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Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?

  • 3 months later...
  On 10/6/2022 at 11:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?


Yahweh forgives all sins of the repentant. Rebellion finds it's way into those who lack humility for the grace extended, those who believe something is owed in this life. Those who refuse to surrender deny the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus. 

  On 10/6/2022 at 11:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?


For those who repent any and all sins will be forgiven.  If the sin is not repented of we are rebelling against God.  The Bible tells us to repent of our sins.  That means confess them to God and turn from them.  If we don't confess and ask for forgiveness what are we saying about God and what are we saying about our children who are taught that sin is okay? What are we saying to friends and neighbors?  My experience is that little sins lead to bigger ones and that your family and others will be affected.  God hates sin and cannot just disregard it. He is holy, pure and just.  If we truly love Him we will repent of our sin as He is not willing that any should perish.   He provided the way to salvation through the finished work of Jesus on the cross and He is the One in charge.

Thank you Jesus for paying the price for us so we can live forever with you. May all who live believe you and sanctify your name in truth. (BLD praise music)

God Bless!  


John 3:16


God forgives all sins but only after a person repents of these sins, specific ones.

The sin of rebellion is the human condition. It's the original sin in the Garden, the sin that precipitated all other sins. Humans are born rebellious. They spend their life "working out their salvation," that is, doing what is humanly possible to further the process of sanctification, though sanctification, in the end, is a divine work. 

I no longer think about what will happen to people who do not repent and surrender -- my family. It's upsetting and gets me nowhere. Those of us who have prayed for a particular person's salvation or even that of an entire nation must leave the answering of that prayer to Him. Why some never choose God is His mystery, not mine -- why God chooses some is also His mystery.


Q3. (Exodus 34:7) 
What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer's life? Why doesn't God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to Him? 
I think iniquity and transgression and sin are all mentioned so that no one would think there were some types of sin God cannot forgive. Today, there is no sin God is unable to forgive. Whatever the seriousness of the sin, once we have repented and put our trust in Jesus Christ as our Saviour, all our sins past, present, and future are forgiven. The penalty for sin has been paid. Thank You Lord Jesus! In this life, once we become so-called successful, powerful, and wealthy, we can easily be so self-centred that we have no need for God. We rebel against Him, turn our back on Him. Afterall we can do it all! It is all about us, therefore there is no need for prayer or fellowship with our Lord. God is not mean-spirited or looking for an excuse to condemn His creatures, on the contrary He is a loving forgiving God, but being a just God, He demands a penalty for unforgiven sin. So that when we refuse to repent and surrender to Him - not to accept the free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ - He has no other option but to allow them the wages of their sin – which is death (Rom 6:23). 


My understanding is that all sins will be forgiven for those who repent (declare them, ask for forgiveness (attempt to not) do the sin again.  Mark 3:29 gives us the only sin that is the exception.  "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation".  I don't know enough about this particular sin (and I need to research this further).

Rebellion can find its way into a believer's life bit by bit whenever we fail to acknowledge God in the things He does for us and the opportunities and events that He leads us to.

God does not forgive those who do not repent and surrender to him because it simply doesn't make sense to do so.  God cannot have sin in his environment.  While we do not repent and allow ourselves to be cleansed we still bear that sin. 1 John 1:9 states "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  Further, verse 10, "If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."  This appears to be a BIG deal.  God knows that this is and will continue to be a struggle for us all, which is why repentence works as it does and why Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice.  So long as we KNOW we have sinned and refuse to repent, we are not righteous.  God will not forgive the unrighteousness although He continues to love the sinner.




Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer's life? Why doesn't God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?

Yahweh will forgive every sin we commit when when we humble ourselves and repent. Nothing will be left out because Jesus died for all our sins.


Rebellion finds its way into the lives of believers when we refuse to obey something He told us to do.

Or when we choose to deliberately sin by doing something we know is wrong. God looks at it as rebellion; like when Saul disobeyed God. There are severe consequences for believers who choose to rebel against God. We end up losing His blessings in this life and our rewards when we get to heaven.

God doesn't forgive thise who refuse to repent and surrender to Him because they are rejecting His gift of forgiveness through Christ. They were given a chance and refused it; so there is no hope for them anymore. It is like they are trodding on the very sacrifice that Jesus offered and that is his death on the cross. There is no more hope for them then.


