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The grace of God is a gift that we receive because we believe/have faith in the Giver, that even when we don't see God, we acknowledge His truth, His sovereignty, His mercy & love for us, mostly believing on what Jesus did on the cross. Wages are compensation or consequences of what we do. We get rewarded for what we do good or we get punished for wrong or bad works.

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Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?

Grace differs from earning wages because it is something that is given freely.  You cannot earn grace.

From earning favor by being good?

Being good does not earn us grace for we do not deserve it.  It is because of God's love for us that it is given.

What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

Working definition of grace: God's favor that is neither earned nor deserved. Grace characterizes "God of all Grace" as his love for us. 


1.  Grace is a gift.  The source of grace is from God not an employer.  

The ability to become children of God through the assistance  that God gives to us.  We come to Him as sinners and receive salvation through God.

Grace is a participation in the life of God.  It is a free gift from God.


On 10/7/2022 at 2:19 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

Grace is A free gift from loving God to restore our relation with him Through the work of the cross,in grace. So grass is Undeserved favor it is a free gift from loving God

On 1/15/2023 at 4:38 AM, Krissi said:

How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

I desperately want to understand grace, but the definition -- unlimited favor -- doesn't take into consideration the great suffering that some Christian experience in their lifetime. Obviously, we can't earn grace, but can we ask for it, or it grace something that God Himself bestows at his pleasure. Is it right to pray for grace or has this already been factored into our lives?

I hope this study answers some of my heartfelt questions.


On 1/15/2023 at 4:38 AM, Krissi said:





7 minutes ago, Julie B said:

Good morning,

Just read your post and thought to share ... God extended His grace to us through His Son on the Cross, it was an act of abundant love for us which is received through salvation. Recognizing His Grace allows us to rest in Him. Life in a sin-filled world will bring difficulties ... as my husband has often said (I edited/embellished upon it): when we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior and learn to submit to Him as Lord we just angered our worldly 'dance partner' who will do anything to draw us back to the dark side.

Hard times will come but as we learn more and more to TRUST and rely on Jesus, He gives us the strength and peace to get through it. Reflecting on our life can often bring to the forefront of our memories just how much Jesus has walked ahead and alongside and carried us through it all. Writing out our prayers and answers to them in a notebook is very helpful (and for me keeps my brain on track).

The Lord bless you Krissi!




Grace is favor of the giver, not the worthiness of the recipient. Grace is favor that is not based on obligation, wage, reward, or worthiness. God is composed of grace, filled with grace and the source of grace. Grace comes from God through Jesus Christ. 


Grace is favor of the giver, not the worthiness of the recipient. Grace is favor that is not based on obligation, wage, reward, or worthiness. God is composed of grace, filled with grace and the source of grace. Grace comes from God through Jesus Christ Our Lord.


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"?

Grace is unmerited while earning wages is receiving that which you have worked for and deserve it.

Earning favour by being good is not grace.

Biblical grace can be seen in God loving us while we were still sinners when he showed us his love by sending his dear son Jesus Christ to die to redeem us from the penalty of sin- death.


Grace is a gift freely given when not merited or deserved. It isn’t given as a loan and it can’t be earned. Wages are what is owed to you to satisfy a debt for work or expectation of favors in return for something you have done for someone. I’ve read something like this: “Grace is the extravagant love of God shown to the unlovely, the passionate favor of God to the undeserving”.  No amount of human effort could ever earn that.

In the big view, humanity is showered with God’s grace, an essence of who He is as “the God of all grace”. He gives because He is a giver who is the Source of all giving, not out of obligation or debt. And we don’t deserve anything He gives or provides for our temporal existence on this earth. But His greatest gift of grace is His Son Jesus, the Redeemer given to rescue humanity from the penalty of sin. Through that grace, God has provided for our existence individually in heaven for eternity. In keeping with the character of grace, this can’t be earned and it’s never given as a loan. It merely has to be honestly accepted.


Grace differs from wages because it's  a quality of benevolence that gives favor to inferiors. It comes solely at the discretion of the giver it's not an obligation. on the other hand wages comes as a result of what you've worked for or deserve

A working definition of God's grace is that , grace is an undeserved favour, it is not earned.

grace characterize God in his love shown to humanity by sending us his only son to die for our sin we being children of wrath he made peace with us and translated us into the kingdom of his dear son.





