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Q1 (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?

  • 1 month later...

The honor that God bestowed on Mary is that she would be the mother of God’s child. This honor cost her reputation in that she was pregnant and wasn’t married. Her response was that she was willing to the mother of God’s child. The discipleship lesson that I can learn from Mary’s response is that we need to do the work that God has assigned us to do on earth,


It cost Mary her reputation and risked her betrothal to Joseph. It also took charge of her life, her heart which in obediene to god would alsoin time be pierced as her son was crucified for us all despite his innocence. She is given the honour of being the mother of God, and the first to bear Christ to know him and love him in ways that none of his other followers can possibly do.


Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honour did God bestow on Mary? What would this honour cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response? 
What an honour to be the mother of the long-expected Messiah – giving birth to the Son of God! The angel told her she was highly favoured, and that the Lord was with her = truly blessed. This honour came with great risk. A poor young unmarried girl, in the culture of the day, risked potentially being stoned to death for adultery. 
Even telling her story about becoming pregnant by the Holy Spirit, risked being considered crazy as well. However, despite the possible risks she showed great love and maturity in willing to serve God. Mary has taught us that God can do the impossible, and we are to obey and trust Him in all circumstances. 


(Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary?

Favored by God to give birth to Jesus.

What would this honor cost her?

Her reputation would be destroyed.

What does her response to the angel indicate?

Stated the she was the Lord's servant and whatever the angel said would come to past. She trusted and believed

What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?

To be humble and submit to God.


Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? It is challenging to imagine a greater honor than this one. The people of Israel have long awaited the Messiah and to be the one to carry him in your womb and deliver him into the world goes beyond mere words.

What would this honor cost her? Not only her reputation but it changes the course of her life. Her dreams of her future with Joseph will be changed in ways she never imagined.

What does her response to the angel indicate? She may have been afraid at first but her fears I feel are calmed by his words to her and she is willing to do whatever the Lord wants of her.

What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response?  She didn't question God's word but believed and trusted it. Lord, help me to believe and trust whatever God's plan is for each day in my life and let it unfold with my willingness to do His will. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen. 



Q1.whst honor did God bestow on Mary? The one of Being the mother to His son Jesus Christ

What would this honor cost her. It will cost her being pregnant and young age and out of wedlock

What does her response to the angel indicate? That she is willing to do what God wants with  her 

what discipleship  lesson we learn  from Mary's answer?

As discipleship we need to honor and do what the Lord require of us.



The honor to be Jesus mother, there is no higher honor.

The owner cost her her reputation in the community and at first A chance to lose Joseph to be your husband.

Her response immediately was yes anything that God she would honor.

it teaches me to trust God and whatever you ask of me or send me to have faith and trust.


He bestowed on Mary blessings,  the Angel stated Blessed are you among women!! By accepting this holy fate she was jeopardizing her marriage and the fact that she would be accused of losing her virginity.   She was known by God to be a Faithful servant.  A young woman of strong faith.

On 8/29/2021 at 2:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1 (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?


6 minutes ago, Janzie said:

1. a. The honor was to become the mother of the Son of God.

    b. It would cost her her reputation and being accused of losing her virginity and possibly losing Joseph.

    c. Her response indicated that she was willing and obedient.

    d. I can learn that a Word from God is to be acted upon willingly as there is always a blessing from Him in obedience.



Mary is giving birth to God's son, Jesus and her reputation is not looking good at this time. Women are not to become pregnant prior to marriage. But she has the right mindset of wanting to serve God in everything. Mary was the true servant of God.

This lets me know that no matter what Gods wants me to do, I shouldn't hesitate to accept and perform my duties. 


Q1. Mary was given the unique honour of bearing the Son of God. 
This honour would cost her dearly. She would loose her reputation. Nobody would understand what was happening to Mary apart from the fact that she was having a baby out of wedlock. She also risked loosing her betrothed Joseph, she didn’t know at the time that Joseph would have his own encounter which would result in him  taking  Mary and looking after her.

Mary’s response to the angel showed that she was willing to accept this great responsibility from God despite how it will affect her personal ly . She is willing to trust God and to be obedient to His.

The lesson for me as a disciple of God is that I also need to trust God and obey His whatever the personal cost.


What honor did God bestow on Mary? He told her she was highly favored ( accepted) by God himself, and that she would give birth to the Messiah!

