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Wonderful Counselor- The Highest of all reveals His mysteries to the least of all

Mighty God- All powerful Creator & Sustainer of the universe 

Everlasting Father- The One who always was & forever will be

Prince of Peace- His rule in His children's lives anchors us with stability & calm

If I'm walking in the light of these truths  I need not fear anything in this world. Whatever happens I know He will lead me into His presence at last & forever.


He is Wonderful Counselor because of the amazements that people are left stunned. 

He is the Mighty God due to being powerful and all knowing. He is the beginning and the end. The Creator of all.

He is the Everlasting Father because there's no one else like him. He is our father forever. Through all eternity.

He is the Prince of Peace because he said put all your cares on him and do not worry about tomorrow. His peaceful words calms our souls when we build a relationship with him. 

Once we build a relationship with God, then all the things He is will be known with understanding. For instance, lately when I start worrying about how am I to pay a bill or reach a deadline for work, my mind goes to wait a minute God said not to worry put your cares on him and He will see you through and that is how I manage to overcome my anxieties. My mind goes to Him and His words and I pray on it. I used to worry so bad which caused stomach issues. None of that now.


Jesus is my counselor, I can go to him, and I should when there are things in my life where his guidance is imperative.  I can always trust his decisions and guidance.

He is the Mighty Supreme Being. There is nothing he can’t do that he has not already done. I can trust him to protect me against all things.

Everlasting Father, He Will each over me and guard me and supply all my needs.

He is my Prince of Peace, He is my keeper, He is there to help me figure things out.  To reconcile the issues of life and to realize that nothing matters, but the peace and fulfillment and the wholeness he brings into my life..

I should realize that He is all that matters and all I need. He was there in the beginning of my life, and He will be there in the end when I go home to be with him. Thank You Lord God!!


Q1. Jesus is the Mighty God and Everlasting Father , He is a divine child , at the same time He is always present, always has been, is just now and will be in the future. He is eternally a Father to all who love and follow Him.

Jesus is Wonderful Counselor because His wisdom is beyond our understanding and we can only be amazed by it. Everything He does in the way of plans, designs and purposes are marvellous.

Jesus is Prince of Peace because He is the only one who can bring about true reconciliation, and wholeness . He is the only one who can give us peace beyond understanding. 
Q2. The knowledge of these titles makes me bow in adoration and humility. At the same time I know I have nothing to fear or worry about because I belong to Him. Jesus will counsel me as needed, He will provide all I need, He will be with me always and He will show me His true peace. Amen


Wonderful Counselor -- advisor, planner, designer

Mighty God -- warrior, militant, powerful, majestic

Everlasting Father -- trinitarian, shepherding, eternal

Prince of Peace -- completer, peace-creator, sustainer

Knowing how Jesus is described makes feel distant from Him. I understand that there is a qualitative distance, that God is "wholly other," and though I may have glimpses into His character, His will and person will always remain inscrutable, or beyond my intellectual capacity.

This is the transcendent God. No synonyms can capture the meaning of the words above: Counselor, God, Father, Prince. 

I find it interesting that these nouns are given adjectives: wonderful, mighty, everlasting and peace.


Q6. (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of His titles affect our relationship to Him? 
We can always depend on Jesus to provide us with good instruction, proper guidance, and correct advice, even in times of trouble. He guides us with grace and righteousness, and will never cause us to go astray. As the God-Man, Jesus is both the all-powerful Father, for whom nothing is impossible, and who can sympathise with us in our human weakness. He is the all-sufficient Saviour who loves us enough to die for us. He is God manifest in the flesh (1 Tim 3:16), and the True God of eternal life (1 John 5:20). Jesus, the Everlasting Father and God’s Son – both separate but one with Him – “I and My Father are One” (John 10:30). His presence brings peace and inner tranquillity to those who have placed their trust in Him, even in the midst of troubling circumstances. The glory of who He is and what He has done for us will fill us with wonder. We can never really look at Jesus, really know Him, and be bored. He is Wonderful and will fill our heart and mind with amazement!
The Messiah, our Saviour Lord Jesus Christ is Wonderful. 

