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  • 1 month later...

For John to be Elijah he would have had to be reincarnated. 

Reincarnation has no role in Christian theology and history. Enoch and Elijah were “taken” to heaven and did not return as someone else. Those who were those raised from the dead in both the NT and OT stayed in heaven. I suppose Melchizedek is an exception to the rule of mortality -- I don't understand who he, to be honest ... an angel?

All humans who are alive now have a future which includes death. In time, Christians will be eternally reconciled with our Father in heaven.

This means that every individual stands alone in history. True, our lives may parallel the lives of biblical characters and we may even have salient points in common with them, but these are merely parallels or similarities. Thus, to answer your question, Elijah may be similar to John the Baptist in substantial ways, but that doesn’t mean that he IS John the Baptist.

Elijah is just Elijah.


Q29. (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17) 
In what ways did Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry and calling? Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated? 
John the Baptist was a type of Elijah in that there were many similarities between the two. Both had to deal with Israel in a state of apostacy, idolatry, and false teachings, and both pointed the nation towards the true living God. Both were bold in their ministry, preaching the gospel of repentance, and seeking to bring the people into a right relationship with God. Their similarities even extended to their dress code (2 Kings 1:8 and Mat 3.:4). No, John the Baptist was not Elijah reincarnated - he himself denied this (John 1:21). Elijah did not die, but was taken up into heaven in a whirlwind, and I think before our Lord Jesus comes again, Elijah will physically return to earth from heaven, as Elijah the great prophet. So, Elijah is Elijah, and John the Baptist is John the Baptist. However, John the Baptist did come in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1:17), as the Lord’s forerunner, preparing the people for the Lord. That is why Jesus called John the Baptist a type of Elijah – meaning that they were similar in their ministry and calling. 


Q29. John the Baptist’s ministry was similar to Elijah’s. They were both given the task of preparing the people to turn from their wicked sinful ways and to turn back to God.  They both wore similar clothing of animal skins tied with a leather belt. They both spoke out boldly against the sin of people around them. John the Baptist was said to “ come in the spirit and power” of Elijah. They both preach a gospel of repentance. John the Baptist was not a reincarnation of Elijah but he came in the Spirit and Power of Elijah. John was in the same spiritual state or of the same disposition as Elijah.


As Elijah's ministry was to bring the lost people of Israel back to the Lord. So also John the Baptist dressed as Elijah had dressed, he too was committed to calling lost of Israel back to the Lord by repentance  and baptism.

John the Baptist was not the reincarnated person of Elijah, but he did perform the same ministry as Elijah. 


Both preached repentence when Israel turned from God. They wore clothing of animal hair; not the typical garments of their era.  They ate food that was provided in the wilderness.  They didn't partake of luxurious foods and drinks. Both were separated from the false religions of their times.  Both of these men were men of deep prayer; they had no time to dialogue nor waste time in speaking with those who persisted in their doctrinal errors.  Both preached repentence to evil kings.  Despite all odds, they heroically bore witness to their faith;  there were Christain soldiers that died as martyrs during the Roman emperors.  Both were sought by wicked Queens.  Prophet Elijah was sought by Jezebel and John the Baptist was sought by Herodias.   Lastly, both men had times of depression and doubt.   They were no strangers to the human condition.   Those in Christain ministry can take great solace in this fact that there are bumpy roads along the way in Christain ministry.  Both Prophet Elijah and John the Baptist stood against injustice, false religion and evil in their societies.

John the Baptist was not a reincarnation of John the Baptist.   John had that Elijah anointing. The similarities of their ministries are strikingly quite similar.  Prophet Elijah had his school of the Prophets who maintained the faith while the established scribes and priesthood went on a path of compromise.   John the Baptist was not part of the Jerusalem establishment; like the Essenes, John was not part and parcel of the Jerusalem temple priesthood.


Q29. (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17)

In what ways did Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry and calling?

Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated?

Elijah and John were both called in a time when the nation was not serving the Lord in fullness and truth.

The kings of both times were ruled, as if it were, by the whims of their wives, Jezebel and Herodias.  Both these so called queens desired the death of these prophets.

Both Elijah and John were not living in comfort and style of the times, both were known to wear similar clothing. So even if they had not been met by someone before, they were recognizable by their garments and wild appearance.

Elijah was calling the idolatrous nation back to Yahweh.  Pointing out to them Who indeed Yahweh was.  Turning the hearts of the fathers (Patriarchs, those who had served God) to the children (the present day Israelites); in other words changing the people living then back to the way the Patriarchs or those that before them had served Yahweh, like eg., David.   

John the Baptist was calling out to the people to repent, to change their ways (to change spiritually and morally),  to be ready for the Messiah's coming.

No, John was not Elijah reincarnated.  John came in the Spirit and Power of Elijah.



Q29. (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17) In what ways did Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry and calling? Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated?

Elijah’s ministry and calling had similarities with that of John the Baptist because they both prepare a way for the coming of the Lord Jesus.


In what ways did Elijah’s ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist’s ministry and calling?

Elijah's burden and legacy was to turn a nation's heart back to God.  John the Baptist preached the same thing.

Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated?

No, John the Baptist isn't Elijah reincarnated.  He comes with Elijah's mission and boldness, using "spirit" in the sense of "spiritual state, state of mind, disposition.


Q29. (Malachi 4:5-6; Luke 1:17) In what ways did Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry and calling? Was John the Baptist actually Elijah reincarnated?

Elijah's ministry and calling have similarities with John the Baptist's ministry in clothing, boldness and bring back people to the Lord. 

Yes, John the Baptist was actually Elijah reincarnated according to scripture and what Jesus Christ teaches in Luke 1:17. 

  • 2 weeks later...

John the Baptist was bold just like Elijah. They both boldly rebuked the sins of the powerful. Furthermore, just like Elijah, John preached the gospel of repentance. On a lighter note, John the Baptist dressed like Elijah. John the Baptist isn't Elijah, but he comes with Elijah's mission and boldness.

  • 4 months later...

John had the same humble dress, mission, and personality. They both preached a message of repentance and tried to turn people's heart back to God. John isn't literally Elijah reincarnated. But he came in the same spirit and assigned a similar mission to Elijah. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Elijah’s ministry and John the Baptist’s ministry were similar in that Elijah was trying to call the people to repentance and John ministry was the same. Elijah and John were both in the wilderness and wore rough clothes. I do not think that John the Baptist was Elijah reincarnated.

  • 1 year later...

John the Baptist's ministry is similar to Elijah because both lived simply, even in the way they dressed, they were both rather radical in their commitment to God as seen in their lifestyles and ministry, they both spoke boldly and obediently God's message of repentance from sin and turning to back to God, and both spoke to those not receptive to their message (John to Herod). However, I don't believe in reincarnation. Each of us is created by God as an individual. Also, the angel said to Zechariah that "he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah." He was like Elijah in spirit and power. He was not Elijah himself.

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