Pastor Ralph Posted August 11, 2021 Report Posted August 11, 2021 Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren’t Jesus’ disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit’s coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? Quote
Francina Posted September 18, 2021 Report Posted September 18, 2021 They should wait for the Holy Spirit to come and empower them so that they are able to witness with confidence to other people and nations. The Spirit's coming represents a filling, a baptism because they are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and this will enable them to preach the Gospel with power and without fear. Quote
LaurenC Posted September 18, 2021 Report Posted September 18, 2021 Yes, I agree. If the apostles dispersed to receive The Holy Spirit, their witness would be less effective. Baptism was understood as immersion and concept of washing away the old to be filled with a new mindset. So here the filling by the Holy Spirit was a powerful transformation of mind, will and capabilities of the apostles. Quote
Sunday M.A. Aloko Posted September 19, 2021 Report Posted September 19, 2021 They were to wait for the time of the promised Helper patiently and in unison because until the spirit be poured out their witness will not possible. It was a filling because they were all taken over by the spirit and clothed with power from on High. It came upon them because they were immersed in it and they began to speak in unknown tongues. It was an internal baptism turn them into another men and brought fire upon them. Quote
Krissi Posted September 19, 2021 Report Posted September 19, 2021 First, I find it interesting that they were to wait together, not apart. The Holy Spirit could have easily come upon them wherever they were, in their separate homes or workplaces, but God wanted them together, in a room, when they received the Holy Spirit. Second, the Holy Spirit came on them at the same time. They all, instantly, received. This could have happened on different days or hours, but God wanted them not only together, but simultaneously to receive the spirit. Third, they all had a similar experience. Some didn't get "more" or "less" but they all spoke in tongues, etc. Hmmmm, a few comments. Receiving the HS together must have made it impossible to deny. Having the HS descend on a person who is alone could be written off as an emotional high or some sort of religious delusion but having many people experience exactly the same thing makes it much harder to discard the experience as mass delusion or emotionalism. The church today individualizes gifts -- person X has the gifts of tongues and interpretation; person Y has the gift of healing; person Z has the gift of "helps" -- but in this initial outpouring, all people had exactly the same experience. Is an equal portion of the HS the ideal, or just a starting point from which the HS gives more/differently to believers? Quote
Adrian Posted September 19, 2021 Report Posted September 19, 2021 Thank you Krissi for your answers and the comments you posted. Makes me want to dig deeper. Quote
Denise Ward Posted September 19, 2021 Report Posted September 19, 2021 I think that's a great point Krissi, about it being a collective filling, not an individual experience. God is empowering His church, His bride to go into all the nations to proclaim His truth and make disciples. Quote
Vivian Kamba Posted September 20, 2021 Report Posted September 20, 2021 They had been instructed by Jesus not to leave Jerusalem until after a gift of the Holy Spirit had been given to them by God. Therefore they waited together, men and women, in Jerusalem for God to visit them. Quote
Vivian Kamba Posted September 20, 2021 Report Posted September 20, 2021 This was very critical call for the disciples and followers of Christ to be together and wait for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit for the beginning of the Church after the ascension of Jesus. Quote
Maggz Posted September 20, 2021 Report Posted September 20, 2021 It would have been so easy for them to lose faith and return to the security of their daily work. Look how, in the midst of the Resurrection appearances,, Peter declared "I am going fishing." There was a human impatience there - had they gone through all this for nothing? What was the Lord's plan now? We are incomplete when we try to act in our own strengths - and the Spirit fills up that lack. Whenever we set out on our own, we come to grief. The Holy Spirit comes upon us with a light touch, like the dove that landed on Jesus' head at His baptism. It show to others that we are made Holy (separate or different). The clothing covers our nakedness, the nakedness of our insecurity and helplessness. The Holy Spirit wraps us around and protects us from the world around us Quote
Luke Posted September 20, 2021 Report Posted September 20, 2021 (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren’t Jesus’ disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit’s coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? I believe that the instruction to stay in Jerusalem was to avoid any distractions to the followers. Fresh from Jesus resurrection and ascension, it would be wise for them to maintain that spiritual witnessing to Christ. Thus, allowing them to focus on the coming of the 'helper'. As baptism is the objective cleansing of our Old self and sins, and the proclamation in faith to Jesus Christ, which signifies a release of our objective reasoning; the Holy Spirit represents the objective absolute, which is the enriching power and focus on God and His absolutes. As mortal beings we are unable to become the empty vessels through which the light of Christ can be proclaimed to the rest of the world. Quote
Kaleb Posted September 20, 2021 Report Posted September 20, 2021 Disciples were to wait until they receive power from on high, that power would wnble them to do the job that Lord Jesus wanted them to do. A coming upon is the filling that one encounters at a particular time. A baptism is the filling that one immersed and the Holy Spirit stays. Quote