On 8/29/2021 at 2:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6.  (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Wonderful Counselor - You can come to Him and receive counsel, direction, advice, something you never thought of before but it is quickened to you by His Spirit.

Mighty God  - He us all powerful, almighty, strong, nothing is impossible with Him, All knowing, all understanding, etc.

Everlasting Father - He was in the beginning and He will be forever. He is a Father, loving us, caring for us, providing for us, teaching us.

Prince of Peace - He gives us His peace, not like the world.  There is nothing like His peace - comfort and contentment.  Now we have received not the spirit of this world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. (1 Cor. 2:12)

For all the things He is and all the things that He has done for us, provided for us, loves us, cares for us we should give Him first place in our lives.  We don't need to look anywhere else.  He provides and satisfies every need.


Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6.

The amazing titles given to Jesus tells me that this child will come to be a Wonderful Counselor,
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.  This will be someone that I can go to help with all aspects of my life.  If I am troubled he will be there to guide me, his power will give me strength, he will give me peace and comfort me in my time of need.  Most of all his live for me is everlasting.

How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Knowledge of his titles deserve me to give him respect, praise and honor.

On 8/29/2021 at 2:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6.  (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Our Wonderful Counselor guiding us everyday, Our Mighty God so strong to lift us up when we fall, Our Everlasting Father who will be with us for eternity, Our Prince of Peace who gives us peace when the world around us is shaking.

It should draw us closer to him, to rely on him and surrender all to him.


Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Wonderful Counselor 

Mighty God

Everlasting Father

Prince of Peace

Truly it encompasses all of life's needs. 

A Father is one who we look up to being the leader, the champion, the provider, the protector. And here we have Him being the EVERLASTING FATHER. He is always that. Never does it stop. 

A Counselor is someone you get advice from, whom you share your deepest secrets with, who guides you, who prays with you, who feels with you what you are going through. Here we have Him being a WONDERFUL COUNSELOR. Wonderful being admirable or terrific. Giving counsel that I can trust. 

A Prince taken to be a champion among men. A PRINCE Of PEACE is thus a champion peace bringer.  Peace can be brought about in many ways. Can be by removing  the "obstacles" causing problems or changing these obstacles or enabling the one without peace to experience peace in the storm. 

Then also MIGHTY GOD. Can be seen as a warrior God. No one can stand against Him. He is the King of kings. 


Q6. Title given to Jesus by Isaiah

Prince of peace

He will bring peace on earth

Wonderful counselor 

Whenever we need advice and counsel  , Jesus is going to be that in us

Everlasting father

A father that will always with us , never live nor forsake us till the end

Mighty God

He is our strength  when we are weaken .Whenever troubles if life overwhelm us He is the to give us power to conqour


Q6. (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

He is our God available to give useful advice in times of need, a Great Warrior to fight and win our battles and keep us at peace forever because he is our everlasting Father.

  • 11 months later...

Q6. (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

The amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 are:

[Wonderful Counselor] the One available when there is need to know what to do when to do, that is, he is our adviser-he is our Legal Adviser;

[Mighty God]- the One and only Being who is the greatest in power to create life, deliver, protect than no other; the one and only God who is greater than the greatest.

[Everlasting Father] He is forever there and available to be the Shepherd who leads, protects and provides our needs for ever. Hallelujah.

[Prince of peace] In chaotic world we are in, he provides the needed peace for us and is our ‘tranquilizer’!!!

Being reminded of his wonderful titles that mean so much in meeting every area of my needs should make me be glued to him in faith and obedience, so help me Lord.


Q6.  (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Wonderful Counselor is available to give suggestions, instructions, and advice that will help in troubled times./

Mighty God is the only one that is above all humans and will give support to all as needed. He is no respective of anyone.

Everlasting Father is always within his true believers and will never leave them.

