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Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

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Wages are payment for services rendered.  "the wages of sin are death"  We work for it and often times we work real hard at it.  Grace is free, unmerited and un-earned, we do not have to perform anything or do anything.  We don't work for it, ever.


In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"? God gives willingly out of love to those who have not earned, nor deserved the gift.  The gift is based on love, not a payment for what is done in advance to receive it.  Equally, I think, it is not based on our doing something in the future, like a performance contract.  I believe He gives without expectation of receiving something back in payment for that gift.  That is love!


Grace differs from earning wages in that grace is an unmerited gift of love God gives us not because of our status, good behaviour or hard work. we do not have to do anything, God give it anyway while wages is earned for work done.  Grace is undeserved favor given by God to sinners.  


Grace cannot be earned. It is free, undeserved and abundantly plenteous. To me, a working definition of Biblical Grace is getting what we do not deserve, as compared to Mercy which is not getting what we deserve. GRACE is God's Riches At Christ's Expense. This mnemonic sums up the entire meaning of the Grace of God through Jesus our Lord. God is gracious, compassionate, abounding in mercy and love, and faithful. We truly worship a God of all Grace.


A really helpful introduction to this simple (but challenging) concept.  We all too often use the word "Grace" without truly understanding what that means.  God's grace is free but without cost - to God.  It must be the foundation of our faith


Grace differs from earning wages because it is bestowed upon us not by works that make us deserve it but purely by God’s benevolence towards us.

A working definition of biblical grace might be the kindness, love, and mercy of God shown to His children despite our failures to live blamelessly before Him.

Grace characterizes The God of all Grace because everything about God displays his grace towards us: love, mercy, forgiveness, strength to live our lives, strength to overcome obstacles and problems, his constant presence with us to name a few.

Posted (edited)

Grace is unlimited favour that can't be wage, earned or purchased but wages is what is deserved and merited for. 

Grace characterize the God of all Grace base on is compassion, steadfast love, merciful, goodwill and truth in christ Jesus. 


Edited by Olufemi
Posted (edited)

Grace (charis), as utilized in Greek & Roman culture, hinged upon a symbiotic relationship by the giver of grace (wealthy sponsor) and the recipient (client) of the grace (favor or wages earned). In return the recipient would respond with obedience and assistance when called upon. As a Roman citizen, Paul understood how economic grace (charis) worked, but he realized the magnificence of God's Grace in that there is nothing we can do (toward God) to be worthy of this undeserved kindness. Grace, as has been defined, is God's Riches at Christ's Expense, on the cross.

Edited by Sue M
Corrected and amended
11 hours ago, ChrisShg said:

Grace cannot be earned. It is free, undeserved and abundantly plenteous. To me, a working definition of Biblical Grace is getting what we do not deserve, as compared to Mercy which is not getting what we deserve. GRACE is God's Riches At Christ's Expense. This mnemonic sums up the entire meaning of the Grace of God through Jesus our Lord. God is gracious, compassionate, abounding in mercy and love, and faithful. We truly worship a God of all Grace.

Very good 😊


Grace is freely given, while wages are given in exchange for something — a product, service, etc. 

Biblical grace is independent from anything we do and is all because of who God is. 


Grace is better.  It is “from on High”.  The thought that struck me was that we are really not capable of doing anything at all apart from Him.  He can do anything better than we can, He knows exactly what is suppose to happen and why, yet we continue to exclude Him from most of our lives.  It made me think of knowing my proper position in relation to our Father, a position of a helpless newborn infant needing help with everything.  He is sovereign over every breath we take. It makes me think of how He can step into the lives of 8 billion people simultaneously without even breaking a sweat, of how He can do every thing 10,000 times better than I can.  Lord, help me to stop trying to do anything without You.


Grace is not earned or worked for. It is not a wage or payment for services rendered. It is a gift from God that given out at His discretion.

I always liked this brief definition of Grace: “God’s unmerited favor.” So we don’t receive grace because we are good, but we receive it because God wants to give it to us.

“God’s unmerited favor.”

God’s grace is always sufficient and it never runs out!


How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

I desperately want to understand grace, but the definition -- unlimited favor -- doesn't take into consideration the great suffering that some Christian experience in their lifetime. Obviously, we can't earn grace, but can we ask for it, or it grace something that God Himself bestows at his pleasure. Is it right to pray for grace or has this already been factored into our lives?

I hope this study answers some of my heartfelt questions.




