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Q19. (1 Kings 21:22) How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin? Can you think of any examples? How serious is this? Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others?

  • 1 month later...

Q19. We are all personally responsible if we are the cause of someone sinning especially someone for whom we are responsible. All kings, leader, and parents are responsible for those under them. They need to be very aware of their behavior in every situation so as not to be a wrong influence which could lead them to sin. 1Corinthians 10. V23. Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible, but not everything is constructive.Nobody should seek his own good but the good of others. James 3v 1 Not many of you should presume to be teachers? My brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Yes leaders should have a higher moral standard because people look up to them and emulate them. However all devoted followers of Jesus should have a very high moral standard because we represent Jesus who was sinless.


I do not think any class of people -- leaders, artists, business tycoons, missionaries, etc. -- are held to a higher standard by God. All of us are responsible for being and living like Christ. None are excluded from this standard. 

The secular world views some people as more powerful or influential than others. We, as Christians, should not follow the world in this regard. In God's eyes, we are all His children. All of us.

Thus, two points.

1. We should consciously fight the tendency to put people on pedestals as if they were more important to God and then hold them to a higher standard than we hold ourselves.

2. If we happen to be people of fame or influence, we need to continue living up the high standard of faith that God has placed on us, considering ourselves no better or worse than others. 



Q19(1Kings21:22)How responsible are kings, politicians,leaders and parents for leading them those under them to sin? Can you think of any example?How seriousnis this?Is it appropriate for leaders to be held in to a higher moral standard than others?

Leaders.politicians etc are the face of the people what ever what they do people are looking at them to good things. I f they do corruption or adultery the people who are looking at them will also do the same thing because they think it is right. 

It is not appropriate to be held in to a higher moral standard because because they are also the people and they sin like other people. 


Q19. (1 Kings 21:22) 
How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin? Can you think of any examples? How serious is this? Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others? 
They are to take full responsibility for their actions, and are to lead by example (1 Pet 5:3), making sure that no action on their part will lead anyone astray. A wise leader gets rid of the wicked, and any sinful behaviour under their leadership. This is important in maintaining law and order (Prov 20:26). If this does not happen people will become resentful, cynical, and fearful. Also, Prov 25:5 warns us about the danger of those who are evil in places of influence. Jesus taught us to learn from His example of gentleness and humility (Mat 11:29). Children can be trusting and are easily led astray. They must only be disciplined in love. Good leaders mentioned in the Bible would be Joseph and David. True leaders are more concerned about providing service, especially toward those who are most in need, but unfortunately in my country our political leaders are more concerned with position, power, and filling their own pockets. Leading to state capture and trillions stolen. Not to mention no law and order. History is full of examples like this. I think of Lenin, Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong. Countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea etc. Instead of leading by example they have led people astray. I think false teachers who lead people away from the true Word, into false doctrines are the ones who the Lord will judge most harshly. 


Q19. (1 Kings 21:22) How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin? Can you think of any examples? How serious is this? Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others?

Kings…etc who commit sin before those under them are guilty of influencing or teaching them to commit such sin.

This is so serious that Jesus said it would be better if such leaders are drowned with a millstone around their necks.


The responsibility of kings, presidents and all politicians, leaders and parents is to protect all under them, but mostly to lead those under them into a righteous way of life. To lead them away from the evil ways of sin that can destroy an entire nation. Parents and church leaders should teach and ensure those under them are brought up in the word of the Lord.

As can be seen today the US and some eastern countries are falling into chaos because Gods word has been purposely removed from all government, schools and some public assembly places. Hence, society has began to determinate, leading to increased crime, drugs flooding into the country, sex changes of children who are too young to make an mature decision for themselves and this is only the beginning. With God's protection or blessing upon a society removed it will lead to their own destruction.                


Q19. (1 Kings 21:22) How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin? Can you think of any examples? How serious is this? Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others?

Leaders or parents responsible can lead those under them into sin because they are the mirror they are looking at and whatever they do they will surely followed. 

The great example is parents and their children at home. 

It's appropriate for leaders to be held to the higher moral standards than others. 


How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin? Can you think of any examples?

Kings, politicians, leaders and parents are responsible for leading those under them into sin because others watch them.  If they are sinning, they feel it is okay for them to sin too because they respect our position.  When parents provoke their children, it could lead them to repel and sin. 

How serious is this? Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others?

It is very serious.  Leaders will be help accountable if they are responsible for others to sin due to their actions.  It is appropriate for leaders to be held in a higher moral standard than others because they hold positions of power and respect.


Q19. (1 Kings 21:22)

How responsible are kings, politicians, leaders, and parents for leading those under them into sin?

Can you think of any examples?

How serious is this?

Is it appropriate for leaders to be held to a higher moral standard than others?

People that are looked up to, like kings, politicians, leaders and parents are responsible for many of the actions of those looking up to them.  It is easy for an underling to make a decision based on what he has seen his superior, doing.  The saying holds "What's good for the goose is good for the gander".  What is good for the politician to do must be good for me to do as well.  If they take funds not allocated to them then others under them can do the same thing.  Living immorally is exactly the same. We see those in leadership positions living immoral lives. They are seen to be heroes and their lifestyle is copied.  Another popular saying that is so real is "Monkey see, monkey do."  Unfortunately that is exactly what happens.  

So it is appropriate that if in leadership position of any kind, in fact as a Christ-follower, we are in that place where we are watched very carefully, in fact our moral standard should be higher than those in the world.


Very much responsible indeed!   I think of King Ahaz.   Despite the clarion calls of Prophet Isaiah to repent,, he led his nation further into idolatry.   Ahaz persisted in going after Assyrian idols.   This idolatry spread like cancer throughout the nation.  The Prophet Ezekiel preached repeatedly on the wickedness of leaders.  In many of his sermons, prophecies and visions, this point is spelled out.  Prior to Martin Luther, various European  kings and various church authorities were leading people into serious errors.  Medici family in Rome, Italy is a prime example.  Friar GIROLAMO SAVORNOLLA was burnt at the stake for confronting the immoralities and witchcraft that were popular in 16th century Italy.

Serous is the word.   A judgment awaiting those whose misled people.  Kings Ahab and Ahaz knew better but persisted in false doctrines and idol worship.   Tragic how vulnerable souls were caught up in false religion.

Yes, these leaders should be held to a higher standard.   They have had ample time to study, analyze and had opportunities to enact just laws.  The Prophets have been adamant about this.  During Medieval Europe, Christain kings took their positions very seriously.   They wanted the Gospel to go forth in their kingdoms.  The histories of Germany, England and eastern Europe are full of stories of godly kings who eradicated idol worship and other vices so common in their times.


  • 4 weeks later...

Kings, politicians, leaders and parents are responsible and answerable when they lead those under them into sin. A good example are parents at home. If they lead their children into sin they are responsible and answerable to God, from who whom they get their leadership positions and authority. It is appropriate that leaders be held to higher moral standard than others because they lead and others follow. Leaders ought to be exemplary to subordinates.  

  • 3 months later...

God holds leaders accountable if they influence another to sin. An example is politicians. They legislate and pontificate. For example if abortion is voted on affirmatively, those politicians have blood on their hands every time a baby is killed. It is extremely serious. God's word says He holds those with more authority, position, resources accountable than others who are without. It's appropriate. If someone is leading, they need to be held to higher standards because they are influencing and making things happen.

  • 4 weeks later...

They are responsible for leading those that follow them into sin. Look how crazy the world is today and this is because our leaders are embracing it. To me this is a very serious problem. The leaders are there to lead us so they should be held to a higher standard.

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