Prince of Peace continually gives peace and display how to receive it with joy.

We must trust that he will be with us and protection us. We must understand and believe he doesn't want us to be worried about anything, rest in him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q6. (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Prince of Peace

This means Jesus is the reason we can live peacefully with God the Father.


This means He is the Divine Son of the God the Father.


Everlasting Father

This means He is the Eternal power.  He is the Alpha and Omega.


Mighty God

This power of God is made available to us through his Son Jesus.  Even though he is just born He is still powerful.


Wonderful Counselor

This means He is both God and Man.  And being counseled by God , He gives great counsel.

  • 11 months later...
On 8/29/2021 at 2:52 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q6.  (Isaiah 9:6) Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?

Wonderful Counselor - Meaning in every problem or decision need to be made in my life, He is there to give me counsel in every need.  I just need to come to Him.

Mighty God - He is the all powerful God, all knowing, all seeing, all wisdom.  He is Mighty not just in my life but all over the world He has created.  He is my Hero, the one who has delivered me, healed me, set me free, my Rescuer, a Mighty God.  He fights all my battles, wins all my victories.

Everlasting Father -  He is a Father to the homeless, the sick, the needy and He is a Shepard to all His people, protecting them, providing for them, & caring for them.

Prince of Peace - There is no other peace like His peace.  He brings peace in the midst of a storm, comfort, rest.  When things are a mess, you know He knows what is going on and all we need to do is to Trust Him.

Knowing His titles shou8ld draw us to Him, looking to Him, trusting in Him and believing His Word and knowing He has already won the Victory.


  1. Paraphrase in your own words the amazing titles given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6.
    • you did it so well Pastor Ralph, in the text I will only be repeating your words if I were to give an answer here
  2. How should knowledge of his titles affect our relationship to him?
    • Wonderful Counselor
      • We should pray for the spirit of discernment that enables to listen to His voice and be prepared to be guided by him in everything ,
    • Mighty God
      • He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords; All powerful, omnipotent, as such he should have the ultimate say in our lives. When in doubt what does the Bible say. The Bible should thus be the manual that guides the way we should live
    • Everlasting Father
      • Father figure is all loving and caring. In this case He is said to be everlasting suggesting his omnipresent nature unlike earthly fathers who, even tough they may love us, may not always be there. So we can call on Him from anywhere anytime. Above all He is father to all not just a select few
    • Prince of Peace
      • To me the word Prince here is highlighting Jesus' human nature as the son of God and therefore brings Him closer to me. Together with the other previous titles He acts nd a peacemaker between me and God. He is my advocate so to speak and in Him I find peace and reconciliation with the Father

Not only is is Jesus a wonderful person being both God and man, having two natures that are different one from the other, He is wonderful counselor in respect to His people for whom He is counselor and gives the council.  He advises sinners to repent, encourage souls to believe in Him, directs the weary to come to him for rest, councils them to sin no more, to behave in a humble and modest manner, to bear reproaches and persecution cheerfully. to love one another, and to pray to the Father in His name for all the things they want.  This council is given by the ministry of the Word which is the counsel of God.  A mighty God being manifested in the flesh, a great, living, and true God, and eternal life.  Mighty in the creation of all things out of nothing, the upholding of all things by the word of His power, for noting was done but what He was concerned in, and above all the great work of redemption. Christ and the Father are one, the Father in Him, and He is in the Father.  As author of eternal life He was before all person and things, was set up in an office and capacity from everlasting and had a glory with the Father before the world was, the Father of the world to come after the resurrection , the New Jerusalem.  He is Prince by birth being the King's Son, the Son of God, and by office, power and authority. Exalted to be a Prince and a Savior, He is called the Prince of Peace because He is the author of peace, His Kingdom lies in peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

Knowledge of His titles should cause us to acknowledge Him in all our ways and let Him direct our paths, knowing that He is all powerful and ever present and only wants what is best for us.  Because of His love and care for us He will never leave us or forsake but will give us peace and a home in His kingdom.

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