What would this honor cost her? The initial cost was so great. Potential misunderstanding from Joseph, their families, the community at large. Shame cast upon her. Fear. Unknowing. Loneliness and isolation. The cost later would be great responsibility and great heartache. Obviously, the Salvation of all overshadows any cost- but the cost was real and felt.

Mary's response indicates? Faith, submission, humility ,trust.

Discipleship lesson? Ah, to be so yielded to God. Humble ,submitted, accepting.



Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary?

To be the Mother of Jesus the Messiah (Son of God). 

What would this honor cost her?

Disgrace/Dishonor in the community at large, disfavor with her family. Misunderstanding from Joseph her betrothed. Terrible anguish eventually as she would see her Son beaten and nailed to the cross. In general a Mother feels and shares her child's pain. This would be so too. 

What does her response to the angel indicate?

She wanted to know how it would come about, but she was also totally submitting to God's will. 

What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response?

To not question the all knowing God. To submit to His will and guidance even if I do not understand. To obey no matter the cost. 

  • 2 weeks later...

Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary?

The privilege to be the mother of the Son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit

What would this honor cost her?

She would be suspected and accused of adultery and even stoning to death

What does her response to the angel indicate?

Humility and submission to the will of God

What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response?

As disciples, we should be willing to submit to God’s will and obey his instructions to us. So help me Lord.

  • 11 months later...

1. The honour was that she would have the privilege of being the mother of the Son of God (the long awaited Messiah)

2. She would be accused of adultery: rejected by Joseph, rejected by the community - evern stoned

3. She was willing to obey God (even though she didn't fully understand) & trust Him for the outcome

4. As disciples we should be willing to obey God (even when we don't fully understand) & trust Him for protection & the outcome 🙏


Q1. (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary's response?

God bestowed on Mary the honour to be the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of God through the power of the Holy Spirit!!.

The honour would cost her social ridicule and divorce for being pregnant without officially joining with her husband.

Lesson I am learning is to tell God, let it be to unto me as you plan it even when I do not understand.












On 8/29/2021 at 2:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1 (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?

That Mary would be blessed among women and she was favored by God and that she would be the mother of Jesus. It would cost her reputation


On 8/29/2021 at 2:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1 (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?



She would be the mother of the son of God. 

Her reputation would be false, such as, lied on, talked about as if she committed fornication. 

She was willing to obey God and not worry about what she didn't understand.

We should obey God even when we don't understand.


Our Lord bestowed his bounty on humankind and Our Savior became flesh.


Mary sees herself as a handmaiden in service to God.


The Holy Spirit "would 'overshadow' her and bring about conception."


We can make commitments the Lord that he nurtures.

  • 11 months later...

God bestowed the honor of being the mother of His only begotten son upon Mary.  an honor that would cost her her reputation among her fellow man because she was yet a virgin who knew not a man. It might have even cost her her relationship with Joseph had the angel of the Lord not spoken to him.  Her response to the angel indicates that she believe the angel was from the Lord and she could trust him to be truthful,  As disciples of God we should take Him at His word and trust Him to deliver on His promises because He is not a man that he should lie.  Not now does not mean that God will not keep His promise .  Waiting teaches us be patient.

On 8/29/2021 at 7:45 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1 (Luke 1:26-38) What honor did God bestow on Mary? What would this honor cost her? What does her response to the angel indicate? What discipleship lesson can you learn from Mary’s response?

The honour God bestowed on Mary is to be the mother of the Messiah. 
The honour will cost her the risk of being disgraced, heartache, sufferings and loss. 
Her response to the Angel indicates willingness to do God’s will. 
The discipleship lesson is total submission and obedience. Total surrender to God. 


Sorry I am a late starter, hopefully will catch up with time

  1. Mary was bestowed with the honour of being the mother of the God - awesome
  2. Agree totally with Con' response above; the honour will cost her the risk of being disgraced, rejection by her betrothed and his family and most probably by her own family as well as she would have brought shame to the family. I am just imagining the way single mothers are scorned upon in my community. One is made to feel an outcast 
  3. Her response to the Angel indicates total surrender to God’s plan for her. I am reminded of the song "God make me an instrument ......I lift up my hands in your name". I pray that one day I will reach that level of total commitment to God without considering how people will view me
  4. I think the discipleship lessons here are total surrender to God's will, complete trust in Him and obedience That is, one should be prepared to be used by God

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