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I think it means that a person has been saved. Received salvation! Has put his faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ. Has crossed over from darkness into God’s marvelous light!

We are justified (made right with, have peace) with God through our faith in Jesus Christ. Our faith in Christ = introduction to grace.

James 4:4  Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world is an enemy of God.
One who hasn’t put his faith in Jesus Christ.


Grace is a state of favor and protection and provision given to us from God (I also like the other definitions I see here!).

I thought I would look up one church's definition and then what the words might have meant in the time that Paul was writing his letters.

The Catholic definition is "the state of being in God's friendship and the necessary condition of the soul at death in order to attain heaven." (http://www.catholicculture.com)

How did the Roman Era look at Grace and Faith through the definitions of "charis" and "pistis"?

charis (gift of good, translated grace) would be made with the understanding that the gift could never be repaid (in the sense of simply repaying a loan).  The expectation of the patron was that the client would maintain a high degree of loyalty and gratitude toward the patron.  That aspect of the relationship is contained in the Greek word "pistis", which is the same word translated "faith" and "faithfulness" in the English versions of the New Testament.  In other words, a client under the Roman patronage system would receive a gift (charis) that likely could never be fully repaid in money or goods.  The client's role was to exhibit and demonstrate faithful loyalty (pistis), including public demonstrations of gratitude.  The exercise of pistis reflects grateful trust - a powerful, energetic, living belief - that the patron will actually do what he promises to do.  This charis relationship was important for survival and advancement in the first century Greco-Roman world - and, as historians confirm, the practice was widespread. (https://www.ucg.ca/booklets/what-does-the-bible-teach-about-grace/what-did-grace-mean-in-the-first-century-world)


Paul told us that "There is none righteous, no, not one:" (Romans 3:10).  This contrasted with the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf, taking all of our punishment (which we rightly deserved) for our sins.  Even though we still live and will continue to sin , when we repent, this cleanses us of our sins because of what Jesus did still continues to this day until we die.  Our punishment will not be exacted and we live in a state where we do not worry about the judgments to come and can instead focus on supporting other believers and loving and appreciating God for this safe space.

We have one condition for this grace.  We must have faith in what Jesus did for us to gain the grace (it is logical, then that if you do not believe in Christ and his sacrifice, you do not live in a state of grace).

In thinking about the opposite of peace with God, it could be being at war with God.  Satan and his angels took this on is time past and it continues today through to the End of Days.  The other thought is that Jesus himself enacted this when he was totally cut off from God on the cross and cried out to him "Eloi! Eloi! Lama Sabachthani? (My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?).  Is the opposite of peace with God the more terrible state:  being forsaken of God?

Posted (edited)

Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of "peace with God"? It means that we are at peace with God. We are in His favor and no longer enemies because of what Christ has sone on the cross.

The role of faith is that once we put our faith in Jesus we went from enemies to being a part of God's family. Once we accepted the free gift of salvation we were justified and pardoned. We were adopted into the family.

The opposite of peace with God is being His enemies. It is resisting and fighting against Him and wanting our own way. It is rejecting God's free gift of salvation and choosing death instread of life and peace.




























Edited by Lottie
Double replies

Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”?

It means to be in a right relationship with God.  To be at peace with Him. To have a right standing with Him.

Faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross as the only way to the Father, is the means or conduit (I guess that is an alright  term to use) to a right relationship with the Father. We are then at peace with God and part of His family.

The opposite of peace with God is to be at odds with God, to not be in right standing with Him  because the only way to peace with God is through His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. If you reject Jesus you reject the Father.

God Bless!


Numbers 6:24-26


Q5.To be in a state of grace means that we have come to the point of realising that we are sinners and turn to God in humility and repentance. Then our sins are forgiven and we are in a state of grace. Although we do not deserve it or have not done anything to obtain it . Christ has done it all for us by dying on the cross. He who had no sin became sin for us and died on the cross so we could enjoy eternity in His presence. The role of faith is that unless we have faith in Jesus and believe that He is the Son of God and that He died on the cross to redeem us, we will not get to heaven. If we don’t believe in God and what He has done for us then we are not at peace with God and are His enemies. 


