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  • 1 month later...

1.   Since Jesus was already the Son of God, why did he have to "grow" in understanding and wisdom? (2:40, 52)

We read in Philippians 2 that Jesus in His incarnation set aside the independent use of His own divine attributes and submitted Himself wholly to the Father. “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness (Phil 2:6-7). Therefore, although being the Son of God, as a human and as a young boy, He still had to develop physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually. There are deep mysteries here that no one can fully understand or explain, but we have no problem accepting them by faith.

2.   How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with his parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43-44) Was Jesus at fault or they? What is the difference between an error in judgment and sin, if any?

Remembering that Jesus was a boy of 12 years and still growing to maturity; I cannot think that Jesus was careless in His actions. At the age of twelve, Jesus was nearing a point in life where Jewish boys were expected to become aware of their spiritual duties. Jewish literature outside the Bible states that the age of 13 was the point at which Jewish boys became obligated to the law of Moses. Therefore, it is more likely He was totally absorbed and enwrapped in the teachings at the Temple. An error in judgment is done unwittingly - not on purpose, whereas sin is done intentionally and is rebellion against God.

3.   Why was Jesus so engrossed in the Temple? (2:46-49) How was this interaction with Jerusalem's top teachers important for his own development? How did this represent something that was absolutely necessary for him to do? How did this relate to his calling?

Most likely Jesus did not fully understand at this point in his life all that God the Father had given him to do. But his response does suggest his understanding that he had a divine purpose to fulfil. The spiritual maturity that Jesus displayed amazed the teachers who heard him. It was not just that Jesus was able to ask profound questions (v. 46), but that he also provided answers to questions - answers that revealed an unusual depth of understanding for one so young. This certainly will not be the last time in Luke's Gospel that Jesus causes such astonishment (see Luke 4:22, 32, 36; 5:26; 9:43; 11:14).

Since Jesus "increased in wisdom" (Luke 2:52), we wonder how much He understood God's divine plan at that time. We must not assume that at the age of twelve He was omniscient.

Certainly, He grew in His comprehension of those mysteries as He communed with His Father and was taught by the Spirit.

4.   Why did Jesus have to obey parents who were his spiritual inferiors? (2:51) How can our inability to submit to authority be crucial in our spiritual relationship with God? 

Jesus had to comply with God’s plans for the present and submit and obey His parents.

Yes, we are told to submit to authority. It is a command and any disobedience will anger God, and endanger our spiritual relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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2.   How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with his parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43-44) Was Jesus at fault or they? What is the difference between an error in judgment and sin, if any?

I don’t think Jesus is at fault, is also part of the parent responsibility to ensure the child is with them. Sometime, we as parent also take things for granted thinking the child could be with the relatives. As we read in v40 “ And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.” This verse summaries 12 years of Jesus’ life, his childhood. Jesus’ growth was not one dimensional. He grew strong. He was healthy and active and he was was also filled with wisdom. He grew in knowledge and understanding through education.  Jesus was totally abosrb and entrapped in the teaching at the Temple. 


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1.   Since Jesus was already the Son of God, why did he have to "grow" in understanding and wisdom? (2:40, 52)

Jesus need to grow in wisdom and understanding because even though he was 100% divine and 100% human. He need to learn through just like us. He was not born with complete knowledge of God and the universe.

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1. Since Jesus was already the Son of God, why did He have to "grow" in understanding and wisdom? (2:40, 52)

Jesus had emptied Himself of everything, when He willingly came to earth as a human being - starting out as a needy, dependant baby. He had to learn to speak etc., just as other people. All lessons were vital to His growth. (He couldn't as a baby have intellectual conversations with the grown-ups). So He grew in understanding - via the same way as the others - by asking questions and getting or giving answers. His questions probed deeper and so His inderstanding of people and matters pertaining to them, grew.

2. How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with His parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43 & 44). Was Jesus at fault or they?  Was it the difference between an error in judgement and sin, if any?

I personally believe that He was so engrossed by being with the teachers and listeners alike, that He was not aware that they had left. This learning was all part of the preparation for His life's work.

I don't think either were at fault. In those times they travelled in groups (to and fro) because of the danger of bandits. Joseph and Mary had completed what they came to do in Jerusalem and Jesus was using the opportunity to learn more.

An error in judgement occured - Joseph and Mary assumed that Jesus was with the group they were travelling with; whereas Jesus was making most of His time being able to be in the temple (His Father's House) to learn from the learned Doctor's present at this time.

