Pastor Ralph Posted July 28, 2004 Report Posted July 28, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? Quote
Lillie Ammann Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 I've actually heard pastors and church leaders - false teachers indeed! - say that a loving God would never send anyone to hell! That's a total distortion of the Gospel. God loves us so much He sent His Son to die for our sins. But we can't continue to live in flagrant immorality without repentance and expect to escape judgment. Those who preach that God is love and would never allow one of His children to perish are teaching a message so out of balance it will lead to destruction. They've got part of the message - that God is love - but they've missed the part that Peter is talking about here - the judgment and destruction of those who live immoral lives without repentance. All of us sin and fall short of the glory of God, but those who love the Lord, with the help of the Holy Spirit, serve the Lord and not sin. They don't live immoral lives and call them good; they don't commit immoral acts and call them normal. Christians have to understand that there is judgment. Christ died for our sins, but we can't continue to commit grave sins without repentance or we will perish. God gives His people chance after chance after chance, but He will come again when mankind least expects it, and there will be a Judgment Day. Quote
Helen Spaulding Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? If we do not understand the horror of "perish" in it's fullest meaning, we will not understand what we are so easily joking about. "The devil made me do it!" for instance. The devil is real, and he is roaming about like a raging lion, trying in these his last days to snatch every one he can from the Lord! If we do not understand what our so-called "little mistakes" are leading us to, we will continue to downgrade the seriousness of our sinning! Why are these truths underemphasized today? I don't know about all around the world, but in USA, children are being taught that there is no absolute right and wrong--that whatever you believe, it's okay. God loves us, no matter how we treat Him! Balony!! Of course He loves us, but if we turn our backs on Him, we will find ourselves on the road to hell. He doesn't "send" us there--we choose to separate ourselves from Him, and in sorrow, He allows us to have our way! The effect on us is to become haphazard about how we consider and worship the Lord. We keep ourselves on the throne at the center of our being, consigning Him to the periphery of our lives--if we remember Him at all. Why worry about something that is "merely a figment of some radical person's belief? We can believe differently!" WRONG!! We need to first be aware of the change in emphasis in our churches--all denominations to some extent--that is leading us away from the plain teaching of the Lord and the God-annointed Word in the Bible. Then, we need to be willing to stand up in our churches and demand that we get back to those truths and make it certain that people know they are not optional! Above all, we need to be praying for a new revival from God, bringing us back to Him in truth and in action! Quote
randy777 Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? This is important because we not only bodily parish but if we are living according to our human/sin nature then we are dead already but if we are living according to the Holy Spirit which is within us once we are saved then we live. Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? To emphasis them is a process of giving up one's self, perhaps a family self, a self we are with friends, our dependence on our and others abilities and the reality we see before us to come to see a reality beyond that which I have not found to be an easy or quick thing as I continuously find new things within myself to remove and new wonders of the rest of reality to accept. What effect does that have on us? It means that we are caused to question our own faith and lose some of our blessings while also losing many blessings that would be a part of others around us being strengthened in the faith who ar under the shepherding of those who are not encouraging them. How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? Loving others and continuing to study and teach the whole word of God. Quote
ccs Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? 2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? It Quote
grace Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 It is important to understand the meaning of the word"Perish" because it pertains to those who CHOOSE not to follow the Lord, and speaks of a place of separation from a Holy God, where the smoke of their torment continues forever. These truths are underemphasized today, because its a way of avoiding dealing with the most serious issue of the human life-where one will spend eternity. People are more interested in seeking the approval of their fellowman , instead of God. That affects us because it makes it more difficult for us to reach them with the gospel and have them see the truth about their lives We must continue to take a stand on the issues of judgement that God has clearly pointed out in the scriptures and the consequences of ignoring this judgement. Quote
