linda bass Posted August 26, 2004 Report Posted August 26, 2004 Why are reminders so important for Christians? In the day to day hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to lose focus on what is really important. It is important to be reminded that there is more to life than trying to eke out a living or storing up material possessions. We need to be reminded of what Christ did for us on the cross. We need to be reminded of the many promises of God-both conditional and unconditional. How do you remind yourself of God's promises? One way is by writing a promise down on a piece of paper or index card, then placing it where I can see it and be reminded thruout the day. I also have one of those perpetual calendars that has a promise for every day of the year. How do you remind others? Have to admit, this is one of the areas I fall short on. Quote
PressThrough Posted August 30, 2004 Report Posted August 30, 2004 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Fellowshipping in God with Other Christians is how we Christians remain reminded of God's Promises. For even in a Christians life there is much to do and think about, so we share in that which we revert, to All those we encounter on life's journey. So to both mature in Christ personally (balance); to do the Will of God, but it's not only "to do it" but that in "living in" Christ, is who we are. God's Will is Easy - All About Love, even in His Wrath He is Justified and True. True to the core of Love, all the way through, by and by, and around about again. God's Love is the key foundational Truth that is Perfect beyond perfection, and that can not, for existence sake be altered. God is so wonderful! And in so being we extend that which we are about to other's, providing guidance for the "Accepting" should they heed the knock on their hearts door and accept that God's Love is nigh/urging them to seek Him, and so receive life through Jesus Christ - by heartily repentance and asking forgiveness of (*sins, transgression's, & iniquities), and following Him/God/The Holy Spirit. So we learn from each others life schema's, extend our being in righteousness, that we may be found, proving the light is Good, is Life Itself! Amen. *(Sin)=poor decision (Transgression)=an in your face sin to God (Iniquities)=Transgressions passed down by the fathers. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted August 31, 2004 Report Posted August 31, 2004 I believe reminders are so important to christians because they,wake us up.As humans we tend to forget.when we are reminded it quickens our spirit and stirs us up.Reminding myself is mostly reading the word,or through a sermon at church.Sometimes one of my friends say something that brings my mind into focus of Gods promises.Its kind of like a loaf of bread,if you dont eat it then it becomes stale.I also believe when Holy Spirit speaks to us its a reminder of Gods promises. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted August 31, 2004 Report Posted August 31, 2004 As we go back to Noah's time the earth was destroyed by water,a great flood.All perished except the ones in the boat that God told Noah to build. God does not want anyone to perish,and I believe this means,at the second coming of Jesus the earth will be judged by fire. Of course when you get deep into this subject,it can and will bring fear.We do not want to force people into the great gift of salvation through fear,but through love in knowing Jesus Christ..I believe the proper balance in our churches is through love.All our teachings on salvation should be emphasized in our day on how much God loves us and that God wants know one to perish.This is why God sent His only Son to us here on this earth,and Jesus died for our sins on the cross so that we may have life,our sins be forgiven through the pouring out of His precious blood."So God so loved the world",He gave His only Son to die for us."If we believe" this is our choise, God wants none of us to perish because He loves us. Quote
AngelOnLine Posted September 16, 2004 Report Posted September 16, 2004 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? Reminders keep us focused and keep our feet on the right path. How do you remind yourself of God's promises? By reading and studying His Word every day. By prayer and fellowship with other believers. How do you remind others? By the way I live my life, by the way I treat others, and by my witness. Quote
tweety Posted November 16, 2004 Report Posted November 16, 2004 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? Reminders are important for Christians as, there are so many so things ofthe world that may appear to be 'good' or 'Christlike', and we may be enticed to indulge, but once we are constantly reminded of our Christian guidelines and principles, then it will help us to keep on track. We should always be reminded to test the spirits,as many fall prey to false teachings. How do you remind yourself of God's promises? Sometimes, God reminds me, whether through someone sharing something in person, or on television. or in some forum. But, back to question, how do I remind myself, through the bible and other Christian lierature. How do you remind others? Reminding others is done, through sharing a personal experience or one from the bible, which shows how God deleivered, and also just by having casual discussions. Quote
Lawrence Posted December 11, 2005 Report Posted December 11, 2005 2 PETER 3:1-18 Q1.----- (1) TO REMIND US OF GOD"S FAITHFULLNESS TO US. (2) BY THE STUDY OF THE WORD OF GOD. (3) LOVE. AMEN. Quote
Linda478 Posted February 22, 2006 Report Posted February 22, 2006 Reminders are great on a constant level because it is what it takes for us to be conqueror Quote
Pegi Posted September 4, 2006 Report Posted September 4, 2006 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Reminders are important for Christians so that we don't forget what Christ has in store for us, and what He did for us. I remind myself of God's promises every day when I awaken and say a prayer before I ever get out of bed. Also, by living my life as Christ would want me to live, and read His Word. I remind others by example and word, when appropriate. I always try and show my love and devotion to Jesus to others, as I would want to be treated in the same exact way. Quote
Jewell Posted May 30, 2007 Report Posted May 30, 2007 Reminders are important because we tend to focus on what is before us even when it is not Christ like. We need to be reminded of what we should be focusing on. We remind ourselves and others by reading His word and sharing it through fellowship with other Christians. Quote
Craig Posted June 19, 2007 Report Posted June 19, 2007 People seem to have short memories and tend to be easily distracted by the world. We all need constant reminders of what is important in our Christian walk. I remind myself of God's promises through a daily discipline of Bible study, prayer and service in the community. As a Pastor, I remind others of God's promises through the way I live my life, preaching, teaching, witnessing and service in the communty. Quote