Grace is God's unmerited favor upon all people. We were once sinners and God sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not die but have an everlasting life. We did not have to work to receive the gift of salvation. It was freely given to those who believed. On the other hand, wages are paid to only those who have worked. Surely, I did not work for my salvation but God's grace did it all for me.


People work for their wages and most often do not get satisfied with what they receive after toiling very hard. But there is fulfilment and satisfaction when God's grace embraces us. Anyone is privileged to receive His grace. One singer says "Mercy rewrote my life". I am grateful to God that indeed, I am one such person whom God completely rewrote her life.


I believe God's Word when He says: "My grace is sufficient for you". Why then should we worry about all that is happening around us if we understand that only God's grace can see us through all the trials and tribulations of this world. Isn't that Jesus Christ says: "I have overcome the world". Let us all be at peace as we trust in His unfailing love and grace. No wages can ever give us the satisfaction we need but only His grace.

On 10/6/2022 at 7:19 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q1. (1 Peter 5:10) How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages? From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize “the God of all grace”?

Grace is a free gift of God. None of us deserve it.  You don't have to work for it. Wages you get from a job, because you did the work required of you.

You don't get God's favor by being  good.  It is only by God's grace.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.              John 3:17.  For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.     Ephesians 2:8-9

The God of all grace - He not only gave himself for us, but continues to give Himself for us in giving us of His Spirit, of His working His character in us, in making intercession for us, we are always on His mind and He that began a good work in us will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.



When a person earns wages, they are compensated for adhereing to their part of the terms of the agreement.  Meaning if you perform this function for set number or hours, you will be paid accordingly.  Well grace is not based upon good works or worthiness of the recipient. It comes soley at the discretion of the giver.  It is neither earned of deserved.  It is unmerited. 

A working definition of Biblical Grace is the love God has for those who are saved, delivered through His Son Jesus and demonstrates their love for Him by obeying Him. 

Grace characterize God as the "the God of all grace" because grace is an expression of love and that is who God is, He is love. 


People work for their wages and most often do not get satisfied with what they receive after toiling very hard. But there is fulfilment and satisfaction when God's grace embraces us. Anyone is privileged to receive His grace. One singer says "Mercy rewrote my life". I am grateful to God that indeed, I am one such person whom God completely rewrote her life. I believe God's Word when He says: "My grace is sufficient for you". Why then should we worry about all that is happening around us if we understand that only God's grace can see us through all the trials and tribulations of this world. Isn't that Jesus Christ says: "I have overcome the world". Let us all be at peace as we trust in His unfailing love and grace. No wages can ever give us the satisfaction we need but only His grace.Grace is God's unmerited favor upon all people. We were once sinners and God sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not die but have an everlasting life. We did not have to work to receive the gift of salvation. It was freely given to those who believed. On the other hand, wages are paid to only those who have worked. Surely, I did not work for my salvation but God's grace did it all for me.


People work for their wages and most often do not get satisfied with what they receive after toiling very hard. But there is fulfilment and satisfaction when God's grace embraces us. Anyone is privileged to receive His grace. One singer says "Mercy rewrote my life". I am grateful to God that indeed, I am one such person whom God completely rewrote her life. I believe God's Word when He says: "My grace is sufficient for you". Why then should we worry about all that is happening around us if we understand that only God's grace can see us through all the trials and tribulations of this world. Isn't that Jesus Christ says: "I have overcome the world". Let us all be at peace as we trust in His unfailing love and grace. No wages can ever give us the satisfaction we need but only His grace. Grace is God's unmerited favor upon all people. We were once sinners and God sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should not die but have an everlasting life. We did not have to work to receive the gift of salvation. It was freely given to those who believed. On the other hand, wages are paid to only those who have worked. Surely, I did not work for my salvation but God's grace did it all for me.