Grace (χάρις charis) is unearned favour - it is not something we can earn or deserve, it is not because we are good or worthy, it is unmerited favour based solely on the goodness of the Giver ... God

A helpful working definition of Biblical grace would be 'receiving what we don't deserve' - God's Riches At Christ's Expense

Grace characterizes the 'God of all grace' because His goodness is constantly towards us & is summed up in John 3:16 "God so loved the world that He gave ..." He doesn't just 'love' He 'SO loves - this is grace!


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?

Charis defines grace as favor from a giver, not whether the recipient is worthy of the grace bestowed. Grace is a GIFT and is not based on what the receiving person does (or has not done).  There is no prerequisite of obligation, wage, reward, or worthiness for the receiver to be granted Grace.

From earning favor by being good?

The only “good” applied here is the goodness of the giver.  Grace cannot be earned since it is freely given by God. Say you sin against one of the commandments.  You realize that you were wrong, and you ask God for forgiveness.  You know that you are forgiven because you repented.  The sin is forgiven because God, through “His Grace” gave us his Son as our high priest.  Through their grace, which is freely given, our sin is forgiven.  We did not have to perform a sacrifice, as they did in the Old Testament.  We did not have to “be good” nor do any “works.”

What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace?

     "Grace is favor that is neither earned nor deserved."

 In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"? 

Through the scripture we all learn early in our new life, John 3:16


"In what way does grace characterize 'the God of all Grace?'"

Grace is not only something that God gives us. God is grace. So in a sense, when He gives us His grace, He is giving of Himself. 


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

1. Grace is something we don't deserve and cannot earn. It is given and is a gift.

2. We cannot earn grace by being good it is a gift from God.

3. Grace is an unmerited favor from God. 

4. God is loving, kind, and compassionate. 


Grace is freely given by God to us who are undeserving and unmerited by us.

WE can never earn God's grace.  We are sinful throughout.  God is pure and holy.

Grace is God's favor , lovingkindness and mercy shed on  us because He loves to shower us with every gracious gift.

God is love, mercy, lovingkindness.  He is grace and He loves to extend mercy

I am a definition or an example of God's grace.  When I was deep in sin He picked me up out of the miry clay and established my goings.  He extended mercy on me and brought me out of the kingdom of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of His Son.

Thank you father

God Bless!



Q: How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?  A: When a person earns wages a contract or promise is  made to pay a certain amount for work that is done.  God does not ask this of us. Grace is not a contract but a gift.

Q How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning favor by being good?:  A:  Because of our fallen nature, we can never be good enough to approach God and earn his favor without the cleansing blood of Jesus Christ who loved us enough to die for us.

Q: What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace?  A:  "God's Riches At Christ's Expense."  God's grace is free to the sinner but NOT to God who gave up His Son as a sacrifice to die for us.

Q:  In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”? A:  God's character IS Grace, Love, Mercy, Compassion and so much more.  He is Holy and Just!  Hallowed be His name!


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?

Grace is something that is freely given and does not require anything of the recipient. The recipient does nothing to earn it. It is given because of the goodwill of the givers. The recipients only have to accept it.

From earning favor by being good? Grace is unilateral and cannot be earned by being good.

What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? Grace is favor that is neither earned nor deserved.

In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"? God showed us His grace when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. We did not earn it and we certainly can never be good enough on our own to receive it. God did it because of His love and mercy towards us. Because of His great love and compassion for us. That is His v ery character or nature.


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) 
How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favour by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"? 
We work to earn our wages. Grace is different in that grace cannot be earned - we cannot work to earn grace. In the same way, we don’t deserve anything by being good and obedient to the Lord’s Word. Whatever we do, we cannot earn favour/grace by being good – it’s not based on reward or worthiness. God’s grace (charis) is never earned or deserved. It is freely given to us, sinners, solely out of His love and goodwill towards us. A working definition of Biblical grace is: "Grace is favour that is neither earned nor deserved." Another one I’ve come across: “Grace is God’s sovereign, unmerited favour, given to those who deserve His wrath.” Grace, His love, His goodness, and His loving-kindness characterizes our Heavenly Father. 1 John 4:16 tells us that God is love – with such a wonderful love God loves us. God is the God of all grace, grace that is rich and varied (1 Pet 4:10), grace that can meet every need and prevail in every situation. It is freely shown toward guilty sinners like us, who have repented and put our trust in our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Showing favour to all of us who only deserve to be treated severely. 


Grace is not being worthy of or did nothing to earn it, while wages is based on what I have worked for, then I get paid.   A working definition of Biblical Grace in is God gave us His only son who paid our debt in full without us doing anything to earn it.

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