Sin is a deliberate act of wrong doing and neither of them were guilty of this.

3. Why was Jesus so engrossed in the temple? (2:46-49) How was this interaction with Jerusalem's top teachers important for His development?  How did this represent something that was absolutely necessary for Him to do?  How did this relate to His calling?

All the people in the group were the ones learning from the rabbi's (doctors) who had gathered there at the time. I am sure it was not only the ones from Jerusalem but also ones that had come from far and near to join in the feast. Discussions developed from questions asked. Jesus was obviously involved with both listening and asking questions, as we find that they were amazed at His understanding and answers. In time (+- 20yrs later) Jesus would again be involved - only then, roles would be reversed and He would be there as a rabbi.  To become a teacher, He had to learn too. He too had to learn to get answers from probing questions. This was an ideal time to start learning this as there were many from all over the country in Jerusalem at the time. Jesus said, He was about His Father's business and His calling was just that - He came to fulfill what God had sent Him to do.

4. Why did Jesus have to obey parents who were His spiritual inferiors? (2:51)  How can our inability to submit to authority be crucial in our relationship with God?

Being obedient to His parents was part of His calling. He needed to submit to them. It was necessary at this time. He needed to still wait, learn and grow and get prepared for the time when His calling would be fulfilled. He still needed to grow in spiritual insight. It was all part of His training.

Only if that authority goes against God can we not submit to it.

5. What does it mean that 'the grace of God was upon Him'? (2:40) Why was this necessary for Jesus? Why is it necessary for us?

"The grace of God was upon Him," means that God blessed Him in what He was doing. He was especially favoured. Jesus had emptied Himself and it was necessary, as a 'man' now to learn as a man and be filled so as to fulfill His calling as a man. He needed to learn to wait for the correct time. It was all part of His spiritual growth to take place. So too it is necessary for us to have God's favour bestowed on us rather than seeking man's favour. We cannot only rely on our natural talents, we have to have His anointing, His gifting on our lives.

6. Why was it important for Jesus - and for us - to 'grow' in favour with God and man (2:52)? How is our relationship with people vital to our spiritual growth?

We cannot rely on our own abilities - Ultimately these will fail us.  It was important for Jesus too, to grow or increase in favour with God and man. Jesus needed to be accepted by people for them ultimately to listen and follow Him. He needed to submit to the authority God had placed over Him. If He had not submitted to authority how could He ultimately expect man to submit to Him as the ultimate authority when the time came. 

People are being called into God's Kingdom and our relationship with them is important because our actions can turn them away or draw them to God. We too can learn from people who have been used of God, who have been placed in our lives as our superiors.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2. How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with His parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43 & 44). Was Jesus at fault or they?  Was it the difference between an error in judgement and sin, if any?    

I believe this was an intentional act on Jesus' part.  At age 12, I don't think he was fully aware of what his future held, but I do believe he had a level of spiritual discernment that caused him to seek and follow God's direction in his life which included his staying in the temple during this particular trip to Jerusalem.

This time without his family gave him three uninterrupted days to listen, question, and learn from the spiritual leaders of the day.  He was where God instructed him to be.  It provided the line of demarcation between his earthly responsibilities and his divine birthright.  

Following God means not following others- even family.

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Bailey 12/31/20

Why is it important for Jesus - and for us to grow in favor with God and men?  As individuals we can not depend upon bread alone.  Sometimes when we think we got it all together and don't need anything or anybody we forget how we got here.  There but for the grace of God.  We can't get up out of the bed without his grace and mercy.  To improve our spiritual journey we must seek God's favor and be dependent upon it to make this journey.  Our relationship with people is vital to spiritual growth because of we can pick some toxic people who claim to believe as you do, but satan sends in that someone who deceptive knocks you off course.  One must always look with both eyes and be prayer and in touch with the holy spirit to lead and guide you and help shield you.  Remember, people are like trees, they grow take root, that trunk stays well rooted, it will be around for awhile, little branches break off and blow away and don't stay long.  You want trunk like people in you life who are in it for the deep run.  I wonder how many of those are around?


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Jesus was already the Son of God, why did he have to “grow” in understanding and wisdom?

I believe that even though he was the Son of God, He needed to experience every situation, condition and trial that man experience in order to become the perfect Sympathizer or Savior. Therefore, growth and development take time in the season of man’s life. Thus, He grew in his humanity as God intended. In addition, whereas, Jesus at an early age understood his mission but his parent did not.

