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Q6. (1 Kings 18:21) What is the danger of syncretism? What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.? Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions?

  • 2 weeks later...

God has commanded us to put no other god before him! He is the one and only true living God. We can not serve him and something or someone else. He is first last and always! We want to put the way of the world before God. We want to live according to the world but go to heaven when we die!. As believers and Christians God is first before we do anything! They will be done !! Not my will! God's will comes before anything or anyone..no discussion.. No debate!!! Just YES to your will and your way!! AMEN


Q6. (1 Kings 18:21)

What is the danger of syncretism?

What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.?

Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions?

Syncretism is joining a whole lot of beliefs together , shaking them around and kind of blending what the person wants and believing that.  (My description after reading the description on Google.)  This goes against what we are taught  in God's Word.  Very certainly there is only ONE TRUE GOD. Whatever or whoever else is worshiped is figment of the imagination and idol worship.


I run up against syncretistic attitudes every single day as I'm surrounded by unbelievers in daily life, readings and activities. It is very helpful to be reminded that SPIRITUAL NEUTRALITY IS IMPOSSIBLE.  Yes. Yes. Yes. This is so true.

The supposed neutrality I often encounter, which is a form of syncretism, is agnosticism.  Agnostics like to think they've found a midway position between atheism and belief. It's easy to be an agnostic, I tell my agnostic friends, family and acquaintances, because it shuts down the mind -- at least atheism takes intellectual heft to defend.  But since most people aren't up to arguing for unbelief, they hide in the weeds of agnosticism. Atheism invites debate: Agnosticism ends conversation. Most agnostics claim they don't like contentious conversations that "go nowhere" but would rather be "polite" and "just get along." 

And so, the agnostic evades talking about the true God. 

I often write about the religion of Secularism because it exposes the non-neutrality of which Pastor Ralph describes. Secularists squirm when I use this phrase. They say that the fact that they don't believe in God is proof they're not religious. But as Christians, we know that neutrality isn't possible, that it's Baal or God, as in Eiljah's case ... there's no fence-sitting. I never accuse Secularists of being Satanists, but merely point out that  the idea of being a-religious is logically untenable, that everyone has a religion or religious-like way of looking at the world and theirs is the religion of Secularism whether they want to admit it or not. I also capitalize Secular so Secularism is seen as equivalent to other religions such as Hinduism which is also capitalized.



Syncretism for the Christain is wrong because it denies that God is All in All.  This includes not acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Lord.   How can a Christian abide in Christ with a syncretitic heart.   It goes against JOHN 17: 1-3 and John 15.   

We see this syncretitic spirit amongst Christian churches.   A deep tragedy indeed.    This goes against the spirit of strict allegiance to Yahweh as set forth through the Old Testament.  Christ Jesus was adamant about such syncretitic belief; Christ upheld DEUTERONOMY 6: 1-6 very minutely.

Very recently, I have been moved tremendously just last Sunday when meditating on Obadiah, the court manager of King Ahab.   He abided in his calling in a great way despite working for such a wicked king and queen.    It was not a perfect environment for him; however, like Daniel and Ezekiel, he was salt and light.  

Deeping my love of God these days as I study these Elijah chapters.   As a young man back in the Autumn of 1971, I was seeking the double portion of the Holy Spirit.   My heart's desire is being renewed  these days.   So it is back on the evangelistic road...more trips ahead to year's end.

Competition of other things is not a big problem for me.   I am a serious Bible student and pray often.   I need to schedule my time better so I can be on top of evangelistic projects




Q6. (1 Kings 18:21) 
What is the danger of syncretism? What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.? Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions? 
I’m retired and have no business or work commitments, besides the normal involvement in family activities. The Lord has blessed me in allowing me to spend time with Him and His Word. Another blessing is the fact that my wife is a true believer and we both have the privilege of doing our studies and quiet time together. We are both in the 80’s and I can add another blessing - we are both relatively healthy. Blessing upon blessing! Yes, the Lord is good! Two verse that I have memorised often come to mind, both from the OT. “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful” (Joshua 1:8). There is nothing better than memorising, meditating, and reading His Word. Eventually it becomes part of us and we start obeying it. As a bonus there is a twofold promise. Then there is: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11). John Gill says “the word of God is a most powerful antidote against sin, when it has a place in the heart”. How true. As sinners by nature, we have to be constantly on guard against disobeying our Heavenly Father. Often people want their bread buttered on both sides; they want the assurance of salvation, but don’t want to let go of their worldly values. Another verse worth memorising is in the NT this time. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Tim 3:16). By clinging to these verse, I feel there is no danger or time for syncretism, competing allegiances or competition of other sorts.  


The danger of syncretism, especially in religion would bring a false belief and practice in to the true worship of the Lord God, who is a jealous God and will have no other gods or their beliefs brought before Him. My allegiance to the Lord as for as time and commitment is just as it is no time. Taking care of grandchildren and a disabled wife takes patience to the max.     


Q6. (1 Kings 18:21) What is the danger of syncretism?

The danger of syncretism lies in the holding of diverse views from other religious persuasions besides the Christian faith and wanting to maintain a neutral position on spiritual and religious matters of concern to one's professed faith.

What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.?

Sadly, time is always that factor that precludes commitment to the work of the Lord. For me, time management is an issue I would like to work on and serve wholeheartedly to the demands of the Lord.

Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions? The competition is divided attention and failure to prioritize the management of time and as well as scheduling of events. 

This is a thing that can be fixed by just realigning my focus on issues and reserving time for each activity so as not to always "fire-fight" or "procrastinate" on when or what should be done at any time.


The  danger of syncretism is that it steals, destroys and kills your relationship with Jesus.  Syncretism prevents a person from being commited to honor, and serve not only the true God but any god.  It eliminates hope and faith. Therefore, one becomes double minded and to our God that is a sin. 

The one thing that competes with my allegiance to Jesus is that I find that after I return home from work, I eat dinner and then I become very sleepy and go into a deep rest.  Times passes by, I wake up in the late hours of night, rush to read my Bible and pray briefly.  Well, to circumvent this, and Is, I wake up early to rit has been benefical, I wake up early to ead my Bible and pray with fervency.  I learned to pray more throughout the day while at work, enroute to work and driving home from work.  The one thing I try hard is to not let the things at work determine my time along with Jesus.  Its getting better. 

I believe that competition is a distraction used by the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy our relationship with Christ. 

I will be prefect when I am called home to glory.  Until then, I will continue to press onward in prayer, faith, love in confidence that I am covered by His grace and mercies. 


What is the danger of syncretism?

Believing in everything and committing to nothing.

What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.?

My belief in my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I have witness the Lord to come thru for me time and time again.

Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions?

There is competition because so many things of the world seem more desirable than serving the Lord.  It has been many years ago that I turned my life over to the Lord.  I no longer put the desires of the world before God.


Syncretism is dangerous because no one serves two masters at same time. God commands us his people not to have any other god besides Him. Anything consuming more time, focus and commitment away from God such spending more time on social media, sports, work and money generating activities, mere laziness, and computer games and leisure are new forms of worshipping other gods. This is the right time to take a bold decision and choose God and abandon syncretism.


Q6. (1 Kings 18:21) What is the danger of syncretism? What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.? Why is there competition, do you think? How long will you go limping between two opinions?

The danger of syncretism is that one ends of being without the true God because one cannot serve two masters.

What currently competes with my allegiance to Jesus is time taken for secular tasks and business endeavors.

There is need for me to give priority to Jesus and I am trying to seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness first as all other needs can then be met by my Lord. So help me my Lord and my God

  • 4 months later...

In syncretism, God is just one of many instead of the all in all. It reduces Him from sovereign Lord to one of many tools in my tool belt. What competes in my allegiance to Jesus is ministry. That doesn't make sense. But I notice that completing tasks for ministry, entertainment (movies, social media, blogs, etc.), strategizing finances competes with my quality time with Him. I've noticed I love "Working for God" as strange as it seems. I love to work. It's hard for me to sit and wait. My mind is always moving forward three or four moves ahead on how can I create, how can I improve processes, how can I be successful in what God has called me to do. Sitting still feels like a waste of valuable time even though I know intellectually that this is what I need to do. I have a thirst for knowledge, connection and entertainment. I spend a lot of time reading and surfing for what is going on, connecting with friends and family, keeping abreast of current events and culture. I am constantly looking at my finances trying to strategize debt management. Good question, I don't know when the tables will turn where God and His will for how I use my time is prominent. I've come a long way where I think about Him a lot more and entertainment or secular has been replaced by reading numerous books about God. But again, it's about God, not with HIm. 

  • 4 weeks later...

The danger of syncretism is that you are worshiping one and not the other. The things in this world competes with my allegiance to Jesus. It seem like I am always concerned about how I am living and not devoting enough time to the Lord. There is this competition because the Devil wants me to do the things that he is calling be to do and I want to worship the Lord. I don’t think that I am limping between the two opinions it is just hard to stay on track.

  • 9 months later...

Q6. (1 Kings 18:21) 

What is the danger of syncretism? 

  • the danger of syncretism is that when other deities begin to be mixed in with the Deity of God the perfect trinity of Heaven, the message of truth is blurred, then a spiritual deficit becomes inevitable because what should be the compass of truth based on God’s precepts, now becomes enigmatic.

What currently competes with your allegiance to Jesus in terms of time, focus, commitment, etc.? 

  • None, but passionately yielding in surrender to God’s purpose for my life. 

Why is there competition, do you think? 

  • Competition has many levels to it and can be healthy or venomous. However, venomous competition rooted in ignorance and arrogance, occurs when there is egotistical power struggle. Also, a misalignment of roles, position or place outside an understanding of purpose is a damning factor to unhealthy competition. Put in context, Elijah’s summoning of all the prophets on Mount Carmel demonstrated a healthy competition, in his attempt to ignite the fear of God in the opposers of God for all to turn in surrender to Yahweh. 

How long will you go limping between two opinions?

  • Not just for the unsaved, but a critical question for many believers. For though many call on God having done the foundational steps, confession of sins, baptism etc., Jesus is still not Lord of their lives, hence wavering of heart continues. For the born again believer, a daily surrender to God in humility is important to keep us in line with God’s truth through the different seasons and heights of our lives. In God’s truth, we are guarded against the things that trap us between opinions casted by the **** of the flesh, **** of the eye, the pride of life and anti-destiny people that can easily compete with our allegiance to Jesus Christ our Saviour.

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