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Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23)   What can we learn from Joseph’s  action? How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God? How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

  • 3 months later...

Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action? What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God? How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? Do you believe God honours them as martyrs for the Messiah? 
Joseph is a man who is used to obeying God without asking questions. He knows God is sovereign and fully trusts Him and obeys as soon as possible. In the same way our faith and trust should be complete, without any doubts at all. We don’t have to know the outcome, we are to trust Him with all our heart, and not lean on our own understanding. If God directed us to take a specific action, the outcome will always be to our benefit. This brings up one of my favourite verses: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6). The death of infants/young children is always a mystery. I don’t think we will understand why innocent infants should be permitted to suffer great pain. Yet, the slaughter of these infants was foreseen by God, and it was in His cause that they were slain. It is estimated that about 20 to 30 died, and it may be that a greater evil in the future was hereby avoided. They died for Christ, as Christ afterwards died for men. Yes, I truly believe that they died as early martyrs for Christ. 


Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action?

He is ever obedient and act takes action without delays.

What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?

I do not think we need to know the outcome of any instruction from God before we take action because God know the end from the beginning. Furthermore, all his plans for us are plans for good and not for evil.

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?

I do ask similar questions sometimes especially in view of the evil and bloodshed caused by evil people in many parts in my country Nigeria and in many parts of the world.  

Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

I think so.


We can learn that we should also obey the Lord and not delay when He speaks to us. We don’t need to outcome before we say yes to God. We do know that God has our best interest in us and would not lead us into temptation.


God has given us all the right to do what we think is best good or evil. So it wasn’t God who slaughtered the babies it was a man. I do believe that God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah.


We can learn from Joseph’s action to obey God’s instructions to us without question or delay. See Matthew 1:24 for another example of Joseph’s quick response.

We may not know the outcome of what God might be telling us to do but we must be committed to trusting him. I think of Abraham’s obedience when told to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham did not understand the why’s but believed God would make a way for him through it. 

We can’t understand why God would call anyone to be martyred for their faith but it still happens frequently today. We know that the battle rages on between God and Satan.  Revelation 6:9-11 promises that their blood will be avenged by Jesus himself. I find great comfort in that. 

I believe these little ones will be honored as martyrs as they died before the age of accountability and are considered innocent before God. 



Joseph's action prove that we should jump to every opportunity God has for us. Joseph listened to God and followed his instructions to leave and go to their destination. Most importantly, he didn't ponder or wake Mary to ask what to do. He simply obeyed.

We don't need to know the outcome for what God tells us to do because he is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, He is the most high God that sees all and knows all. 

I see the slaughtered children, as sad as it is, a sacrifice for the son of God for what is to come. If it hadn't happened, things could have been worse. It makes me think on our trials and tribulations we go through in our lives. We must overcome the worst things in life to be stronger Christians. 

I believe the children who died are martyrs in honor of our Lord.


Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action?  His unquestioning faith and obedience are a role model for us. He doesn't let what's happening in his world derail him from trusting God. 

What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?  There is no need to know the outcome. It wouldn't be faith if we knew all the details. 

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?  I believe there is a plan and purpose beyond our understanding for everything, including God allowing the babies to be slaughtered, the twin towers to fall, etc. 

Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?  Yes, God is love and loves those babies who had no control over their fate. 



Q1. We can learn from Joseph how to obey God. He didn’t wait for any other sign or didn’t wait for daybreak Joseph got up straight away and prepared for the journey and left just  as he had been directed.

Q2.When God asks us to do something we do not need to know the outcome, only that we must do as we have been directed. Then we trust in God for our journey and outcome. I think of Abram in Genesis 12 at 75 years of age God directed Him to take his immediate family and his belongings and go to a “land I will show you “v 1. Abram had no idea where he was going but he trusted God.

Q3.We must trust God and the awful things that He allows. At times this can be very hard but we must have faith and trust. Some things are revealed to us and others are not, Deuteronomy 29v29,but in all things God is working out His purpose. I also find it hard because it is the one thing that I find comes up time and time again when speaking to non Christians and I have at times been told my answer is ‘a cop out’!

Q4.Genesis 18v25 Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?


What can we learn from Joseph’s  action? How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God? How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

Like Pastor Ralph explained, I'm impressed by Joseph's sudden obedience, his willingness to be irrational, not dawdle or ask God for clarification. He just did what he heard God tell him to do.  God's voice must have been very clear to joseph as he seemed to have no ambiguity about what he was supposed to do.

We don't need to know the outcome.  I do wonder, though, why God didn't warn the rest of the mums whose toddlers were murdered.