We have to keep ourselves firm in the faith, despite still living in this world and having a flesh that goes against God s commands. By faith we can obey and follow Him and participate in a relationship given to us, by grace


Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) 
What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of "peace with God"? 
Having been justified by faith we are now righteous before our Heavenly Father. We put our faith in Jesus Christ, and receive access to the realm of grace. We now live in grace, stand fixed in grace, grounded in grace, and are in a permanent condition of grace. A condition of unmerited favour by which He saves us, makes us righteous, and keeps on cleansing us from all sin. It is a grace that forgives, and forgives and forgives. We are in a state of grace! In the same way, having been justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. The opposite of peace with God, is war with God. God hates sin and all unbelievers are ungodly, wicked sinners, and enemies of God. However, Jesus has paid the price for our sins by His death on the cross, and we are clothed in His righteousness. The war is over, God is no longer our enemy, no longer promising judgment, death and hell. By grace all our sins are forgiven – past, present, and future. 1 John 1:9 – He keeps on cleansing us from all sin. We have peace with God – we have been changed and are no longer enemies of God, and by the miracle of grace are now His children. This peace is not about how we feel; it’s about our actual status, our relationship with God. 


The "state of grace" is the continuing condition of grace within us.

We get to this condition-of-grace via faith. Faith justifies us, as did the faith of Abraham, so that God sees us as righteous. 

I suppose the opposite of peace with God would be not having the condition of faith or the justification of faith that makes us righteous before God.

This verse is confusing. 



Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of "peace with God"?

To be in a state of grace is to be acceptable by God not because we earn it nor do we qualify. Faith in the Lord Jesus  opens the gateway to this Grace so amazing. The opposite of "peace with God"is to be in the state of "hostility with God".


Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace?

State of grace mean to be in condition or stand for something.  We are in a state of grace thru faith.

According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”?

The role of faith is peace with God thru our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Opposite of "peace with God" is not having favor with God.  We are at odds with him.


Since we are justified through faith, we have peace through God via our relationship with Jesus Christ.  Instead of trying to earn Grace through that which we can see, we have received grace through our faith in that which we cannot see (“the grace in which we now stand”).  The opposite of peace with God is being at odds with Him (out of favor with Him).  So, wanting to receive grace, we must keep our faith and Trust in the redemption of Christ, Jesus.


In the state of Grace I am at peace with God and resting in the peace and favor of God. Although Grace is a noun, we can rest in it, stand in it, grow in it, or (hopefully not) fall from it. Since we do nothing of our own power and ego works to obtain grace, it is ours as children of God by faith.

The opposite of standing in Grace is reflected in the words of Jesus to Saul of Tarsus: "Why are you kicking against the goads?" We struggle, we strive, we fight against the calling of the Father when we do not stand in grace and peace.


On 10/7/2022 at 7:23 AM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”?

To be in a state of grace means to constantly have God's grace and favor extended us.   We can see the evidence of His grace and favor in our daily lives.  Our faith in God gives us access to His grace.  When we trust in Him, his bestows his grace upon our lives.  

When we are disobedient, we become at odds with God.  The constant wrestling with God will give us no peace.  


If grace was the water in a swimming pool and we were in it, then we would be in grace, standing grace. 


“What does it mean to be in a state of grace?” The phrase “set my feet upon a rock” came to mind for some reason when I began to consider this question.

[the LORD] drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Psalm 40:6

My spiritual feet have been set upon the Rock of grace, which is the foundation of Yahweh’s outpouring of undeserved and unmerited favor. Only by His grace, I stand in the sacred favor that has saved me from destruction. That doesn’t mean I always respond to it properly. But even when I fail to live up to it, when I forget who I am in Christ, I’ve been securely set in place because of my response of faith and been established on this immovable bedrock of grace that provides sure footing for my journey through this life. Not even the worst of my failures can pull me out of this blessed state, because I couldn’t put myself there to begin with and I have no power or authority to remove myself. This position was applied to my life through the vehicle of my trust and confident faith in Christ as the only way to receive that grace personally. What an encouraging yet humbling truth to know that in this state of grace, God has declared peace with me. The logical opposite position is that if I am not in the state of His grace, He is not at peace with me and I stand before Him on my own as an enemy to be judged without the cover of grace through Christ.

Also, I see a progression about growing into grace in Romans 5:1-2 in a way I hadn’t noticed before. First, Paul defines that, by faith, I’m justified before the LORD, pardoned and declared righteous because I accept that Jesus paid the penalty for my sins already. I’ve been given a new relationship of peace with God by grace. Secondly, Paul defines that, through this faith, I have access to God’s grace, His outpouring of merciful compassion and generous goodwill that I can never deserve or work hard enough for. So I have access to this grace, but Paul said here I have access into this grace. It’s not meant to be an optional accessory, it's not just for dipping our toes in, and it’s not just for heaven. This grace is the spiritual lifeline that affords the incredible privilege of personal access to Yahweh and entry into the fullness of all His promises and good plans for every aspect of my life! Oh that I may accept total immersion into the never-ending flood of God’s grace and all that means for my life right here on this earth.