Sgt_Z_Squad Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 Pastor Ralph, thank you for the Greek lessons. The passages on the judgement were clarified all that more for me. I appreciate you introducing us to the richness and true meaning of the Greek which sometimes gets lost in the translation in these lessons. 2a.) (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? 2a.) We need to understand that the judgement will be complete and sure by a just and righteous God who has given us a way out through His Son, Jesus. Thank you Father! 2b.) (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? 2b.) First, because of our spiritual ignorance, through lack of study. Second, our scientific advancements have made us arrogant to God. We know more now because those before us were not as enlightened as us because of our knowledge. We have made ourselves Gods. Third, as the serpent deceived Eve, the great deceiver continues to feed us lies of our mortality because of our blessings in medical advances, financial blessings, etc. Fourth, we do not want to think of things such as death, or having a consequence for our actions. Again, science wants to show that all of our actions are because of heredity. If it is inborn we are not accountable. 2c.) (2 Peter 3:7-13). What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? 2c.) I think I mentioned this before, but a low view of God which reflects a low view of sin, which reflects an attitude that there will not be judgement for our actions. 2d.) (2 Peter 3:7-13). How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? 2d.) First, getting our own relationships with God right. Second, study of God's word. Third, not compromising on God's word. Fourth, being in a church which honors God, encourages growth in the knowledge and way of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and bringing others. Fifth, holding our teachers accountable. Quote
MyBeloved Posted August 9, 2004 Report Posted August 9, 2004 It is important for us to understand what it means to perish so that we see the need of salvation. The night I heard Billy Graham preach from the book of Daniel I saw myself on the very edge of falling into hell. Believe me, I didn't want to perish. These truths are underemphasized today because they might offend someone. Another reason is that some who are standing behind pulpits today do not know Christ as their personal Savior. We can get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching if we preach and teach the whole Word of GOD. Teaching that all who know not Christ are lost and need to be saved. Quote
Dick Ross Posted August 10, 2004 Report Posted August 10, 2004 We must understand how high the stakes are for us and our eternal souls. Many people no longer take the bible as the literal word of God. They challenge the historical and prophetic accuracy of the bible. So, if Jesus was a great man and an excellent example of how we should live, but was just a man, He will not be coming back for his bride. We, then, would have no reason not to take in all the temporal pleasures that we please. We would be free to "eat, drink and be merry"without being encumbered with any sense of guilt about our actions or beliefs. As for me -I believe there are goats and sheep to get sorted out... As Joshua states in Joshua 24:15 "But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.". Quote
bschae42 Posted August 10, 2004 Report Posted August 10, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? We need to be afraid of something. We cannot always believe that everthing will be all right. We will all die one day and it could be tomorrow and we need to understand that. We need to be ready. Everyone is so afraid of offending someone else these days so we have to be so careful of what is taught in our schools and churches. Children and adults alike are not being told the whole truth. Because of this so many Christians will not be ready for judgement day and that is sad. Quote
Sinclair Posted August 10, 2004 Report Posted August 10, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? It is so important for us to understand what it means to Quote
Tom Nabors Posted August 10, 2004 Report Posted August 10, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? It is important to understand what it means to "perish" because without that understanding people start asking "So what's the big deal about Jesus dying on the cross?" In other words, without understanding and believing that people can really go to hell and eternal damnation, then sin has no consequences in eternity. This relates to the second coming because at that time final judgment will occur and our hopes realized. At that time scoffers will certainly believe. The truths of perishing and the second coming are underemphasized in churches today because we are afraid fo scaring members away I think. Also, it apparently seems to be considered not "intellectual" to actually believe in such a thing as the second coming. I guess we've gotten too sophisticated for to believe such things as heaven and hell and the second coming. This has the effect of questioning the purpose of our faith and hope and causing doubt and disbelief. To get an understanding of judgment into proper balance would be to present it as the Bible presents it. Make sure when it is presented that it is presented on the authority of the Word of God instead of our own. Also, a reasoned explanation that God is perfectly good and that a perfectly good God is also perfectly just is a way to rationally explain why judgment has and will occur. Quote
