How did Anna see it?


A. Praise and thanksgiving was what Simeon and Anna lived for. This means that they were in touch with God. We nurture these in our lives being in the bible and talking with God always. Long periods spent in prayer is wasted if we don’t believe in the Holy Spirit. Anna saw it as the way to God.


What expectations do Simeon and Anna have of the Messiah's salvation? What does this have to do with Jerusalem? With the Gentiles? With Jesus' own life? What kind(s) of salvation does Jesus offer today?


A. They were expecting the whole world to praise him. The salvation we have today is the Holy Spirit is living in us.

  • 2 years later...
  1. In what ways do Mary's and Joseph's consecration of Jesus set an example for us? A righteous God serving family environment and it’s result.
  2. If Simeon and Anna had never seen the Messiah, in what ways might their lives have been important? They were righteous and devout God beleiving who prayed. The prayers of the righteous avail much.Jas. 5:16b. In what might your life be important to God? My intercessory prayer and the fruit of my study.
  3. What did Simeon's and Anna's righteousness, devotion, and praise have to do with their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's voice? It opens the door to relationship at a closer level. What are some of the reasons that we can't hear God? Our self and desires are foremost not God’s need for our obedient action.
  4. What place do praise and thanksgiving have in Simeon's and Anna's lives? Open the gates with thanksgiving, enter His courts with praise. What does this say about them? De outr equals being consistent over time. How do we nurture these in our lives? Lfisten to the Holy Spirit’s guiding about dealing with things in our self that hinder him. Why does our culture see long periods spent in prayer as wasted? They fail to understand the seed leads to harvest. Ground must be prepared and the crop cared forever. Fast food folk do not get it. How did Anna see it? She knew it was her purpose.
  5. What expectations do Simeon and Anna have of the Messiah's salvation? That he would come in their life and they would see him. The depth of God’s intent was not yet open. What does this have to do with Jerusalem? Jerusalem needed notice that religeous ritual for profit and show was over.  With the Gentiles? I think Gentiles are only observers at this time. With Jesus' own life? Unsure of the beading. What kind(s) of salvation does Jesus offer today? Restoration of damaged souls, healing mental and physical afflictions. And restoration of our relationship with God.

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