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Q17. (1 Kings 21:4-16) Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? How does Jezebel fix his depression? Why does she do so? Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel’s corrupt actions to obtain Naboth’s vineyard? Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury?

  • 1 month later...

I have been reading, recently, about the peace of God that transcends one’s understanding. A person with His peace is able to let go and trust God to work in any circumstance or situation. I find this difficult, to say the least. By nature, I’m not a peaceful person but more like Ahab, eager for more, then angry that the situation didn’t resolve itself the way I wanted. Honestly, I have laid on my bed and sulked in the past. I’ve even refused to eat!

So, at the level of a damaged character, I understand Ahab. He is what I was. He’s not depressed – he’s a lousy person!

Jezebel is worse. She’s truly diabolical.

Of course Jezebel is responsible for what she did; Ahab is not. Guilt does not transfer because we are married to, or work for, someone who is evil. In the text, Ahab does not appear to know what Jezebel did and certainly didn’t prod her to do it.

Yes, the elders are responsible for their own lying as well as murder. They have answered to God for both.


The question I have is WHY? Why did God let this happen to a good man like Naboth, a man who obeyed God and did His will, and then was murdered for it? I'm like Naboth -- surrounded by people who do not share my faith. 

Narratives like this take my breath away. My faith falters. I fear that God will cause horrible things happen to me precisely because I obeyed Him. God is sovereign. He could have prevented Naboth's death. He could have protected him. 

He did not.

Naboth could have sold his field for a tidy sum and vacationed for the rest of his life on a Mediterranean beach, but instead, obeyed God and was murdered. Why? Why doesn't God protect the good? Why does He choose some of us to be martyred in great agony? Why did almost all the apostles die gruesome deaths? 


Q17. (1 Kings 21:4-16) 
Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? How does Jezebel fix his depression? Why does she do so? Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel's corrupt actions to obtain Naboth's vineyard? Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury? 
I believe Ahab was actually depressed and his wife fixes his depression by arranging that he gets what he wants; that is Naboth’s vineyard. Jezebel, a pagan, does not live by Yahweh’s laws, and is used to getting what she wants. To her a king is an absolute monarch and takes and does what he wants. However, she is wicked enough to use the laws of Israel to her advantage. She knows that cursing their God was punishable by stoning (Lev 24:16), and that at least two witnesses were required (Deu 17:6-7). Ahab knew what his wife had planned and did nothing to stop it, so he is just as guilty of the crime. The elders are also just as responsible as they were all complicit in the evil deed. Here we see that Naboth fears the Lord, and will not disobey the Lord’s commandments: “No inheritance in Israel is to pass from one tribe to another, for every Israelite shall keep the tribal inheritance of their ancestors” (Numb 36:7-9). 


Q17. I don’t think Naboth has true depression, it came on as a result of Naboth’s refusal to give him what he wanted. He is just showing his immaturity, and lack of moral fibre! His wife then tells him to get up and behave like a king, but also promises to get him what he wants. She treats him like a child. She has absolutely no conscious or morals. She is a pagan princess who has no regard for the laws of Yahweh. She is full of evil and arranges to have Nabot accused of blasphemy and to have him stoned to death. She doesn’t even try to persuade or reason with Naboth, but picks the most treacherous and evil way to deal with the situation. She has no awe , respect or fear of God Almighty. I think Ahab is almost as evil although he has displayed a nominal belief in God. He doesn’t appear to even inquire just how Jezebel is going to acquire what he wants. He wants it , he doesn’t care what that costs or who is killed in the process. Neither does he care about God’s laws being broken in order for him to have his own way. Yes the elders are responsible, but I can understand that they were terrified not to obey. It would be akin to signing your own death warrant!


Q17 (1Kings 21:4-16)Do you think Ahab is actually depressed?How does Jezzebel fix his depression?How does Jezzebel fix his depression?Why does she do so?Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel corrupt action to obtain Naboth vineyards?Are the elders  responsible for suborning perjury?

Yes he was depressed because Naboth refused to give him the vineyard.

Jezzebel fixed his depression by killing Naboth.

Because she was the evil woman.

Yes Ahab was responsible for Jezzebel corrupt action because he knew everything about the setup.

The elders are also responsible for surboning perjury because Jezzebel has bribed them.


I believe Ahab is depressed because he did not get his way. Also probably felt that his pride was injured, after all he is the king and king's get what they want.

Jezebel cheers up Ahab by telling him to eat and be cheerful, she will get him the vineyard he desires. After all he is the king and has a reputation to uphold.

To obtain the vineyard of Naboth Jezebel writes a letter to the elders and forages Ahab's seal to it, to make look official from the king's hand. She asked the elders to honor Naboth and ring two false witness to accuse Naboth of blasphemy. Thus Naboth is stoned to death. The elders knew this was a transgression of the law, making them just as guilty of the crime as Jezebel. Ahab also is guilty for not stopping jezebel for suborning perjury.         



Q17. (1 Kings 21:4-16) Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? How does Jezebel fix his depression? Why does she do so? Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel's corrupt actions to obtain Naboth's vineyard? Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury?

I think Ahab was actually depressed. Jezebel fixed his depression by promising him that she would fix his problem and she did.