To be 'in a state of grace' means that we have been saved (or rescued) from one state to another "for He has rescued us from the Kingdom (state) of darkness into the Kingdom (state) of Hid dear Son" (Col 1:13, NLT) we are now in a state of favour - God's favour

"We have been made right in God's sight by FAITH ... " (Rom 5:1, NLT) it is by faith in what Christ has done for us

"Our friendship with God was restored by the death of His Son while we were still His ENEMIES ... " (Rom 5:10, NLT) the opposite of 'peace with God' is ENMITY WITH GOD - not a good position 'choose your enemies well'!


The gift of salvation given to every man, paved the way for us to be in the state of grace. God loved us so much that He deemed it necessary to pave the way for us by giving the world His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not die but have an everlasting life. The state of grace is everlasting. God still has hope for the Jews and Gentiles who are hardening their hearts that they will one day understand that the state of grace is still open for all of us even now.

The role of faith is that we do not give up hope to those who still live in sin. We have family members who do not want to believe that God is alive but we need to stand in faith and continue to pray for them and the world that is still living in sin. Romans 1: 26-31 state the ungodliness that people live in but we do not have to judge them but have faith that God will open the eyes of their hearts and will come back to God and repent from their sins. What we see happening in the world today, we just need to proclaim that "we live by faith and not by sight" and that God will surely seek the lost and they will all come back to serve Him. The Word of God says "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord". Let us keep the faith that sinners will also see the Light.

The opposite of "peace with God" is "rebellion with God". I mentioned that there are people who have heard the Word but are hardening their hearts and say that God does not exist. There are those who challenge the way God made them as explained in Romans 1:26 and continue to sin. We do not deserve the grace but we have been justified by faith. 


Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of "peace with God"?


TI be in a state of grace means to be at peace with God, to be in favor with God.

The role of faith is to grant us access into this grace through the blood of his only son Jesus Christ.


The opposite of the peace of God is the wrath of God According to Ephesians 2:3....... children of wrath.

On 10/6/2022 at 7:23 PM, Pastor Ralph said:

Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”?

I am in the state of grace because of what Christ has done in saving me and shedding His blood for me. Many years ago I knew of Jesus but did not have a personal relationship with Him.  I was not in a church where they teach, new birth, relationship, justification.  I had a need and a friend told me that I could have a relationship with Christ and that He saves, delivers and heals.  In my need I cried out to Him in faith and He welcomed me with open arms and revealed Himself to me.  I have been justified by faith, and have peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ.  He began a work in me and will complete it by His wonderful grace and also to help me when I mess up.  When Christ came in my heart I received peace with God and also the peace of God. I was an undeserving sinner saved by grace.   For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.   Ephesians 2:8-9  The opposite of peace with God is no peace.


Q5. (Romans 5:1-2) What does it mean to be in a state of grace? According to the text, what is the role of faith in this? What is the opposite of “peace with God”?

1. To be at peace and in right standing with God through faith and atone through Jesus. It also means to have favor from God.

2. We are God's family through the atone of Jesus which makes us coming from sin to being a child of God. 

3. The opposite of peace with God is being in conflict with him, not having faith, trust, or favor with God.  


Being in a state of grace means we are at peace with God gained by faith through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Faith plays a role in this because with out it we cannot enjoy peace with God nor can we live the life Christ has fashioned for us to follow.

The opposite of being at peace with God is to be an adversary of God, without faith and grace. We refuse to believe what Christ has done for all sinners, we are powerless to receive his blessings.    


  • To be in a state of grace means to be covered by the favour of God; to have assurance that God has covered us in His favour continually.
  • what is the role of faith in this? we live by faith that God has already covered us by His favour (grace) not because we have done something but by His own free will because He is God
  • what is the opposite of peace with God?  It is to be justified with God not because we have done something but by His favour.

To be in a state of grace is gain access by faith into the grace in which we now stand, to justified through faith and to have a peace with God through our relationship with Jesus Christ. 

According to the text, our point of access is faith.  We gained faith by trusting in Christ. 

The opposite of peace with Yahweh is to be at odd with Him.  Being at odd with Him, is being rebellion, disobedient, living by the imaginary of our hearts. 

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