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Q11. (1 Kings 19:14) In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord’s voice? What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

  • 4 weeks later...

(1 Kings 19:14) In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice?


The biggest clue that self-pity is not of God is the word SELF”.  At the heart of self-pity is a disagreement with God over how life—and He—has treated us. In Short, self-pity is focusing on self-centeredness, and that prevents us from focusing on our relationship with God and hence, prevent us from discerning the Lord’s voice.


What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? 

Self-pity is a subtle form of pride.

We think of pride as thinking too much/highly or too lowly of ourselves. It certainly is that, but humility is not the same thing as self-debasement. The Bible, though it tells us to pursue humility, never allows us to drift into self-loathing or self-pity. Rather, we are told to have a sober estimation of ourselves (Rom. 12:3). We are to think of ourselves accurately. Truthfully. And when we major in self-pity, we aren’t acting in humility – we are acting in pride.

For what is pride except having our eyes focused on ourselves? And what are we doing when we live in self-pity other than constantly looking at our problems, our issues, and our struggles? Ironically, this is one of the reasons why self-pity is dangerous for our souls. It’s a subtle form of pride we are allowing into our hearts.

 To entitlement? 

Self-pity is a gateway to entitlement. 

How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

One of the side effects of self-pity is the thought that we are entitled to something – some substance or some habit. Something other than Jesus in which we find our relief, comfort, and satisfaction. We deserve this, or so self-pity tells us.

We may or may not have a reason for self-pity today. If you do, there is good reason to fight that impulse. There is reason to turn your eyes from self to Jesus and fix them there and continue to walk forward with Him (a true discipleship)


Jason, directly above, wrote more deeply and thoughtfully than I am able. I can only add a few words ...

I find it incredibly painful to believe -- and truly to live out -- the idea that by death comes life, that as I die to myself, my character enlarges/changes/improves. The abundant and useful life only comes after I have been shredded and devastated. Only then does God pick up the pieces to reassemble me ... only then can I be used by Him.

Self-pity is an emotion that emerges during this shredding period. Self-pity looks back to old values and ideals, to the dreams that no longer exist, to all that was "given up" and then begs to be released from suffering. It's a backward, sin-ward emotion.

But only suffering, at least in my life, has made a godly future possible.

I suppose entitlement also looks back to what was. It sees the best of the past and expects/wants it to continue. It sees the changes within and thinks they're good enough.  Only an entitled attitude would dare ask God to reverse the course of His plan.


Q11. When we are self pitying we are taken up with ‘self’. We have no time to listen to God because we are so absorbed with self. Usually it has to do with a perceived wrong that has been done to me. Pride is thinking about how great we are, and good everything about us is and if anyone says or does anything to contradict my thoughts about myself, I lapse into self- pity because that person is so wrong about me. I can’t let go of it , and I am like a dog with a bone. I am back to self pity and self absorption. I think pride and self pity go hand in hand. 


Q11. (1 Kings 19:14) 
In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice? What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship? 
After the victory at Mount Carmel, Elijah was expecting a great revival to come to the land, perhaps even with him leading the nation in this revival. He also truly believed that both king Ahab and his evil wife Jezebel would repent and turn back to God. His pride may have made him think he was invincible, and when he heard the news that Jezebel still wanted him dead, he completely lost it. Being physically exhausted he now acts irrationally and starts running away. He fears for his life, becomes depressed, discouraged, disappointed and he now considers himself a failure. This is the first time he does not wait for instructions from God. Instead of recognizing that God is sovereign and always has a plan, he only sees the situation he is in, and feels completely alone and defenceless against all the ungodly forces that threaten to overpower him. He knows the power of God, and feels that God could have helped him, and wonders why God has deserted him - Self-pity sets in. He had been obedient all the time and therefore thought that he was entitled to receive at least some special treatment after the contest was won on Mount Carmel. Drowning in self-pity he is not really hearing God’s voice. Elijah made the mistake of thinking that he had achieved what God had asked him to do, and that his life and ministry was over. Forgetting that God is sovereign and that his plan is not the same as God’s plan. There was still work God wanted him to do. 


Q11. (1 Kings 19:14)

In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice?

What is the relationship of self-pity to pride?

 What is the relationship of self-pity to  entitlement?

How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

Self-pity causes the focus to be on self and then our hearing is impaired because our vision is impaired and we just see self and cannot see beyond the mistiness.  It is as if real reality is blocked out and this makes us unable to discern the Lord's voice amidst the voices pointing out our failure, our loneliness, our hopelessness etc.

Self-pity and pride are close 'relatives'.  My doing has not brought about the results I had hoped for. Focus is on me. Pride in what I had done. Now I wallow in self-pity because I did not achieve what I had hoped to achieve, in my way.

If I understand correctly this means "What is the relationship between self-pity to your rights or to your claim"?   When looking at all you have done (focus on self) and this did not bring about the results you had hoped or foresaw that it would  (entitlement of the project) you take it to be a failure and easily wallow in self-pity.  The results will not necessarily be immediate but take time to bear fruit.

