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Q3. (Acts 4:12) What are the implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God? How does this conviction energize evangelism? Why does our culture resist this belief so adamantly?

  • 1 month later...

The implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God are as follows:

If you don't believe in Jesus you will not be able to enter the kingdom of God because your sins are not forgiven. Only those who believe that Jesus died for their sins on the cross will be saved.

If Jesus is the only way to God then people must know the truth about the Word of  God. For that to happen the Word should be preached to all the people and all nations. More people should be involved in spreading the Good news and in this way evangelism will be energized.



Q3.The implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the only way to God are that unless you believe Jesus died on the cross and God raised Him from the dead you will not go to Heaven. Romans 10v 9 That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. This conviction should energise us to greater lengths with evangelism. Unless each of us as individuals goes and talks to people about Jesus they will be lost. We have to cooperate with God in at least telling people, and then pray that the seed we sow will be blessed by God. Our culture is too comfortable with their lives to feel any need for God. They are arrogant thinking they know better than God just what this world needs. But  they have to make their own choices if they choose to rebuff efforts made by others to speak about God to them, We can do no more other than pray and lead good and upright lives before them. 


Jesus is the only way to God, the implication being all other gods and their religions are false gods/idol worship.  This is hard for people to hear in our pluralistic culture and comes across as judgmental to many.  That is why it is so important that we, as Christians, represent Christ well.  We should be known for our love, as He was, and also known for speaking the truth in love, as He was known.  When we understand that Jesus is the only way to salvation and are filled with true love for the lost, evangelism will catch fire in our souls.


What are the implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God? How does this conviction energize evangelism? Why does our culture resist this belief so adamantly?

As someone who grew up in a secular home (and was married to a Jew), this question has a visceral-like impact on my heart. Right now, I'm caring for my elderly father, a physicist/engineer and adamant atheist. He will soon die. Do I believe that he will be condemned to hell? 

Yes, I do believe this.

Those of us who are closer to secular culture understand the huge gulf in worldview and ways of thinking that separate Christians from seculars. But, we also know very good people who never believed -- they are good in the sense of being kind and moral. Christians raised in the church seem more wishy-washy about the exclusive claims made within orthodox Christian faith. Those of us outside the church may seem more harsh to life-Christians.

There is one God. His son is Jesus. Salvation is by no other than Jesus. The Holy Spirit doesn't come (in some sort of fullness) into those who don't believe. 

And that's it. Period. There is no room for negotiation.

But ... general grace exists, what Pastor Ralph calls "prevenient grace," which pulls at the heartstrings of nonbelievers. And, I believe, that same grace trickles down to leaven all social and political structures. Without His grace, the world would self-destruct quickly.

So though it is  difficult for me to imagine every single person I know and love going to hell, I know that this is the binary Christian message. There are no other choices. Only two. Either believe or don't believe. There is no purgatory or waiting place or 'tweener position. Heaven or hell await us.



Jesus is the exclusive way to God, the implications to this truth is that those who will choose to believe this truth will have eternal life, and not only eternal life to come but even their life here on earth will have benefits mentioned on the book of psalms 103:3-5.

On the other hand for those who reject this truth by whatever reason they have, the bad news is that they are already condemned John 3:18. Also they will be eternally damned in the lake of fire as written in the book of revelation 20:15.

This conviction energize evangelism because it gives us as the church that urgency of making more effort to reach those people who are unreached yet bay this gospel of truth. And to those who have been reached but they hardened their hearts we continue to pray for them that grace of God to reach them one day that they will believe.

Our culture resists this belief so adamantly because of some several factors in which to me is vain and it's the deception of the evil one whom from the beginning was against the salvation. However he will end up in the lake of fire with those who will choose to follow him.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q3. (Acts 4:12) What are the implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God?

It means one is lost if one fails to believe and accepts him as Savior. My challenge though is the fate of those who did not hear the message of salvation or died before the coming of Jesus Christ.

How does this conviction energize evangelism?

It means we have a responsibility to prayerfully and earnestly seek to take the word to the unsaved to deliver them from going to hell.

Why does our culture resist this belief so adamantly?

I think one of the reasons is the enormousness of the challenge in evangelism. Another could be the imagination that cause us to wonder how a loving God will knowingly destroy his creation that were not opportuned to hear the word talk less of making up their minds before their death.

  • 4 months later...

The implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God is that he is the only way to God. It means that those who do not believe in Jesus as their savior will not be able to go to God. Knowing this we are committed to tell people about Jesus as our savior so that they can be saved. Our culture resist this belief so adamantly because we want everybody to be included but we don’t want to do the work to make this happen.

  • 1 year later...

Q3. (Acts 4:12)

What are the implications of believing that Jesus Christ is the exclusive way to God?

How does this conviction energize evangelism?

Why does our culture resist this belief so adamantly?

In Matth 1:21 we read that the angel said to Joseph that Mary was going to have a son and " .  .  .  thou shalt call His name Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." 

He is the only or the exclusive way to God.  No measure of right living , of giving alms, of working, of learning etc., can put you on the way to God or assure your salvation,  only through Jesus Christ  are we assured of salvation.  Many are not aware of this and it is us that do know it that should be making the others aware of this.  This energizes evangelism.  Many refuse to believe it.  They are sure that it is enough to  live a good life.

  • 5 months later...

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