1. Yahweh forgives all our sins - for those who repent

2. Rebellion creeps into a believer's life in stages - one small steo at a time ... the minor sin leading to another & then another ... slowly-slowly rebellion creeps in LIKE BOILING A FROG IN A PAN OF WATER

3. God doesn't forgive those who don't repent (with sadness) - He has provided forgiveness , salvation is available ... but mankind rejects it - just walking by

Lord help me to avoid the minor sins - or at least keep short accounts when I fall -& help me to make known 'the Way os Salvation


Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? God forgives all sins of those who repent and turn away from their crooked ways.  God forgives and yet does not leave sin unpunished.  Forgiveness is the flow of God's love to all those who accept his son Jesus Christ as their Lord and saviour and the welcoming them back to His favour.
How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Rebellion is disobedience to God and it is likened to spirit of divination.  Divination is a parallel where pagans practice as a way of communicating with spirits.  God is our source and divination is forbidden, hence rebellion is established on pride which says you can do things your own way and don't need guidance of God.  you will start thinking you can solve your own problems and influence others and all glory goes to you not God.  It is very dangerous to proud, rebellious, disobeying authority.  Rebellion started in heaven with Lucifer and it kills.   
Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?  God loves sinners and calls them to salvation, however if they remain guilty and do not repent they will face the consequences of their unrepentant hearts. Peter puts it clearly in Act 2:38 that those who repent and baptised their sins are forgiven and receive the Hoy Spirit.

Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?

1. He will forgive all of their sins. He will forgive iniquity and transgression. We must repent honestly.

2. Rebellion finds its way when we refuse to obey God and let the devil trick us as if we can sin and it is not wrong. Rebellion creeps in little by little.

3. God tells us to repent so that our sins can be forgiven, love your neighbor as yourself. God wants us to confess our sins and he will faithfully forgive and cleanse us. God hates sin. 



Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer's life? Why doesn't God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?

Yahweh will forgive every confessed sin.

He will however not forgive those who refuse to repent of their rebellious lives.


Sins fall under certain headings, such as lying (false witness), sexual perversion (adultery), rebellion against God (false idols), wickedness (stealing or murder); really sin against any of the Ten Commandments. Sinning includes both those that we do with full knowledge (on purpose because we are human and can’t resist); and those that are inadvertent, such as finding ourselves in the wrong place at the wrong time and not realizing what we have just done until after the action is competed. Sin is forgiven and forgotten because God does not remember our sins once we confess and repent.

If we humble and repent, God offers his forgiveness and pardon. But if we refuse to receive His mercy, the answer is a certain and direct punishment for our sins. So, the guilty sinners, those who hate the Lord and refuse to repent, do not go unpunished. They have rejected God’s offer of pardon, forgiveness and sin remembered no more.

  On 10/6/2022 at 11:20 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?


God forgives all sin when we sincerely repent.

Rebellion creeps in little by little.  That is why we need to stay close to the Lord and His word.

Those who refuse to repent, those who reject or ignore his offer of pardon .He does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation. Because the children usually follow in the footsteps of the parents.


God forgives wickedness, rebellion and sin, inadvertent sins and those committed with deliberate defiance. To those who humble themselves in repentance, the gracious God offers pardon. But those who refuse to receive mercy, they will receive just and unremitting punishment for their sins.


God will definitely forgive those who humble themselves, acknowledge their sins and repent. All kinds of sins will be forgiven as we repent but the Word of God says " Only the sin that blasphemes the Holy Spirit will not be  forgiven. Those that harden their hearts and refuse to receive the mercy will not be forgiven. Those who continue to sin even if they know the truth about God's forgiveness.


First, continuing with thoughts from Yahweh’s revelation of His character attributes in vs.6, I’d like to add the next two I see in vs.7. It is part of Yahweh’s nature to be forgiving – God desires to pardon and release us from the penalties and consequences of our iniquities, transgressions, and sins. He longs for our restoration to Him.

And here we see that He revealed Himself as the just and righteous Judge – He makes it clear that although His desire is to forgive, by no means will He release the guilty from the consequences of sin apart from acceptance of the atoning sacrifice of redemption.

Yahweh promised to forgive any and all iniquities of perverse offenses, transgressions of rebellion, and sins of missing the mark of obedience – when we identify, admit, and confess them with repentance. Any time we twist the truth to justify our choices, or decide to rebel against God’s design and trust our own plan or judgment, or reject what He says is the right way, we are guilty and in need of repentance. Yahweh has clearly laid out the certain punishment of unrepentant sin.  When we refuse to be humble and honestly confess our sin with repentance, when we reject His offer of grace, God cannot apply that grace to our offenses and we bear the consequences on our own.


The great Yahweh forgives all sins, wickedness and rebellion.  He is indeed the God of Love.  He forgives those who truly repent with all their heart.  He is everlasting-to-everlasting.  He doesn't need any of us.  We need Him.  But, Yahweh deeply cares for His chosen and wants us to seek Him in having a relationship with Him, not an one-sided relationship but a relationship whereas we will be submissive and trust Him.  Yahweh knows of our challenges and struggles, and He is compassionate toward our sufferings, and He promises never to leave us or forsake us.

The sin of rebellion can find its way into a believer's life when we thinks that Yahweh has forgotten us because we failed to wait patiently to hear a word from Him.  Sometimes, we get discouraged when we feel our prayers are not being answered fast enough or in the manner in which we want them to be answered.  So, we start behaving in accordance to the imagination of our hearts. Now God's Word is being ignored.  Sadly, we find ourselves in situations that is hazardous to our wellbeing.  But God...