sunilbernard Posted August 11, 2004 Report Posted August 11, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? We cannot distinguish the color black if there is no white color to compare with! So also it is important for us to see the perils in perishing. John 3:17 says he who does not have the Son does not have life. In other words, no son-no life. Death. Perishing for eternity. That's for sure as the Word of God declares. But scoffers and false teachers dampen the end result. They say that God would not let us go to hell because He still loves us. That kind of distortion of truth leads people astray and makes them lukewarm to the urgent need of accepting Jesus as Savior. True, that Jesus came down to save us because He loved us but it is also true He will come as a judge to separate the goats and sheep. These truths are not given the correct values as the pastors don't want their congregation to get frightened off the church and the pews remain empty and the coffers go dry. There is selfish ambition among the clergy in not declaring a spade a spade. The effect on a nominal christian is very great. He is just very casual about it and doesn't give much importance to it. They are not serious in studying the Word of God and believe what the selfish pastors dish out. Urging the congregation to start reading the Bible and meditating on it. Then only the meaning of scriptures will permeate the common man's mind and awaken them to the imminent dangers of being a lukewarm Christian. Quote
princesskitty Posted August 11, 2004 Report Posted August 11, 2004 I think it is important to know what it means to perish to keep us viligent in our call. So your own soul is secure--what about your mother? sister? best friend? all of those that you love dearly? How many tears could we weep if we find out in the end it was us who dropped the ball, and now they march off to perdition. I think the rewards we receive in Heaven won't neccessarily be the golden road and beautiful city, but the ones we love around us to share it with. We will each be judged according to our OWN faith, our OWN lives. Did we do the best we could do? or were we lazy? Did we let someone fall alone because we were too concerned about the temporal? This is why I think the fruits of the Spirit is the ultimate evidence of our salvation. Anyone can say "I'm a Christian", but do they have the love, patience, character to walk the extra mile in prayer for their fallen brother? We MUST die with peace with ourselves as well as God. We know just as well as He does if we gave it our all. How could anyone with the true love of God march off to Heaven knowing everyone they love missed it because they were lazy! Fakers! And Jesus is going to call them out. And it will be just. These truths aren't realized because people don't want to hear they may need to change, get out of the comfort zone, and do a little spiritual work, maybe cry a few tears, take a chance on faith. And they are just spiritually blind, can't see the darkness they are in because of all the shiny temporal distractions. They also don't realize that God doesn't SEND, CHOOSE for people to go to hell. hell has been the default since sin entered into the world. You now have to actively pursue that which was formerly available in the garden, a relationship with and knowledge of God the creator. There is now a dark cloud between Him and us called SIN, and we have to be the ones to desire to breach it. Thank the Lord Jesus His hand is ever waiting to pull us up! The effect it has on me is it makes me mad! (if you can't tell) and it breaks my heart. It's a constant challenge to love, and remember to take the anger out in prayer towards the enemy, and not on the blind (fool) person. I think the only way to get the proper balance and understanding in our churches is through praying for the body of Christ, the churches we attend, and the church leaders in them. And by being bold with the truth when called upon to do so. The light of truth is very exposing, and darkness WILL flee. I once told a young man in a discussion we were having about repentance and Jesus: He said to accept Jesus you had to repent of your sin (true statement), which he didn't want to do. I told him that it was not the repentance that he thought it was,(stop lying, drinking, whatever) and Jesus would take care of those things. But that the true repentance that comes with accepting Christ is the repentance from our own arrogance that we do not need God. That was the end of conversation. He left not even five minutes later. I know that it was God's truth (He gave me the revelation that very moment) and the young man was exposed. The darkness within him fled. He had already decided at the time he didn't want to change and was "happy" the way he was. I have hope that when the right time comes, someone in the body of Christ will be there to help him take the next step. Quote