Pastor Ralph wrote that following Christ could be dangerous, but rewarding. I'm not so certain those murdered toddlers were "rewarded." The slaughter of innocents never ceases to amaze me and, frankly, causes me to doubt God's goodness. I have no idea of God honours martyrs. That would be somewhat mitigating, wouldn't it?










  On 8/29/2021 at 7:10 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23)   What can we learn from Joseph’s  action? How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God? How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?


1. a. Joseph knows that he heard God and was obedient and followed God's instructions immediately.  We need to be obedient like Joseph, and do it immediately, not delaying,  knowing that He knows best, He has a plan for us, it is always a good outcome and it is for our good.  

    b. We don't need to know the outcome, just be obedient.

    c.  God did not this evil thing, God is good.  It was a war between good and evil, Satan and his Creator.  These children were martyrs and we will see them in heaven someday.

    d.  Yes, I believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah. 

  • 2 weeks later...

God’s plan was worked out by Joseph’s obedience. 
Joseph trusted God, I don’t have to know the outcome if I trust God. Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.  God’s purpose not ours not mine.

Those babies are with him never to experience the physical and mental issues of the world.  And it it is His Will for His plan.

I don’t think martyrdom matters where these babies are concerned, it was not their choice it was the Lord’s.  It was all part of His plan.


Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action?

Instant obedience is best. Do not question God. Know that He knows best.

What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?

We don't need to know the outcome. What to us makes no sense at the time, remember God sees the end from the beginning. In Is 55:8&9 we are told that God's thoughts are not our thoughts, nor are His ways our ways. His are so much higher than ours. 

If we would always know the outcome, where would faith come in. 

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?

It was not Him that slaughtered them. (Just as throughout the ages bad things happen.) It is only in eternity that we will see the good that came from the bad things that have taken place. 

Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

Yes, He is a just God. 


Q 24 Mathew  2:13-24 What can we learn from  Joseph 's action.

We learn about a man who is obedient and yielded to the voice of the angel to flee, taking in mind that at some point the angel came to him to tell him not to live Mary who was pregnant through  the Holy Spirit  , now he knows better 

What should we have to know about  the  outcome  before  we  say  yes  to  God

You don't  need to know about the outcome , just have to take God at His word and believe in Him

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Betlehem?

God has always been good , and nothing bad comes from Him , but it's the work of the devil that we experience  bad things in life

Do you believe God honors them as good martrys fir the Messiah?


  • 2 weeks later...

What can we learn from Joseph’s  action?

Joseph was obedient to what the angle told him to do.  He did not ask any questions.

How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God?

We should not have to know any of the outcome before we say 'yes' to God.  Most of us do want to know ALL of the outcome.

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?

I will never understand why God allowed infants to be slaughtered but I trust him and know that the end results will be in our best interest

Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

I do believe God honors them as martyrs.  They were the first but were not the last.  All of us that follows Christ may be persecuted for his name sake.

  • 11 months later...

Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23) What can we learn from Joseph's action?

Joseph is obedient, quick to respond to instruction and committed to family’s welfare.

What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?

If we really know that God is the one talking to us, we do not have to know the outcome before we obey.

How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?

I really wonder!! But we cannot question a God who can give and take life.

Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

I believe he does.


Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23)   What can we learn from Joseph’s  action? How much do we have to know about the outcome before we say ‘yes’ to God? How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem? Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?

To obey and not ask questions. To trust God completely.

We just need to know that God will provide and to trust him. We don't need to know which way or how the outcome will be.

God knows what he is doing. Regardless of what he allows, it is some good that will come out of it.


  • 1 year later...

From Joseph's actions we can learn to obey and trust God even when we may not understand because He knows what is best for us.

We do not have to know anything about the outcome before we say yes to God  but we must have the faith to believe what He says and the willingness to obey.

I do not know how a good God can allow infants to be slaughtered no more than I can understand how innocent people were slaughter throughout the Bible days and how innocent infants, men, women, and children are being slaughtered in Palestine and the other war torn countries of this world; but I do no that what the devil meant for evil God will work it out for our good.  It is not for us to understand something God does but know that if He allows it, it is His will and the bigger picture will be revealed. His ways are not our ways neither are His thoughts are thoughts.

Whether God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah I do not know, but it was all part of God plans even if we don't understand why.

  • 3 weeks later...

Q24. (Matthew 2:13-23)

  • What can we learn from Joseph's action?
    • Obedience 
  • What should we have to know about the outcome before we say yes to God?
    • We don't have to know anything as long as we trust in him
  • How can a good God allow infants to be slaughtered in Bethlehem?
    • That bothers me also, often I am like Habakkuk asking why Lord?
  • Do you believe God honors them as martyrs for the Messiah?
    • Yees

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