Yahweh wants more than anything for us to love and trust Him.  He doesn't force any of us to have a relationship with Him.  Yahweh being the merciful and gracious God gives us ample opportunities to come to Him.  He is a God of many chances. But if one continues to reject Him by refusing to repent simply because He does not believe in Him or have no love for HIm in their heart, He will allow their fate to be their self-destruction.   Think about it, The Bible teaches us that those who have faith and believe in Him, were healed.  Well, the opposite will happen to those who hate and rejects Him.  


Q3. (Exodus 34:7) What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent? How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer’s life? Why doesn’t God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to him?

God will forgive all sins if we repent - sins of outright rebellion, deliberate defiance,  wickedness and missing the mark.  

The sin of rebellion can find its way into a believer's life if the person chooses to live outside of God's ways and refusing to repent.

God is merciful.  When we sin, he calls us to repentance repeatedly.  But if we hardened our hearts and ignore his repeated calls of mercy and grace, he will punish us.  When we are unrepentant, we set a bad example for our family members especially our children.  We might even encourage them to sin hence perpetuating a vicious cycle of unrepentant unbelievers in the generational line.



Yahweh will forgive Wickedness (Pervasive behaviour or iniquity), rebellion(transgression or destroying the relationship with Yahweh) and sin (those who go astray; and we see a lot of this repeated among the children of Israel as they traverse the land to Canaan. They went astray several times and Yahweh always forgave them when they retuned to him).

The sin of rebellion may find its way into a believer's life because it may be copied by offspring passed on from generation to generation.

God doesn't forgive those who refuse to repent because refusal is disobeying, it is failure to apply consciousness by the disobedient. People who are like this may cause many more to stumble and to cause someone else to stumble is very serious in the eyes of Yahweh.


Mark 3:9 states that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgivable which is the only sin God does not forgive. This verse was spoken to the Pharisees for their unbelief in Jesus as the son of God. They said that Jesus was using the power of Satan to perform miracles. They did not believe and spoke against the Holy Spirit, which in truth is God himself. "In the beginning was the word and the word was God." Jesus is the word of God, in the flesh. The Father,  the Son, and the Holy Spirit, are one and the same..because God said so!!! If you don't believe it and speak against it, that is Blasphemy.. To continue in this and never repent, is unforgivable. We see how Saul was saved on the road to Damascus by God, even though he was persecuting Christians. God revealed Himself to Saul and used him to preach to the Gentiles the gospel of Jesus!!! When Saul heard God's voice,  God changed his heart for His Glory!!! He was forgiven and saved from blasphemy!!! If we do not repent,turn from sin and sin no more, we are lost!!! Only those who have pure hearts shall see God!! To blasphemy against God, the Holy Spirit, is unforgivable!!! To continue in unbelief and to deny His existence and speak against Him , is unforgivable!!


Yahweh will forgive all the sins of those who sincerely repent of their sins

The sin of rebellion will find it's way into a believers life if they allow themselves to become involved in perversions of the mind and flesh or become involved in wickedness which are rebellion against God himself.

God does not grant his gift of grace to those who refuse to repent and surrender to him, indeed they have rebelled against his love he has for them.      


Q3. (Exodus 34:7)

What sins will Yahweh forgive those who repent?

How might the sin of rebellion find its way into a believer's life?

Why doesn't God forgive those who refuse to repent and surrender to Him?

" .  .  .   .   forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin.   .  .  ."            "    .   .   .   forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.    ,  ,  ,"

  • wickedness   -     crooked behaviour
  • rebellion and transgression     -      breach of relationships,  (civil or religious,)   between two parties;     a casting off of allegiance;     treason
  • sin   -    to miss the mark,  be it intentional or unintentional

Yahweh forgives ALL kinds of sin.  The repentance is where it hinges on.  Repenting meaning turning away from that sin.   If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Rebellion can start up when a believer does not trust a leader or trust the leadership he has placed himself under.  He then no longer complies to their demands or leading.  Alternately it can be because of pride and wanting a position not allocated to that specific believer.  This too can cause rebellion.  So not necessarily only the fault of the leadership but also the fault for not 'bowing' to leadership. 

When God's forgiveness is despised and not accepted, then forgiveness cannot be meted out.  


God will forgive sin of all kinds when a believer come to Him with a humble and repentant heart.  Disobedience to God and His Word can bring rebellion into a believer's life.  For those who does not come to God with a humble, and repentant heart asking for His forgiveness they will receive their just punishment.  

Hebrews 10:31 - "It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God."

  • 3 months later...

Yahweh will forgive all those that repent. When we see a temptation and don’t stay away from it is the way that we sin. God doesn’t forgive those who refuse to repent because they will keep on sinning.

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