Jen Posted August 11, 2004 Report Posted August 11, 2004 Why is it important for us to understand what it means to perish? So we willl properly understand what the consequences of our action or inaction will be for those who do not know the gospel. And so that we can properly be thankful to God with a grateful heart for what He has saved us from (and wants to save others from). We are nothing special. God's love is the same for all. And yet we are each special in God's eyes. Why are these truths underemphasized in our day. One reason I think is that we have dropped the ball. And people natuarly only want to hear what makes them feel good. It may not be good and it may not be true but the natural inclination of people is to take the easy way and leave the toil to others. I believe in prayer but I also think God gives us so many opportunitiies that we don't take that He desires for us to . What effect does that have in us? Well it makes me both very disappointed in myself. How can we get an understanding of judgement in our churches and teaching? The church sadly lacks the teaching of judgement. One time in Taiwan I stopped to let a Chinese funeral go by and it was a Buddhist ceremony. I mentioned to the American lady next to me something about afraid this person didn't know the Lord and that he had entered into a Christless eternity and eternal judgement and she looked at me with surprise and said what religion areyou. I told her I was a Christian and this is what the Bible teaches and I believe it's true. Its like she never heard of this. Where are we as a Christian nation? A couple of churches I have gone to have had an understanding of judgement but many churches are just country clubs and social occasions. I think we need to be sure that we go to one that teaches this truth and then pray and ask God to let us be a witness to others and also to pray for the church and ask God to raise up men who will preach this fundamental truth. God Bless, Jen Quote
tamar Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 To perish is everlasting destruction not getting a second chance to get it right. The church is too involved in the political arena to put much enphasis getting the truth to its' people. We are too involve with social issues instead of teaching the truthso men will change their sinful ways. Quote
heatherdills Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 It is important for us to understand what it means to "perish" because it consequences are eternal! These truths are underemphasized in our day because we do not want to offend or scare unbelievers. The effect that this has on us is that we are not being faithful in Christ and disobedient in His will. We can get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching by sharing the implications of our choices in our eternal state, but not be condemning or judgmental because we all sin. Quote
Kim E. Posted August 12, 2004 Report Posted August 12, 2004 Men have a limited view of a full life. Most people will only live to be 70 or 75. God has no beginning and no end. So from the divine perspective, what is 70 years compared to eternity. We must understand what it means to perish in terms of eternity. Our salvation is the result of Gods longsuffering and patience. He would take great pleasure in the salvation of every sinner, but that is just not the case. God is patient so that He can draw His elect to Himself. We should be reminded of the holiness of God and His hatred of our sin knowing that there will be an outpouring of Gods wrath upon sinners. Even though the Christian will not experience this judgement, we should learn from it. We must learn to hate what God hates and seek to be holy. We should live in a manner consistant with our destiny. The horror of that day for sinners, and the finality of their judgement, should greatly motivate us to bear witness to our faith and seek to turn men from God Quote
Julie Posted August 13, 2004 Report Posted August 13, 2004 To perish is to be destroyed, to put an end to, to do away with, God will put and end or do away with those who do not come to repentence, what a tragic mistake this is. If these truths are not taught, we will not grasp the true meaning and not strife to bring others to repentence. Quote
rhondak30 Posted August 14, 2004 Report Posted August 14, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Understanding that perish means perish and that perishing is permanent for the unbeliever, helps me to appreciate the eternal life that I have in Jesus. I strongly believe and cannot be convinced otherwise that Jesus is the only way to have life eternal. I no longer dwell on this life and when I do I find myself embittered or saddened. When I remember that I have eternal life to look forward to this world looks different. Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? FEAR, Our society is always looking for the easy way. No one wants to make anyone made or hold anyone accountable. We want everyone saved but not God's way. God requires repentance for salvation. How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? The proper balance is to teach the word of God as God as given it. It was very refreshing on this week to hear the preacher acknowledge the truth of the word of God in his life. He has trouble in the area of the amount of food that he eats. God's word doesn't change and what we have no accomplished doesn't negate the fact that God's requirement is for us to accomplish His will in every area of our lives. Balance is sound teaching. No, excuses. Sound teaching requires personal conviction and relationship with God that causes us to live as we ought. We live in the hope of Christ arrival knowing that we do not know when He is coming again. We live in the fear of His return and people not knowing Him being destroyed. There is so much work to be done. Quote