Egstewart1 Posted September 21, 2021 Report Posted September 21, 2021 The disciples are not to return home because they are to wait for the Holy Spirit to descend upon them. Going home would have meant going back to life as usual or possibly life before Christ. They needed the power that the Holy Spirit would provide so that they could deal with the challenges they would face without Christ being there physically. The Holy Spirit filled them, just as he does believers today, which allows Christ to live inside of us, speak to us and give guidance. The filling, coming upon and baptism are different names for the same event, the Holy Spirit coming to be with the believer to act in whatever capacity he is to be whether guide, comforter, or encourager. Quote
haar Posted September 22, 2021 Report Posted September 22, 2021 Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Q. Why aren't Jesus' disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? A. They have been trained for service that requires the power of the Holy Spirit and the Master had instructed them to wait for the Holy Spirit Who will come with the required power for the service. Q. In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? A. The Spirit coming on us represents filling in the sense that we are empty without the power required to serve as disciples and thus the Holy Spirit fills us with the required power. As for the Spirit coming upon us means that He will come on as as the Holy Spirit came upon Jesus at His baptism in a form of a dove. The Spirit coming upon us represent a baptism in the sense that His power will cover us all round as we immerse our selves in a pool of water at baptism. Quote
kreilly Posted September 22, 2021 Report Posted September 22, 2021 The disciples were to stay in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came. That way they would all be together and would not be tempted to return to their former way of life. It is a time of waiting and preparation, as Jesus had demonstrated many times as He was leading them. Jesus said that He would write His law in our hearts and minds. That's what happens when we are filled/baptized in the Holy Spirit. Quote
Carlos Posted September 23, 2021 Report Posted September 23, 2021 On 1/8/2021 at 2:52 PM, sally607 said: Well my first attempt didnt work so will try again. I will answer question 1. I believe Luke wrote his gospel from the many eyewitnesses that had been around Jesus when he was on earth. Luke would have been very much into giving detail about his writings. He also had Marks gospel to fall back on. On 9/18/2021 at 3:32 AM, Francina said: They should wait for the Holy Spirit to come and empower them so that they are able to witness with confidence to other people and nations. The Spirit's coming represents a filling, a baptism because they are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and this will enable them to preach the Gospel with power and without fear. On 8/11/2021 at 11:49 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren’t Jesus’ disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit’s coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? On 9/18/2021 at 3:32 AM, Francina said: They should wait for the Holy Spirit to come and empower them so that they are able to witness with confidence to other people and nations. The Spirit's coming represents a filling, a baptism because they are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit. They will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and this will enable them to preach the Gospel with power and without fear. I agree with Francina. I think that in addition to seeing the power of the Holy Spirit manifested on each other, God had a plan to use that power to witness to a large crowd, in their own languages and bring many to Christ. Quote
Katy Posted September 23, 2021 Report Posted September 23, 2021 Q1.Jesus has taught the apostles together as a band of men , they have a mission to carry out and Jesus wants them all together to receive the Holy Spirit. Jesus doesn’t want them going home and being separated and being involved with domestic issues. All these things can be dealt with later. Jesus wants them all to experience this monumental occasion together, where they will be changed into fearless advocates for the gospel . It also brings unity when you experience an occurrence together. Their stories would all be similar and of equal importance. The Holy Spirit would give them power, they would see a change in themselves and also in their ministry.They would be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The power of the Holy Spirit would come upon them as though they were being clothed with the Holy Spirit or immersed in the Holy Spirit similar to what happens in Baptism when we are immersed in the water. Quote
DJ1 Posted September 24, 2021 Report Posted September 24, 2021 I may be off topic a bit, but Luke wrote the Book of Acts and in his Gospel he also described the Power of the Holy Spirit - not only upon the Apostles, but also curiously upon Jesus Himself at the Baptism (the Dove). I always thought that through the Incarnation - the Holy Spirit impregnated Mary - thus Jesus was anointed and became the Godman - of God (Holy Spirit) and 'man' by the humanity - 'flesh and blood' of Mary. Thus, this Duality - the dual natures of Jesus Christ - included the Holy Spirit (God) within Jesus from the beginning when the Word fell and became 'flesh'. And we are discussing the Holy Spirit coming upon - clothing the Apostles with the Spirit - empowering them. All humanity had the breath of God - man's spirit within. Yet, in Luke, we see the Holy Spirit - 'filling' Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth became 'full' of the Spirit. So, I ask myself, 'How can He be made 'full' of the Spirit, when He was already of the Spirit?' Just as the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit - indeed, the Body of Christ - the Church (using Paul's Spiritual metaphors). See here - my notes: “Jesus returned from the Jordan, full of the Holy Spirit, and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness for 40 days to be tempted by the Devil ... 