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4.) (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

4.) As the apostle Paul so prophetically warned his protege, Timothy: "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." (2 Timothy 4:3) I don't need to elaborate. :(


It seems to me Society has become so complacent about sin. It is easier to just remain affable, keep our mouths shut, and outwardly ignore sin. I think much of this is done because of today's loose, liberal values in many circles... it is not "politically correct" to voice our opinion if it disagrees with others way of life! :(


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

This is just another sign of the disturbing loss of Christian vitality in our churches today. Many pastors are more interested in "making a name" for themselves, getting bigger churches--and more money-- and do not want to anger anyone in their congregations by pointing out sins that are being done. They feed them "feel good" sop and try to be a "hail fellow well met" rather than call us to account.

The heirarchy of many denominations spend more for political stuff than they do for missions --at home or abroad. Few churches are bringing in those outside the church, bringing them to the Lord in repentance and commitment to Him. They "preach to the choir", avoiding altar calls or pastoral calls--both to the physically sick as well the spiritually sick. :o Frankly, I can no longer stay in the denomination that I grew up in. At present, we go to two churches, our original one and another where the Bible is preached. As we are planning to move away from this state within a few months, we will continue this way until we move. We have friends in the old church and find it difficult to push away from them. We have talked to some about our concerns, but they cannot see it. We have been in missions for some time and know first hand the wrong things being done. Before that, we could not see anything wrong either. I'm afraid too many people are not concerned--as long as their feet are not stepped on. So, the pastor continues to do what it takes to keep the money givers happy. Forgive us Lord! :(


(Q4) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

We the chuch have to be very careful, especially the leaders of the church. We have to stand on God's Word no matter what, no matter who may be offended. God's Word is right by itself. If the leaders of the church don't understand that the blood of their sheep are on their hands, they do not need to be leaders of the church. We have to be about our Father's business at all times. We must preach and teach what thus saith the Lord without hestitation. If you are openly gay, you should not be in the choir or hold in position in the church. We might as well tell them that it's okay for same sex marriages.

The church must realize that it is not about the money, it's about saving souls, and that's the main reason why the churches have stopped talking about it. But what they don't realize is that God is not pleased with their looking the other way. But if we don't do His bidding, He will get someone else that will. God do not want any of us to perish so He will put someone that is not ashamed of the Gospel.

To God be the glory, He saves to the utmost.

God Bless You All! servant4life


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

I do not know that all churches have stopped talking about it in terms of generic open sin but I do believe that all churches have an open sin that they do not talk about because it is just easier to work on that splinter in someone elses eye and we are all in the process of being shown our own rail road ties in our eyes and the process of actually looking at our own sin is very unpopular because of a teaching that equates God's forgiveness as a removal of the tendency and then when we go back to our vomit we certainly have many issues of our own and of others who God would have minister to us where we fall short. Drastically short!

Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Some leaders are just unwilling to confront their congregations on sin because they are afraid of loosing people, they think bigger is better; but this might be what some people need. To be lost for awhile so they can hit a bottom and reach up for the Lord. There is a "way of righteousness" (2 Peter 2:21) that we Christians are to walk in -- a safe path marked out for us.

2 Peter 2 is talking about those who teach and because some teach without the truth or without walking in integrity them selves; people will become slack in their Christian walk too. We as people have followed the leader since we were little children, playing that game. The example has to come from a leader with integrity; if this is not the case then people, like sheep will follow suite.

We are all growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and those of us that know more will be held responsible to share that knowledge and held accountable for it as well; but share with compassion because there are those that are weak and so there is a fine line.


We no longer want to contend for our faith. Live and let live.. Sin is so prevalent that we accept it as a necessary evil. Besides- church rosters are shrinking- we want and need members at all cost..


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

The complacency of churches today reminds me of the Israelites in the book of Judges. The nation would fall into sin, God would provide salvation through a righteous Judge, he nation would be satisfied, then fall into sin once again. The cycle happened over and over again!

The same thing happens in churches today. We ignore sin, churches/individuals fall into sin, they seek forgiveness, then fall into sin again. Churches ignore sin because it's easy! Talking about sin is not "politically correct" and we are often too worried about offending others.


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Its just spiritual callousness. Looking the other way as in politics. The State and the Church have become entangled. Churches and the governments have become men pleasers, gatherers of 'votes' for elections. Sin has become a common occurence that nobody is bothered about anymore. My blood boils at the attitude of the church and the church leaders. They have become gutless. :angry: For speaking out loud in the committee, they throw you out and make you impotent. That's the majority of the churches of today. The need of the hour is for the faithful to gather in prayer cells of like minded persons and pray in all earnestness for the cleansing of the church and its leaders.


We do nothing about open sin because the devil has us running scared. In this open society of ours, we are told by the media, govenment, teachers, etc, that the greatest sin of all is intolerence. We have become more afraid to be called intolerant than to lose our souls. This is a form of persecution, if we are criticized for speaking against sin. We need to recall the words of our Lord in John 15:20, speak out and prepare to be persecuted.


