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Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

  • 3 months later...

I think that the reason that God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged is because they are the ones that keep coming to him for help. The unloved, overlooked and looked-down-upon in our city are the poor. I am demonstrating the Messiah’s love and justice to them by donating to organizations that are helping them.


Jesus lived among the poor and disadvantaged while on Earth. While ministering he “had no place to lay his head”. He was despised and mistreated. “When he saw the crowds he had compassion on them because they were harassed and helpless (Matt 9:36)” God is a god of mercy, compassion, and love. He doesn’t judge like man does. 
I live in a retirement community. There are many lonely people here. Also some just scraping by monetarily. I try to reach out as I can. Even a friendly word means so much to people. I used to help with our church’s intercity outreach. I still try to support that work in ways other than being there physically. I pray for and give to ministries that support the needy around the world. I’m challenged by today’s devotional to look for ways to do more, since this is God’s heart. 


Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

I think God looks with care on anyone who seeks Him, not merely the poor or disadvantaged, but the wealthy and advantaged who humble themselves. The Bible speaks of the poor often because they were in a perilous, life-threatening position in society. But a soldier on the front lines is in a life-threatening position, as is a nurse who exposes himself to deadly pathogens.  These are the truly vulnerable people in society, not merely those with section 8 housing and EBT cards. In a way, the government "safety net" redefined who is vulnerable. Now, it includes those who strive to live free from government dependence, but are constantly reeled back into dependence by the programs that supposedly help them.

I have given away most of what I have and am praying to God to bless me again with wealth so I can give away more. 

  On 8/29/2021 at 6:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?


1.  a. God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged because He hears their cry and sees their need, feels their pain and has compassion on them.

     b. The unloved are even people in your own family, who even carry the wounds of childhood.  Let them know they are loved by you and how much God loves them.              The overlooked may be parents in their old age or the elderly in a nursing home. I found out through my Mom who was the oldest in her family and the last to survive, felt alone because all her family was gone and people did not come to visit anymore.  For some reason, people neglect the elderly.  They really have so much to give, living all the years they did and the lessons learned. Visit one, they love the attention and the encouragement.   The looked down upon, they all respond to love.  It could be you.  God made us all equal and He loves everyone.  Show His love to all.  Like God does, look on their heart and see their need, not their outward appearance.

    c.  Show God's love, visit the elderly, treat everyone equally,  give to the missions, give to loving more, different ministries our church supports.

  On 8/29/2021 at 6:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?


Q1. The poor and disadvantaged have a special place in Gods heart because He has empathy with them. His precious Son was born into poverty and knew how difficult it was to survive. Jesus was dependent on others during His public ministry for a place to lay His head at night and for all his needs by day. 
They tend to be very grateful for everything they receive, so they honour God in this way. 
Q2.There are a lot of lonely people around of all ages. Especially those living alone, and the elderly. I work in a charity shop and it gives people opportunities to talk, and I am amazed at the number of people who are lonely. This includes people from all cultures and backgrounds. We don’t get people who are wealthy coming into the shop except sometimes to donate stuff to us. 

Q3. I visit some elderly people every few weeks. I take a few ladies out for coffee/ lunch who are in difficult home situations. I donate to a few Christian organisations who work with the marginalised abroad. The charity shop I work in supports a street children’s shelter which we paid for in India, we pay for the children’s education. We also support a few local charities for the homeless. I also knit for the poor in my spare time. 



12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

God has empathy for the poor and maginalised because he desires that all humanity share i the resources of his creation. He seeks restoration and equity. He promised this would come about through his Son who would rule with truth and justice. He calls those who are in Christ and renewed and empoered by the Holy Spirit to seek justice and love mercy - be concerned for the light of the widow and the orphan. 



Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in His heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love and justice to them? 
In Scripture we often see that our Lord has tremendous compassion for the poor and disadvantaged. God feels strongly about the needy and loves them so deeply, so it’s up to us not to ignore their plight. He will rescue them from unjust and cruel treatment, and He will show the world how precious their lives are to Him. Believers are told to give generously, knowing that we will reap generously (2 Cor 9:7-9). The unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon are the poor, the migrants, the children (the fatherless), the widows, the needy, the afflicted, the weak, the oppressed, the destitute, the hungry, the defenceless, are all very vulnerable and in this world are often taken advantage of. Widows, their children, and foreigners are to be given special consideration (Deu 24:19-21). The afflicted, the weak, the needy, and the oppressed have instant access to Him (Psalm 72:12-14). The wicked and evil often prey upon the poor and needy, and we are to “rescue them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:4). We are to defend or speak on behalf of the defenceless, those who cannot speak for themselves, or defend themselves in a court of law (Prov 31:8). Yes, our church is involved in caring for those less fortunate than we are. There is so much unemployment (about 40% - one of the highest in the world), and poverty in our country at present. Mostly due to rampant corruption. So, it goes without saying that the need is great. Many wonderful churches are deeply involved and doing wonderful work to ease the situation. 

  On 8/29/2021 at 6:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?


God knows their heart, the poor are humble and often cry out to God. Anyone can be unloved, overlooked and looked down on, so in my life I try to always be kind and helpful to everyone.


God has a special place for the poor and disadvantage because people judge them by the way they look, how much money they make, type of job, where they live, etc. Some people who are doing great tend to look down on others and make mockery of them. This is what God doesn't want us to do. For instance, homeless people are made fun of and some businesses will run them away from the property. We have to realize that there are many people homeless due to losing their jobs with no where to go, they are mentally ill with no one to look after them, or just have a stream of bad luck with life due to drugs. I try to treat people the same. I love talking to anyone and pray for them.


Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged?

God has a special  place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged because he is love and cares about the justice for the weak and powerless.  He does not judge by how they look but what is in their heart.

Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city?

The unloved, overlooked and those looked-down-upon are the poor, elderly and minorities.

What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

I treat people the same as I would like to be treated for starters.  Those that I know are in need I try to help.  I follow the Holy Spirit guidance's for those that truly need help and not just out to monopolized on their situation.


Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged?

God does not see as we see. God sees the heart. The real 'poor and disadvantaged' have often tried again and again and have not been able to overcome their problems. They seem to be genuine and these you find willing to cry to God for help and they too will be thankful for much or little, which is shared with them.

Just reading the book again "Hey! Preach you're coming through!", by David Wilkerson, verifies the fact that sometimes we are in a bad situation because of choice. Some come from good homes, loving parents, and yet because of stubbornness and refusal to "bow" to authority are living on the streets or dismal situations. 

Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city?

I think very much those who refuse to work when work is offered (the loiterers). The beggars who day after day stand at street corners begging and then using the gains for drugs. I think often these are misunderstood individuals who have been put off by authority so often that trust of other people is nil. Only way of survival in their minds is then the begging and immediate hunger satisfaction. Be it with alcohol or drugs or whichever means. 

The old people too seem to be very lonely. They are often a forgotten group. 

What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love and justice to them?

To be honest I don't really like answering this kind of question. It either makes one squirm and places one on a guilt trip or seems like one blows ones own trumpet. 

I do find that i have gone into debt trying to help from my side in different ways. 

Kindness and acceptance is one way of showing love to them. Accepting the hospitality they have to offer (accepting a glass of water offered by them). A stop and sit in the cool shade of a tree and a short chat is also important. 


Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged?

He knows that the poor and the disadvantaged are mal- treated by the society and this grieves him. He thus put measures for society especially those in authority to protect and provide for such disadvantaged people.

Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city?

In my country, they include widows, orphans and also those that come from certain geographically/religiously and politically disadvantaged areas.

What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love and justice to them?

As a Christian, I regret to say I have not done much on a large scale and need to hear the implied call for revival in these lessons and do more to demonstrate the love of the Messiah to the needy.