14 Then Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit …” Luke 4:1, :14 HCSB. Interesting that after His baptism, He was ‘full’ of the Spirit; led by the Spirit, and acted through the ‘Power of the Spirit’. Thus, Jesus’ Divinity was through the Holy Spirit – not directly of the Father per say, in many ways: the Incarnation, the Baptism, the Anointing, etc. This all implies that Jesus of Nazareth was a ‘man’ – ‘flesh’, Who was then empowered by the Holy Spirit just as the Apostles were about to be in our lesson. Yet, the Holy Spirit is His Godly – Divine nature; the ‘flesh’ is His humanity. Confusing to me; I guess we must remember, the Holy Spirit is God, and God is Spirit (John 4:24 NKJV). It does baffle me though. My apologies for swaying a bit off the topic - had to get it off my chest. However, I did address the 'filling, baptism, coming upon, etc. - of the Holy Spirit'. Dave Quote
hanks Posted September 28, 2021 Report Posted September 28, 2021 Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren't Jesus' disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? I can just imagine having spent another 40 days, after His Resurrection, with Jesus and being taught by Him, the disciples must have been full of enthusiasm to go out into the world, and minister in their own strength. But, Jesus tells them not to be in such a hurry to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes. Instead, they are to remain in Jerusalem, because the coming of the Spirit would take place in the very city where our Lord had been crucified. And the disciples would receive the Holy Spirit in the same city where they themselves had forsaken the Lord and had fled to save their own lives. They would be made strong and fearless in the place where they had shown themselves to be weak and cowardly. In the baptism of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit unites us in the body of Christ, and in the coming upon the Holy Spirit empowers us to perform the work of Christ. This is the new birth and happens only once. But the filling is different, it is a continuous process. Some examples of how to be filled with the Spirit are: Confess all known sin in our lives, since we cannot work efficiently/freely in a life where sin is overlooked (1 John 1:5-9). We surrender of our will, our intellect, our body, our time, our talents, and our treasures to His control (Rom 12:1-2). Let the Word of Christ dwell in us richly by reading the Word, studying the Word, and obeying the Word. We must be emptied of self, be filled with Him (Gal 2:20). Quote
Mary Lou Posted October 7, 2021 Report Posted October 7, 2021 The disciples are to wait and receive the gift of more of God. Jesus told them His Father would clothe them with power from on high. The Spirit's coming represents a filling of God's life within them. They will be immersed in the nature of Jesus to live life in holy abundance. Quote
Bailey Posted October 15, 2021 Report Posted October 15, 2021 Bailey Greetings 10/15/21 The disciples are commanded to wait for the Holy Spirit while He has explained that I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay. What ways does the Spirit coming represent a filling? The coming of the Spirit that it is the Gift that my Father promised, The coming upon is that the Spirit not only comes to empower you, but take up residence in our hearts forever. Quote
haar Posted October 18, 2021 Report Posted October 18, 2021 Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren't Jesus' disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? A coming upon? A baptism? They needed to stay back at Jerusalem to wait for the promised Holy Spirit to be poured upon when the Lord Jesus Christ receives it as promised by the Father In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a filling? The disciples are empty of power without the Holy Spirit. But the Lord Jesus will receive the Holy from the Father who has promised to give and pour same upon the them and they will be filled with power to perform In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a coming upon? The Holy Spirit will settle on them as at Jesus Baptism when He descended on Jesus as dove In what ways does the Spirit's coming represent a baptism? As Holy Spirit comes, His power will overwhelm or cover the recipient as water covers one during water baptism. Quote
Paulhoward Posted November 6, 2021 Report Posted November 6, 2021 Q1. (Acts 1:4-8) Why aren’t Jesus’ disciples to leave Jerusalem and return to their homes? In what ways does the Spirit’s coming represent a filling? A coming upon? A baptism? Because the process of starting the first church is not completed. They all need to be together and have the same experience and encounter. This will give great unity and the the prerequisite to their part to begin to fulfill the great commission. They need to get into gear for a new purpose for their lives. It's a filling in that it overflowed out of their mouths ? , which Jesus referred to as the overflow from our lives. (Matthew 12:34) Its a coming upon in that it's like it's happening "in time" , one minutes it not on them and the next minute it is!!!!! Its a baptism because it's an initiation & it's an immersion in the Spirit. Quote
Artyro Posted December 11, 2021 Report Posted December 11, 2021 It is a gathering of a body of belivers that are on one accord . The holy spirit comes as a mighty wind and many awesome fruits of the holy spirit is displayed Quote
Artyro Posted December 12, 2021 Report Posted December 12, 2021 Reading Verse 6 . they asked The Lord will you be restoring Jerusalem and Jesus gives that answer, in verse 7 "it is not for you to know times or seasons which the father has put into his authority but you shall be baptized with the holy spirit When You read Revelations 21:2 . Then I john saw a holy city , New Jerusalem coming down from heaven from God prepared as a bride adorned for her husband Quote
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