Pastor Ralph Posted September 14, 2022 Report Posted September 14, 2022 Q9. (1 Kings 18:40) When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? Quote
Irmela Posted October 4, 2022 Report Posted October 4, 2022 Q9. (1 Kings 18:40) When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? It is important to put away the things that had been part of our life of sin, because it is very easy to fall back into using them again from sheer habit. Not necessarily because you feel it is better that way. Without a clear break, we will just go back and every-time we then try to break away, it is harder to do so. When reaching the decision, (let's take the example of foul language) to stop speaking in this way, it is no good to use foul language with those you are accustomed to talk with in that way. You need to decide to stop that evil at all times, make a clear break, fully repent and start afresh. Only then will you honor God as a repented from foul speaking, person. Quote
Krissi Posted October 5, 2022 Report Posted October 5, 2022 Pastor Ralph asked a question that suggests a higher standard than simply avoiding sin. He didn't ask why it would be important to put away sinful behaviours and thoughts, but rather why it's important to put aside "things that facilitate and tempt us." This is a much broader category. I've been reading about the lives of well-known Christians and have noticed that many believers that God greatly used went through a period of isolation, solitude and "apartness" from the things and people of his/her past. This could be the "clear break" to which Pastor Ralph refers. Perhaps we're not only asked to break from sinful things, but to break from familiar (unsinful) things that could pull and tug us away from the new direction God is leading us. -- Regarding the slaughter of the Baal prophets, I'm not concerned with the morality of slaughter in the OT, NT and prophetic literature including Revelation, but rather with our unwillingness to confront evil today. Ceding truth to "multiculturalism" was never recommended in the Bible. Obviously, the God of the OT is the same God as in the NT -- has He changed? Is His anger at contemporary Baal prophets in leadership any less now than it was then? In my wee opinion, we are too deferential to current political sensibilities. Furthermore, it is wrong to think that Jesus' pacifism is the "new" standard of behaviour while jettisoning the "old standard" which was the righteous slaughter of the Baal priests who led an entire nation astray. Perhaps God would be as angry today as He was in the time of Elijah about leaders, both political and religious, who destroyed communities and individuals and led people into apostacy. Is it possible that His solution -- the extermination of evil leaders -- could be His command in the future? Perhaps His command to murder the evil prophets should not be thought of as "extreme." It grieves my soul to imagine God changing His standard of righteousness as well as His way of dealing with unrighteousness because of prevailing cultural norms and our current deference to "multi-culturalism" which is nothing more than coerced religious syncretism. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness.” Romans 1.8 Quote
Claire Posted October 6, 2022 Report Posted October 6, 2022 This theme has been so frequently before me--- sermons at church, devotionals, blogs that I've subscribed to over the years. We read Ezra 4-6 at church on Sunday about the neighbors of the Israelites that wanted to "help" rebuild the temple. They said that they worshiped the same God but the Israelites knew they were idolaters and turned them away. How did they react? They appealed to the king to stop the Israelites and were successful in stopping the reconstruction for 15 years. Another email I received had this quote below from Dr. Martin Lloyd-Jones. Let us not only make a break from the evil outside of us but the evil inside of us! Quote According to the teaching of the Bible, one thing only matters, and that is the truth. The Holy Spirit will honor nothing but the truth, His own truth. But that, He will honor. Numbers certainly do not matter. But today the prevailing argument is the one that exalts numbers. What a tragic fallacy! Political parties function in terms of majority rule. But this argument is not only wrong, it is dangerously wrong, if you relate it to the realm of the Christian faith. The whole Bible testifies against it. The glories of Church history protest loudly against it. The Christian position is entirely different. Here, you do not begin by counting heads, you are not concerned primarily about numbers. Nothing matters in the spiritual realm except truth, the truth given by the Holy Spirit, the truth that can be honored by the Holy Spirit. Is there anything more glorious in the whole of the Old Testament than the way in which this great principle stands out? God often uses individual men, or but two or three, against hordes and masses. Is there anything more exhilarating than the doctrine of the remnant? Quote