Ahab is surely responsible for Jezebel’s action- murder, because he knew the plan and endorsed it. Similarly, the elders are responsible for the crime committed because they knowingly endorsed an evil plan .


Q17Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? Yes he is  the Bible says when Naboth  refused him the land he went to his room lay facing the wal  and could not eat any food

Q17.1 How does Jezebel  fix His depression? She wrote  letter in Ahab's  name and sealed it with  his  seal and sent it to elders in Nabith's  city stating they must proclaim a fast and seat Naboth  at at the head of people  and  seat 2 worthless  men on esther  side of Naboth and have them testify  against  Nabith that he cursed God and king therefore must be stoned to death

17.2Why does she do so.So that  Naboth  die and her husband  possess the land

17.3 Is Ahab responsible  of his wife's  action ? Yes he is,  he should  have stopped her when she told him ashe is going to get vineyard  for him

17.4 Are the elders responsible  for suborning perjury? Yes they are responsible  , as the carried the order knowing  very well that Naboth  is innocent 


(1 Kings 21:4-16) Do you think Ahab is actually depressed? How does Jezebel fix his depression? Why does she do so? Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel's corrupt actions to obtain Naboth's vineyard? Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury?


Ahab was actually depressed. 

Jezebel cheers he up gives him food and drinks then wrote a letter on behalf of her husband to the elders. Ahab was responsible for Jezebel's corrupt actions to obtain Naboth's vineyard. The elder are responsible for suborning perjury. 

Posted (edited)

Q17. (1 Kings 21:4-16)

Do you think Ahab is actually depressed?

How does Jezebel fix his depression?

Why does she do so?

Is Ahab responsible for Jezebel's corrupt actions to obtain Naboth's vineyard?

Are the elders responsible for suborning perjury?

I guess he feels that he cannot even get what he wants, even though he is the king. It's like a failure. His greed is not satisfied nor his desire to show that as the king his subjects will automatically give in to his desires.  So he is depressed.  

Jezebel comes from a different culture, where the king gets what he wants, if it means reducing the person to having nothing or killing him, it's as the king wishes. It's his for the taking.  

Jezebel does not bow to Jahweh, Israel's God.  She wants Ahab to show his subjects that as king , he can extend his land as he desires. Not only is it ultimately for him,  but also for her. He can do as he wishes, and so can she.  By taking what he wants he is expanding his authority and her's too

Ahab knew how she was going about getting the vineyard and so did the elders. They followed her instructions and had Naboth falsely accused.  I guess they also knew that if they did not follow her instructions, it meant that they and their families were in danger and the queen would have them killed.

Edited by Irmela

The depression. was caused by his rebellion against God.   His conscience was convicting him of his rebellion against God.

Ahab broke the 10th commandment while Jezebel broke the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th commandments.   Jezebel was an integral part of the aspiration of Naboth.  Naboth was truly a martyr for the Law, and sealed his witness with his blood.

Jezebel thought that by stealing this land, Ahab would snap out of it.   She just added fuel to the fire.   Ahab continued to be the oppressor.  She was clearly responsible; Jezebel was an idol worshipper and did not uphold the Law of Moses.  Her husband  cooperated with Ahab.  Ahab gave approval to his seal of state, gave her authority to the edict of death as well as approval of the deaths of the Prophets of the Lord.

The elders too were complicit as well.  None of his neighbors protested.   The hypocritical fast, and Naboth was falsely accused of blasphemy.  Truly this was a kangaroo court.  During the Protestant Reformation,  countless innocent people were burnt at the stake.   Even the Quakers suffered greatly in Massachusetts Bay Colony. Anne Hutchinson, a famous preacher, had to undergo unjust trials and persecution by the Puritan leaders.


  • 4 weeks later...

Yes King Ahab was actually bitter and angry that Naboth could not sell his land, an ancestral inheritance, to him to the extent of laying down on his bed, grumbled, and not wanting to eat. Jezebel writes out orders and signs Ahab’s name to them, and sealed them with his seal. She then sent the orders to the leaders and to the nobles who lived in Naboth’s city that they observe a time of fasting and seat Naboth in front of the people, and seat two villains opposite him and have them testify that Naboth cursed God and the king, and then take him out and stone him to death. Yes, Ahab is responsible for Jezebels corrupt actions to obtain Naboth’s vineyard because he lets her use his name and authority to have Naboth falsely accused and then murdered. The elders are also responsible for taking part in facilitating false accusations against Naboth leading to his death.

  • 3 months later...

I don't think he's depressed, I think he is an immature entitled elitist. Jezebel concocts a scheme to steal Naboth's vineyard. She hires two scoundrels who will bear false witness against Naboth, sends a invitation with the king's seal for a dinner party, arranges for Naboth to sit in a seat of honor with the two hirelings across from him, and crafts an accusation that will give them the legal authority to execute him and take possession of the land. Ahab is just as responsible for it, he is complicit, he allows her to use his seal, he doesn't say no. The elders did a poor job of investigating the accusation. A good interrogator can poke a hole in lies when the evidence is shoddy. 

  • 4 weeks later...

Ahab could have been depressed but I think that he was just having a screaming fit. Jezebel fixes his screaming fit by arranging for Naboth’s death. I think that Ahab is responsible for Jezebel actions because of the way that she goes about it. The elders are also responsible for suborning perjury.

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