For them it happens due to evil oppression and wickedness, circumstances In Their life that they may have no control over.  We are all his children and He wishes that none of us should be without.  The Lord’s concern for them was declared among the people again and again through the law and the prophets of the Old Testament.  But not only for them, but also for us. That is having a heart for the poor and the alien, we are bein obedient to his command.  Love thy neighbor as thyself,  But I think he was not just looking for obedience because it was a command, but obedience in love for those in whom He loved.  The homeless the mentally ill and the addicts and those who are alien to my area. 
I often carry cash to give to people in need if they cross my path,  I have also purchased clothing, Bibles for the homeless and addicts.  I give to missions in my area , but it’s not enough.  My prayer is Lord help me to do more!!


Q12.Why do you think God has special place in His heart for the poor.

They are the most looked down upon , unloved and unrecognized.  Even if it is so God loved them as His children

Who are the unloved , unlocked  upon in your city?

The orphans , the widows uneducated

What are you doing to demonstrate  Messiah's love to them?

Nothing much personally , but where help is due I help


  • 11 months later...

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged?

He is sympathetic to their helplessness and desires they be treated with justice, righteousness and faithfulness.

Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city?

The above category of people are the social, religious and political outcast in my country Nigeria. Social outcast or poor are those due to different circumstances cannot afford the basic requirements for shelter, food, health, etc. They are many.

The religious and political outcast and needy happen to be those who are segregated upon and denied certain rights because those in authority pay more attention to their own in terms of employment and provision of amenities/ infrastructure.  

What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love and justice to them?

I by the grace of God, in my area of authority, I try to ensure fair play, justice and righteousness. I however need to do better especially in the area of love.

  • 2 weeks later...

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?

He knows they need help and his concern to help is necessary.

The less educated and the people that are not able to do as they should.

I give support with food, clothes, and other things as needed.


  • 11 months later...

God has a special place in His heart for the poor and disadvantaged because He is a just God, a God of love and compassion and he sees the injustice been done to them.  As a protector of the poor and disadvantaged it is His duty to defend and deliver them

The drug addict, prostitute, people of color, homeless, under-educated, poor and less fortunate are the unloved, overlooked and looked down on in my city.

I try to show them love through my behavior toward them, express my love, care and concern for them in conversation, help them financially when able, and tell them that God loves them in spite of their situation, and condition.

  • Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged?
    • God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged because often the world rulers see them as "losers" when they stand in court such that they are denied a fair hearing and thus denied justice. So Christ cares about justice for the weak and powerless, and becomes their advocate. In listening to the Our God listens to the weakest He becomes the voice of the voiceless
  • Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city?
    • There is a lot of unemployment as a result there are a lot of people on the streets begging or just loitering and becoming a 'nuisance'. I use this word nuisance with caution
    • Those without good education are also looked down upon
    • Sadly while English is not a first language in my country, those who cannot speak English are also marginalised
    • Those who live in the high density suburbs 
    • Now that I have started to think about it the list is endless
  • What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah's love and justice to them?
    • Pastor you have challenged me. Maybe I am not doing enough. Sometimes we prepare hampers for the families we worship with that we know are struggling. Other times we collect clothes  and food stuff to distribute.
    • but as I say we could do more, we will work on it. even if you may think you don't have enough there is always somebody with less and will appreciate a little help
  On 8/29/2021 at 6:57 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q12. (Isaiah 11:3-5) Why do you think God has a special place in his heart for the poor and disadvantaged? Who are the unloved, overlooked, and looked-down-upon in your city? What are you doing to demonstrate Messiah’s love and justice to them?


God has a special place in His heart for the poor and disadvantaged because they have nothing and no one to care and provide for them.  They need help and God is there for them and moving on the hearts of His people to have compassion and love for them, ministering to them and helping provide for their needs.  

The ones who are looked down upon in our city are the homeless, the elderly, the poor, the widows, the lonely, and the needy.

I was involved with the homeless that would come to pizza in the park, during the summer on Saturdays, distributing food, a message encouraging salvation and pray for them. The elderly being blessed by our visiting and prayer.  My neighbors that I would visit, and make cookies or a meal.


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