fancyr62 Posted October 7, 2022 Report Posted October 7, 2022 Repentance is not a prayer it is an action. It is turning from sin. Staying from sin. Staying from every appearance of evil. We would not wade in the edge of a crocodile pond. Why would we dabble at the edge of evil? Quote
Katy Posted October 8, 2022 Report Posted October 8, 2022 Q9. When we repent from our sins we must develop a new way of life and get rid of everything that is associated with the sin we are involved in otherwise because we are weak and tempted we may go back to sin because we have not cleared away the tools which enable us to sin. A clear break from evil is essential, to start afresh a different way of life with a different focus. It is easy to write this but in practice it will be difficult! It may mean changing venue's you love to go to, or it could mean giving up old buddies, or it may involve ridding your home of books or tv. or online games. If we think we can handle having these objects of sin around and stay clear of them, it is a mistake, and one would have to question just how sincere was my repentance?? Quote
hanks Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 Q9. (1 Kings 18:40) When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? Our repentance must be based on the understanding that we have sinned, and that God hates sin. It is when we become aware of our sin and our need for mercy that we turn away from it, and turn to God. Just as faith is turning to Christ, so repentance is turning away from sin. Having accepted Jesus as our Saviour the last thing we want to do is to be disobedient to Him. Rather, we love Him, accept Him as Lord of our life, and willingly keep His commandments (John 14:15). I love Psalm 119:11: “I have hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You”. We turn our backs on any and all things that could facilitate or tempt us back into our life of sin. There might be a few hiccups, but that is all. At true conversion both initial saving faith and repentance occur only once. But we find that this same heartfelt repentance and faith in Christ continually empowers us to live the Christian life. Having acknowledged our sinfulness, our sorrow and hatred of it, our decision to turn away from it, and our decision to turn to Christ in faith for our forgiveness; we have been made a new creation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Cor 5:17). A new creation! A clear break with evil. In Christ, old things have passed away and all things have become new. We now live in union with Christ: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness” (Col 2:6-7). Quote
lighthouse2014 Posted October 9, 2022 Report Posted October 9, 2022 It is important for us to make a clean break away from our old habits and things that tempt us in our relationship with the Lord. If we do not make a clean break with our past temptations and habits we will keeping falling back into the old problems we had, never coming to know the true love the lord has for us. Making a sincere repentance of our sins and with the help of the Holy Spirit we will become Faithfull servants for the Lord. Quote
Zibuyile Posted October 12, 2022 Report Posted October 12, 2022 Q9. When we got saved, why is important to to put put behind thing that tempt us to old life Because when we get saved only our spirit get saved , not the flesh , and flesh will always wants what it used to , therefore putting those things behind will help us when we get tempted we will not fall back because we have put God first above other things.9 9.1 what is clear value of break with evil We will not be yoked together with non belief , as our minds will be renewed from the old life , to the new life with Christg 9.2 What is the danger of not breaking with old Temptation will get better of you, and it will be hard to fight going back to the old self Quote
Jonathan Edwards Posted October 12, 2022 Report Posted October 12, 2022 God's Word is no dead letter. With the zeal of the Prophet Elijah, we are called by God to cut off those occasions of sins, the stumbling blocks that the Prophet Ezekiel preached about. We cannot have half-way covenants with God; compromise will only lead to full fledged backsliding. The value of clear break with sin is wonderfull. All through out the Pauline Epistles, we read about this. Prophet Elijah is a type of Christ. Christ Jesus is our Mediator and High Priest in the order of Melchizedek; we have been brought into the Holies of Holies. No more alienated from God; and in holiness all the days of our lives. Conversion is not the end but the beginning. Whatever grace and favor God has shown him; the believer is not discharged from duty, he must keep the commandments (Matthew 19:17). Obedience is integral to conversion (Luke 6:46; John 14:21). Danger of not breaking with the old will lead people into a state of inertia. Many German Jews during pre-war Germany saw what was going on during the Nazi discrimination against Jewish people; some Jews saw the light and got out of Germany; however, many continued to remain in Germany. Today many Christians are straddling amongst various opinions; just like the Galatians, they are are caught up in novel ideas, they are like butterflies, opinion after another opinion. Quote