How do you evaluate Jesus’ carelessness in not going home with his parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43-44)

It’s possible since the feast lasted for several days, Jesus was about seeking wisdom to do His Father’s work from the appointed teachers who “sat in Moses’ chair.” If he did this each day, it stands to reason that even though the feast was over, a habit was formed and He did not realize the time.

Was Jesus at fault or they? Since Jesus is the child, He is not at fault, it’s the parent responsibility to care for the child until they reach the age of accountability. The parent took for granted he was socializing with boys of his age (12), but Jesus was asking questions, learning and growing in wisdom and understanding with teachers of the Law, knowing the following year would begin his age of manhood.

 What is the difference between an error in judgement and sin, if any?

There is a great different between and error in judgement and sin. Error in judgement can mean something done unintentionally whereas, sin is a stronger term, that implies deliberately stepping over one’s boundary; It’s a choose and we must accept responsibility for our action.

Why was Jesus so engrossed in the temple?

It was in the temple where He found himself in the midst of teachers where classes and discussion took place among doctors both hearing them and asking them question. These questions were about his assignment on earth.

How was this interaction with Jerusalem's top teachers important for his own development?

His interaction with top teachers was important for his own development as stated, he was both listening and asking probing, insightful question thus helping him to grow in wisdom and understanding with God and man.

How did this represent something that was absolutely necessary for him to do?

Jesus interacting with the teacher in the temple was absolutely necessary because it was time for Him to be about His Father’s business therefore, He needed to go to His Father’s temple where he could listen and learn more about the laws of God. while listening and asking question, Jesus was able to learn about himself and his calling.

How did this relate to his calling? His experience in the temple at twelve years of age, was a precursor to His life ministry. At the age of twelve he was found in the temple, sitting with teachers, listening to them and asking questions. Those who heard him were amazed at his understanding and his answers. Years later, Jesus now is the teacher still amazing the scholars in the temple.

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  • 2 weeks later...

4.   Why did Jesus have to obey parents who were his spiritual inferiors? (2:51) How can our inability to submit to authority be crucial in our spiritual relationship with God? 

In order to atone for our sin, Jesus had to keep and fulfill the whole law.  Part of that was obeying his parents.  If we can't submit to Christ, we can't have a relationship with him.  

What does it mean that 'the grace of God was upon Him'? (2:40) Why was this necessary for Jesus? Why is it necessary for us?

Jesus did set aside His divine attributes when He came to earth; therefore, it was necessary for Him to rely upon the grace of God.  We must also rely upon the grace of God to instruct us and guide our footsteps.  Jesus did not do anything without first consulting His Heavenly Father.  We should do likewise. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. When Jesus was born He had emptied Himself omniscience. He was like any other baby, in that he was dependent, vulnerable and needed His parents to look after Him. As He grew His parents had to teach him everything, He needed their leading and guidance. We are told in v40 The child grew and became strong ; He was filled with wisdom and the grace of God. Although Jesus had to learn just like all children, He was specially gifted by God. He was “filled with wisdom “ and “the grace of God was upon Him”. We see this when Jesus was twelve, He was in the temple listen to the discussion going on and asking them deep and insightful questions. We are also told in v52. Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. As the years went on Jesus was growing in His wisdom, and spiritual discernment,also physically, He was blessed by God and people who came in contact with Him liked Him.

Q2. I am sure Jesus would not intentionally do something that He knew would cause His parents to worry, or cause them to have to turn back to find Him. I wonder was He so interested in the teaching and conversation in the temple that He didn’t realize it was past time to set off home. Maybe He thought that His parents would not leave without Him, and kept expecting them to call Him to come.

Maybe they should have made sure as to where Jesus was before they departed. It is so easy in retrospect to see what we should have done. I am sure most people have experience in life where they realise they have been careless or have not communicated properly. 
Sin is where someone wilfully does something they know to be wrong. An error in judgement is where we unintentionally do something that causes harm or discomfort of some kind.

Q3.The temple is where Jesus is eventually going to spend a lot of time teaching and reasoning with the teachers of the law.  By listening to what was being said He could hear what was being taught and reach a greater understanding of the state of the hearts of the teachers. Jesus also needed to learn and discern for Himself with God’s help.

Q4.Jesus had to obey His parents so that He could learn about obedience and submission,. It was a time of preparation for His ministry.

If God has placed us in a situation where we must submit to authority we must do it because it is the correct thing to do. If we don’t we are deliberately committing sin, which puts a barrier between us and God.