When we read  the Book of Exodus, we see how the Israelites over and over turned against God. How they forgot the good and precious things God did for them. But God still remained faithful and kept His promises that He made to their forefathers. In Exodus 32 we read about the Israelites asking Aaron to make a gold calf that they will worship. Did God remove Aaron to be the Priest? Not at all. Despite Aaron disobeying God, He still allowed him to serve His people. God is forever patient with us. How many times have we disobeyed Him but He kept His promises because He is just, faithful and forever gracious and merciful. His Word says" He who has promised, is faithful". Let us not take His grace for granted by sinning but note that He will forever be our Heavenly Father. 


How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?  From earning favor by being good? What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace? In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"? 

We only earn wages when we work.  The more we work, the more we earn.  In certain Asian religions, you have to be a good person and do good deeds in order in order to receive good in your lives.  The level of blessing you receive is dictated by the number of good deeds you perform hence people participate in religious cleansing and charitable works in order to receive a blessing from their spiritual leader and their god. 

As a Christian, God's grace is free and unconditional.  His grace/favor is a gift not because we are deserving of it all the time but because of his nature and his heartbeat, and his infinite love for us.  He is a good and merciful God.

God's grace also points us to the right direction and help us turn away from our sinful ways.  Whilst we may suffer from the consequences of our sinful lifestyle, most of us are not punished as we should be if we repent.  This is because of his never ending grace which we extends to us over and over again, every time we fall short.

His grace also gives us the strength to do what we might not be able to do if we rely on our own strength and thinking.

In life we suffer setbacks and disappointments.  Because of His grace, we are able to carry on and even emerge victorious.

God's grace covers every aspect of our lives.






We do not deserve grace, it is  not granted upon us as a reward or as people who deserve it. It is given as God's discretion. God has no reason for granting us his grace but it just out  of his desire. He actualized this giving his only begotten son Jesus the Christ who came to die for our sins out of God's discretion

Biblical working definition of grace is by God giving Hos only begotten son Jesus the Christ who was blameless and sinless but chose to die for the sins of the world that we may have life in abundance


Grace differs from wages by the fact that we have done nothing to earn it as apposed to earning grace from doing our wages for which we paid. Earning grace through favor is not a biblical grace. A biblical explanation of grace is that it is given to us by God, we have not earned it or given to us through favor. This characterizes God by the fact that we believe Jesus has provided His life and death and resurrection from the dead. He is Gods only Son and by His love for us has provided grace for our redemption.     


Q1. (1 Peter 5:10)

How does grace (Greek charis) differ from earning wages?   From earning favor by being good?

What is a helpful working definition of Biblical grace?

In what way does grace characterize "the God of all grace"?

After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all GRACE [Who imparts His blessing and favour], Who called you to His own eternal glory in Christ, will Himself complete, confirm, strengthen and establish you [making you what you ought to be].      1 Peter 5:10  

wage  =  payment for services rendered

grace   =   the unmerited favour and love of God toward man in Christ.  Grace is favor that is not based on obligation, wage, reward, or worthiness. 

  • Earning wages is receiving payment for that which you worked for.  Whether it be fair or not, wages have been worked for.  It is getting something in return for something you did.  Receiving what is owed to you.
  • Grace is receiving or imparting a favour or blessing  in return for nothing , getting a favour  or a blessing that has not been deserved.  
  • To earn a favour by being good you get "paid" for your good behaviour, whereas grace is imparted in spite of your behaviour.  

Biblical grace is a gift that has been imparted to us . A gift is something we are given without having  earned or deserved it.   A gift is given without being under obligation to give it.  "Grace is favor that is neither earned nor deserved."

The God of all grace is full of love, which He showed in sending his Son to save undeserving sinners. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, will not perish, but have everlasting life.

Posted (edited)

The difference between grace and earning wages is that I cannot earn grace like I would if I was working where I will be earning a paycheck based on what I agreed to work for.  Grace is not earned and is based on the favor of the giver.  It is not based on the goodness of the recipient. 

A working definition of Grace is that God has reached out to the world through His Son Jesus Christ, because of His love for the world.  All who believe in His Son will be recipients of grace.  Nothing earned or deserved, but based on God's love for us.

This proves that "the God of all grace" is full of mercy and love.

Edited by Trusting God
I forgot to answer the last question.

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