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Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

  • 1 month later...

Joseph ‘s faith is amazing.  He knew the scrutiny, gossip and cruelty that he and Mary ere likely to endure.  Yet, he was obedient and believed.  The story was likely to taint his reputation for the rest of his life, yet he did what he was told.  His actions must have been such a comfort to Mary.  Joseph often is overlooked, but his role was critical and he rose to the challenge.


Joseph had an upright character. He had faith in God and that is what made him except Mary as his wife. I’m sure that Joseph’s reputation in the community was tarnished but so was Mary’s.


Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character?  Despite what he believes Mary has done, he chooses not to disgrace her with his solution of a quiet divorce. He couldn't have known that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit without direct communication from God about it. It shows how he loves Mary and doesn't want to make things worse for her. 

His faith?  After the dream, he obeys what God's angel had told him to do. He doesn't question it so his faith in God must be strong. 

When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?  This we can only imagine but it could have affected his work as a carpenter and I am sure it affected relationships with people he had in Nazareth.  Did they try to tell people that this baby to come would be the Messiah? Did Joseph tell his friends and family about the dream? There are more questions then answers but we, too, can have faith in God and his word here to us. 


Joseph was a man that did not act impulsively, even though the word in Greek indicates a struggle & passionate inner emotions involved in his initial decision. God was able to intervene & give clarity to Joseph in his turmoil.

Joseph demonstrated his faith by trusting & believing that the angel's word to Him was from God. He was reminded that his own lineage as son of David made him eligible for the honor of Messiah being born through his parentage. He believed the scriptures concerning Messiah that he studied from childhood.  He could believe that Mary could indeed be a virgin as scripture foretold.

He did not let the suffering of his or Mary's reputation take precedence over his obedience to God. 

I wondered about the fact that Joseph was not told about what was going to take place at the same time Mary was. Surely they could have faced the news together and have been an encouragement to each other.  Perhaps from God's perspective He wanted each to learn to stand first on Him alone before they stood together. 


I never thought about these passages from Joseph's perspective -- it took a male pastor to point this out! -- but now, I'm drawn to Joseph's thoughtfulness, stability and maturity. He wasn't impulsive or even bitter. He even "quietly" sought to end the marriage. And, he took the brunt of her shame by accepting the social stigma of being the sort of man who would force himself on a young girl.

He put obedience to God above reputation and concern about what community gossips were saying.

He obeyed the angel. That's all we know about his faith. We don't know if he prayed or struggled with this decision, but only that, in the end, he obediently submitted. Obedience says a lot, doesn't it?  It speaks of a character that had learned to obey in smaller tests earlier in life, and now knew how to obey in larger tests. I believe Joseph was a man who had had a difficult life and thus had to struggle and push past obstacles in a moral, godly manner.

  On 12/5/2021 at 2:21 PM, LT Lady said:


I wondered about the fact that Joseph was not told about what was going to take place at the same time Mary was. Surely they could have faced the news together and have been an encouragement to each other.  Perhaps from God's perspective He wanted each to learn to stand first on Him alone before they stood together. 


Good point!  


Our Pastor spoke on Joseph- Thhe Forgotten Man of Christmas.

This is the summation of of his sermon.

"A man who simply did what God said."

As we all should do.

Have a Blessed Week,



  On 8/29/2021 at 6:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?


It tells us that Joseph was a God fearing man, strong and not touched at what the world thinks.

It I'm sure  put a strain on his reputation, and looked down on.


Q8. These verses show us that Joseph was a kind, loving and thoughtful man. Before he knew the facts behind Mary’s pregnancy, he was thinking about her, rather than his own feelings, hurt and disgrace. When God spoke to him he did not hesitate to obey Him despite the consequences. He doesn’t think about his own reputation which would be ruined. He would lose face in his family and in the synagogue, and among his friends and neighbours. He truly loved Mary and took her to his home to look after her.


What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith?

Joseph was God-fearing, compassionate and righteous man.  Joseph faith was bold and resilient.

When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

His reputation an an upright Jew was tarnished.  He is seen to acknowledge his own sexual impropriety, unworthy of an upright Jew, but he was obedient to God.



These verses tell me that Joseph’s character was upright, and compassionate it reflected the actions of a true believer in God, in which he displayed through his faith.  And also in his obedience and humbleness. 
Joseph’s reputation was tainted, he was no longer considered a upright Jewish man.  But his reputation was far less important than the reputation and life of Mary and that of the Holy Child of God he was to raise.


Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew? 
One can only imagine Joseph being totally devastated on hearing about Mary’s pregnancy. He knew it was not his child, and that Mary being a righteous person would not have been unfaithful to him; things just don’t seem to add up. I think Mary couldn’t have told him what had happened – who was going to believe her anyway? He doesn’t understand the situation but one thing he knows is that no righteous Jew would go ahead with the marriage. He loved Mary and so much wanted her to be his wife, but, above all, he was a kind-hearted man, a righteous person (Luke 1:6), a man of principle, one who with his whole heart wanted to live in accordance with the will of God, the God who took so very seriously the breaking of the marriage vow. So, the only outcome seems to be a quiet divorce. By doing this he will take the blame for her pregnancy, and in this way protect her from utter shame, disgrace, and perhaps even stoning to death. But, while this gentle uprighteous man was trying to work out a strategy to protect Mary, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and explained that her pregnancy was a miracle of the Holy Spirit. Consenting to marry Mary would cast doubt on his own innocence regarding the pregnancy, as well as leaving them both with a social stigma they would carry for the rest of their lives, but at least the child would be seen to be his own. As a result of the angel's intervention, Joseph abandoned his plan to divorce Mary, and he continued to recognize their betrothal until Jesus' birth, after which he married her. 


(Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character?

His faith?

He was a faithful, kind, upright man. Definately thoughtful. We see his priority was to protect Mary, even as he sought to divorce her quietly.

He trusted God. When he was told by the angel about Mary's pregnancy, he believed and did not fight against it but supported her and took her home as his wife

When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

His reputation as an upright Jew is spoilt. The fact that he takes her home reflects to all and sundry that he "spoilt" Mary's flawless character and got her pregnant before they should officially have come together. 

  On 8/29/2021 at 6:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?


1. a. That he was a righteous man, obedient, God fearing, compassionate, considerate and willing to protect Mary.

    b. His faith was bold and resiliant.

    c. It effects his reputation to the townfolk, he seems to acknowledge his own sexual impropriety unworthy of an upright Jew.


As a Jew, a man will not take a woman to be his wife if she is pregnant. I'm sure he was hurt and devastated and knew he could get a divorce for that reason. His reputation was on the line. But he was told to marry Mary anyway because of who the child represents. The son of God. He was a man of God and did as he was told. Joseph and Mary were very obedient to God.


Q8 Joseph's character 

Joseph was a man of integrity  , although aware of the impact of Mary's pregnancy was going to do to Him and community , but he chose to listen to the angel and went on with the wedding. He us portrayed as man if great faith 

Taking Mary to his home as wife was going to tarnish  his reputation , as Mary was pregnant before marriage but chose  to go on with the wedding inspite of


Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? His faith?

A man righteous man who is faithful to obey the law, yet he would not want to disgrace Mary thus his decision to secretly divorce her.

 When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

His decision to obey God by taking Mary home exposed him to the public as an immoral man who deserves no respect again.

  • 11 months later...

Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

He was a man of integrity and compassionate. He obeyed God and was willing to accept ridicule from the people. 

He had great faith in God and was willing to obey.

There was gossip about Mary being pregnant, but he didn't care. Joseph was looked upon as being a sinful person, but regardless of the gossip, he was determined to obey God.



Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

Joseph was a righteous pious gentleman that would not want to associate with sin thus he wanted divorce Mary. But being a good gentleman, he did not want humiliate Mary and thus wanted do it quietly to protect her.

Taking Mary home meant that he was willing to bear the gossip and even the sanctions to be meted against him for having an affair with Mary before they were legally married.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character?

Reflect on who he was, and what it means that he is our spiritual Father.  He was attempting to protect Jesus during a troubling political time.

His faith?  Joseph shows us how we can become a help to Mary and Jesus by finding a way to lift them out of trouble and danger.


When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

He was a model of masculinity and strong by showing respect towards Jesus and Mary.  He is quietly strong.  It is a beautiful way to get to know Joseph and begin to appreciate his value as a leader of the Church.


Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character?

Reflect on who he was, and what it means that he is our spiritual Father.  He was attempting to protect Jesus during a troubling political time.

His faith?  Joseph shows us how we can become a help to Mary and Jesus by finding a way to lift them out of trouble and danger.


When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?

He was a model of masculinity and strong by showing respect towards Jesus and Mary.  He is quietly strong.  It is a beautiful way to get to know Joseph and begin to appreciate his value as a leader of the Church.

  • 11 months later...

These verse tells us that even though Joseph was not righteous for Romans 3:10 says "There is none righteous, no not one" , he was observant of the law of God, good, chaste, and compassionate, for he was not willing to make a public example of  Mary.

It was his faith that cause him to believer the Angel. Because of his bold and resilient faith and not willing that she be made a public example, he took Mary home as his wife and publicly claimed her to be his wife even though he did not consummate the marriage.

The Jews looked upon him as ungodly and unchaste but when he took Mary home to be his wife even though he knew she was pregnant and he was not the father proved then wrong.  He proved to be both godly and chaste displaying the love of God and forgiveness.

  • What do these verses tell us about Joseph's character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife,
    • These verses tell us that Joseph was a righteous, God fearing, compassionate man with unshakable faith
    • he obeys God and accepts the great responsibility of raising a child that wasn't his in the face of being seen as a weak man in his society
  • How does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?
    • Joseph risked being ridiculed by his fellow men, being looked at as a sinner, exposing his sexual impropriety unworthy of an upright Jew
  On 8/29/2021 at 6:54 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q8. (Matthew 1:18-25) What do these verses tell us about Joseph’s character? His faith? When he takes Mary home to be his wife, how does this affect his reputation in Nazareth as an upright Jew?


Joseph was a just man, he heard from God and became obedient and  stepped out in faith, with a heart of compassion to  marry Mary. So he humbled himself and took the blame as if he were the father, to avoid a public scandal.  

This incident is unworthy of an upright Jew, therefore affecting his reputation in Nazareth,. 


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