Christopher Olamiji Taiwo Posted October 13, 2022 Report Posted October 13, 2022 (1 Kings 18:40) When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? When we repent before the Lord, it is important to away old life or nature in order to inherit eternal life and share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, (2 CORINTHIANS 5:17 and colossians 3:5-11). The value of clear break with is the eternal life and to living with our Lord Jesus Christ in His kingdom which is the kingdom of God. The danger of not making a clear break with evil is the second death and live hell of fire for unlimited life. Quote
blezed Posted October 17, 2022 Report Posted October 17, 2022 When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? It is important to put away the things that tempt us back into old life of sin so that the new might live. Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? The value of a clear break with evil is to avoid temptation back into the old life. It will lead to a conflict. You cannot serve two gods. You will love one and hate the other. Quote
JOLLAM BANDA Posted October 18, 2022 Report Posted October 18, 2022 It is important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into old life of sin to avoid sliding and going back into them. A clear break with evil breaks the linkage and the danger of not making a clear break with is sliding back. Quote
haar Posted October 19, 2022 Report Posted October 19, 2022 Q9. (1 Kings 18:40) When we repent before the Lord, why is it important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us back into our old life of sin? When we repent before the Lord, it is very important to crucify every idol [whatever causes us to sin] so that we would not go back into the same sin over and over again. Yes, we want to avoid extremism. But what is the value of a clear break with evil? What is the danger of not making a clear break with evil? There is need to have a clear break with evil because light can not coexist with darkness just as satan cannot coexist with Christ. The danger of not making a clear brake with evil is that the evil one will eventually lure one to be completely on the side of evil. Quote
faith & hope 2017 Posted October 19, 2022 Report Posted October 19, 2022 When we repent before the Lord of our sins, it is important to put away the things that facilitate and tempt us because they are things of the flesh. The things of our old life of sin feeds our fleshly nature. It is very important to repent daily, not only at bedtime, but we should repent when we find ourselves surrendering to sin whether it is in our thoughts (lush, jealousy, vindictive, etc.), spoken words (anger, hatred, lying, gossiping) and/or in our action (act against Jesus and heaven). These things of our old sinful life can have a negative impact on our prayer life as well as our service and worship to Yahweh. We should acknowledge that we all fall short of the glory of God. But never, use this as an excuse to sin or an explanations of our failure to do the will of God, we should use this as a reason to always pray for forgiveness. So long as we live in this earthen vessel and walk upon this green earth, we will always be susceptible to sin because the enemy roams the earth seeking whom he can devour. He uses the things of the world (television, social media, etc) to entice, seduce, manipulate us to sin by glorifying sin. But, what I founded, if we read, and study the Word of God daily, apply His Word, pray, worship and serve Him then we shall reap the benefits of God. We will acquire a love for righteousness and a hatred for evilness. If we don't fully accept Christ into our life, we risk being double-minded, lukewarm in spirit and straddle the fence. We never experience the rest of God. We will always be tormented, desolate, and unhappy. Quote
Kym Nixon Posted March 4, 2023 Report Posted March 4, 2023 The things that tempt us draw us away from holiness and service to the Lord. We have to replace those things in the world that draw us away with things that will draw us closer to God. None of us are immune to temptation. The minute we think we are, that is when we will fall. So, it's important to stay far from geographical areas where we might be tempted (bars, parties, entertainment, certain jobs), people who have the influence to cause us to sin, and things we see and hear like certain movies or music. We have to put off the old habits and put on new habits that turn our hearts towards God. The danger of not making a clear break is being lured back in gradually. Before we know it, we're all the way back in making it harder to turn the next time. Quote
Old Jerry Posted March 30, 2023 Report Posted March 30, 2023 The thing that facilitated the sin that we had was it made us feel good about ourselves. So if we don’t put away the sin, then we will never be able to repent. The value of a clear break with the evil one is that we can face God with a clear conscience. If we don’t make a clear break with evil we will just go back to what we were doing. Quote
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