Maybe their afraid of offending someone, which leads to decrease in numbers which leads to a decrease money. I do not really know I do not want to judge I know I am not perfect, I'm still growing spiritually went to one church for 4- 5 years the one I started to go to after I was saved, I am now without a church but still longing for one, I find that some of the things that were taught seemed to be twisted out of context, alot of teaching was on numbers how to get the numbers up even though there were hundreds attending, I learned that you do not bless those that oppose you which is wrong, the race card came up, even though they just had a pig roast to get the numbers up they turned away one family, which is wrong, I heard alot of I's, and my's I did this and my church, and also heard that you should be obligated to the person who saved you which is wrong. I was so confused, but know that the almighty God is in control and what I went through was not for nothing and He will lead me to a loving church, and I do know that the Lord is working through Pastor Wilson. God bless him and the Lord keep him.


I believe that churches have stopped talking about open sin because it feels the pressures from those who hold a " politically correct " position. Even within the local body, there are those who

are more concerned with pleasing their fellow man than taking a bold stand for God. Let's face it-taking a stand for righteousness turns off a lot of people ,even some within the body who do not want to be corrected. I also think pastors have become discouraged


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Wouldn't satan have much to do with this? We need more bold apostalic teachers like Peter or Paul. We're afraid we may offend someone or lose church members so we keep quiet. I feel that if people heard the Truth, all of it, not just the "feel-good" parts, we'd have more repentance and allow the Holy Spirit to use us more. We need pastors to preach on the ..."or else" parts.


Some churches have stopped talking about open sin because they are no more than a social club. GOD's Word is not preached in truth "line upon line, line upon line; here a little, there a little" Isaiah 28:10.

Praise GOD that we have a pastor who preaches the whole Word of GOD no matter where it falls.


If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, churches have stopped talking about it so much because they want to experience "warm fuzzies" about their lives, not that their choices and actions have an exponential effect on their salvation. Fortunately I am in a church where the pastor talks openly about his and his family's sins and mistakes and is not judgmental and does not kick people out just because they fall. In fact, we all pray together for God's power in their lives to break their sins and embrace them even more tightly.




Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Because we're more afraid of losing members than being obedient. We're more concerned about toleration than being obedient. We're more concerned about conforming to the ways of the world than being obedient.


Most of the churches today are more concerned about money than saving soul. so the preach/teach what the people want to

instead of what theey need to hear. Most ministers let their congregation dictate as to what they should teach just to keep

the check coming.


I think that sometimes we go overboard in trying to have charity for the sinner, trying not to cause him to give up. Sometimes we feel we can't chastise anyone else because of our own sin but also we are weak in not wanting to stand up alone for the truth....we fear rejection instead of realising that rejection because of the gospel is a blessing......blessed are the persecuted.


Many churches have already fallen prey to false teachers, who teach a message of "inclusiveness" and "tolerance," etc. One group even uses the name "Integrity" to forward the homosexual agenda and says the proscription in the Bible against homosexuality applies only to homosexual activity by heterosexual people, not to people who are born homosexual! Clergy and laity who disagree often face insults and worse. But we have to serve God - not political correctness, not government, not anyone or anything but the Lord.

Recently a single female member of our church came to me in my capacity as editor of our parish newsletter and asked me to put an announcement in the member news section that she and her boyfriend had bought a home together. I asked when they were getting married, and she said they weren't because she had a bad marriage experience and was afraid to marry again. I told her I could not publish an announcement that a member of our congregation was living in such a relationship because it was inconsistent with our beliefs and with the Bible.

She then proceeded to tell me that our priest had already been counseling them and had advised them that they would not be allowed to receive Communion until they repented and either married or quit living in sin. Our priest is a very gentle, loving pastor, and I know he would have done this with great love and compassion, but he not only preaches against sin from the pulpit, he also confronts individuals when necessary. They chose to continue living together and quit coming to our church. He did not tell them not to come to church - and no one else in the parish knew he confronted them unless the couple told others because the priest kept everything confidential. The only reason I knew about it was because the woman told me when I explained why I couldn't publish an announcement of them moving in together.

The fact that she expected me to publish that in a parish newsletter shocked me, but it is an example of how rampant sexual sin is in our society and so taken for granted that this person considered it as commonplace and newsworthy as a member taking a trip or recovering from an illness or having a grandchild!


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

I believe that our churches have stopped talking about open sin first because they do not want to scare anyone away. In many cases they tell the congregation what they think that they want to hear. From my experience, when you finally get a priest that speaks out and talks about unpopular subjects he is silenced or sent to another parish. We cannot upset the parishioners because we need their money. They need to keep the pews filled. It is a sad situation. :( One that I don't see changing anytime soon. ;)


Q4. (2 Peter 2:20-22) If open sin is so spiritually dangerous, why have we churches stopped talking about it so much?

Churches have stopped talking about sin because many preachers have fallen into the trap of giving people exactly what their itchy ears want to hear and it certainly not addressing the problem of sin and its consequences.

Some peachers also have a problem believing that the Bible is the Inspired Inerrant Word of God. So they only touch on those things that they are comfortable with and that does not cause their followers to ask questions about eternal purnishment for the wicked.

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