Q5. We won’t do well in our spiritual lives if we don’t have God’s favour on us. We may get on to a certain degree with our God given abilities but only so far.

Q6.Our relationship with people around us is very important because if we don’t have good relations we are not being obedient to God . We need to be on good terms with others before we can build relationships with them and share the gospel with them. If we have a bad relationship we need to do all in our power to repair it, if we have offended someone we need to go in humility and ask forgiveness. We cannot have spiritual growth in our lives unless we are on good terms with all people.

We also need God’s favour in our lives because without it we cannot have blessings and spiritual growth. 
Jesus needed to grow “ in favour with God and men” to enable Him to carry out Gods will and to be able to talk to people and tell them about God.

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  • 11 months later...

Since Jesus was already the Son of God, why did he have to "grow" in understanding and wisdom? (2:40, 52)


A. He was born as a human and had to learn human things and grow as a human even though he was God.


How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with his parents when they left Jerusalem? (2:43-44) Was Jesus at fault or they? What is the difference between an error in judgment and sin, if any?


A. He might not have known that they had left. He was fixated on learning in the temple. They didn’t have to keep tract of their children in those days like we have to today. They just assumed that he was with his friends. An error in sin is against God and as far as I can tell this wasn’t against God.


Why was Jesus so engrossed in the Temple? (2:46-49) How was this interaction with Jerusalem's top teachers important for his own development? How did this represent something that was absolutely necessary for him to do? How did this relate to his calling?


A. He was so engrossed because he was learning about his Father and maybe he was pointing out some of their errors. This was important for his own development because he was going to have to go out and teach other about his Father. This was the only thing that he was called to do.


Why did Jesus have to obey parents who were his spiritual inferiors? (2:51) How can our inability to submit to authority be crucial in our spiritual relationship with God?


A. It is one of the Ten Commandments to honor your parents. The Bible says that we are to submit to authority and when we do we are really surrendering to God.


What does it mean that "the grace of God was upon him"? (2:40) Why was this necessary for Jesus? Why is it necessary for us?


A. It meant that God was always protecting him. It was necessary for Jesus because he was always in and was being rejected. We too are being rejected and being protected by God.


Why was it important for Jesus -- and for us -- to grow "in favor with God and men" (2:52)? How is our relationship with people vital to our spiritual growth?


A. If we grow in God and man we will be able to spread the Good News.

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  • 2 years later...
  1. Since Jesus was already the Son of God, why did he have to "grow" in understanding and wisdom? A spiritual understanding must be translated into proper earthly action. The process is troubling until understood.(2:40, 52)
  2. How do you evaluate Jesus' carelessness in not going home with his parents when they left Jerusalem? Concentration upon his fascination in learning from the cream of hebrew intellectual core.(2:43-44) Was Jesus at fault or they? How often do parents operate on cultural norms and not children’s specific personality types.  Learning the type of son they had. And he his place in God’s plan for his learning. What is the difference between an error in judgment and sin, if any? Missing (at the disobedience to God level is sin, accepting correction is guidance). Much learning comes from a multitude of errors and adjustments.
  3. Why was Jesus so engrossed in the Temple? The tremendous depth of the history and path of the nation and its people with God.  (2:46-49) How was this interaction with Jerusalem's top teachers important for his own development? It gave him a survey of the knowledge and attitude existing between Fathers truth and their religious practice. How did this represent something that was absolutely necessary for him to do? How did this relate to his calling? He would deal with the entire cross section of His national.
  4. Why did Jesus have to obey parents who were his spiritual inferiors? It was a righteousness issue as adulthood did not occur until 30. (2:51) How can our inability to submit to authority be crucial in our spiritual relationship with God? God expects understanding of the submission to those placed above us as a growth step in our relationship with Him. God does not appreciate servants that do not faithfully perform their role and begin deviating from their assignment.
  5. What does it mean that "the grace of God was upon him"? Gods favor was part of his expectancy and actuality. (2:40) Why was this necessary for Jesus? Function in the spiritual realm on earth without grace( favorable attitude) toward our fumbling learning path. Why is it necessary for us? The same.nJesus assumed our status and learning requirement. Therefore we are matched in the need for and function of grace.
  6. Why was it important for Jesus -- and for us -- to grow "in favor with God and men" (2:52)? How to we have positive effect without understanding and depth of concern? How is our relationship with people vital to our spiritual growth? We can not understand their need of their salvation until we understand Jesus’s price paid for all, not a few closed perfect fruits from the vine.
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