June Posted August 14, 2004 Report Posted August 14, 2004 As I understand the word perish, it means to die, be destroyed or ruined. God does not want any to perish that do not know Him. God's perfect will is for all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. Under God's permissive will, He will permit many to refuse to come to Christ and receive salvation. This saddens Him greatly!! It is not preached enough in our churches today. Afraid of hurting membership levels and offending someone. Well, Jesus said that if you have offended someone go to that person and ask to be forgiven, whomever is in the pulpit at that time can do it. The TRUE WORD of God needs to be preached in the pulpit even if some are uneasy with it, so long as it lines up with Biblical information. People need to know there is a hell and that it is real. We need to tell all that we come in contact with how much we are" Blessed" everyday. Quote
kas Posted August 16, 2004 Report Posted August 16, 2004 We need to understand death, what it is and what it entails; that frightful prospect of eternal death apart from the love of God. If people could only wrap their minds around that word ETERNAL they might take it more seriously. Satan is doing his work by deceiving people into thinking that sin or evil doesn't exist. If evil/sin do not exist then where's the punishment? We need the full gospel preached, both the Love of God and the consequences of our disobedience. Quote
Helen Posted August 17, 2004 Report Posted August 17, 2004 It is important for us to understand "to perish" because that is exactly what is going to happen. As Jesus fulfilled something like 135 scriptures prophesying His coming, so He will fulfil those scriptures prophesying His second coming, and the annihilation of the earth by fire. Our lives are in the context of this prophecy, and as Noah preached about the flood for something like 100 years until it happened, so we must preach about the second coming of Christ until it happens. Our society is so cynical that it seems difficult to demonstrate to them the truth of this prophecy. We usually major on things they can connect with - healing, and then maybe redemption from sin and being born again. This seems to remove the urgency of the gospel, and makes us less desperate to get it out to the world. This is a great question about judgement. I think we attend to the older generations when they come along with their questions, and pay particular attention to the young people. These are third generation (pagan) since the sixties rebellion, and mostly have not been pre-conditioned about "religion". We can tell them the whole truth in the context of the question they always ask - "why doesn't God prevent all the misery in the world". We can tell them that God gave dominion to man, and will not take it back because He has set that into being and will not undo His word which He sets above himself. He will only intervene in the affairs of men if asked to do so. However, Man will certainly have to answer for what they have done with the power God put in their hands. Many young people will understand this and know they are answerable for their sins. We can give them the right context for their lives and The Faith. We can teach on the stories of Dives and Lazarus and others that refer to eternity. They will see this as fair and just, and respond to it. They will bring their parents in where we can't. Young people have a great sense of justice. They like to see fair play in the general sense. They are more open to Truth than their "ancestors". They deserve to hear the whole gospel. Quote
cct1106 Posted August 22, 2004 Report Posted August 22, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? Perish basically means that this world as it is now will be no more. That a new heaven and new earth will come to be. These teachings are not emphasized in our day because of the false teachings and there are still so many disbelievers. To get a proper balance or understanding is through building up Chrisitian qualities, constantly remember the promises, gain accurate knowledge of the truth and be aware of false prophets and false teachings and false religions. Quote
Linda Stanley Posted August 31, 2004 Report Posted August 31, 2004 Q2. (2 Peter 3:7-13). Why is it important for us to understand what it means to "perish"? Why are these truths underemphasized in our day? What effect does that have on us? How can we get an understanding of judgment into proper balance in our churches and teaching? As we go back to Noah's time the earth was destroyed by water.All perished except the ones in the boat."God told Noah to build that boat."Can you just see the people and their reactions to Noah,as he built the boat.What were the people saying when Noah told them what was going to happen. God does not want any one to perish,and I believe this means,at the second coming of Jesus,the earth will be judged by fire. When you get deep into this subject it can bring fear.We do not want to force people into the great gift of salvation through fear,but through the love of knowing Jesus Christ.. I believe the proper balance in our church is through love,and the teachings of love through Jesus. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son to die for us so that know one is to perish.God wants know one to perish.He loves us all so much. Quote
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