masika Posted September 9, 2007 Report Posted September 9, 2007 Reminders are so important to Christians because we are human and we have the tendency of forgetting fast. I have been reminding others by sharing with them my Testimony. I always encourage them to be firm in their Christianity and not to give up. I normal remind myself of the Promises of God by studying His Word. I always have sometime everyday to read my Bible. I also have time with other Brethren to meet and share God Quote
Mephibesheth Posted May 17, 2008 Report Posted May 17, 2008 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? 1) Reminders are so important for Christians because they live among a world of people who talk and act opposite of the truth. This world can have a negative effect on our own belief and character. It is a horrible thing to start to believe the world's "truth," which is no truth at all. It causes disbelief, and disbelief corrupts Christian character which is our joy. In short, it causes sin, which is a miserable way to live. Not only that, the falsity which encourages us to sin also condemns us. What a horrible world! I hate it! If you succumb to its pressures because you want to be accepted by it, it tells you that you are naked and ugly for doing what it pressured you to do. It is a snake! 2) When I feel afraid, I read the Scriptures or remind myself of its promises. The scriptures assure me that I belong to Christ who is holy and who loves me and forgives me and accepts me and makes me holy. 3) I rarely get opportunities to remind others of God's promises, because I am on the bottom rung of the church ladder. I was an alcoholic and controlled fully by other sins for so long, I suspect people still see me that way. I think part of the reason they disregard my testemony is that so many addicts relapse. Perhaps they are waiting to see if I relapse before they consider Christ's efficacy. My hope and trust is that ALL of Christ's promises will be fully realized in my walk such that some might notice that Jesus really does give men forgiveness. Quote
Mrstoler Posted November 13, 2008 Report Posted November 13, 2008 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Reminders keeps a person focused. It helps to keep the mind stayed on Christ. I read my bible, go to church, pray for guidance, listen to Christian radio, try to hang around christian people as much as possible, and try to continue this study on a regular basis. I send text messages to my friends and I will talk to people I don't know as I am lead by the Holy Spirit. I tell people to read their bible. Quote
hanks Posted June 27, 2010 Report Posted June 27, 2010 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? There is so much to learn in the Scriptures, and it is only by repetition that we can remember; never mind applying what we have learnt. Also we are by nature sinners and need a constant spiritual check to keep us on track Quote
royk Posted August 1, 2011 Report Posted August 1, 2011 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? We can always grow closer to our creator. We need to ask for this, and ask for these reminders. The more we ask, the more God will send our way. We can throw out a flag of faith in any conversation, to feel out another person. We can witness to the person or ask them " if you die tonight, where will you go?" or "what is God to you, and where is he?" Its a lot easier to ask a stranger, and more often than not, God has put an Angel in my path to remind me. Being bold doesn't mean being pushy or overbearing. But it does require being excited about who you are in the moment of interacting with someone in your path. God takes care of the rest. Be bold and wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. God id watching, and waiting to help us do it. St. Peter tells us, "none should perish!" perhaps it was God telling him how to tell us. Perhaps it was Jesus. Quote
Old Jerry Posted August 8, 2011 Report Posted August 8, 2011 I think that reminders are so important to Christians because I know I have a tendency to forget. I think another reason that it is important is if you are not reminded I have a tendency to think that it isn’t important any more. I remind myself of God’s promises by do this and other bible studies and reading the bible daily. And I remind others by telling them over again the things I think are important to me. Quote
wifee Posted January 16, 2013 Report Posted January 16, 2013 1a)We have probably heard teaching about bible&Jesus’ instructions to us before, but our busy lives, demands of family and satan’s pull on our desires and thoughts maybe by self-doubt, false teachers etc mean, we’re often unknowingly distracted from Jesus teaching,&put of course to one side until we get to Sunday &the preacher remind us.We need the reminders to keep focused on God’s Word to us. B)Reminders stimulate the mind, in daily readings, going to church and follow Rev Wilson’s studies &putting truth into action C)We can share how God’s promises of love,mercy, forgiveness &faithfulness etc can be applied to our daily lives in our weekly life gp,and also sharing bible promises with others in need to support and encourage them. Quote
Craig Posted August 10, 2013 Report Posted August 10, 2013 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Reminders are so important because people tend to forget and the things, cares, and concerns of this world are so overwhelming they tend to take over one's thinking unless we are focused on God's Word and the things of God. I remind myself and others of God's promises through daily Bible study and prayer and by regularly teaching the Word of God to others. Quote
RD35 Posted January 6, 2016 Report Posted January 6, 2016 Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Reminders are important for Christians to motivate them to put into action what they know and so that they will continue walking in the narrow path and for encouragement. I remind myself of God's promises by reading the Word of God again and again, memorizing them and also writing them down in places where I keep looking back. To the others I remind whenever God gives an opportunity to talk, through mails and social media as God prompts me in my heart. Quote
Commissioned Posted August 24, 2017 Report Posted August 24, 2017 On 7/28/2004 at 1:59 AM, Pastor Ralph said: Q1. (2 Peter 3:1-2) Why are reminders so important for Christians? How do you remind yourself of God's promises? How do you remind others? Reminders are so important for Christians because they keep us in a perpetual examination mode and keep us on the right path. I remind myself of God's promises by meditating on His Word. I remind others by bringing the Word of God into our conversation. Quote
Godswriter Posted August 26, 2018 Report Posted August 26, 2018 They are important because they remind us of God's goodness and what He had done for us. I read His Word, memorize Scripture, write down His answers to my prayers and blessings. I tell them to read Scripture and write down their answers to prayers. Quote
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