True discipleship is obeying the Master and following in His leading. It is not my doing. Self is not the focus. It is not my doing but the Master's doing through me.  So if we want to take claim to what is being done , then in no way is it discipleship. Then it is self with a capital S and is doomed.



. (1 Kings 19:14) In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice? What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

Seif-pity prevent us from hearing the voice of the Lord because self-pity make us think we have done this better of our ability. 

Self-pity and pride are related because, its make us believe that we are done well to our best knowledge and ability than others could do. 

The sense of entitlement stand in the way of discipleship as right or due for a reward after success jobs well done. 


Q11. (1 Kings 19:14) In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice? What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

I think we may be so engrossed in self-pity that we may not be sensitive to the voice of God. It may be due to our high estimate of our worth that we may conclude that given our mighty worth, God should not allow us to face trials.

A disciple is to be like Jesus who abandoned his entitlements,  lowered himself from being God to being a human so as to be a sacrifice for my sin and that of humanity. As disciples, we should not allow our entitlements to deter us from our discipleship.  


"Self occupied" is an apt phrase.  Instead of being focused on God and thinking clearly; we get off on the wrong track.   I am grateful for the times I did Christain counseling.  Being self absorbed is a cul de sac:  we need to think clearly and rationally. Self pity slowly works at ruining our assurance of our love of God and the saps our energy for evangelical endeavors.  St.Thomas had to focus on Christ after his period of doubt and conferring with the other Apostles.

Pride is connected to self pity and  entitlement.   People forget that Russian proverb, "Man proposes but God disposes".  Only Christ is the Messiah and Saviour; we are not omnipotent. Pride is a factor why many pastors end up leaving the ministry; they thought that they could do everything on their own. Pride was the motivating factor in giving up the pastorates, and in many cases--backsliding.  Pride is in their characters as to entitlement.   

This mindset of self pity and entitlement is contrary to the Gospel call as a disciple of Christ.   Being lazy and disobedient to God's commands, including not serving God's church, thrawts the inner working of the Holy Spirit in our characters.  Christ is not being formed in such people.   Their focus is on themselves and agendas. Their selves are their centers, not the Lord Jesus Christ.



In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord’s voice?

We are too concerned about what happen to self in the past instead of seeing how God brought you out of the situation.

What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? To entitlement? How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

Self-pity is feeling sorry for self and having the tensely to blame others.  Pride is how we think of ourselves.  Entitlement prevents us of true discipleship because we think that when we do the right thing we deserve something.



In what way does self pity prevent us from discerning  the Loo's voice?

The mind is being clouded with the feelings  that you have which seems true to you , even when help comes you fail to see as you see yourself  how much you 'very been wronged

Q11.1  Relationship between  self pity and pride  

The two are related as it's all about you , what has happened  to you or how much you've  been hurt by the situation

With entitlement -You feel that you have right to feel or behave that way

Q11.2 How does sense of entitlement  interfere with a way of true discipleship?^

It can  prevent  a person  from not growing  into true discipleship  because the thought is about self and what is going on cwith someone else is not of priority except what is going around him/her

  • 5 weeks later...

Self-pity will keeps us trapped in an unhealthy cycle of negative thoughts, uncomfortable feelings, and inactivity. It takes away the mental strength to approach challenges at ones best. Self-pity is a form of selfishness. It makes us less aware of the needs and suffering of others. Our own suffering is all we think or care about.

  • 3 months later...

We're consumed by tormenting thoughts that do not let light in. It's a dark place. Our ego fuels that fire of affliction. God is light. The darkness can't conceive of the light. Self pity is focus on oneself, destructive introspection instead of focusing on God. That is pride. Entitlement tells us that we deserve something, that we haven't been treated fairly. It provides unrealistic and unhealthy expectation. When we think we are entitled and feel sorry for ourselves, we are not open to correction and guidance.

  • 3 weeks later...

Self-pity is focusing on the thing that is bothering me and therefore I am unable to discern the Lord’s voice. My pride has been broken so self-pity moves in to control the problem. We are always thinking the things that we do are entitlements and therefore can’t go out and minister to others.

  • 11 months later...

Q11. (1 Kings 19:14) 

In what ways does self-pity prevent us from discerning the Lord's voice? 

  • self-pity is a  bad fruits of Satan’s lies, which when collected in our destiny basket, will create a barrier to us hearing let alone receiving the truth of God

What is the relationship of self-pity to pride? 

  • self-pity causes one to position the problem or situation above God, which is what the root of pride is when Satan attempted to position himself above God. 
  • The character of self-pity solicits undue and unhealthy attention, which is a form of entitlement 

How does a sense of entitlement stand in the way of true discipleship?

  • the entitlement spirit blinds the spiritual eyes from the need to surrender and let go  of the victim way of thinking. Hence, the  victim life gives no room to healing and growth through the power of God’s word. 

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